Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 949 The Final Battle

Chapter 949 The Final Battle
Chapter 955 The Final Battle
Guantao is named after King Zhao set up Taoqiu (now east of Xigucheng, Guanxian County, Shandong Province).Although Guantao, an ancient city established as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, has never been as busy as it is today.Countless soldiers of the Wei army, lined up neatly, began to walk towards the ferry with majestic and powerful steps.

The leading officers of each department commanded the soldiers and boarded the ship in order of battle. Those soldiers who did not have time to board the ship were also excitedly wiping their weapons, their faces full of excitement and excitement.Some people were joking with the surrounding Robesawa, while others seized the time to rest.

Just when the soldiers seized the time to board the ship, Hu Guang, the forward of the whole army, also boarded a whale-class transport ship and entered the first-class cabin accompanied by his subordinate officers.The rebel army is a unique army in the Wei state. The whole army can be called the whole army. Every soldier can master more than three kinds of weapons proficiently. Training directly boarded the warship for inland river warfare.

Of course, cultivating such an army is very costly. Fortunately, the military salaries and expenses of this army are donated by major companies in the Inner Wei Kingdom. Wan Jin, with this huge amount of money, if the armed regular army is enough to arm at least 20 troops, but the rebellious army only has 6000 soldiers. , but the rebellious army has a military logistics department, and more than a thousand professional logistics personnel are responsible for the supplies of the rebellious army.There is also a professional field ambulance team, including more than [-] professional surgeons who can undertake most surgical operations, and there are more than a dozen physicians, and several doctors who are good at plague control. As for nurses, there are as many as three More than a hundred people, plus the guards of the medical team, the entire medical team is a team in name, but in fact the number exceeds one.The rebel army also has a pontoon bridge engineering team and an equipment song. The number of the whole army is as high as [-].It can be compared with a class B teacher.

Although the rebel army has a smaller army structure, although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. Not only the recruit education department, the staff combat department, the intelligence and reconnaissance department, but also the special training department, this is actually a reduced version of the army.Like the Modao Army, Beifu Army, and Zhen Guo Army, they all have the ability to fight independently.

Hu Guang's reputation among the armies of the Wei State is not obvious, but his reputation among the people is very large.Almost wherever robbers and bandits appeared, the rebellion army would arrive there and wipe out the bandits in the shortest time. Because the rebel army did not disturb the people and had strict military discipline, Hu Guang became famous far and wide.

But Hu Guang was dissatisfied. Ran Ming's positioning of the rebellious army was Wei Guo's quick-response special forces, so the rebel army has been fighting on the front line of suppressing bandits, although their military achievements are not small.But even the regular army looked down on this kind of military exploits, and in fact, Hu Guang didn't want to keep fighting like this.

After Hu Guang resisted the first-class warehouse, he asked the staff to spread the battle map on the table, and said to other officers: "Although our army received the order to seize the tidal flats and cover the main force to land in the sea. In the beginning, we always charged forward and never had any experience in defensive operations. In this world, the best defense is actually to attack. Attack and then attack. This time we went south to fight, with the same plan and style. The general means that we must continue to develop our strengths and continue to attack. Not only must we win, but we must also win wonderfully and play beautifully."

Now the Wei State has a huge establishment, with a standing army of more than 100 million, and there are as many as 300 generals at the level of Lieutenant Hu Guang.Among them, there are many generals who have won battles in the field army, but those who can fight well are sought after in the Wei army and highly valued by Ran Ming, but there are only a handful of generals who have been trained mainly. A few such as Yong, Xiongjian, and Liu Laozhi can be regarded as half of them.

Therefore, Hu Guang attaches great importance to this opportunity. This is an upright battle with the Jin Dynasty army. The target of the battle is no longer the vulnerable bandits in the past.

All the officers of the rebellious army are also gearing up, ready to move.As the transport ship moved slowly, Hu Guang also led the entire army of the rebel army to leave Guantao and head towards the Linhai target amid rhythmic bumps.

Although Linhai literally means being close to the sea, in fact Linhai City is not located by the sea, but in the south of Tiantai Mountain, which is nearly [-] miles away from the sea, at the foot of Linhai Mountain.Before the Tang Dynasty, Linhai's political status was not obvious, but after the Tang Dynasty, Linhai's political status began to rise, and the state governed the government, which was equivalent to the current department-level administrative unit.Hu Guang wanted to occupy Linhai Mountain, and Linhai City, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack, was the first problem he faced. The key was that Ran Zhi once attacked Linhai City and looted a large number of Linhai people, which made Linhai strengthen later. Qian Zeng repaired city defense facilities such as horse faces and parapets, and also added some city defense weapons such as bed crossbows and eight ox crossbows.

Originally, Linhai City should be a strong bone in Linhai County, but as Sun Tai's rebels swept across the seven counties in the south of the Yangtze River, Linhai's complete city defense facilities were directly overwhelmed by the superior number of Sun Tai's rebels.

Seeing this, the viewer may feel incredible, but in fact, when the number of people in the war is large, it can completely offset the disadvantage in quality.The elite troops of the Ming Dynasty were all overwhelmed by Zhang Li's rebel army at the end of the Ming Dynasty. Of course, the Ming army was also the only army in Chinese history that maintained its combat effectiveness to the end.As for the entry of the Qing Dynasty, after Wu Sangui surrendered, the Guan Ning Army with 3 horses and horses insisted on occupying Shanhaiguan, preventing the Qing army from entering the pass.As for the combat effectiveness of the Qing army, it has been blown out.In the Battle of Yaksa, Tsarist Russia had only more than 800 troops composed of hooligans, criminals, down-and-out nobles, and opportunists. The flintlock of the Tsarist Russian army was a front-loading musket with a rate of fire of about two rounds per minute and a range of 300 meters. The Qing army forced to surrender by using the siege to exhaust the food in the city. This kind of army can only hehe.

The rebellious army is best at attacking, especially when the location is unfavorable. Breaking down cities and villages is their strong point. Since its formation, it is unknown how many cities and villages have been destroyed.Just when Hu Guang led his troops to set off, at this time, Wei Guozheng's great general Shi Yue also launched a massive offensive campaign in Tangyi, Liyang, and Wuhu.

Currently attacking in Tangyi is the Yanzhou Army of the Southern Front Army. Yanzhou is one of the ancient Kyushu states in China and one of the thirteen governors of the Han Dynasty. It governs eight counties and 56 counties in the Wei State. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Yanzhou soldiers were also capable One of the origins of war soldiers, the first time a soldier from Yanzhou appeared on the stage of history was Gou Xi in the late Western Jin Dynasty. Gou Xi was a famous general in the late Western Jin Dynasty, from the official to the general, the prince and the prince, and the recorded secretary, Dongping County male.Proficient in the art of war, compared to Han Xin and Bai Qi at that time.During the Eight Kings Rebellion, he took refuge in many kings successively, and defeated Jisang, Lv Lang, Liu Gen, Gongshifan, Shi Le, etc. He was very famous and known as "Uncle Tu".The second is Xi Jian, who relied on Yanzhou soldiers as his direct troops, used Yanzhou soldiers to quell the Wangdun Rebellion, and was promoted to the rank of Taiwei in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The Yanzhou soldiers of the Wei State were actually the main source of Ran Min’s troops. At this time, the Wei State Yanzhou General was still the original Yanzhou Inspector Wei Tong, but because Wei Tong stood in the wrong team when he stood in the team, he has been on the bench for many years .Wei Tong has long since followed Ran Min's gradually stable rule, he has stopped thinking about dividing up the territory, and is only thinking about being his loyal minister of Wei Guo.Even if he is not a loyal minister, there is nothing he can do. The Yanzhou Army has been restructured, and Wei Tong commanded the Yanzhou Army to fight according to the battle plan. If he dares to half-heartedly, someone will cut off his head immediately and use it to claim credit for Ran Ming.

Wei Tong lived up to Shi Yue's expectations. Relying on the powerful soldiers of the Yanzhou Army, he successfully conquered Tangyi, the only stronghold of the Jin army in the north of the Yangtze River. Of the [-] Jin troops defending the army, less than [-] were killed or wounded, and the rest surrendered without dying.

Wei Tong took Tangyi almost without losing a single soldier, and immediately launched the battle of crossing the river at night. In this era, without large ships, since crossing the river during the day has certain risks, let alone at night.This unexpected crossing of the river made Wei Tong touch Jurong unconsciously.

Jurong was defended by Sima Tian's department under Sima Xi's department of the Zhen Guojun of the Jin Dynasty. Sima Dan trusted the clan generals very much at this time, so the Zhen Guo Army's [-] soldiers were composed of four divisions, front, rear, left, and right. It was Sima Tian. After the death of Sima Tian's father, King Sima Jizhi of Qiao Lie, in [-] A.D., he inherited the kingship. Sima Tian was loyal, upright and talented, so the officials in the court were afraid of him.Sima Tian later served successively as General Youwei, Si Yong, Da Zhongzheng and Shang Shu of the four prefectures of Qin and Liang.In this time and space, during the reorganization period in Wuxi, he was appointed by Sima Dan as the general of the town army to join the army and the left command army.

Sima Tian, ​​who is the commander of the left army, has more than 6000 soldiers under his command and is also very well equipped.However, apart from the ten thousand remnants of the original town army, more than half of them are recruits who have never seen blood.The equipment is secondary, the most important thing is the organization ability of the troops. The strength of an organization ability directly determines whether the troops can successfully implement various tactics.Especially those difficult tactics are extremely dependent on the organizational ability of the troops!

Sima Tian's ability is not weak. Although it is a mixed army of young and old, under Sima Tian's command, Jurong, the eastern barrier of Jiankang, is well protected.

In fact, the emperors of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were very tragic. They were able to become emperors not because of their blood, nor because of their abilities. It was precisely whoever was incompetent and who was easy to control had a chance to be an emperor.Sima Dan became the emperor because he was just a doll less than two years old, and he was the best puppet candidate.Like vassal kings, like Sima Xi and Sima Tian, ​​their qualifications are above average.

This is also the tragedy of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Sima Dan actually has no ability to change this situation. It is very difficult to rejuvenate famous emperors in history, otherwise how could they be replaced by rise and fall?

As the vassal king whose clan is second only to Sima Xi, Sima Tian also has the potential to be a famous general. Since he took office in the Zuo Commander Army, he has not been in the palace to have fun with the princesses, and he doesn't even go home. He lives in the barracks. I often chat with soldiers and mingle with them.This made the Zuo Tong army very high in combat effectiveness and will among the Jin army.

Almost every day, Sima Tian sleeps very little, an average of less than three hours. He basically does not sleep until midnight, and gets up before dawn to inspect the military camp and check the defense.On this day, as usual, he went to the riverside to inspect the defense.However, as soon as he left the camp, he received a report from the scouts: "There is movement by the river."

Sima Tian hurriedly led his guards to the riverside to check. At this time, the vanguard soldiers of the Wei army who had passed through had already set foot on the land of Jiangnan. Sima Tian didn't say anything.There was little restraint between the two sides, and it seemed like a fierce hand-to-hand combat.

Accompanied by earth-shattering killing cries, Sima Tian's personal guards, who had an advantage in numbers, quickly defeated a dissatisfied Wei State Yanzhou Army infantry.

When are the soldiers in the army tallest?Of course, the situation is very good. When the whole country is about to be unified, such as the last year or two of the Liberation War. At that time, a division of the People's Liberation Army with poor equipment could fight against the national army.At this time, Wei Tong's troops were facing this situation. When Wei Tong learned that the front line had already exchanged fire, he said nothing, and directly ordered the entire army to speed up the crossing of the river. Due to limited transportation capacity, Wei Tong even ordered the soldiers with water to take off their armor. , jumped into the icy river, grabbed the rope let down on the ferry, and swam across the Yangtze River.

Although the Yanzhou army is brave in its bones, facing the huge advantage of Sima Tian's personal guards, it also brought huge casualties.An ordinary army is considered elite if it does not lose a casualty rate of [-]%. However, Wei Guo, an army with ideals and thoughts, is different. They can maintain a casualty rate of [-]% or even [-]% or [-]% in battle.When the front line had more than [-] casualties, the ratio was close to [-]%, and they still did not collapse. They continued to launch a counterattack against Sima Tian's troops like waves.

Although an encounter broke out between Sima Tian's personal guards and the Yanzhou Army's striker Qu, for the two sides, this encounter was not unexpected. On the contrary, it was already expected in the minds of the commanders of both sides. matter.Therefore, the battle between the two sides was not as hasty and lost as the traditional encounter battle. On the contrary, it was well-organized, and the deployment of the infantry on both sides was relatively orderly.

However, there is still a big difference in the details. Under the command of the military officer, the Wei army adopted active offensive tactics. This is not because the Wei army underestimated the enemy, but the glorious tradition of the Wei army. Since Ran Min formed the Wei army, he is used to fighting offensive warfare. Therefore, the first reaction to encountering an enemy is not to defend on the spot, but to attack and then attack.

When Qu Junhou, the forward of the Wei army, died in battle, the first Dubo took over the command. Only one team survived, and less than half a hundred soldiers were able to fight. The second wave of troops crossing the river of the Wei Army finally resisted the south bank of the river.It seems that there was no rest, and after a little formation, they directly attacked Sima Tian's troops.

Seeing Wei Guo's troops crossing the river continuously coming ashore, Sima Tian also knew that he had lost the opportunity to drive Wei Jin down the river.However, Sima Tian knew that while others could retreat, he could not.Because behind him is Jurong, and after Jurong, Jiankang, the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Faced with more and more soldiers of the Wei army, the morale of their guards was shaken, and they almost collectively begged Sima Tian to retreat, but Sima Tian said: "There are 48 vassal kings who died in the Jin industry, and Tian is the No. 40 nine!"

In life, there will always be some expectations. Farmers’ expectations are good harvests and abundant clothing; scholars’ expectations are to be famous in the world and govern the country; generals’ expectations are to fight in the battlefield and make achievements.As the Sima clan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Sima Tian, ​​king of Qiao Jing, also had his own expectations. He just hoped that the Sima clan could continue.

As a ruling family, there is only one end: either the scenery is infinite, enjoying the wealth and glory, or the family is completely ruined and becomes a dust in history.Naturally, Sima Tian didn't want the Sima family to become the dust of history. He could no longer see hope, but instead had the consciousness that he would die if he died.

If this battle is won, it will not be of much benefit to the overall situation. However, Sima Tian does not want the entire Sima family to have a chance to turn around. If this battle is a heavy blow to the Wei State, Sima Tian wants to come. , will definitely surrender, and then the Sima family's fate may be better.This is the reason why Sima Tian never retreats, and it is also Sima Tian's only hope.

But behind this expectation, there is heavy pressure.

Wei's army is very strong, even surpassing his imagination.There are more than 1000 personal guards in my own department, all of whom are from the tenants of Sima Tian, ​​the kingdom of Qiaojun, and they are all confidantes and direct troops.Not only are these soldiers living on Sima Tian's food and salary, but even their families depend on Sima Tian for their lives.This guard is not only well-equipped, but also well-trained. More importantly, they are not ordinary troops, and they have a very strong will to fight. Almost everyone has the consciousness of being a dead soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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