Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 952 Military Reform

Chapter 952 Military Reform
Chapter 958 Military System Reform

This is why Wei Jun will conduct a unified reorganization in the coming days, and it is said that the current various establishments and levels will be abolished.

The principle of the two-five-year system naturally does not change, and what will be changed will be the title of the battalion level. At this time, the title of the battalion level in Wei State is very confusing, such as Shesheng Ying, Bu Ying, Zhongba Ying, and Tunqi Ying. In general, there is a clear difference between the military level and the ordinary battalion. The battalion-level captains are also divided into three, six, and nine grades. The soldiers in the system can naturally distinguish them, but it is difficult for domestic subjects to distinguish them.Therefore, Ran Ming plans to unify the establishment of the various armies in the country.

In fact, there are certain problems with Wei's military establishment.In particular, Ran Ming focused on equipment combat troops and auxiliary arms, such as pontoons, supplies, medical care, and engineering troops, which made it difficult for Wei's military establishment to adapt to the war in the new era.Especially what Ran Ming will face in the future is the army of the most prosperous period of the Gupta Empire.The military establishment of the Gupta Empire is a joint and mixed formation of various arms.

The armies of the nations of ancient India have developed from two arms (chariots and infantry) in the Vedic era to four arms: infantry, chariots, cavalry, and elephants.As for the establishment of the armies of various countries, the historical records are not the same.

According to "Mahabharata. The First Chapter", it is recorded as a three-three system of four arms mixed. Its smallest unit "Bote" is equivalent to today's squad, consisting of one elephant, one chariot, three horses, and five soldiers. ; Three botti make up a senamuk (platoon), three senamuks form a ghulema (company), three ghulamas form a gona (battalion), three gonas make up a Vahini (regiment), three Vahini form a Pulitna (division), three Pulitna form a Jemu (army), and three Jemu form an Anigini (army group), Three Anigini make up one Akshashini.

Akshoshini is its largest unit, equivalent to a modern legion, with a total of 560 war elephants, 560 chariots, 680 three cavalry, and 3 Zero three infantrymen.

However, in the Mauryan Dynasty (about 324 BC-about 188 BC), ancient India established two arms, the water army and the luggage, on the basis of the four major armies. In this way, during the period of the Gupta Empire, the army of the Gupta Empire The arms include four kinds of soldiers, namely chariot soldiers, elephant soldiers, cavalry, and infantry.But among the four kinds of warriors, a group of elephant soldiers is actually the same as a group of chariot soldiers. There are three soldiers, one of which is a long-handled weapon, which is not a spear or spear, one is a sword and shield soldier, and the other is a Gupta long soldier. Archer.As for an infantry squad, five infantry soldiers are two long, two short and one arrow, that is, two long-handled weapon soldiers, two sword and shield soldiers and an archer.In this way, the Gupta army had 560 elephant archers, 560 chariot archers, and 560 infantry archers in the Akshoshini army.Coupled with riding and archery, in fact, in one Akshashini, there will be 3 archers in the Gupta Empire army.Facing this front army, Wei's current military system is definitely not suitable, and it will definitely suffer a big loss in the battle.

So Ran Ming plans to start military reorganization across the country after the unification of the country.First of all, the organization below the team remains the same, but each team adds a firepower strike team, that is, one Hundred Tigers galloping rocket launch vehicle, and one nine-mounted rocket launch vehicle. The staffing of the team was increased to 70 people.Secondly, abolish the garrison system and change it to a company. Each company has three 70-man infantry teams (equivalent to the reinforced platoons of later generations), a 50-man supply team, and a five-nine-mounted rocket launcher. Rockets.A cooking class (ten-person system), a communication security class, so that each company has 390 people.The Qu-level organization was abolished and changed into battalions. Each battalion governed three 390-person companies. The total strength of each battalion plus auxiliary troops totaled more than 4000 people.The three battalions are regiments, and each regiment has nearly 5000 troops.The three regiments form a division, and each division has a total combat force of [-] soldiers plus its directly subordinate cavalry company, supply battalion, and fire strike battalion.

These changes are not big, and have little to do with Shi Liang, but with Ran Ming's military restructuring, new military ranks have also been introduced.General officials are divided into three classes, that is, general, lieutenant general, and major general, and school officials are also divided into three classes, namely colonel, lieutenant colonel, and major.The third class of lieutenants is captain, lieutenant and second lieutenant.

In fact, these military reforms have little to do with Shi Liang, but the most important thing that is most related to Shi Liang's immediate interests is the retirement system.

Before Ran Ming, the Chinese army had neither a retirement system for soldiers nor an officer retirement system.In fact, this has something to do with China's national conditions. On the basis of the standing army, except for the Song Dynasty, which had millions of professional soldiers in the forbidden army, all other dynasties kept very few standing armies.For example, in the Han Dynasty, the army directly under the central government consisted of eight school lieutenants, and each school had 500 to [-] soldiers.

Whenever there is a war, the eight lieutenants will be directly expanded. These eight lieutenants of the standing army have more than a thousand soldiers, who are grass-roots officers, assisting the temporarily recruited people to quickly form an army.Ran Ming stipulated that the service period of soldiers in the Wei Army is five years. After five years, they can return home and those who are willing to continue serving can apply for non-commissioned officers to continue serving.After reaching the rank of non-commissioned officer, he is already a professional soldier in the nature of volunteers. He can serve up to the age of 40 and become the highest-ranking non-commissioned officer's sergeant major'.The imperial court resettled them as official national civil servants, or distributed land (mainly newly occupied remote areas) and resettled their business units.

But now, there are also rumors that military officers also have a retirement system.This was mainly because Ran Ming wanted to accommodate graduates from the Wei State Non-commissioned Officer University and the Wei State Advanced Military Academy.The plan stipulates that the retirement of officers is calculated by age. For example, second lieutenants and lieutenants are both 30 years old, captains are 35 years old, majors are 40 years old, lieutenant colonels are 45 years old, colonels are 50 years old, and major generals are 55 years old.The lieutenant general is 65 years old and the general is 70 years old.After exceeding the above age, it is specially for the reserve service.Of course, there are some exceptions, such as those technical officers who can relax their service years, but these exceptions do not apply to traditional officers.

Shi Liang is now a captain of the battalion, and he is most likely to become the head of the colonel after the reorganization, but there is a very big watershed between the head of the colonel and the commander of the major general, which is even bigger than the watershed between the current captain of the battalion and the commander of the army.

At this time, Shi Liang is not young anymore, he is already 37 years old this year. Although this age is still more than ten years away from the colonel's maximum age of 50 years old, there are a lot of young officers from the Wei State Non-commissioned Officer University and the Imperial Army University. War is the last chance. If Shi Liang plays well, he will naturally be promoted. It may be difficult to become a lieutenant general, but there is still a chance to become a major general.

At this time, Wei Guo completed the defensive transition on the battlefield, but the thousand men on the front line, as many as 280 people were killed and more than [-] people were injured in just one and a half hours.The combat power was weakened by [-]% almost at once.

Shi Liangdao: "The tiger and ben army of the Jin Kingdom on the opposite side is even more tenacious than imagined, and I am afraid there will be fierce battles in the future!"

The staff officer said: "This Tiger and Ben Army of the Jin State is an army formed by the emperor of the Jin State completely following our military system of the Wei State. The soldiers of the entire army are the same as our soldiers of the Wei Army. Everyone has pensions, very good equipment, and good training. There is also sufficient military pay."

"It's not surprising!" Shi Liang thought to himself, this is a battle that is related to his future status and destiny. If he fights well, he can be promoted to major general. If he fights poorly, he can only retire with hatred.You must know that Shi Yue, the general who conquered the South, was one of the few generals in Wei after the restructuring. As Shi Yue's adopted son, he was under great pressure.Without military merits, even with Shi Yue's care, it is impossible for him to be promoted. Now those people in the Soldiers Committee have thieves' eyes, focusing on these generals. Once they dare to use their power for personal gain, those soldiers in the Soldiers Committee will impeach Shi Yue. Sometimes it's very passive.

Shi Liang is desperately trying to play well, and Mili is also thinking the same way.Of course, Mili didn't want to get promoted and get rich, but to repay Sima Dan's kindness.

In Mili's view, the situation in Jin is not good. As long as Sima Dan is determined not to surrender, he will resist to the end.Because a woman is the face of someone who pleases herself, and a man dies for a confidant.

Mili didn't give Shi Yue any time to rest. During the tentative attack, Mili discovered the benefits of this skirmish assault, so Mili decisively ordered an assault across the board.

On the 1-mile-long front, the Huben Army invested a third of it at once, with an attack scale of up to [-] people.This kind of offensive scale, coupled with a very loose offensive formation, made the crossbow bolts of Shi Liang's troops consumed very quickly. In half a day, Shi Liang's troops, in addition to covering the heavy soldiers and the troops and the troops of the Chinese Army Reserve, , The three departments placed on the defense line successively reported that the crossbow bolts were exhausted.

In order to defend the line of defense and complete the task, Shi Liang had to lead his troops to participate in hand-to-hand combat.In war, with absolutely superior equipment, without contacting the enemy, you can often achieve very different results.During World War II, the record holder for shooting was Simo Haiya, the king of Finnish snipers known as the "White Death", who killed 542 Soviet troops on the Soviet-Finnish battlefield.But in hand-to-hand combat, it is impossible to maintain such a record.

In cold weapon battles, it is impossible to maintain such a crazy record. Even if the soldiers of the Wei army have the advantage of equipment, they will inevitably suffer casualties.Then, there were crises in many places on the front line.The most dangerous of these is the center line. Milli's plan is to focus on breakthroughs. In order to expand the results of the battle, Milli invested an entire battalion of offensive forces at once.

The offensive and defensive ratio of five to one made the defenders very passive.At this time, Shi Liang only had two ministries in his hands, one of which needed to protect the luggage and could not be drawn out at all, and the only one that could be used at any time was to save lives at critical times.

The staff officer said: "General, more than 300 people have been killed in the Ding Department at this time, and the combat power is only maintained at less than [-]%. If there is no support, they will collapse."

As a matter of fact, Shi Liang could see the crisis on the battlefield without mentioning it by the staff.It's just that he has no better way.

Shi Liang said helplessly: "We only have one reserve team now. If we join the reserve team at this time, the Jin army on the opposite side will definitely increase its offensive power in other directions. If we fail, we will collapse across the board."

The staff officer said anxiously: "Don't we just sit back and watch the Ding Department be wiped out? The Ding Department is about to be overwhelmed."

Shi Liang yelled softly: "If you can't stand it, you have to stand up. Order the ministries to hold on for another half an hour, abandon the first line of defense, shrink the troops, and retreat to the second line of defense!"

Don't say that Shi Liang's troops are under a lot of pressure, in fact, isn't it the case with Mi Li, the general of Jin's Huben Zhonglang?The first batch of troops Wei Guoken sent to cross the river must be his elite.Millie had already expected this.And his own Huben Army, although it was built according to the standards of the Wei State Army, even if there were a small number of medical teams and equipment teams that appeared in the Wei State Army, Sima Dan also produced them according to the gourd painting.Judging from the equipment and training of the Huben Army, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is actually much stronger than the newly formed army of Wei Guo.But the shortcomings of the Huben Army are also very obvious, because the Huben Army has been fighting on the front line of the battle to wipe out the indigenous Baiyue since its establishment, so the Huben Army does not lack combat experience.But this kind of combat experience is very limited, no matter whether it is aboriginal or Baiyue, their actual strength is at best a slightly stronger bandit.

The experience of regular army warfare and brutal warfare is very scarce, especially the lack of systematic officer training in the Huben Army, which makes the quality of senior officers in the Huben Army low, especially the grassroots officers.Especially after the Wuxi War, although the Huben Army supplemented the missing personnel, most of the soldiers and grassroots officers had never participated in actual combat.This also led to the fact that although the personnel quality and equipment level of the Huben Army are not inferior to those of the regular army of Wei State, the overall combat effectiveness is still inferior to that of the regular army of Wei State.

As for the comparison with Shi Liang's department, the gap is even more obvious.Shi Liang always had only three divisions in front of him with no more than 4000 troops. Even if he replaced the D division midway, the number of troops invested successively was only [-].However, Milli's troops invested more than [-] people in the attack. With a three and a half times advantage in numbers, they were unable to start the situation.

Unable to defeat the attack for a long time, the morale of the Huben army inevitably declined.At this moment, Millie was in a hurry.In order to boost morale, Mi Li personally led his personal guards to participate in the frontal attack, using Mi Li and his personal guards as arrows, the Jin Army's Huben Army was led by Mi Li, and the front Huben Army's attack went much smoother.Millie shouted? : "Someone comes to open the way, and the generals will follow him to kill!"

Generals are courageous soldiers, if generals are not afraid of death, why should soldiers be afraid of death.Under Milli's encouragement, the Huben Army has made good progress.Seeing Mili's bravery, the soldiers of the Huben Army broke out with great fighting power.Soon, the frontal Wei army was in danger of collapsing at any time.

Seeing this, the staff officer said anxiously: "How can this be good?"

Seeing this situation, Shi Liang was not in a hurry, but showed excitement and said: "How many rockets do we have?"

The staff officer said: "No, the last remaining nine-pack rocket was used two quarters of an hour ago."

Hearing this, Shi Liang couldn't help sighing. Seeing this opportunity, he was overjoyed and wanted to use rockets to decapitate Mili. As long as Mili was injured or killed, even if the Jin army would not retreat, the momentum of the attack would be hindered.But there is no way to realize this great opportunity now.

Shi Liang shouted: "The personal guards follow this general!"

Wei Guo tried his best to control the number of personal guards in order to prevent the generals from getting too big. Generals like Shi Liang can only maintain one team, and generals of the fourth rank can only have one guard. A general at the general level can maintain at most one battalion of personal guards.However, the personal guards of the generals during the Han Dynasty were one-tenth of their commanding trilogy. If the Han system was inherited, Shi Liang would have to maintain at least 700 personal guards.

However, this kind of pro-guards is not a hard and fast rule, because the imperial court stipulates that the military pay is paid, but the generals will bear the military expenses for the excess.And Shi Liang also has this kind of overstaffing. According to the regulations, he can only have a team of five personal guards. In fact, Shi Yue temporarily strengthened Shi Liang's personal guards.However, Shi Liang actually has 150 personal guards.

In fact, not every general regards death as home. They think about their own lives. Usually, in the whole army, the best equipment, the best training, and the best salary are of course the personal guards.Shi Liang led his personal guards to face Milli directly.However, Shi Liang was not so conceited that he could rely on these more than 100 people to stop Mili's offensive. His real plan was to prepare to stab someone in the back.

150 personal guards and 150 horse-gong ballistas aimed at Milli.

In fact, Mili really didn't guard against Wei's crossbow attack at this time, because Wei had already participated in hand-to-hand combat at this time, and if there was a crossbow, he would have used it long ago. , There is me in the enemy, even if there is a crossbow, there is no way to use it, because it is very easy to hurt one's own people.

Shi Liang was in a hurry at the moment. He couldn't get effective support for a while. The crossbow arrows, fuel oil, and gunpowder were almost all consumed. The only chance to defend the position was to shoot or wound Mili, delaying the Jin army's attack.Speaking of leaving, Shi Liang is also a ruthless person. He is not only ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to his own people.In Shi Liang's original plan, he wanted to attack Milli with nine rockets.

You must know that the nine-packed rocket bomb light rocket explosion department has a full 22 kilograms of granular black powder each, nine pieces are 190 eight kilograms, and all explosions can cover an area of ​​more than 700 square meters, so that it can attack without distinction, let alone Mili Even the soldiers of Wei State on the spot would have no bones left.As for covering with crossbow arrows, Shi Liang had no psychological pressure at all.

(End of this chapter)

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