Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 954 Funeral of the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Chapter 954 Funeral of the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Chapter 960 Funeral of the Eastern Jin Dynasty
At this time, there was a sudden violent vibration from the pontoon bridge, and at the same time, a column of water more than [-] feet high rose up about [-] steps north of Jiangxin Island.

It turned out that there was a surviving Jin army soldier on a walking boat that was shot and killed by crossbow arrows.The surviving soldier happened to be Xie's family slave and was very loyal to Xie.Since the Xie family was quite generous to the family's slaves, this soldier's family still had a little surplus money. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the only way for the poor to change their fate was to join the army.So the surviving soldier pretended to be hit by an arrow and fell into the water, and then took advantage of his good water quality to swim to the bottom of the pontoon bridge. At this time, the soldiers of the Wei army on the pontoon bridge did not notice this dangerous factor at all.

As a result, this negligence was fatal. The Jin army navy soldier climbed onto the pontoon bridge from the west side of the pontoon bridge. When the Wei army soldiers were all focused on the east side, the soldier suddenly got into trouble. He stabbed a ballista operator with a dagger. hand, and then seized the crossbowman's self-defense horizontal knife, pulled out the horizontal knife three or two times and knocked over the unsuspecting crossbowmen.

A ballista and more than [-] ballista shells immediately fell into the hands of the Jin army soldier.This soldier's knowledge is limited, he just wanted to ignite the ballista and reduce the casualties of the Jin army navy, but he didn't expect that the other soldiers of the Wei army discovered the abnormality here, and immediately used the ballista to attack the Jin army soldier. As a result, the Jin soldier who had just held the torch was shot to death, and the torch fell on the ballista shell.

This caused the explosion of ballista shells. More than 30 ballista shells, not only loaded with gunpowder, weighed more than 1000 catties. The huge explosion shock wave not only set off a water column as high as ten feet on the river, but also made Jiangxin island north One of the three iron locks with a length of more than [-] steps broke.

The pontoon bridge was fastened with three iron locks, one of which was broken, causing the Wei Army ballista ballista operators, rocket launchers and thousands of crossbowmen on the pontoon bridge to lose their balance and fall into the river.

Seeing this opportunity, Xie Chong ordered an attack across the board.This accident gave the Jin army an unexpected victory. It not only successfully captured the pontoon bridge to the north of the Jiangxin island, but also successfully separated the Jiangnan army from the Jiangbei army.More importantly, the navy overfulfilled the orders issued by Sima Dan, which gave Xie Chong the opportunity to be knighted.

For Shi Yue, the general who conquered the South, this result was unbearable.Fortunately, there are still two iron locks on the pontoon bridge, which the Jin army temporarily destroyed. If the remaining two iron locks are really broken, then it can directly announce that the plan of the Southern Army to cross the river south can be declared bankrupt.

Xie Shi received the good news from Xie Chong, the forward supervisor of the navy, and immediately ordered the clipper to dock to report the victory to Sima Dan.

After receiving the good news from Xie Shi, Sima Dan was really overjoyed, swept away the obscurity of the past few days, and said excitedly: "It is my decree to add Xie Shi, the general of the navy, as a former general, and the Duke of Wujun County, and to supervise Xie Chong as General Longxiang. Honorable Martial Arts Honor."

This made Xie Shi and Xie Chong extremely excited.

However, Sima Dan didn't know that this became the last swan song of the Jin army.

Losing one of the three iron locks on the Hengjiang Floating Bridge in Liyang, Shi Yue, the general of Wei Guozheng in Liyang, unexpectedly did not lose his temper.

After being dull for a long while, Shi Yue suddenly sighed: "Come here, pass on the order from the general, and carry out Plan No. C!"

In the headquarters of the Southern Army's Zhouqiao Battalion on the Hengjiang Crossing Conquest, Captain Meng Yuanen lost his temper: "How could this be? How could this be? Didn't you all swear earlier that the iron locks are as strong as Mount Tai?"

The generals of the pontoon battalion around Meng Yuanen were almost all his fellow juniors, so naturally they didn't dare to say anything at this time, they could only wait for a long time and saw that Meng Yuanen didn't look so angry anymore, one of them The talent tried to say: "It is very strong. The iron locks can resist the impact of ten thousand stone ships, and they are not afraid of fire. At least for half an hour, they can't stop burning the iron locks. But who would have thought that the Jin army navy The water ghost actually detonated the shells, and the iron lock could not support the explosion of gunpowder. "

"If you don't consider it, this is dereliction of duty. As a staff officer, any factor must be taken into account, otherwise what's the use of being a staff officer?" The annual military expenditure exceeds that of the battle barracks, and the pressure from being criticized by the court is already great, but now it is good, this is putting our pontoon and bridge camp on the fire!"

There was still a word in Meng Yuanen's heart that he didn't say. Now that the news of Wei Guo's reorganization after the Unification War is spreading more and more widely, there will be no waves without wind. Since the wind is so loud, it must be that Ran Ming intends to reorganize the army.Regarding the military rank reform, Meng Yuanen does not think it is a big deal, but the retirement system Meng Yuanen knows that this is because Ran Ming intends to reduce the proportion of non-directed descendants in the army, and uses the age problem to place academic officers in the army.Of course, at this time, his pressure is also very great.As a 27-year-old young man who only started to teach martial arts, Meng Yuanen is not far from the time when the colonel will retire, but this time he is worried about his future.

However, Meng Yuanen's rank is too low, and he doesn't know the detailed plan of the Operation Department of the General Staff. The Operation Department of the General Staff actually has three sets of combat plans for the southern army.Of course, the implementation of this battle plan is too difficult. Shi Yue has limited ferry boats. If there is no interference from his navy, he can transport more than [-] troops ashore every day. This number will be nearly fifteen thousand troops.Half a month at most, or ten days later, most of the main force of the Southern Army can cross the river.However, the variable of the Jin State Navy, it can be said that it is almost impossible for the Southern Army to cross the river successfully.Although the Yangtze River is long, there are only a few places suitable for large-scale troops to cross the river, and they are all key areas for the Jin army to defend.The Jin army is definitely not enough to defeat the main force of the Wei army and the Southern army. However, under the circumstances that the navy can cut off the follow-up reinforcements of the Southern army, it is still possible to drive more than [-] troops back to the Yangtze River. .

As for the C-brand plan, the core of its strategy is actually to attract the attention of its navy, and lure its navy to not be distracted from taking care of Linhai County, so as to win valuable opportunities for Wei Guohai's surprise attack.

Don't look at the big battles involving hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. In fact, it is not that tens of thousands of soldiers and horses all press up to fight at once.Instead, they compete around a number of strategic points.In the battle of Liyang Hengjiangdu, the most critical place for both sides was not the beach position of Shi Liang's troops, but Jiangxin Island.

The Jiangxin Island of Hengjiang Ferry in Liyang is a diamond-shaped island with a large area, long from east to west and narrow from north to south, with an area of ​​about 20 square meters (you can see that it is a square meter, not a kilometer).It is such an inconspicuous small island, which is the focus of the competition between the two sides.Once Jiangxin Island falls, Wei Guo's strategic vision of building a pontoon bridge can fail.The loss of Jiangxin Island actually had little impact on Wei State. Due to the obstruction of the remaining two iron locks, Wei Guozheng's southern army concentrated the transport fleet and transported it to Jiangxin Island on the channel more than [-] steps east of the iron lock.All kinds of combat materials and reinforcements were sent to Shiliang through the Jiangxin Island and the pontoon bridge with a width of more than [-] steps on the south bank of the river.

For this, this is what the Jin army does not want to see.Receiving some supplies, Shi Liang's troops strengthened the crossbow arrows, and adopted long-range suppressive shooting and sharp strikes of hundreds of tigers rushing forward with rockets, incendiary bombs, and ballista shells. The Huben Army's offensive was not only blocked, but also forced to delay.

Seeing this scene, Xie Shi, the captain of the navy, had a very headache.It is not impossible to attack the iron lock.After the state of Jin destroyed the state of Shu, the state of Wu was very nervous. General Wu Yan of the state of Wu saw small logs floating down the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. He estimated that the Jin army was building ships upstream to attack the state of Wu. The Jin army fought down the river.General Long Xiang of the Western Jin Dynasty and Wang Jun, the military supervisor of Liang Yi, led [-] Lou Shui divisions down the river, and broke the iron locks of Wu general Wu Yan by burning the iron locks across the river.

However, at this time Wei Guo's iron lock Hengjiang and Wu Yan's iron lock Hengjiang are basically two concepts.First of all, there is only one iron lock made by Wu Yan and it is too thin, and it even surfaced.It is easy to catch fire, and of course it can be blown.However, the purpose of the iron locks built by Wei Guozhou Bridge Camp is actually the same as that of Cao Cao when he was in Chibi, just to connect the various ferries and build pontoon bridges.Each iron lock hangs three feet below the surface of the water. If you want to set fire to it, you have to lift the iron locks out of the water.

However, the state of Jin does not have the labor-saving pulley-type machinery of the state of Wei. This kind of thinking can only be hehe.Therefore, in desperation, Xie Shi had no choice but to order the navy to attack Jiangxin Island, thereby cutting off the follow-up support from Shi Liang's troops. For a while, both sides fought fiercely around Jiangxin Island.

Wei Guo naturally couldn't just sit back and watch Shi Liang's troops be wiped out, and naturally he would not give up this strategic location.Some people may say that abandoning Jiangxin Island is not fatal to Wei, and they can cross the river directly by water.The key is that the transportation capacity of Wei State is seriously insufficient at this time, and the transfer to Jiangxin Island can save one-third of the transportation distance and naturally increase the transportation efficiency by one-third.At this time, let alone one third, even if it is only one tenth, Wei Guo must fight for it.

What's more, as long as the Jin State occupies Jiangxin Island, it can pass through Jiangxin Island and carry its small walkers across Jiangxin Island to attack its transport fleet. This is the most deadly for Wei State.

However, the competition for Jiangxin Island was very unsatisfactory for the Jin State Navy.Although Jiangxin Island is only nearly 20 square meters, it can't accommodate too many troops, but relatively speaking, it is much more beneficial to the defensive side. Downstream of Jiangxin Island, there are turbulent undercurrents, and accidents will happen if you are not careful .Of course, what's more, although the Jin Navy's combat effectiveness in water warfare is good, but in terms of land warfare, it is far behind the Jin Army's army, let alone the Wei Army?After half a month of repeated battles, the Jin State lost more than [-] people on Jiangxin Island, and more than [-] people were injured.At this time, the combat effectiveness of the Jin State Navy was almost weakened by one-third.

The low morale made Xie Shi feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

On July 28, the vanguard of the Wei Guohai Road raiding force arrived in Linhai County.As the forward of the whole army, the task of the rebellious army is actually simple, that is, to play the same role as Shi Liangbu, as the forward to land on the beach and consolidate the beach position.In order to cooperate with the rebellious army to land on the beach, the Seventh Army of the Beifu Army also followed closely behind, so as to prevent the rebellious army from going deep alone and exposing the flanks.In fact, the Beifu army has already carried out such a battle once, which was a surprise attack on Dragon City (now Chaoyang) in Yan State.Of course, the soldiers of the Beifu Army in that era are no longer what they are now.Ordinary soldiers at that time, as long as they don't die now, they can be promoted to the rank of team leader or even Dubo with a little meritorious service, and some of them are also promoted to school lieutenant.For example, Sun Xin, the former governor of the Beifu Army, has now been promoted to the chief general of the Tianshu Army, from a fourth-rank military general, and Sun Qi, who originally joined the army of the Beifu Army, is now the Minister of Governors of Youzhou.Liu Hui, the former Sima of the Other Ministry, is now also General Yangwei, Chief General of the Tianquan Army and Deputy General of the Beifu.

However, it was very surprising that Linhai County was captured by Sun Tai's rebels, and then ransacked and led the army to withdraw.Originally, Sun Tai left more than a thousand people to guard Linhai, but due to lack of supplies, this rebel army, which was originally a religious rebellion, was completely reduced to bandits.

In one of Hu Guang's avant-garde songs, just try it out, and it's gone.Without hurting a single soldier, Hu Guang successfully occupied Linhai, and took control of Linhai County in the next three days.

On August 5000nd, the main forces of the Modao Army and the Zhen Guo Army also landed in Linhai, and successfully completed the preliminary strategic goal of the cross-sea attack. There are a total of more than 17 troops and the rebellious army. In terms of land warfare, even if they are all Jin, they are not something they can resist.

However, at this time, the situation in Jin State was even worse.Almost at the same time that Wei's army landed in Linhai, Sun Tai's rebel general Lu Ji led 20 rebels to attack Wuxi under the guise of 200.To say that Lu Ji is also a strange work in history.He is one of Du Jiong's apprentices, and he and Sun Tai are brothers in the same school.He is Sima Yi's guest minister.Lu Ji, who was originally an unknown person in history, did a shocking event.Bringing [-] people into the Eastern Jin Dynasty Palace, intending to support Sima Yi to restore him, but whoever dares to attack a country's palace with [-] people, except for Ran Min, is considered awesome.

Of course, Ran Min is really awesome, he can kill the head of an enemy general among three thousand soldiers.But Lu Ji only brought 200 people with him; you know, the garrison in the capital——Wang Liujun (Imperial Guard) has at least 8000 people, and the troops stationed in the outskirts of the capital also have five cities. million people. 200 people against nearly 10 people, isn't this sending sheep into the tiger's mouth?I'm afraid Wanyan Aguda is not as crazy as he is.

What's even more strange is that Lu Ji's 200 people actually entered the palace. According to the "History of Jin", Lu Ji's army not only entered the palace, but also entered the harem. Many court ladies and eunuchs were killed in the conflict. were occupied by rebels.However, Lu Ji still failed to find Sima Yao. It seemed that the imperial guards came to their senses at this time, and more than 1 people surrounded the palace, dragged out the rebels one by one and beat them up, and Lu Ji was also killed.However, Emperor Abandoned Jin was still safe and sound, and he put all the responsibility on Lu Ji.

In this time and space, Lu Ji won Sun Tai's trust with his extraordinary bravery and ruthlessness, and became one of the four divisions under General Tianshi.

Sun Tai recognized himself as a general of the Tianshi, and there were four generals under him, the former general Zhou Xie, the latter general Xu Fu, the left general Lu Ji, and the right general Sun Bi.

If you want to give up Wuxi, Sima Dan is definitely unwilling, because Sima Dan has stored a large amount of grain and armor in Wuxi, which is too important to the state of Jin.There are more than three million stones in grain alone. Once Sun Tai gets these grains, Sun Tai can immediately raise an army of one million.In fact, there is no need to fight that way, and the Jin army can be directly submerged by directly employing a pile of people.

However, Lu Ji has an army of 20. Of course, Sima Dan does not believe the number of 20. However, the six counties, which are the essence of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, account for more than half of the population in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Wan Dajun is possible.And even with the addition of the old and the weak, Lu Ji's young and capable army will not be less than 8 to [-].

Sima Dan was definitely unwilling to let Sun Tai's rebels go.Facing the attack of Wei Guozheng's Southern Army, Jin State was already under great pressure, but relying on the service of its soldiers, the defense is still stable.At the very least, it can form a state of tug-of-war of consumption.

The biggest crisis Sima Dan is facing now is not the Southern Conscript Army itself, but the continued eastward advance of Sun Tai's rebels, and the danger that their rear supply line may be cut off.

Wuxi couldn't give up, so Sima Dan had only one choice left, and that was to stop the eastward advance of Sun Tai's rebels.As long as Lu Ji is stopped, then he may not have no hope of turning things around.Sima Dan still has certain hopes for the Eastern Jin Dynasty, hoping that the Eastern Jin Dynasty can lift the siege of Wuxi in the next few days, and then wipe out Sun Tai's rebels.

The Navy and the Southern Expedition Army were at a stalemate in Liyang, and Jurong repelled Wei Tong's attack. Sima Dan saw that the East Jinjiang defense line was temporarily stable, so he had the idea of ​​​​killing Sun Tai.

(End of this chapter)

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