Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 951 Secret Message

Chapter 951 Secret Message
Chapter 957 Secret Message

Sima Xi said: "According to the news from Jiangbei Xizuo, the Yanzhou army of Wei State is in charge of attacking Jurong at this time. The Yanzhou army has seven infantry battalions and one cavalry battalion in total, with a total of nearly 5 horses. I am afraid that King Qiao will resist. The Yanzhou army's first wave of attack, in the subsequent battles, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist the attack of the Wei State Yanzhou army."

Sima Dan said: "Is that going to increase troops?"

"Of course!"

Xiao Lezi said: "Wei's current cross-river offensive is mainly concentrated in Jurong, Tangyi, Liyang, and Wuhu. However, it is impossible to guess which point is the main attack point. If our army's limited strategic reserve troops Reinforce Jurong, I am afraid that there will be a crisis in other directions, and our army will face the dilemma of having no soldiers to send."

Sima Dan rushed to the sailor Xie Shi and said, "Did the navy discover where the Wei army is attacking?"

Xie Shidao: "For the time being, there are none, but it is absolutely impossible for the direction of Jurong. There are about [-] ferries that Wei Jun can control, but there are only more than [-] ferries found in the direction of Jurong. This one can only be regarded as partial at best. "

Sima Dan asked, "Where is General Yin Kang of the Left Guard?"

Yin Kang said: "The end is here!"

Sima Dan said: "I order you to lead your troops to increase the number of King Qiao's troops. There must be no mistakes."


Just when Sima Dan sent Yin Kang, the general of the left guard, to lead his troops to reinforce Sima Tian, ​​the tent of the Central Army Commander of the Southern Army had already been erected on the tidal flats on the north bank of the river.At this time, whether the false attack can be turned into a real attack, and the plan to contain or even eliminate the Jin army's naval forces can be successfully completed, the most critical point is to erect pontoon bridges.Building a pontoon bridge is a very professional thing. If there is no professional person to do it, I'm afraid there will be a big mess.During Yang Guang's first conquest of Korea in history, the Sui army built a pontoon bridge on the Liaoshui River.Yu Wenkai was in charge of this matter. As a result, Yang Guang's favorite minister was a half-baked man, and there was a farce that the pontoon bridge was actually two feet shorter than the river surface. As a result, the Sui army who rushed to the pontoon bridge could not land on the shore and had to jump into the water.As a result, he was shot and killed by the archers of the Koryo Army and suffered heavy losses.Naturally, Shi Yue didn't know these things, but he knew that whether the Zhengnan Army could complete the combat plan of the Operation Department, the key was the pontoon bridge.

In this time and space, China did not establish a professional pontoon bridge unit, but Wei Jun established a pontoon bridge battalion that did not exist because of the appearance of Ran Ming, a butterfly from another world.After the Battle of Jurong, Shi Yue became more aware of the important role of this pontoon bridge. If there was no pontoon bridge, Wei Jun would no longer be able to cross the river as smoothly as before.When the crossing of the river was smooth, the Jin army did not intend to release the water. Now that Xie Shi's [-] sailors are in Jiankang, the Jin army navy can attack the troops crossing the river at any time, especially when they are halfway across the river. This is a big taboo for military strategists.

In order to build the pontoon bridge smoothly, Shi Yue gathered more than [-] ferries that could be collected, and transported the reinforced battalion under Shi Liang's command and a large amount of combat materials to the south of the Yangtze River.

Shi Yue strictly ordered Shi Liang to seize the tidal flats as soon as possible after crossing the river, build a [-]-mile defense line, and build a pontoon bridge under cover.Shi Liang's strengthened battalion is actually barely an army, at least in terms of combat troops, it is more convenient than the rebellious army, reaching [-] soldiers, and there is also an equipment department, as many as [-] crossbows and hundreds of vehicles. Tigers galloping rocket.The strengthened Shi Liangying's combat effectiveness is not weak, but Jin still has the last strong army, the Huben Army. Facing the numerically superior Huben Army and Mili's troops, Shi Liangying is actually under great pressure.But fortunately, Shi Liang and Wei Tong's offensive sentence is different. At least Shi Yue has more ferries in his hands, and his transportation capacity is also greatly enhanced. If there is no navy to stop him, he can naturally transport troops to the south of the Yangtze River.

It's just that the biggest variable now is the reaction of the Jin army navy.Therefore, Shi Yue attached great importance to whether the boat bridge battalion could complete the task.

For this military establishment that does not belong to this era, this pontoon battalion is naturally also Ran Ming's disciple Meng Yuanen.Captain Meng Yuanen of the Zhouqiao Battalion was not prominent in the Wei army, and he was also unknown among Ran Ming's disciples.This kind of very professional army has few opportunities to make meritorious service, and it is easy to be robbed of meritorious service.

"General, please rest assured that I, Meng Yuanen, have received the order from the master, and I have already promised the master that this time Liyang crossing the river, I, Meng Yuanen, will do my best to ensure the smooth crossing of the Zhengnan army. Delay our army's Jiangnan strategy!" Meng Yuanen said with a serious face.

After hearing this, Shi Yue nodded. He was quite satisfied with Meng Yuanen's attitude. At the same time, he also believed that Meng Yuanen was capable of leading the pontoon battalion to successfully erect the pontoon bridge.

The difficulty of erecting a pontoon bridge, especially on the Yangtze River, which is several kilometers wide, must be completed in a short period of time. The difficulty is conceivable, not to mention that it was extremely difficult for the army in AD 21. Even for the military in the [-]st century, it is still a difficult thing.

In order to set up a pontoon bridge in Liyang, successfully ensure the feigned attack on the south and cross the river, and attract the attention of the Jin army, Ran Ming transferred a large number of technical officers from various troops. Most of these officers came from professional engineering departments, and the best among them was Meng Yuanen. up.

Meng Yuanen, a native of Mengzhou, was born in a craftsman family.His father, Meng Fangyun, is one of the important assistants of Xie Fei, the master craftsman of Wei State, and a famous third-level shipbuilding craftsman of Wei State.He was originally planning to inherit his father's career and learn shipbuilding.But Ran Ming started to set up a martial arts lecture hall. In the first phase of this Qingzhou martial arts lecture hall, there were only two lectures on riding and walking, but when he arrived at the Jiaodong Kingdom lecture hall, Ran Ming began to add professional things to the lectures in the martial arts lecture hall. For example, pontoons, engineering, equipment, etc. He attended the Jiaodong National Lecture Hall with the public, and was assigned to the Beifu Army after graduation. Of course, he did not go to be a big soldier, but entered the army as a team leader. Team Zheng, later promoted to Dubo of the Equipment Battalion, Marquis of the Army, and Sima of the Marching Army. When forming the Southern Expedition Army, he successfully entered the then Southern Expedition Army Boat Bridge Battalion and became Wei's first boat bridge battalion captain.

Among Ran Ming's disciples, there are many famous ones. For example, although Chen Yong is temporarily in command of the expeditionary army, he is already a general at the level of the Wei State Army.And the general of the Modao Army is vigorous, and he has become the number one hero among Ran Ming's disciples.But then again, among Ran Ming's disciples, there are many who can fight, and there are also many who can't fight, but Meng Yuanen is the only one who has made achievements in his profession.

Meng Yuanen came to the front line to direct the bridge erection. This Yangtze River pontoon bridge is different from those small bridges. The difficulty is beyond people's imagination.Although it is only a pontoon bridge, it is not so easy to build.A large number of steel locks are fixed on the large and small ferries. In order to increase the buoyancy of the pontoon bridge, Meng Yuanen put countless sealed wooden boxes or sealed wooden barrels at the parts where the ferries are connected, thereby increasing the buoyancy of the pontoon bridge.

At this moment, news came from the semaphore soldiers on Jiangxin Island that the stake operation could not be carried out as planned due to the fast flow of the river.Without enough stable wooden piles, it is naturally impossible to erect a pontoon bridge.

Meng Yuanen said: "Since the wooden pile cannot be laid, immediately transport the cement and steel bars to Jiangxin Island, and we will pour a fixed point."

Following Meng Yuanen's order, a large amount of cement began to be loaded onto the transport ship and transported to Jiangxin Island.

It's just that the amount of this project is very large, and it cannot be completed in a day or two.After waiting for a whole day, Wei Jun's pontoon bridge has not even appeared.

But at this time, the Jin army navy found the Wei army crossing the river in Liyang.It was also discovered that the Wei army was building a pontoon bridge.

After receiving the news, Xiao Lezi said to Sima Dan: "Your Majesty, it is now confirmed that Liyang is the main attack point for Wei Guo to cross the river!"

"Li Yang!" Although Sima Dan is not good at military affairs, after these years of oppressive training, he can understand a little bit.Following Sima Dan's searching gaze, Xiao Lezi pointed to Li Yang's direction.Xiao Lezi looked at Sima Dan's bewildered look and said: "

Liyang is at the center of the Yangtze River, Huaihe River and land, with the Yangtze River on the left, Zhaoguan on the right, Liangshan to the east, and Haochu to the north. It is the "Van Wei of Huainan" and the guarantee of "Jiang Biao". It has been a must for military strategists since ancient times. place.According to ancient records, there are two ferry crossings in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.The first is Guazhou Ferry: the passage between Jingkou (now Zhenjiang) and Duijiang Guangling (now Yangzhou).The second is the ancient crossing of the Hengjiang River: the quarrying channel between Liyang and Duijiang.The flow direction of the Yangtze River changed from west to east to the border and changed to north-south. "Tianmen cut off the Chu River and opened, and the clear water flows eastward to this point", hence the name Hengjiang.Those who come from Huaixi must cross the river and advance to Jingling.From the south to the north, it also crosses the river to the west by quarrying.When troubles broke out between the north and the south, Liyang was at the forefront.

In the 17th year of Lu Zhaogong (525 BC), Wu attacked Chu and fought against Chang'an (now Xiliang Mountain, Hexian County).Later Wu general Gongzi Guang used the strategy of arrogant soldiers to take back the treasure ship.History calls this battle the "Battle of the Long Shore".At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Sun Ce crossed the river from Liyang Hengjiang Pu, occupied Jiangdong, and established the Eastern Wu Dynasty.In the first year of Taikang Dynasty (AD 280), Emperor Wu ordered Wang Rui to crusade against Soochow.Rui formed a navy with tall warships, and went down the river, pointing directly at Jinling.Taking advantage of the natural danger of the Yangtze River, Sun Hao, the Lord of Wu, placed iron cones hidden in the torrent of Tianmen Mountain (Dangtu Bowang in the east and Liyang Liangshan in the west), and put Qianxun iron chains across the river in an attempt to pass through with broken buildings.As a result, Wang Rui went all out, crossed the Tianmen Gate, crossed three mountains, and went straight to Stone City. "

At this moment, Sima Dan finally understood that Li Yang had made a mistake, and his health was already in danger.Sima Dan said: "Xiao Qing, what should I do at this time?"

Xiao Lezi said: "At this time, there are not many Wei troops crossing Liyang, less than [-]. If they are allowed to continue crossing the river, the situation may be in danger. The only way is now, our army has lost the opportunity. We must seize the favorable opportunity to drive the Wei army down the Yangtze River while the Wei army is not enough to cross the river. Your Majesty can order the navy Xie Shi's troops to go up the river and attack the follow-up troops of the Wei army crossing the river. We don't want to completely defeat the Wei army crossing the river. It’s okay to delay the Wei army’s crossing of the river, but at the same time order Huben’s general Mili and Zhongling’s Huanmi to lead our troops to rescue Liyang, otherwise changes will occur.”

Sima Dan naturally obeyed Xiao Lezi's advice, and ordered Xie Shi, Mi Li, and Huan Bi's troops to fight at any time.

Upon receiving the news that the reinforcements from the Jin army were dispatched, Shi Yue was both happy and worried.The joy is that the Jin Dynasty has transferred the navy, but the worry is that the Jin Dynasty is too generous. Xie Shi's navy has 4 troops, and Mili and Huanmi's combined total is over 9. [-] horses, eleven times that of Shi Liang's troops, can Shi Liang resist the attack of the Jin army?
"General, the brothers in front suffered heavy casualties, do you think we should take them down to rest?" A staff officer at Dub level asked Shi Liang cautiously.

At this time, Shi Liang only had [-] troops in his hands, and with the auxiliary troops such as the equipment department and the supply battalion, it was still less than [-]. However, the area Shi Liang wanted to defend was an arc position almost twenty miles long.This is the best location for crossing the Hengjiang River in Liyang. As a location for landing on the beach, it has unparalleled advantages.Of course, because of the plain terrain, Ye Shiliang couldn't take advantage of the location.

As a [-]-meter-long position, it must be defended, and the pressure is not light.As the headquarters of the Chinese Army, Shi Liang set the Chinese Army Commander's Flag five miles south of the pontoon bridge, where he could clearly observe the fierce battle on the front line with the help of binoculars.War is the best teacher for human beings. When human beings used primitive sticks to fight, they gradually discovered that stone knives and stone axes were much more powerful than sticks, so weapons gradually changed from sticks to stone weapons, and then to bronze weapons, iron and Steel weapons.With the development of weapons, what is more important is the development of combat tactics and concepts.

Although the military equipment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was inferior to that of the Wei army, it is undeniable that in this series of battles, the Jin army was also learning and making progress.Especially Huben Zhonglang General Mili, he found that the Wei army's crossbows were very dense and very lethal.Attacking in a dense formation, the Jin Army's Huben Army suffered heavy casualties.To this end, Milley made a series of adjustments.First of all, he used trebuchets and catapults to carry out key suppression. When the infantry charged, it was no longer a simple massed charge of the whole song, but under the effective suppression of catapults and catapults, small Key breakthroughs in scale.Take Shi as a unit, at most one team, to form a very loose offensive formation.

Such a change greatly reduced the casualties of the Jin army, although the progress was not fast.But the consumption of Wei Guo's arrows was astonishing.The same as the base of ammunition carried by individual soldiers in the later generations of the army, the number of arrows carried by the crossbowmen of Wei State at this time is very limited.Even with the squeeze-type quiver, the number of arrows per pot has been increased from twelve to fifteen per pot, and each crossbowman can carry three pots, that is, 45 arrows.Such a quantity of crossbow bolts is enough for the Wei army to maintain sufficient crossbow strike strength in offensive operations.However, in this passive defensive battle, in order to effectively counter the attack of the Jin army, the consumption of Wei Guo's crossbow arrows increased greatly.In just one and a half hours, more than a thousand crossbowmen on the left wing had consumed all of the [-] crossbow bolts they carried.However, the results they achieved were very limited, and they only shot and killed less than a thousand Jin troops.

At this time, the Jin army had rushed into the front of the Wei army without crossbows, and fought a fierce hand-to-hand battle.On the surface, the Wei army took a very big advantage, and almost all the soldiers who fell in pieces were soldiers of the Jin army. A tough senior veteran, after killing the opponent several times in a row, may be killed by a recruit of the opponent.However, the value of recruits and veterans is not equal. A soldier who has served for three years and has rich combat experience, even if it is exchanged for the lives of ten recruits from the Jin army, is actually not worth it.In addition, the Jin army attacking on the opposite side has changed two units at this time, and although these two units have suffered heavy casualties and are about to collapse, there is already a Jin army soldier who is rushing not far away. At that time, the physical exertion was serious, and the Wei army, which suffered a lot of casualties, was very likely to suffer a devastating blow.

If an infantry department has thousands of soldiers and hundreds of casualties, although it will hurt the bones, but the skeleton is still there, and it will not take long to restore combat effectiveness after replenishing a certain number of recruits. If more than half of them are wiped out, or even if the combat power is defeated, then for this department, it is considered to be completely abolished. Even if it is replenished with new recruits, it is still difficult to restore the combat power to the peak state of the past.

Therefore, for most of the officers in the main force of the Wei army, it would definitely be a loss if they exchanged for one. Even if they exchanged two recruits for the other side by themselves, it would be a big loss.

There are only seven units in Shi Liang's hands, one unit is placed on the front line to protect the equipment, one unit is left to cover the pontoon ferry, one unit is placed on the left wing, the right wing and the front, and the central army is only used as the strategic reserve of the whole army. The next two sections.Fighting consumption, not to mention two to one, even with a five to one exchange ratio, Mili can still wipe out Shi Liang's troops.

At this time, the casualties of the main defense department are close to [-]%. If there is no effective support and they are not given time to repair, this department will be abolished.For Shi Liang, this is unacceptable.

Shi Liang frowned, and said to the Dubo-level staff officer, "Order Fang Qingyu, Sima of Department C, to prepare to respond."

After all, Shi Liang subconsciously touched the letter that Shi Yue personally wrote to him on his chest.Although Shi Liang is not Shi Yue's parent and child, he is an orphan adopted by Shi Yue since he was 11 years old. Although Shi Yue has adopted many orphans, Shi Yue has more than 30 adopted sons alone, but Shi Liang is the one who is doing the best job now. Own.Shi Liang got a secret from Shi Yue's letter.

(End of this chapter)

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