Chapter 955
Chapter 961

In fact, it’s not surprising that Sima Dan was anxious. Sun Tai’s rebel army harmed the interests of the gentry. No matter who dominates the country, it is impossible to kill the gentry. Dogs and chickens are left alone.The gentry family has long been dissatisfied with Sima Dan's laissez-faire attitude. Sima Dan's prestige is not high, and he can't suppress it at all. If Sun Tai's rebels are allowed to continue to wreak havoc.Officials from the gentry in the Eastern Jin Dynasty would be against it.

Just after Sima Dan made up his mind and was about to deploy troops to reinforce Wuxi, at this time the courtiers of the Eastern Jin Dynasty hated Sun Tai so much that they collectively supported Sima Dan to destroy Sun Tai.Facing the excited courtiers, Sima Dan couldn't do too much.

In fact, Sun Tai's rebellion was also the result of Sima Dan's connivance.Sima Dan at this time is different from Yang Guang in history. He still has the "shadow" of Chu Suanzi, so it is natural to know that these gentry officials forced the common people behind his back, because this kind of problem is universal, and Sima Dan does not It's too fussy.But it doesn't mean Sima Dan won't retaliate.

Seeing that things were almost in trouble now, Sima Dan felt that it was time to clean up the mess.It's just that Sima Dan didn't know that he was too confident, and it's not good to be too confident.

War is a continuation of politics. In any war, no matter how fierce the two sides are fighting, the two sides will still conduct various tentative contacts and conduct overt or covert negotiations.In fact, at this time, the Wei and Jin countries still had some contacts, and Chang Wei, the plenipotentiary representative of the Wei State, was in Jiankang City.It's just that because of the serious differences between the two sides, unless Sima Dan admits defeat and surrenders, there is no possibility of a successful peace negotiation.

Apart from Chang Wei on the bright side, the most active people in Wei State at this time were the Royal Guards, and Ran Ming never gave up trying to win over the generals of Jin State.Of course, the results are still not great, but as the situation becomes more and more clear, this instigation will definitely achieve greater success.

Jingkou Town is also the Zhenjiang City of the later generations. Jingkou is the gateway from the north to the south.Jingkou was once the capital of Sun Quan, the great emperor of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, who established his regime during the Three Kingdoms period.Its ruins include Ganlu Temple in Beigu Mountain where Liu Bei married, Beigu Mountain and Houfeng, Shenting Ridge, Soochow Water Defense, Lu Su Tomb, Taishi Ci Tomb, etc.Jingkou was also the hometown of Liu Yu, Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty.At this time, Jingkou Town was backed by Beigu Mountain and faced the Yangtze River. The situation was dangerous and it was to guard the hub of the Yangtze River, so it was renamed Zhenjiang in the Song Dynasty.

Since Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu Dynasty built the Iron Urn City and established Jingkou Town, Jingkou Town was an important military town in the Southern Dynasties. At the beginning of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, most of the residents in Jingkou were from You, Hebei, Qing, Xu, Bing, and Yanzhou.The folk customs are brave and brave, and Huan Wen said that Jingkou soldiers are available, so when he became the governor of Jingzhou, he recruited trilogy in Jingkou, pacified Chenghan, and created the great reputation of the Xifu Army.Although it is said that Xie Xuan's Beifu Army is very famous in later generations, but in fact, Huanwen's Xifu Army formed from the same source of troops is actually not bad.[-] cavalry, land and water troops defeated Cheng Han, but three more Northern Expeditions were launched. The Xifu Army's Huanwen Northern Expedition did not have many core troops, only more than [-].Although the third Northern Expedition failed, in fact the third time was a mistake in strategic decision-making, not a problem of combat effectiveness.At that time, the Xifu army even beat Xianbei and Diqin.Recovered Luoyang in one fell swoop and pushed into Guanzhong.Of course, when Xie Xuan was in Jingkou, the Beifu Army formed even surpassed Huan Wen's reputation.

But it is undeniable that no matter Xi Jian, Huan Wen, or Xie Xuan, they all relied on the same source of soldiers, that is, the overseas Chinese from You, Ji, Qing, Xu, Bing, and Yanzhou.It can also be said that the overseas Chinese in the northern states protected the Eastern Jin Dynasty.At this time, Feng Jibai refined iron shop in Jingkou Town.The Fengji Refined Iron Shop in Jingkou Town has a history of decades. It has been settled in Jingkou Town since the time when Xijian was in Jingkou. decline.

The scale of Fengji Iron Shop was small, and there were only three apprentices led by an old blacksmith surnamed Feng at first.Now Tiejiang Feng passed away 20 years ago, and Tiejiang Feng's third apprentice, Yan Hu, is in charge of supporting Feng Ji.Usually, Yan Hu takes more than a dozen apprentices and makes a living by making all kinds of weapons in Jingkou Town.However, many people appeared in Feng Ji today.

Today, Blacksmith Yan, who hardly showed his face, stood at the bottom of the head very submissively, and a scribe in his forties was replaced in the chief seat.Although this scribe was unattractive, he was the kind of person who was thrown in the crowd and never wanted to take a second look after seeing it for the first time.But the four guard warriors beside this scribe are definitely not ordinary people.The aggressive murderous look made people dare not look directly at them, obviously they were not ordinary people.

In fact, they are naturally not ordinary people.Although this scribe is not good in appearance, he has a lot of background.It was Liu Zhao, the "deaf and dumb" brain of Wei Guoqian.As for Liu Zhao, he is also Ran Min's confidant, who has secretly mastered "the deaf and dumb" for more than [-] years.But there is a tradition in China, that is, one emperor and one courtier.With Ran Min's death, Liu Zhao's position is very dangerous.Ran Ming combined the four major intelligence organizations "Deaf and Mute", "Sky Eye", "Tiger Organization" and Xie Ai's "Blue Eyes" to form the Royal Guard.

The newly established royal special guards are directly under the emperor and rank higher than Jiuqing. It is obvious that the emperor's confidant cannot serve.Zhang Ping temporarily served as the captain of the Royal Secret Service, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell it was a transition.Zhang Ping was so happy, so he had no choice but to retreat to the second line.But unlike Zhang Ping, Liu Zhao has a strong ambition in his official career.Now that his position was almost replaced by Du Cong, Liu Zhao was naturally not reconciled.For this reason, he wanted to gain Ran Ming's trust.Liu Zhao is not a direct descendant of Ran Ming, so it is very difficult to gain Ran Ming's trust for a while.However, Liu Zhao has studied Ran Ming in detail, and found that Ran Ming has two principles for employing people, one is to use his talents, and the other is to use his loyalty.Since he couldn't get Ran Ming's approval for the time being, Liu Zhao retreated and wanted to use this opportunity to show his talent to Ran Ming.

"Liu Sima, should we work harder? This He Qian is always vacillating. For us, this is not a good thing!"

Liu Zhao shook his head and said, "We must not push He Qian too hard now, otherwise it may backfire!"

"But it's not a solution to procrastinate like this!" The young man in the black military uniform next to him frowned: "I have been personally ordered by Du Changshi before I came, and I must convince He Qian that if Liu Sima has something If you are worried, I can go to lobby He Qian alone, and ask Liu Sima to help me with the early-stage bridge work!"

When Liu Zhao heard this, an inadvertent anger flashed across his brows, but he concealed it very well!The young man in front of him looks young, but his identity is not simple. His name is Zhu Yao, and he is the third-class secretary of the Second Internal Affairs Section of the Intelligence Department set up by Du Cong in the Royal Secret Service. This section is responsible for handling domestic negotiations Du Cong is in charge of the department.

The Royal Secret Service created by Ran Ming is actually similar to the CIA in later generations. The Royal Secret Service is directly under the four departments, namely the Intelligence Department, the Operations Department, the Management Department, and the Equipment Department.Although there are not many Royal Secret Service Headquarters, the organization is getting bigger and bigger, especially the intelligence department, which has developed into more than ten department-level subordinate organizations.The second section is to master the affairs of domestic negotiations. In fact, Ran Ming's main purpose is to make the second section of the intelligence department into an organization similar to the later Ministry of National Security.

The most critical issue is that Zhu Yao belongs to Du Cong.Liu Zhao and Du Cong didn't deal with it at all. No organization or institution could be monolithic. Although the Royal Guard was newly formed, it was formed by the merger of the four major institutions. Naturally, there were many factions and conflicts.

Liu Zhao frowned and said: "The situation is urgent now, and every day there is a risk of being late. We have found out that He Qian's troops are actually Danyang prefect, Guangwu general He Yong, Zongyang prefect, Yangwu general Zhu Chongan, Gaotang Taishou and Wuwei General Wang Huang Naijin are dead loyal and cannot be wooed, Zhao intends to take action against them!" Speaking of this, Liu Zhao showed a serious expression: "Didn't he, He Qian, cherish the feathers? I really want to see, these three After Sima Dan's confidant dies, can he still be the governor of Jiangzhou?"

Hearing Liu Zhaochang's words, Zhu Yao frowned again. To be honest, he didn't like these "deaf and dumb" people. Even though he was Du Cong's person, it didn't mean that Zhu Yao would be loyal to Du Cong.People with disabilities have been discriminated against in all dynasties, and of course Zhu Yao is no exception.Especially the "deaf and dumb" people who love to fight and kill at every turn. I don't know how many people have died in their hands since the establishment of this.

Although Zhu Yao is young, he is still an official of Confucian origin, but the person he admires is Zhang Yi, and he is determined to be a political strategist. What he relies on is a good tongue, not fighting and killing kill!It's just that although he hated Liu Zhao's actions this time, he didn't express any objection!

Because, he is not only the third secretary of the intelligence department, but also the captain of an action team at this time.This time when he crossed the south of the Yangtze River, he took seventeen members of the Operation Department with him, that is to say, the actions of the Operation Department were all due to him.He's not going to push his credit outward.What's more, how could He Qian say to surrender? He had already said to surrender, how could it be his turn?Strategist Su Qin and Zhang Yi are not so easy to do.

The operations of the Operation Department have always been known for their speed. After the decision was made, with the cooperation of the Intelligence Department, they found Danyang Prefect, Guangwu General He Yong, Zongyang Prefect, Yangwu General Zhu Chongan, Gaotang Prefect, The residence of Wuwei General Wang and Huang.These three prefects are different from He Qian. They are all from noble families, like He Yong from Tan County, Donghai County (now Tancheng County, Shandong). In this era, the He family in Donghai had no particularly famous figures, but they were in the Southern Dynasties. He Wuji came out. In the second year of Yixi, he moved to the governor of Jiangzhou. With the merits of restoration, he was named the founder of Ancheng County, the servant of Sanqi, and the general of Zhennan.Put down the chaos of Lu Xun, and died in battle with Xu Daofu.Posthumously gifted to Shizhong and Sikong, the official is still the same, and the posthumous title is Zhongsu.

But Zongyang Taiyang (roughly equivalent to the area of ​​Anwei and Anqing) Zhu Chongan is the Zhu family of Gu Lu Zhu Zhangzhong, the four major families in the south of the Yangtze River.As for Wang Huang, the prefect of Gaotang and general of Wuwei, he was born in the Wang family of Taiyuan, a family of officials and eunuchs in the north.What's even more amazing is that his father, Wang Hong, was not only an official post Zhao, but also loyal to the state of Wei, and he was promoted from a county job to the governor of Shuozhou in the state of Wei.

For these three Eastern Jin prefects who only have the name of prefects but have no real prefects, He Qian, the governor of Jiangzhou, has no good face.However, what is surprising is that the three prefects died on the same day.Among them, He Yong was on the way back from his patrol in the military camp when his horse suddenly frightened and threw He Yong off the horse. The frightened horse crushed his head and died.If He Yong's death was accidental, then Zhu Chong'an was murdered outright.Because Zhu Chongan died very aggrieved, when he got up at night, he was drowned in the chamber pot.But Wang Huang was even more bizarre. In his barracks, the military flag suddenly collapsed, hit his chest, and died of vomiting blood.

After He Qian learned of the deaths of Wang Huang, Zhu Chong'an and He Yong, his face darkened even more.

Don't think that except for Zhu Chong'an, there are accidental elements.But He Qian understood that this was a naked murder.The mouth of the men's night pot is very small. On the surface, it seems that Zhu Chong'an was drowned by his own urine. In fact, He Qian, who is also a kung fu master, can tell at a glance that Zhu Chong'an died because his heart was crushed by a palm on the back.Afterwards, He Yong's war horse was also found to have a poisonous giant needle in its buttocks. This kind of poison will not kill people or animals, but it will be extremely itchy.As for Wang Huang's handsome flag, it was also found that someone had tampered with it.

"Dare to kill people on Lao Tzu's territory, I don't take Lao Tzu seriously!" He Qian was very angry, but he didn't send troops to surround Feng Ji's iron shop, and he didn't arrest Wei Guo's intelligence personnel and kill them all.He Qian also understood that those who dared to go deep into Jingkou were dead soldiers, and their purpose was to force them to surrender, and they didn't care about their own life or death.

But when He Qian lost his temper, Liu Zhao came to the door alone.

But He Qian had to solemnly meet Liu Zhao.At this time, He Qian also understood the helplessness of King Shanshan. It's not that he didn't have the strength to kill Ban Chao, but he was too concerned about the Han Empire behind Ban Chao.But in the same way, Liu Zhao is just a weak literati, let alone surrounded by a large army, even an ordinary soldier can clean up Liu Zhao in twos and twos.It's just that Wei Guotai behind Liu Zhao made He Qian afraid.

"I've heard that the most frightening thing about "deaf and dumb" is not Zhang Ping, but you Liu Shubao, and seeing you today really deserves your reputation!" He Qian had the heart to strangle Liu Zhao to death.But he didn't dare to show it.

Liu Zhao said with a smile: "He Duhu has been over-reputed, Liu is not talented, he is an ordinary Wei person!"

He Qian didn't bother with these vain rituals, and asked knowingly: "I don't know what Shubao is doing at this time!"

"He Shuai must also know that our Wei army has assembled and marched south. With our army's combat strength, we will surely be able to report another victory in a few days. Under such a situation, who is there in Jiangzhou Jiangnan, which is hundreds of miles away? Can it stop our army from sweeping?" Liu Zhaodao: "And then Shuai He may have heard about it. In the previous battle of Jurong, I only crossed one part of the Dongyang Camp of the Southern Army in the first battle, and only one part of the army with a thousand troops was defeated. Sima Tian commanded [-] enemies from the left, and killed more than a thousand enemies and captured more than a thousand enemies. May I ask, among the armies in Jin, what army can match the strength of our Wei army?"

Liu Zhao leaned forward slightly, and although his words were still calm, the words he said unceremoniously beat He Qian's heart: "He Shuai believes that if our army uses Jingkou as a breakthrough point, your army will be able to stop our Wei State Is it the march of the army going south?"

Hearing this, He Qian's face immediately showed anger: "Hmph, although your army is powerful, but my He family army is not a vegetarian. If we want to fight, even if our army is defeated, but you don't want to think about it. go!"

"Really?" Liu Zhao said with a disapproving smile, "It's a good thing that He Shuai is so confident, a great thing. However, do all the generals under He Shuai's command have the same heart as He Shuai, and have the heart to die for the country of Jin?"

He Qian's army originally had not many direct descendants, only a few thousand, but at this time his army had expanded to [-], a full tenfold increase.This tenfold increase in the number of people, like Xi Jian, Huan Wen and even Xie Xuan, chose to recruit the northern Han people living in Jiangzhou. But correspondingly, there are many factions and serious differences.

What's more, He Qian still doesn't know that there is another biggest variable in his trilogy, and that is Liu Peng.After Liu Peng's night attack in Huishan, he went into hiding.When He Qian held a high position to recruit soldiers, Liu Peng dispersed some soldiers into the new Jin armies. Not only He Qianzhong had nearly three soldiers, but Sima Xi and Zhou Zhongsun's troops also mixed in a large number of Wei soldiers.At this time, the brave Jia Xin became He Qian's confidant. Not only was he appointed as the school lieutenant, but the thousands of troops in his department were expanded into six reinforcement battalions.However, He Qian didn't know the true identities of these soldiers who were in Cao Ying and their hearts were in Han.

Liu Zhao had already made up his mind that once He Qian refused to surrender, he would resort to mutiny and must control the Jiangzhou army. As for the troops who recruited Zhou Zhongsun along the way, they would definitely achieve good results.

"Shu Bao, Qie Rongqian, think about it!"

Liu Zhaodao: "Okay, half an hour, Zhao Qie wait for half an hour, if He Shuai insists on this, Zhao will leave."

(End of this chapter)

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