Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 947 Establishment of the Great Wei Army Department

Chapter 947 Establishment of the Great Wei Army Department

Chapter 953 Establishment of the Great Wei Army Department
At the same time, Ran Ming came to the General Staff Headquarters and held a military meeting in the main hall of the General Staff Headquarters. Unlike the previous meetings, this time the discussion was on the southward battle plan.

After the generals were seated, Ran Ming cut to the chase and said, "Generals, I would like to inform you of the current situation. On the Bashu side, General Zhang Wen of Zhennan was blocked by Huan Bucai in Xiaguan (Xiaguan is located in present-day Yunnan Province) Dali City, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Dali Province. This pass connects the narrow and long section between Diancang Mountain and Erhai Lake. Its geographical location is very important. It is the gateway to the ancient Nanzhao and the capital of Dali.) At the same time, the fortifications of Chengdu Jiancheng are rigorous. After the support from Mao Husheng's troops, there is no effective progress in Chengdu for the time being. However, our Great Wei Zhennan Army and Zhenxi Army occupy the strategic initiative, so there is no worry for the time being. Secondly, the Sun Tai Rebellion broke out in the Jin Kingdom and swept the eight counties. Let’s not mention the question for the time being, but I want to conquer the south, wipe out the Jin State in one fell swoop, and complete the unification of the world. But now I want to form the Great Wei Army Department, which will consist of the General Staff Department, the Military Supplies Department, the Ordnance Department, and the Education Department. The General Staff Department is in charge of daily operations. Training, exercise, combat, intelligence, communication and other departments, military supplies are in charge of food, animal husbandry, construction, etc., and the ordnance department is in charge of firearms, procurement and other departments. The Chief of Staff of the General Staff Department is a general from Yuji, and the chief of the Military Supply Department is Su Lin Suda The general will take over, and the head of the ordnance department will be taken over by Wei Meng, the military supervisor. I will also be the head of the education department!"

After Ran Ming's words fell, most of the people looked shocked. What they were surprised by was not the reform of the Ministry of War. In fact, there had been rumors about these reforms before. After all, Ran Ming intended to form a cabinet to act as an agent for the national government, but the military was independent and became The Ministry of the Army is likely to form the Ministry of the Navy in the future, and then unified under the management of the Ministry of Defense.This time, taking advantage of the opportunity of the war, it is naturally impossible to complete the establishment of various organizations in a short time, but in the case of war, the whole Wei will follow Ran Ming's order, and all things such as democracy will be sidelined.

In fact, Ran Ming established the Ministry of War to prepare for the establishment of a cabinet. After all, Wei State is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more things to manage, and Ran Ming is not a workaholic like Lao Zhu, and he can't do everything. There are successful examples, and the formation of a cabinet is a matter of urgency.

But even though he formed a cabinet, Ran Ming didn't want to hand over the military to the cabinet.Instead, the Ministry of the Army will be established first, and then the Ministry of the Navy will be established in the future. Above the headquarters of the army and navy, a land minister and a sea minister will be established, independent of the cabinet, and directly responsible to the emperor.In the future Wei's domestic cabinet, Ran Ming plans to adopt the system of group ministers like the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The cabinet will consist of a prime minister and six deputy ministers, namely the left and right servants of the minister, the left and right servants under the door, and the left and right secretary orders.These seven prime ministers all have a certain amount of prime minister power, but the power is more dispersed. In addition to the seven prime ministers, the cabinet is also joined by six ministers of the Ministry of Officials, Minister of the Ministry of Households, Minister of Rites, Minister of the Ministry of War, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and Minister of the Ministry of Industry. .

In this way, it is not only more democratic, but also can completely avoid the appearance of powerful ministers and the phenomenon of emptying the emperor.Of course, at this moment, Ran Ming only has a plan in mind, and it will be implemented in detail, at least after the real unification of the whole country is completed.Of course, the reform of government affairs is definitely not as simple as the establishment of a cabinet. Ran Ming is going to use the experience of feudal rule in 2000.

Of course, this is just a plan. The most important thing now is to fight south.At this time, Ran Ming said again: "I plan to speed up the unification process, overcome all difficulties, and complete the great cause of the unification of the world. Now it is the chief minister who announces the strategic arrangement."

With Ran Ming's permission, Ji Li immediately stood up with a copy of the report in his hand. Ran Ming was also treated very preferentially, especially Ji Polu, the son of Ji Li. According to his guilt, let alone decapitation It is not too much to punish the nine clans.But how did Ran Ming do it?Ran Ming ordered him to treat crimes and perform meritorious deeds, and ordered him to serve as the emissary school lieutenant. He led 170 six civil servants and 450 healthy soldiers to Wulei City (now Luntai, Xinjiang) to prepare for the establishment of the Western Regions Protectorate. Under the rule of the State of Wei, he was born as a Polu and was Sima, the Protectorate of the Western Regions.

What Ran Ming meant was that the Protectorate of the Western Regions in this era was different from the Han Dynasty. First of all, the administrative level in the Han Dynasty was only on the same level as the county, which was a county-level unit or a Zhongjun.Ran Ming is different from those emperors of the Han Dynasty. He is more aware of the status of the Western Regions in the Central Plains, and also understands the economic and political functions of the Western Regions. Therefore, Ran Ming does not plan to set up a county-level administrative unit at all, but plans to set up at least three state-level administrative units. After all, the territory here is too large. The Tang Dynasty had only [-] prefectures (equivalent to counties in the Han Dynasty).Its jurisdiction includes present-day Xinjiang, eastern and southeastern Kazakhstan, all of Kyrgyzstan, eastern Tajikistan, most of Afghanistan, northeastern Iran, the eastern half of Turkmenistan, and most of Uzbekistan.

Ran Ming is not the ignorant Kang Mazi, these underground oil and gas resources alone are enough for Ran Ming to take these places at all costs, and besides, the world pattern at this time is absolutely different from that of later generations.The world's four great empires, Rome and the Sassanian Dynasty (Persia), fought fiercely. Neither of the two parties could overwhelm the other's absolute strength. However, the power of the Gupta Empire's external expansion was delayed by the Wei State in Nanyang. I am afraid that it will barely be able to play in the South Asian subcontinent in the future. It's muddy.

Ran Ming didn't know if Ji Polu's westward journey would be successful, but it was Ran Ming's biggest gain if he succeeded, and there was no loss if he failed.But it was different for Ji Lian, this was his favorite son, in Ji Lian's view, Ran Ming was not punishing Ji Ruolu, but giving him a great merit.

Ban Dingyuan was able to ride the Western Regions with 36 rides in history. His personal ability is of course important, but the most important thing is that there is a powerful Han Empire behind him.Although the Wei State at this time did not completely unify the world, its huge strength was stronger than that of the Han Dynasty. At least in terms of financial revenue and military strength, the Wei State had already surpassed the Han Dynasty in history.Ji Polu's westward journey not only brought more than [-] people with him, but in fact, with the appointment of Ran Ming and the endorsement of a dynasty behind him, I am afraid that no force would dare to despise Ji Polu.Before Ji Polu left, Ji Wei also warned Ji Polu: "You should cherish this opportunity. Whether you can make a name in history depends on his future performance!"

At this time, although Ran Ming's prestige in Wei State was not low, those low-level officers and soldiers all worshiped Ran Ming very much.However, he will not worship anyone when he rises to the height of Jiren. His loyalty to Ran Min is not actually admiration for Ran Min, but because Jiren believes that Ran Min can lead them to complete the task of helping the Han family. Great cause, now he is loyal to Ran Ming, which is actually based on this.

In history, Ji Li was not loyal to Ran Ming, he was loyal to Ran Zhi first, even after Ran Zhi was defeated and captured, he still snatched Ran Yu from the army of Yan State alone, and fled to Qiantang with Ran Yu.At this time, not only Ji Wei, but Dong Run, Shen Zhong, Shi Yue, Zhang Wen and other generals have no personal worship for Ran Ming at all. Their loyalty is basically to the interest group Wei Guo. When Min's other sons are in power, they will also choose to be loyal. If this successor is not enough to convince the public, they don't mind being Cao Cao or Sima Yi.

However, Ran Ming's performance is remarkable, but Ran Ming still has so many direct troops. To be honest, the emperor Ran Ming is really troublesome, and he is also very capable, but Ran Ming can spend money even if he dares to spend it. Anyway, now Wei State's financial situation is good.Although the Southern Expedition has put a lot of pressure on Wei's finances, it is still far from bankruptcy.

What Ji Li was most grateful to Ran Ming was that he was able to pardon Ji Polu and give Ji Polu such a good opportunity.The reason why Ban Dingyuan was able to leave his name in history is not because he expanded the land for three thousand miles, and his contribution was no less than that of destroying the country. In this way, even if Shi Yue, Zhang Wen, and Xie Ai wiped out the Jin State, they could become a barbarian with a broken nationality. A leading figure in the third ladder of Wei State.

Ji Li opened the copy, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, colleagues, today's topic is the cross-river plan and action strategy formulated by the General Staff Department. Before that, I will briefly talk about the current situation of our army and the Jin army! "

After a slight pause, Ji Wei continued: "Currently in the direction of Jiangbei, our army's deployment mainly includes the Qingzhou Army, the Yanzhou Army, the direct subordinates of the Southern Army, and the infantry battalion (this does not refer to the infantry battalion, but the Wei State Army). The Sixth Battalion of the Central Army's Infantry), the above-mentioned troops were deployed in Hailing (now Taizhou), Danyang, Yangzhou, Tangyi (now Nanjing Jiangbei Liuhe District), Chuyi (Chuzhou), Chaohu, Hefei, Anqing, a total of 26 21 infantry battalion, 5000 cavalry battalions, [-] equipment battalions, [-] supply battalions, [-] engineering battalions, [-] bridge battalion, and [-] medical battalion, with a total of about [-] field troops. In addition, in the Jiangbei area, our army also has Eleven battalions, a total of [-] local troops."

"The above-mentioned troops have created great pressure on the Jin State. According to the intelligence information collected by the Royal Secret Service, the deployment of the other troops of the Jin State is as follows. In the past two months, Sima Dan has vigorously rebuilt his Zhen Guojun. The battalion, according to intelligence, has been restored to full strength, with a total strength of 5000 troops. In addition, Zhou Zhongsun’s unit of the Yining Army of the Jin Army also supplemented the battle losses. The total number of troops is about 5000, with rich combat experience. The morale is high, the armor and food and grass are fully equipped, and its combat power cannot be underestimated. It is the primary enemy of our army in crossing the river. Another central force of the Jin army, namely the Huben Zhonglang General Mi Li's troops The Huben Army has resumed its establishment, and its number is also only 5000. However, its troops have rich combat experience, and their equipment is the same as that of our Wei State. Its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. It is one of the ace troops of the Jin Army. The three Jin In addition to the central army of the army, there are still many prefecture-state troops on the Jin side. Among them, many Xuyang County national army troops that were defeated by our army have been rebuilt. The number of the Lujiang Army and other numbers, the combat effectiveness of the above-mentioned counties and national armies of the Jin Dynasty is mixed, and the combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the Kuaiji Army. The Kuaiji Army has three battalions with nearly 2 horses. Go down to Shanyin. Except for the Kuaiji Army, the combat effectiveness of other county soldiers is much worse. In addition to the county soldiers, Jin also has the Jiangzhou Army under the Jiangzhou Governor He Qian. Although it belongs to the same county National soldiers, but this Jiangzhou army has a strong fighting capacity, and its number is as many as five battalions, and the total strength of the above-mentioned Jin army should be around 20."

The facts are not alarmist. Although Sima Dan's military training ability is not as good as Ran Ming's, his ability to expand the army also stunned Ran Ming.The state of Jin is no different than that of the state of Wei. Jin's businesses are all controlled by big and small gentry clans, and business taxes are hardly collected. However, the agricultural tax is the main revenue of the Jin state's finances. However, this agricultural tax has countless self-cultivated farmers to avoid taxes , put their own land in the name of the gentry, so as to avoid taxes. Although there are still more than 45 million people under the rule of the Jin Dynasty, there are less than [-] self-cultivating farmers.

During the period of pure farming, the productivity was very low. It was very difficult for ten households to support one sergeant and the corresponding court officials. Sima Dan managed to get 20 horses at once. The number of this army has increased. Will the combat effectiveness suddenly increase?Of course, Sima Dan would definitely not care about the issue of combat effectiveness, he just wanted peace of mind, that's all.In fact, in the last period of history, although there was only one city left in Yecheng, Ran Min still had Wei County with 60 million people, but Ran Min only retained less than [-] troops. It wasn’t that Ran Min didn’t want to have more There are too many troops, but they really can't afford to support them.

Due to the loss of state-controlled artisans in the state of Jin during the economic war, apart from buying from the state of Wei before the war, the other parts of the required armaments were all made by craftsmen controlled by the gentry, so the price has been very high since then. As a result, the cost of the Jin army's expansion of the army has greatly increased.Taking purchasing as an example, Sima Dan needs at least [-] yuan a year for every additional soldier, but Wei Guo has less than [-] yuan.The military equipment of the Wei State is basically controlled by Ran Ming, and the equipment and military equipment of his own army only maintain a small profit, which allows Ran Ming to obtain military equipment at a low price.

20 troops sounds like a lot. I'm afraid Sima Dan himself doesn't know how much combat power these newly expanded troops can have. Across the Yangtze River.Moreover, the gap between the elites of the two armies is too great. The only armies that can remain undefeated with the Wei army with the same number of people are the Huben army and He Qian's Jiangzhou army.

In fact, most of the state soldiers of the Jin army's counties could not even fight against the state soldiers of the third-tier counties of the Wei state, and it is estimated that they could not even beat Sun Tai's rebels.Although the combat effectiveness of the Jin army is very low, relying on complete fortifications, it may not be easy for the Wei army to take the Yangtze River without paying a price.After all, the enemy will not stand there for you to fight, and the enemy will fight back and counterattack. Besides, there are many heavy crossbows, eight-ox crossbows, bed crossbows and trebuchets in Sima Dan's hands.

After introducing the deployment of the Jin and Wei armies, Ji Wei walked to the large map next to him and said: "Your Majesty, colleagues, after more than half a month of planning, according to the repeated deduction of many colleagues in the Operation Department of the General Staff Headquarters, the current Our Operation Department has already formulated a preliminary plan for going south, and I hope that today the officers can come up with more suggestions and work together to improve the plan for going south!"

After speaking, he picked up the baton, pointed to the map and began to say: "According to the many deductions made by colleagues in the Operation Department of the General Staff Headquarters, it is believed that the biggest obstacle for our army to go south to conquer the Jiangnan area is to occupy the direction of Jiankang. The enemy's Huben army and the enemy's naval division Xie Shi on the front line of Wuhu, if our army launches a frontal battle to cross the river in this area, it will be severely attacked by the enemy's navy. Even if we can cross the river smoothly, we will suffer heavy losses In order to avoid excessive losses during the stage of crossing the river, all colleagues in the Operations Department agreed that the crossing point of our army must bypass the frontal enemies in Jinling and Wuhu. Therefore, the plan of the Operations Department is to carry out military operations along the Yangtze River. A feint attack across the board attracted the attention of the main force of the Jin army, and a surprise attack on Linhai County, east of Kuaiji, landed in Linhai, Shiping, and Yongning by sea."

In fact, some book friends have long questioned why Wei State did not take advantage of its naval advantages and win the Eastern Jin Dynasty in one fell swoop.In fact, almost all the main forces of Wei's navy were concentrated in Ningyuan, Jinzhou and other places in Nanyang. At this time, Wei had neither enough warship escort nor sufficient transportation capacity.

But now it is different, Ran Ming owns the huge fleet of the ship king Wang Ding, and it is entirely possible to transport troops of [-] scale.In this way, the Operations Department of the General Staff naturally formulated a sea raid plan.

(End of this chapter)

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