Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 953 Technology Creates Killing Efficiency

Chapter 953 Technology Creates Killing Efficiency

Chapter 959 Technology Creates Killing Efficiency

When Shi Liang was 150 steps away from Mili, Shi Liang was unmoved, and continued to rush forward with [-] steps. When Shi Liang was [-] steps away from Mili, Shi Liang shouted: "Shoot the arrow!"

With a rattling sound that made the teeth sour, 150 crossbows were quickly wound up, and they fired dense coverage at Milli.


Unprepared, Mili was hit by an arrow in the arm, and at the same time, the momentum that Mili's personal guards were about to rush over was vented.And when Shi Liang's personal guards finished shooting arrows, 150 personal guards threw away their crossbows neatly. Shi Liang picked up the horizontal knife and rushed forward with his personal guards, capturing Mili.

Mili's guards on the opposite side saw that dozens of guards around Mili had fallen down, and there was a big gap in defense, so they rushed towards Mili like crazy.

"Pfft..." The blood flashed, and a big head was cut off and flew into the air!Seeing that Shi Liang's personal guards were like tigers entering a flock of sheep, killing Mi Li's personal guards and retreating steadily, Mi Li had to retreat with hatred.

There is no way, although Shi Liang is just an ordinary school lieutenant of the Wei State, there are more than 200 generals of Wei Guoguang Shi Liang's level, and his personal guards are actually very limited in combat effectiveness.But Shi Yue was different. Shi Yue was originally Liu Xian's general, but he was defeated and surrendered to Ran Min, and then followed Ran Min to fight against Xianbei and Ping Diqin, making great contributions.Of course, his personal guards are all fierce fighters, so they can't be compared with Mili's personal guards who can't get on the stage.

Mi Li looked at Shi Liang with hatred and shouted, "I swear to kill you!"

These were actually just Mili's harsh words, but they couldn't change the situation of Mili's retreat.Of course, although Shi Liang gained a local advantage for a while, he couldn't change the overall disadvantage.In desperation, Shi Liang had no choice but to take advantage of Mili's retreat, take the opportunity to gather the remnants and defeated generals, abandon the first line of defense, and retreat to the second line of defense.

Shrinking the line of defense is also a helpless thing. First of all, the loss of Shiliang's department has exceeded 2000 people, and there is not enough troops to defend such a large area. The well was also completely destroyed by the Jin army.

Shi Liang asked Shi Yue for help while searching for crossbow arrows.

"The seven departments of the advance detachment across the river have suffered 2000 casualties. The first line of defense on the periphery has been breached in many places, and they are forced to withdraw to the second line of defense. At the critical moment, the advance detachment lacks the necessary medicines to treat the wounded and lacks crossbow arrows. The hundreds of tigers rushing together rockets and rockets deployed have all been used up, and the situation is very dangerous." At this time, the Southern Conscript Army joined the army, and it was the power wing of the Lueyang wealthy family, and the power wing was

In his early years, he followed Yao Yizhong and belonged to an important counselor in the Qiang Tou Group, and later joined the army under Yao Xiang.After Yao Xiang died, he followed Yao Chang and defected to Fu Jian.

This Fu Jianshi was shot by Huangmen Shilang, Sili Xiaowei, Shizhong, and Shangshu Zuopu.The important advisers except Wang Meng could not see the hope of Fu Jian's success. In April of the seventh year of Kaiyuan, taking advantage of Fu Jian's unpreparedness, they kidnapped Fu Jian's son Pingyuan Gong Fuhui and Fu Jian's nephew Fu Yang (Fu Fazi); Fu Liang (Marquis of Gaoyi) surrendered to Wei State.

Quan Yi took Fu Jian's son and nephew as a petition, but Ran Min disliked his character, but out of national interests, if Quan Yi was severely punished, it would prevent other princes from surrendering to Wei, so Ran Min came here to take a look. Seeing nothing is pure, and Quan Yi was sent to join the army as the general of Zhengnan University.

The position of being a recorder and joining the army is actually the same as the chief of staff of later generations. Whether he has power mainly depends on whether the chief officer trusts him. If he trusts him, this is the number three person next to the lieutenant general. If he does not trust him, this is a false position.

However, since Quan Yi joined the army as a recorder for the Southern Army, he has almost no intention of fighting for power and profit, which makes Shi Yue very relieved of him.Besides, Shi Yue is also a general, so naturally he will not deliberately reject Quan Yi, and the two get along well.

Located in Liyang City, Shi Yue, who was in the camp of the Central Army Commander of the Southern Expedition Army, frowned as he watched the latest battle report sent by Quan Yi, who had joined the army.Shi Yue said: "Is it possible to organize a ferry to transport another battalion?"

Quan Yi said: "This is very difficult. Our transportation capacity is not so tight. It's just that Jiangxin Island can't find a fixed bridge pier, so we have to temporarily use cement to reinforce it. If we want to pour an iron bridge that can carry more than 40 jin For the bridge pier of the lock, according to the calculations of the boat bridge camp, they need to pour at least three concrete piers weighing 60 jin. In this way, the cement and steel bars that need to be transported to Jiangxin Island must be three times more than expected. In this way, the transportation capacity is very tight. The ships are still very tight, and some larger ships have been transferred to erect pontoon bridges, and only small and medium ships can be used to transport supplies, which is quite difficult at present!"

Shi Yue nodded and stopped talking.Although he is not the captain of the boat bridge battalion, as the commander of the front army, he is still very clear.At this time, a main battalion has 6000 soldiers, and in fact, 30 soldiers are added to the auxiliary force. Each soldier has all the equipment and its own weight. Calculated at [-] catties, each hundred-stone ferry can only transport [-] soldiers. People, just transporting a battalion across the river requires at least [-] ferry boats at one time. Of course, it is impossible to cross the river with these infantry.After crossing the river, they had to transport the supplies they needed. The food was calculated as three catties per day for soldiers, and [-] catties per day for five thousand soldiers, and five days' supplies were calculated when they came.The armor of the soldiers will also be damaged, and crossbow arrows, rockets, and hundreds of tigers rushing together rockets are also fast-consuming materials. In this way, at least [-] large and small ferries need to be organized to transport a battalion.

The 300 ferries did not put much pressure on Shi Yue, who had more than 800 ferries in the Confederate Army.However, more than 500 boats need to be assembled to build the pontoon bridge. In this way, there are only more than [-] small ferries left in Shiyue, and most of them need to be used to transport bridge-building materials, which makes the originally tight transportation capacity even more tense.

Shi Yue said: "Without supplies and effective support, I'm afraid the advance detachment won't last long. Think of a way, we must provide effective support to the advance detachment."

"The plan of the staff department is to let the soldiers of the Equipment Battalion rush to build rafts and new ferries. In this way, the problem of insufficient transportation capacity can be effectively alleviated." Quan Yi said: "Now our transportation capacity is limited, and the reinforcements and supplies are only one thing. I don’t know how the general chooses?”

"That's it, reduce the number of reinforcements and send two more troops to the south of the Yangtze River. Other transport ships should carry supplies as much as possible!" Shi Yue said: "The key now is speed, let's act quickly."

Quan Yi told the staff of Shi Yue's opinion, and naturally someone would make arrangements according to Shi Yue's wishes.

It is said that the leak in the house happened to be raining continuously, and when Shi Yue was desperately organizing the transportation of reinforcements and supplies for Shi Liang, at this time, the navy under Xie Shi also arrived at Liyang Hengjiangdu, and the water battle was about to break out.

The development of Wei's navy is a bit deformed. The inland river fleet only has more than 1000 people, and there are about two to three hundred small warships. However, Wei's ocean-going navy is very strong, with more than [-] large and medium-sized warships. After abusing the Jin navy, even the strongest Roman navy of this era has the power to fight.

Of course, the Jingzhou navy that was surrendered by the State of Wei is useless, otherwise the number of fights would not be inferior to that of Xie Shi's navy.When Xie Shi's headquarters was thirty miles downstream from Liyang Hengjiangdu, Shi Yue received the report from the scouts.Xie Shi's vanguard used more than [-] Mengchong ships as the vanguard.The so-called Mengchong is actually one of the main ship types of ancient Chinese naval warships, and its role is equivalent to that of modern destroyers.Don't look at the strength of the Chinese navy in later generations, but in fact the ancient country China is the world's naval power.As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the State of Wu, facing the sea to the east, had the most orderly battleship formation in the world at that time, similar in form to today's aircraft carrier battle group.According to the "Yue Jue Shu", Wu Zixu was the "commander-in-chief" of the Wu State at that time. Once, when he reported the series of warships and the training of the water combat troops known as the water army to King Helu of Wu, he said that the warships of the State of Wu had "Big Wing", "Small Wing", "Sudden Risk", "Building Boat", "Bridge Ship", etc. The training method of the navy refers to the "car warfare method" of the Army infantry (Ling Army).

It is found that the large Ji ship is like the army's heavy vehicle, which is equivalent to the main battleship of the modern navy; the small Ji ship is like the army's light vehicle, with a fast speed, equivalent to a modern destroyer; "Mengchong" is equivalent to a modern attack ship; the tall ship is easy to observe the enemy's situation, such as the army's building car, which is equivalent to the modern command flagship; the bridge is like the army's cavalry, it is a light warship, which is equivalent to Modern assault boats, landing craft.In the state of Wu, there is also a heavy-duty warship called "Gong locust", which is bigger than Da Jiban. In the Qin Dynasty, this kind of warship was called Juge.These warships with different functions formed Wu's huge battleship formation.

After the Spring and Autumn Period of Wu State, the naval establishment and warship types of each dynasty basically continued the style of the Wu State Navy.In history, the ancient Chinese naval fleet basically did not have a single warship organization, but mixed according to the function type.

Mengchong in the navy of the Jin army is eleven feet six feet long and one foot eight feet wide. He sails by sailing and paddling.In peacetime, one mainsail can be sailed with a downwind, and in wartime, paddling can be used to sail against the wind. There are 48 paddles on each wing, and 48 paddlers are organized in two shifts to continuously provide endurance for the warship.In addition to 22 oarsmen, there are three masters, mates and helmsmen, one navigator, one drummer, one trumpeter, and one semaphore, four sailors, 92 jumpers, and ten archers.The full crew of the battleship is [-] people.

As the main force of the Jin army's navy, Xie Shi's troops have 350 and seven Mengchong battleships, more than 46 fighting ships, [-] building ships, [-] ships, and nearly [-] other small warships. This time Xie Shi Directly ordered more than [-] ships, and his nephew Xie Chong, the son of Xie Tie's sixth brother Xie Tie, served as the forward.In history, Xie Shoudu was killed in the Sun En Rebellion like many of the Xie family's descendants. In this time and space, Xie Shoudu followed Xie Shi as a supervisor in the navy, but he did not become the servant of Huangmen and Zhongshu as in history.Instead, it became a military post.

During the peak period of family politics, the choice of camp for these gentry children was not like those grassroots.Among them, Xie Shi, the backbone of the Xie family, firmly stood on the side of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Because although the current situation is clear, there are also accidents.Like in the third year of Yongxing, who would be optimistic about Ran Min?At that time, Ran Min had only one city left, Yecheng, with no more than [-] soldiers, but at that time, Wei Guo played the salted fish turnaround, and played a shocking reversal that no one in the world could have expected.I don't know how many celebrities' eyeballs fell all over the place.

At this time, will the Jin Congress play a shocking reversal like Wei Guo did?In fact, no one can tell.At the end of the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei lived in Xinye. In a mere five counties, there were no more than [-] soldiers, and no more than Guan Zhang, but he achieved some hegemony.Although Sima Dan's situation is not good, he is much stronger than Ran Min at that time and Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms period. At this time, Jin still has most of Jiangzhou, Guangzhou, and Jiaozhou, with more than three million people under its jurisdiction. More than two hundred thousand.

Xie Chong still remembered what Sima Dan said when rewarding the army before the departure of the army: "If this battle is won, all the soldiers in the army will be awarded titles for their meritorious service."

Sima Dan actually knew what the soldiers needed, and what they needed right now was motivation.Although the state of Jin did not issue titles indiscriminately like that of the state of Wei, it also thought that things were rare, and the titles of the state of Jin were much more prominent than those of the state of Wei.You must know that Wei Guo still has more than 4000 marquises at this time, and the titles of uncles and sons are even more unknown.

But at this time, the situation was critical, and Sima Dan couldn't care less, and directly rewarded the soldiers with titles.Although the Xie family is very prominent, but there are not many titles, like Xie Shi is only a Xingping county uncle at this time, unless Xie Shi wins the battle of Feishui in history, he will be promoted to Duke of Nankang County, And if Xie An still had no title at this time, the prestige of the Xie family reached its peak after the Battle of Feishui, which aroused the vigilance of the Sima royal family. After his death, Sima Yao later named Xie Anyi Duke of Luling County for his feats in Feishui.At this time, the Xie clan had titles, only Xie Shang was waiting in Xianting, Xie Shang died and had no son, Xie Yi adopted his son Xie Kang to Xie Shang to inherit the title.In fact, Xie Shang's title was not easy to come by. Xie Shang had made very little military achievements in his life, but he was the elder brother of Xie Zhenshi, the mother of Chu Suanzi, so he won the title.In the entire Xie family, only Xie Jinu has a Viscount Longevity at this time.

Xie Chong put all his energy into getting a title, even if he couldn't get a marquis, it would be nice to get a viscount.However, upon closer inspection, we can see that the pontoon bridge of Wei State has been connected with iron locks at this time, and bridge decks have begun to be laid on some sections of the bridge.At those places where the bridge deck was laid, Wei Jun began to place ballista and rockets on the bridge to prevent the navy from raiding.

Seeing this scene, Xie Chong showed a sad look, full of depression.

The young general Tian Hong said: "Why is the supervisor so worried?"

Xie Chong sighed softly and said: "This Shi Zhengnan is really not simple. He didn't take any risks in the war. He took every step to take advantage of Wei Jun's powerful advantages. He didn't have the slightest chance at all. Damn it!" Not wanting to look good, he slapped the female wall on the battleship vigorously.

It turned out that when Xie Shi's navy came to attack, Shi Yue ignored Meng Yuanen's objection and forcibly ordered the iron chains of the first pontoon bridge to be attached to the cement platform that had not yet completely solidified.Such iron locks are actually not very strong. On the contrary, they may become loose due to the collision of Jin warships, resulting in the failure of success.

However, just looking at the surface, everyone knows that this iron lock on Hengjiang is a fatal problem for the navy.Due to the great increase in steel production capacity of Wei State, this is not the iron lock that Wu State used in history to lock Hengjiang with the thickness of a little finger, but the iron lock with the thickness of a child's arm. The iron lock is too thick, and it is not easy to burn naturally.

Tian Hong was a little embarrassed to hear that.If it wasn't for Jin's repeated defeats, then the situation wouldn't have become so corrupt. Thinking of this, Tian Hong asked, "Guardian, but attack according to the original plan?"

"Attack, why not attack? Is it difficult for me to come here just for sightseeing?" Xie Chong shouted: "Assault, enter!"

At this time, the ballista and rockets on the pontoon bridge of the Wei Guozheng Southern Army successively attacked the warships of the Jin Army.Although Jin's navy is not weak, its combat philosophy is very backward. Although water warfare has fire attacks and so on, the main combat is still in the aspect of jumping and swinging.

To be honest, ballistas and rockets in this era have a fatal weakness, that is, the accuracy is not enough. Even if it is a fixed target, whether they can hit the target depends on whether God favors you.As for attacking that kind of mobile warship, it is even more difficult.Although the catapults and rockets were very lively, the results obtained were very limited. At least 200 catapults were fired, and only one Mengchong was hit. Of course, the terrifying power of the catapults, even the Gupta Empire's second-tier warships Breakthrough, not to mention this kind of medium-sized inland river battleship that is like a toy in front of naval warships?

At this time, Xie Chong played the semaphore of evasion and disengagement on the flagship.Although the ballista and rockets had an extremely low hit rate, Xie Chong did not rush the precious Meng to carry out intensive attacks.Because although Mengchong is not as good as an ocean-going warship, the cost is not low.On the contrary, Xie Chong ordered to go to meet the enemy.

The so-called walking boats are light and fast warships. "Three Kingdoms·Wu Zhi·Zhou Yu Biography": "Prepare to walk again, each line behind the big ship." "Zi Zhi Tong Jian Han Xiandi Jian'an 13th Year" quoted this article, Hu Sansheng's note said: "Du You said: Walk the ship , A female wall is erected on the side, and there are many sailors and few soldiers. They all choose brave and elite men, who go back and forth like flying gulls, and are beyond the reach of others. The golden drum flag is listed on the top, and this warship is also.

Although there is no detailed data recorded in ancient books, it is guessed that the cost must be low and the speed is fast.Xie Shi, as a well-known water warfare expert in Wei State, actually doesn't like to build tall buildings, Mengchong, and fighting ships like some water warfare experts do. He prefers walking ships with very high cost performance.If Mengchong is compared to the destroyer of later generations, then the walker at this time is equivalent to the missile boat.Fast speed, convenient movement, low cost, low cost, high cost performance, these are the advantages of walking boats.

Although there are also a considerable number of main warships in the Jin State Navy, such as Mengchong, Douchuan, and Louchuan, these main warships revolve around the battle of walking.On the surface of the water, walking and running like flying can effectively divide the enemy's formation, disrupt the enemy's attack rhythm, and even snatch the enemy's warship with a small amount.

The main battleship retreated, but a large number of walking boats rushed towards the pontoon bridge like an arrow off the string under the operation of healthy soldiers.The ratio of the main battleships of the Jin Dynasty Navy to the walking boats was almost one to two, that is, one Mengchong followed two walking boats.More than [-] boats covered almost the entire river, and there were densely packed boats as far as the eye could see.

Besides, the weather at this time is very good, there is no strong wind, no big waves, and no rain and fog. The good weather conditions give the warring parties very good external fighting conditions. This kind of walking is constantly interspersed on the river, in an irregular manner. Moving forward, this made the soldiers of the Wei army who wanted to shoot accurately on the pontoon very helpless.

A large number of precious ballista shells and rockets became gifts from King Jianglong.The ballista shells and rockets have a feeling of powerlessness to this kind of walking gun, and the ballista and rocket shells have continuously refreshed Wei's miss record. It can be said that the Wei army has hardly achieved anything decent within an hour of starting the battle. results.Of course, the Jin army was also very helpless. They had no way to get close to the pontoon bridge, because in addition to the ballistas and rockets of the state of Wei, the soldiers of the Wei army also had a considerable number of archers. There is no way for the tiger-bending rocket.

When Wei Guo's crossbow machine shoots, it often does not aim at a single target, but habitually presets the space in front of the formation as a small square, and each crossbowman covers it in turn according to the strike range set before the battle.Although the crossbow can't destroy the walking guns, it can easily cover the healthy pawns on these walking guns.

In fact, the water battles in this period were far more bloody and tragic than those in later generations. After all, soon after the fight, the ships were full of blood and flesh, and the whole ship was full of arrows.

With the arrival of the Jin Army Navy, the battle situation did not change as soon as the Jin Army imagined, but fell into a stalemate.However, the arrival of Xie Chong's fleet effectively interfered with the conquest of the South Army's Jiangbei to transport supplies and reinforcements to the south of the Yangtze River. At this time, with the arrival of the navy, the Huben Army Mili also stepped up its attack on Shiliang's troops.

Mili's prestige in the Huben army is unparalleled, and Mili took advantage of the opportunity when he was injured by Shi Liang's back arrow to drive the whole army into madness.Countless Huben soldiers shouted the slogan "Revenge for the General", and attacked Shi Liang who was in the second front.Due to the serious consumption of supplies by Shi Liang's troops, there was no way to use crossbows to shoot and kill the enemy like other Wei army troops. Instead, they had to bear the sharp shooting of the Jin army. The situation was very dangerous for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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