Chapter 948
Chapter 954

In fact, the navy and the navy are two different concepts. Wei's navy is very strong, but the navy is very weak.At this time, despite the surrender of the Jingzhou Navy, the reorganized Jingzhou Navy has thousands of large and small warships, with a full strength of more than 2 people.

However, this Jingzhou navy has basically been reduced to a water transportation team smuggled by Jingzhou nobles. Not only are the soldiers weak in fighting will, but most of the navy's warships are also dilapidated. Any wave may toss the so-called main battleship of the Jingzhou Navy to pieces.

At this time, with Wang Ding's large ocean transportation team with sufficient manpower, rich sailing experience, and good maintenance, this made Wei's raid from the sea route a reality.

Ji Wei went on to say, "In order to cooperate with the smooth launch of the raid on the sea route, the Southern Expedition Army must launch a massive feint attack in Tangyi, Wuhu, Gushu and other places to confuse the enemy's sight, and the most important thing is to delay its naval reinforcements to Linhai. , Shiping, and Yongning are the top priorities.”

The navy led by Xie Shi has a total of 4 troops, and more than half of these [-] troops are not like the navy directly under the imperial court, but mainly private troops controlled by Xie. These [-] troops are well-trained, Food and wages are plentiful and morale is high.They didn't care about the attitude of the Eastern Jin court at all. If Xie Shi wanted to surrender, they would definitely surrender to Wei without any pressure.

In history, the navy controlled by the Xie family was only 25 people. However, in the Battle of Feishui, Xie Shi used a 20-strong navy to block Fu Jian's [-] troops in Feishui for [-] days. The navy is very powerful.

Even if Xie Shi had the intention to surrender to the Wei State, he had no choice but to do so, because except for the children of the remote branches of the Xie family, most of the core children of the Xie family who remained in the Eastern Jin Dynasty were held hostage by Sima Dan, unless Xie Shi dared to take the risk of sacrificing these Xie Shi. His disciples, otherwise he would not be able to surrender directly.More importantly, Wang Ding's ocean-going transport team is not weak in transportation capacity, but has almost no combat effectiveness.Although Wang Ding's fleet originally had a large number of armed escorts, but these armed personnel were not Wang Ding's at all, but Ran Zhi's, and they were dispatched as early as when they landed in Qingzhou.

An unarmed transport fleet will be very deadly if it encounters the Jin navy.Even if the navy of the Jin Dynasty did not have the ability to go far, Linhai, Shiping, and Yongning at this time are different from those of later generations. There are no ready-made ports at all. It is not something that can be done in a day or two for the ports and wharves where big ships call.As for the main force of the land raids, in addition to the [-] soldiers of the rebellious army, they also have some corresponding training in water warfare. However, the soldiers of the Modao Army, the Zhen Guo Army, and the Beifu Army are basically landlubbers from the north. Even if they do not participate in the naval battle, This bumpy sea journey will cost them half their lives, and there may even be a lot of non-combat attrition.As for naval battles, the combat effectiveness is negligible.

In this context, it is very important for the Wei State to delay the strategic arrangement of the Jin State Navy. Once the Jin State Navy intercepts the Wei State Sea Raid Army, it can basically be concluded that it has failed.Although transport ships and warships were made of wood in this era, the biggest difference between military ships and civilian ships throughout the ages is the issue of speed.Once encountered, Wei Guo's transport team could not escape at all, and could only retreat by docking the gecko's tail, but since then, the loss is also difficult to estimate.

"Before this, in order to further confuse the enemy, the Southern Expedition Army will launch a feint attack across the river in Liyang, and use the islands in the center of the Liyang River to build three pontoon bridges on the Yangtze River, and use the pontoon bridge with iron locks to attract Jin The navy is coming to attack..." Ji Wei's explanation was quite long and dull, from the general direction at the beginning, then to the detailed deployment of each battalion, to the establishment of logistics supply lines, etc., almost taking into account Every aspect of the sea raid operation, and this sea raid operation plan is not just about crossing the sea. In fact, crossing the sea in the sea crossing operation plan is just the beginning. What is more important later is how to completely conquer the Jiangnan area and annihilate the Jin army and Sun Tai rebels.

The entire battle plan actually included Wei's detailed battle plan for the next two months in the direction of the south of the Yangtze River, and even included the strategic plan for the next six months. Important cities in southern Zhejiang and northern Jiangxi, at the same time sent troops to continue southward to Guangzhou, captured all areas including Guangzhou, Jiaozhou, Yizhou, and Ningzhou in one fell swoop, and completed the national unification of Wei State.

The text description of this plan alone is as high as more than [-] words. The plan covers the deployment of all troops in Wei State.More than [-] characters are not worth mentioning to later generations, they are just short stories, but in this era, the traditional recording methods are all in classical Chinese. Thirty-eight thousand words, the more than [-]-word battle plan, if translated into vernacular, may have millions of words, or even tens of millions of words.

During most of the hour when Ji Li was explaining, his throat was so dry that he drank water several times.Not only is it tiring for Ji Li to speak, but also for the participants to listen.

"The above is the plan for this naval raid and the preliminary plan for the follow-up strategy. Due to the rush of time, the plan has been drafted, and there are still deficiencies. Please criticize and correct, Your Majesty and colleagues."

After saying this, Ji Li did not return to his seat immediately, because his work was not finished yet, and he still needed to explain the problems in this plan, this time the combat plan and follow-up strategic arrangements, Ji Li It also feels stressful.In fact, Ran Ming didn't know much about strategic issues. Just look at his development in Wei State.

However, Ran Ming admitted very much that in this era, these generals in charge of the army are still very accomplished. Due to the frequent wars in Wuhuluanhua, the military art has been fully developed, especially Ran Min, a master of cavalry and combat, who made surprise attacks The battle was played out to the fullest.As for veterans like Ji Wei, Dong Run, Zhang Wen, Zhang Ai, and Su Lin in Wei Guo, they are all handsome talents who can stand alone, and their ability to command the overall situation is simply not comparable to Ran Ming.

If Ran Ming were to make this battle plan, he would definitely be caught blind.But Ji Li was able to perfect the combat plan and follow-up strategic layout to this point in a short period of time, which can be said to have surpassed Ran Ming's imagination.

The questioning came soon, and the first to speak was the general of Zhenguo Su Lin.

Although Su Lin has gradually faded out of the imperial court since the third year of Yongxing, his qualifications are placed there. Among the generals of the Wei State, only Zhou Cheng can compare with Su Lin, but Zhou Cheng has already descended to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. At this time, Su Lin became the most prestigious boss in the army.Su Lin is not only Ran Min's strongest supporter, supporting Ran Min's various strategic materials, but also the general who went north to attack. Occupying the northern half and the western half of Youzhou) Su Lin himself won two-thirds of it. In this country where military achievements are respected, Su Lin's prestige is very high.It is also impossible for anyone to obliterate.When Ran Min started his army, Ji Wei was just a marching Sima of Hou Zhao, a small military officer of the sixth rank.And Su Lin is the captain of Zhongshan, from the military officer of the fourth rank, there is a difference of three ranks.If Su Lin didn't retire, the position of General Anbei would not be Ji Wei's turn.

Su Lin is the leading general of the sea raid appointed by Ran Ming, thus representing the commanders at all levels of the sea raid.Su Lin said: "North ships and horses, we northerners are not familiar with water, and it is even more difficult to withstand the turbulence at sea. If we force a sea raid, the combat effectiveness will not be maintained, and we will not be able to capture Linhai and make breakthroughs according to the plan. Besides, our raid on Linhai will be the first thing we will do. Encountering Sun Tai's troops, we all know that every army is a monster fed by victory. At the beginning, my Wei army was also led by Emperor Wu. , thus devouring the world. Now Sun Tai's troops have successively attacked the six counties, gathered tens of thousands of horses and horses, and won successive victories. Great improvement, one is exhausted physically, and the other is high morale. If this is the case, not only will our army not be able to make a breakthrough quickly, it will have a major impact on the battle of crossing the sea, and it may even lead to the failure of crossing the sea! Yes Is this staff headquarters considering too optimistic!"

Although Su Lin's remarks did not have the feasibility of directly crossing the sea to fight, he still had great doubts.You must know that the speed of ships in this era is very slow. Unlike the non-stop sailing of later generations, they can only sail during the day and encounter various difficulties at night. In this way, even if they never set off, it will take at least five or six days to arrive if everything goes well. Linhai, if the wind direction changes, the sailing time may be seven or eight days, or even ten days.With continuous bumps, no matter how strong a person is, he can breathe out his breath. Even if he goes ashore, he will not regain his strength within three to five days.

Facing Su Lin's question, Ji Lidang explained: "The General Staff Headquarters has already considered the occurrence of this situation, and we have two solutions to this. The first is that the first batch of cross-sea troops are mainly rebellious troops. The soldiers of the Thousand Discuss Rebel Army have already been trained in water warfare. Although they cannot be compared with the elite navy, sea navigation has little impact on them. With the Six Thousand Discuss Rebel Army as the vanguard of the entire army, although they cannot complete the raid mission, if It is not a problem to storm Linhai and hold this tidal position. After the first batch of rebels attacked and landed by boat, the first thing to do was to open up a forward position and seize Linhai County. Tigers rushing to the rocket, sticking to the sea, it is not a big problem to defend the enemy's counterattack.

"Second, before crossing the sea, our army's logistics department will prepare a sufficient amount of seasickness medicine. The entire army is equipped with a large number of seasickness medicines. Although this kind of seasickness medicine cannot fundamentally prevent seasickness, it can effectively reduce the hazards of seasickness and prevent life-threatening Danger."

Because there is a market and demand, there will be development.Since the rise of Wei State's ocean trade, various new things have begun to appear.Ran Ming’s greatest contribution to Wei Guo’s navigation is to present the concept of keel in advance, but many things have nothing to do with Ran Ming, they all appear naturally, such as this seasickness medicine. Although Ran Ming doesn’t understand the ingredients of seasickness medicine, But it is known that seasickness medicine can effectively stop vomiting and prevent people from dying of dehydration.In addition to seasickness medicine, there are also inflatable life jackets made of pig and sheep bladders.Of course, there is also a compass that did not appear until the Song Dynasty, a pulley-type hauling fishing net that can be sent and received freely, and a pulley-type anchor.

"Starting from boarding the ship, with the seasickness medicine, the physical strength of the soldiers can be guaranteed. At least [-]% of the physical strength of the soldiers can be maintained after arriving on the shore. After three days of recovery, at least [-]% of the combat strength can be recovered. In this way, although it is temporarily difficult, But it’s not easy to cause a collapse.”

Ji Wei didn't talk very much, because the war is full of uncertainties. Before the fight, Ji Wei couldn't be sure whether the feint attack in the direction of Tangyi and Wuhu could firmly restrain the main force of the Jin army, and how to restrain the Jin army. As a sailor, he just thinks this possibility is unlikely!As for war, no one dares to say that their prediction is 100% correct, but as long as there is a greater chance of success, then as a qualified general, one should do it without hesitation.If you want to be [-]% sure, this situation will often make people more suspicious, thinking whether this is a strategic trap or a tactical deception.

Although Su Lin was dissatisfied with Ji Wei's explanation, he didn't say anything more.After all, there are too many accidental factors in the war, and Su Lin's comeback is actually a way to unravel his own mind.Su Lin also wanted to announce to the world that he, Su Lin, the Su Lin who once made the northern barbarians famous and fearful, had returned.

In fact, the combat plan of the General Staff is only a reference. There are too many accidental factors in the war. Even if something unexpected happens, it has to be responded to in a targeted manner.Anyway, it is impossible for the troops to die.

The battle meeting was naturally a success. Of course, the war machine of Wei State also started quickly. Su Lin and Ji Wei imagined that it was different. He did not let the troops arrive by land and then landed, but directly ordered the towns participating in the war The National Army, the Rebel Army, the Modao Army, and the Beifu Army boarded the transport ship at the location of Wang Ding's fleet in Guantao County, and then entered the estuary from the Wei River.

The purpose of this is to allow the whole army to have adaptive training through inland navigation.A large amount of luggage and weapons and equipment arrived at Guantao after transportation, and then loaded on a ship for departure.

However, the combat plan of the staff department made Shi Yue furious. In this war where anyone with a discerning eye can see the final battle of unification, it may be the last chance for soldiers to demonstrate their abilities and make contributions. Be a spectator in this war.

Shi Yue, the general who conquered the South, retreated with hatred towards him, and has always been brooding about it. If it wasn't for Ran Zhi's rebellion, even if Wei State could not destroy Jin State now, it should at least occupy the area along Taihu Lake.However, this time the staff actually made a plan to treat the Conquest of the South Army as a feint attack. Doesn't it mean that they don't trust Shi Yue's performance?

The battle plan signed by Ran Ming was naturally approved by Ran Ming.Shi Yue felt aggrieved and didn't dare to question Ran Ming's decision. It was just because of Shi Yue's temper. He called a meeting with the generals above the school lieutenant of the Zhengnan Army and said: "Look at it, let me take a closer look at this battle. Plan, why did this happen? Do you know? This is a slap in the face, slap in the face of me, Shi Yue, and the face of our entire Southern Conscript Army. The last time we withdrew our troops, we made our Confederate Army lose face in Wei. , Why is it also the shocking change in Yecheng? Their Zhennan Army and Zhenxi Army's morale can not be shaken, and they can continue to fight. Only our army's morale was frustrated and almost led to a mutiny. The only way to strike iron is to be hard on yourself. If you want to raise your head in the world, if you want to raise your head in the whole army, you can only strengthen yourself, respect yourself, and love yourself."

The generals of the Confederate Army also felt ashamed and full of guilt.Of course, after this guilt, he was furious.

Shi Yue said: "The battle plan has been issued, so naturally it can't be changed, but this general is not willing to be a spectator, to sit and watch such a great opportunity slip away, are you willing?"

"Not reconciled!"

"Hmph!" Shi Yue snorted coldly, "I know that you are not reconciled. Since you are not reconciled, please cheer up this general. This battle is not only related to our present, but also to our future. After this battle , the world is unified, His Majesty will definitely abolish a large number of troops, and now the Fubing system has been tried out in the Northland. Although the so-called Fubing is still marked with the word Bing, is it still an army? No, the so-called Fubing is the company's garrison Count it all in, if any of you are just waiting to die, tell this general in advance, and this general will let you get what you want, if you don’t want to degenerate, then you have to change your mind and use your actual actions to prove that you are not a waste, not a sack.”

"Now, this general orders!" Shi Yue almost squeezed out the last breath of air from his lungs, and shouted: "All ministries acted according to the battle plan, but this general changed a word privately, and all feints turned into real attacks for me. This general will neither send additional reinforcements nor increase supplies, but if I change one word, it will give me a murderous look, beat me hard, and show the prestige of our conquest of the Southern Army."

"I dare not die!"

In the summer of [-] A.D., the weather seemed a little abnormal. The summer that should have been scorching hot was not only not hot at all, but rather cool.The damp summer wind blew across the streets of Jiankang, causing passers-by to wrap their clothes around them unconsciously.

Jiankang Street has long since lost the noisy crowds of the past, and even the occasional passers-by seem to be in a hurry.There is no impenetrable wall in this world. In fact, rumors of the abnormal situation of Jiangbei's Conquest to the South have already spread to Jiankang.Anyone with a little discernment understands it.The world is about to change, and the state of Jin is about to end.

(End of this chapter)

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