Chapter 950
Chapter 956

But at this time, the situation under Sima Tian's troops was not optimistic. This sudden encounter only lasted for more than two quarters of an hour, but more than 300 people in the guards were killed in battle, and almost everyone else was injured.However, they would never be deserters on their own, because they all knew that if Sima Tian was killed, they and their families would be killed if they dared to flee.For the sake of their families, they cannot retreat, even if they die, they must fight for a way out for their families.

Historically, during the Soviet-German War during World War II, the biggest impression of the Soviet Red Army was that it was not afraid of death, and it successfully suffered serious losses from the entire division and army being wiped out, and they did not retreat in a deadly battle.In fact, to put it bluntly, it was not because they were patriotic or fearless, but because Stalin was more ruthless. As long as the Red Army soldiers dared to retreat and escape, their families would immediately go to Siberia to serve their sentences until they died.But no matter how much history whitewashes it, it cannot change the fact that Stalin killed the Soviets no softer than the Germans.

In fact, Sima Tian is also a ruthless person despite his gentle appearance. He actually practiced this continuous sitting system in the army, but he was a little more ruthless than Stalin. He was not reeducation through labor, but beheaded directly.Therefore, when Sima Tian was not retreating, the guards would not retreat half a step even if they were all fired.

At this time, the Dongyang Camp of the Yanzhou Army of the State of Wei was very passive, because the plan of the Operations Department of the General Staff Headquarters was to build a pontoon bridge in Liyang to attract the navy of the State of Jin.Originally, the limited number of ferries and heavy equipment of the southern front army were almost concentrated in Liyang, while the resources available to the Yanzhou army in Jurong were very limited.The number of emergency ferries dispatched by Yanzhou is only more than [-].

It is said that the number of more than [-] ferries is not small, but in fact, almost all of these ferries are small ferries below a hundred stone boats, and they are basically civilian ships, without water combat capabilities. As for the installation of rockets and ballistas , that is even more needless to think about it.The huge anti-shock force of this small ship-breaking light ballista may shake these small boats to pieces.

The serious shortage of ferry boats also restricted the speed and efficiency of the Yanzhou Army's crossing of the river, and seriously affected the combat effectiveness of the Yanzhou Army.

At this time, Wei Tong, who was in the frontline headquarters of the Yanzhou Army of the Beijiang and Northern Wei Kingdom, was also under heavy pressure.If this battle is victorious, if he guarantees the South Army to cross the river smoothly, then the future official career will be smooth, but if the battle is defeated, then it will lead to the failure of the entire Jiangnan strategy. At that time, even if I am not beaten In the end, it is estimated that he will be thrown into the cold palace, and there is no possibility of turning over.

Wei Tong threw out the distracting thoughts in his head and asked the staff, "How is the frontline war? Has the Jin Navy appeared?"

"Reporting to the general, there is no news from the Jin army's navy, but the progress of the Dongyang battalion is extremely difficult. The Dongyang battalion crossed the river in the two songs. At this time, more than half of the casualties have been lost, but the situation has been delayed. According to the news sent back from the front, Although this Jin army is small, it is extremely tenacious. Although the opponent suffered heavy casualties, it did not collapse. The most important thing is that our transportation capacity is limited, and it is ineffective to provide effective support to the Dongyang camp."

The task of Wei Tong's department was not to take down Jiankang, but to put it bluntly, it was just a feint.If he achieves the greatest results at a small cost, then sneaks into Jurong and occupies Jurong, the eastern frontier of Jiankang, then he has done nothing wrong.But once the loss is heavy, but the situation cannot be opened for a long time, then you have to worry about it.

In this sneak attack plan, it is an adventure in itself. It is great to be successful, but if it fails, then find another way.However, the situation on the Jiangnan battlefield has changed again at this time. With the arrival of Wei's follow-up reinforcements, Sima Tian's personal guards are in a critical situation and are in danger of being annihilated at any time. retreat.

Although they did not retreat, Sima Tian's personal guards suffered heavy losses, as many as 60.00% of them were killed in battle, and there were less than a hundred surviving soldiers capable of fighting.

While Sima Tian was worried about the critical situation on the battlefield, he was also worried about the future of the Sima family.According to Sima Tian's understanding, he has a bit of resentment towards Sima Dan. It's not that the state of Wei did not give the state of Jin a chance to make peace, but after the envoys of the state of Wei resisted Jiankang, they asked for peace talks in the state of Wei. First, they asked Sima Dan to go to the emperor. , became a minister to Wei, changed to the lord of the south of the Yangtze River, and all the vassal princes of the Sima clan were reduced to dukes.Like Sima Tian, ​​the King of Qiao Jing, he must be changed to Duke of Qiaojun.

The second is that [-]% of the wealth of the counties in the Jiangnan Kingdom must be turned over to the central government, and [-]% can be retained for personal use.administrative

The third is that the Jin armies in the south of the Yangtze River must be reorganized by the Wei State, and the entire Jiangnan Kingdom will retain the Jiangzhou Army, the Ningzhou Army, the Guangzhou Army, and the Jiaozhou Army.Each army has two battalions under its jurisdiction, with a total of [-] soldiers and horses. In addition, the six armies of the King of the South of the Yangtze River can be retained, with six thousand troops.

Of course, Ran Ming would definitely not give money to Sima Dan to support the army. The cost of raising the army would be [-]% of the withheld tax. Wei Guo was only responsible for providing the numbers and establishments of the four armies.

There are a total of 32 other less important clauses. In fact, this so-called peace clause is for Jin to surrender.Not to mention Sima Dan's resignation, even all the gentry of the Jin Kingdom were ashamed, because in these terms of peace negotiations, there was no mention of their treatment, but it was as if they had been forgotten.

For Sima Tian, ​​although this kind of surrender-style peace negotiation is undignified, it is not unacceptable.After all, since the Yongjia Rebellion, Sima's dignity has been completely lost, and it is not bad for Wei Guo to tear off Jin's last trace of face, the last trace of fig leaf.Although this result is frustrating, it is much better than the extermination of the Sima clan.

Looking at the shocking blood on the ground, looking at the fewer and fewer guards around him, and looking at the soldiers of the Wei army that kept pouring out, Sima Tian's heart beat continuously for no reason. I have never been so nervous before, cold sweat spread all over my forehead in a short moment.

Although Sima Tian was nervous, his reaction was very flat. Death is a very unacceptable thing for most people, but for Sima Tian, ​​it was as peaceful as returning home.He didn't want to watch the Sima clan perish. Perhaps his best destination is to die in battle.

"Surrender, there is no point in resisting any longer. Wei Guo treats prisoners well, and Wei Guo respects warriors more. You have proved that you are fearless warriors with your own actual actions. Now for you, the time for war It's over." Just as Sima Tian calmly went to die, the Wei army suddenly stopped the tide-like offensive, and actually persuaded Sima Tian, ​​who had less than a hundred soldiers left, to surrender.

"What joy is there in life, why bother in death!" Sima Tian said, "Even if Tian is alive, he is like a walking corpse without a soul. Death is a kind of relief instead!"

Seeing that Sima Tian had the will to die, Wei Guo's army didn't talk nonsense.In fact, Wei Jun's forward crossing the river did not light a torch. After Sima Tian learned of the scout report, he also did not have an open flame in order to avoid exposure.In this way, in the dark night, the soldiers on both sides were only discovered when their faces met. The soldiers of the Wei army didn't even have time to arrange the crossbow array, and almost instinctively drew their swords to face each other.

In fact, if the Wei army is fully deployed, a Wei army Yanzhou army Dongyang Qu is enough to shoot and kill more than a thousand guards under Sima Tian's troops.It's just that the sky was dark, the sight was unclear, and the two sides got mixed up again. The Wei soldiers could only start a fierce hand-to-hand battle with Sima Tian's personal guards.

Now Wei's army voluntarily gave up the attack, opened the distance from Sima Tian's troops, and calmly arranged the crossbow array.Since Sima Tian wanted to die with all his heart, there was no need for the generals of the Wei army to use their limited forces on such meaningless battles.

Following the orders of the officers of the Wei army, the crossbowmen of the Wei army began to wind up. Hundreds of crossbow machines made the sound of sour teeth, and with the sound of "swoosh" breaking through the air, the crossbow bolts carried the arrows like locusts crossing the border. Greetings from the god of death flew to Sima Tian's remnant.

These surviving Sima Tian's personal guards naturally knew Sima Tian's identity.Although Sima Tian is just a king of Qiao Jing, in the eyes of these grassroots soldiers, Sima Tian is of the blood of the Tian family, a noble man of heaven, if he dies, these soldiers and their families will definitely be buried with Sima Tian .So in this situation, these guard soldiers almost instinctively covered Sima Tian with their bodies.

Just as the hiss of the crossbow piercing into the flesh sounded, all Sima Tian's personal guards also fell to the ground with Sima Tian.

At this time, Sima Tian's powerful general Feng Gai had just arrived at the tragic battlefield by the river.Although Feng Gai knew that he was late and was very nervous, his reaction was first-rate.He shouted "Protect the general!"

Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe...

After hearing the order, the sword and shield guards of the Jin army under Feng Gai's department rushed over quickly, holding the big shield high, and charged the Wei army.And the slight sound of "Ding Dong" was telling Feng Gai that the sword and shield hand had blocked the subsequent sharp arrows from Wei Jun.It's just that Yan Gai's high-hanging heart still hasn't let go, he quickly rushed to the pile of corpses that were almost stacked together, and whispered: "His Royal Highness Qiao Wang, His Royal Highness Qiao Wang!"

At this time, Feng Gai was extremely annoyed that he was too careless, thinking that the Wei army's attack would pose a very dangerous situation. If he wanted to resist the Wei army's advance, he would not be able to rely on a single force, so Feng Gai assembled a whole battalion of troops and brought them together After collecting all the equipment, he came to support Sima Tian.

Feng Gai did not consider Sima Tian's safety.Because he wanted to come, if Sima Tian's personal guards did not reach the Wei army, they would definitely retreat. With the strength of Sima Tian's personal guards of thousands of people, it must be difficult to defeat the Wei army, but it should not be difficult to retreat.But he never thought that Sima Tian would fight to the death and never retreat. If Sima Tian made a mistake, it would be an unbearable pain for Sima Dan and the state of Jin!

"His Royal Highness Qiao," Feng Gai and his soldiers exclaimed in a low voice.

"En!" There was a low moan mixed in between the low cries, and everyone recognized that it was Sima Tian's voice.All were overjoyed and said, "How are you, Your Highness Qiao?"

Regardless of ancient times or modern times, night combat is not an easy task.If it is in the daytime, Wei State's superior equipment can be fully utilized, especially Wei State's crossbow array. The elite troops can basically fire at a rate of more than ten breaths. No strong army in the world can keep calm under such a sharp blow.Although the sky was slightly bright at this time, it was a pity that the line of sight could barely reach twenty or thirty paces. As for accurate shooting, it was basically impossible.

If it was during the day with a wide view, Wei Jun would definitely find Sima Tian, ​​who was wearing golden armor in the Jin army formation, instead of being ignored as a general general in a hurry like now.

There was no precise and concentrated shooting, which allowed Sima Tian to escape. A large number of crossbow arrows were blocked by the guards with meat shields. Although the powerful crossbow arrows also penetrated Sima Tian's personal guards and shot Sima Tian, It was just very lucky that Sima Tian only suffered some skin trauma.Feng Gai asked with concern: "His Royal Highness Qiao, you are injured!"

At this time, Sima Tian not only left more than a dozen crossbow bolts that penetrated the body of the bodyguard soldiers, but also one crossbow bolt hit Sima Tian's left arm, and blood was oozing from Sima Tian's wound, dripping continuously. onto dry, hard soil.

After being called out by Feng Gai, Sima Tian woke up from the tension. In an instant, a piercing pain spread from his left arm all over his body, and the cold sweat sprang out quickly, and Sima Tian's face also turned pale.

Seeing this scene, Feng Gai shouted to the soldiers beside him: "His Royal Highness Qiao Wang is injured, please escort His Highness Qiao back to Jurong for treatment, there must be no mistake."

Sima Tian smiled lightly and said: "A man, a little injury is nothing to worry about. Scars are the medals of every soldier. Only brave men who have been wounded on the battlefield are real husbands!"

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield reversed again. As the five thousand Jin soldiers led by Feng Gai rushed to the battlefield, the Wei army's slight advantage changed instantly.

Feng Gai was also a well-known general at the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in history. In history, Feng Gai, who was the Yangwei general in the 11th year of Taiyuan, stayed behind for Luoyang. Facing Di Qin Emperor Fu Ping's attack on Luoyang, Feng Gai defeated Fu Ping and beheaded him. He captured his crown prince, Funing, and King Fushou of Changle, and sent them to the capital Jiankang.The Eastern Jin court pardoned him but did not punish him, and sent him to Fu Hong, who surrendered to the Jin Dynasty.Such an unfair practice naturally aroused Feng Gai's dissatisfaction, and Feng Gai turned to Huan Xuan.At this time, Feng Gai was still a Yangwei general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. At this time, Yangwei General was roughly equivalent to the rank of Major General of the later generations.

Feng Gai, one of the two powerful generals under Sima Tian of the Zuo Commanding Army, had not yet been promoted to governor of Yongzhou at this time, and his combat experience was not as rich as in history.Although it is not rich, it is good at training soldiers. Although most of the troops are recruits, they start to defend step by step, and then launch a counterattack.

The heavy shields reduced the damage of the crossbow arrows to Feng's soldiers. Once the shield was shot through or the shield hand was shot by the crossbow arrows, the soldiers of the Jin army behind would fill up in time.Moreover, there were a thousand archers under Feng Gai's department also standing behind the shields, launching projectile counterattacks at Wei Jun.

Unlike the direct shooting method of the crossbow, the bow and arrow adopts the principle of curved shooting, which cannot be aimed directly. The shooting target is hit by the desired shooting angle. In this way, archers with no cultural quality can only rely on their own experience to figure out the general situation. Shooting direction, archers are far more difficult to train than crossbowmen.

The crossbowmen of the Wei army began to suffer casualties. At this time, Feng Gai also ordered the shield soldiers to step forward to squeeze the space of the Wei army.You must know that bow and arrow shooting is difficult and the range is closer.The effective range of a one-stone bow is only 150 steps, while that of a two-stone bow is only 360 steps. As for the pulling force of a three-stone bow of [-] catties, it is obviously not something that ordinary soldiers can achieve through simple training.

However, Sima Tian struggled to stand up at this moment, Feng Gai said anxiously: "His Royal Highness Qiao Wang has been injured, please don't move around, he should be treated by a medical officer immediately."

Before Feng Gai could finish speaking, Sima Tian waved his hand and said, "If I go to bandage it up, I'm afraid I will fall into the trap of the enemy general. As a child of the Sima family, such injuries are nothing to this king!"

After rejecting Feng Gai's suggestion, Sima Tian pushed everyone away with a wave of his hand, leaving only one surviving personal guard, and said to him: "Guo Luo, help me!"

The personal guard named Guo Luo didn't expect that his master, Tianhuang nobleman, was actually a tough guy, he nodded heavily, and used all his strength to support Sima Tian's tall body to stand up.

Sima Tian looked at the crossbow on his body and frowned.Then he took a deep breath, grabbed the arrow with his right hand, gritted his teeth and swung it upwards! "Puchi..." Blood spattered, and Sima Tian couldn't help screaming out in pain, "Ah..."

Amidst the exclamation, a large cloud of blood flew out, and Sima Tian pulled out the sharp arrow with blood and flesh.Sima Tian's face became even paler when the crossbow was pulled out, but he didn't even look at the sharp arrow, and threw it aside casually. Guo Luo hurriedly used his breastfeeding strength to help Sima Tian live.At this time, he hurried forward to bandage Sima Tian's wound.Sima Tian's eyes shot brightly, staring at the soldiers of the Wei army outside the formation who were showing off their might, and shouted violently: "This king is safe and sound!"

Hearing Sima Tian's violent shouting, the soldiers of the Jin army who were originally in high spirits were stunned for a moment, and then they were overjoyed. They all raised their weapons and shouted: "The king of Qiao is mighty! The king of Qiao is mighty!"

As the morale of the Jin army was boosted, Feng Gai also took the opportunity to launch a counterattack across the board. Relying on the superiority in numbers, the Wei army's troops crossing the river were defeated steadily.Suffering from limited transportation capacity, the Yanzhou Army's crossing troops did not receive effective support at all, and the crossing troops may collapse at any time.

In order to unify the war against the river, the emperor Sima Dan personally commanded Jin to avoid internal conflicts caused by uneven division of power.In the Jiangfang Command of the State of Jin, Sima Dan personally served as the head coach, while Sima Xi, Zhou Zhongsun, Mi Li, Huan Mi, Yin Kang, Xie Shi, and He Qian all served as recorders and joined the army. Among them, Xiao Lezi and Wang Tanzhi were named join the army.

Of course, the battle of Jurong spread to Sima Dan's Jiangfang Commander-in-Chief soon after, and Sima Dan summoned Xiao Lezi, Sima Xi, Zhou Zhongsun and others to discuss matters.Sima Dan showed the battle report to the crowd and said, "What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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