Chapter 956

Chapter 962
He Qian said: "Could it be that Shubao wants to go north?"

"It's not going north, it's going east!"


"Not bad!"

Liu Zhaodao: "Jin is about to perish, and there are not a few people in Jin who are trying to make a living. If Zhao goes south this time, he will surely gain a lot."

He Qian was even more shocked when he heard this. He Qian was actually very clear about how bad the situation in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was.For example, Zhou Xie, who was born in Yiyang, Zhou family, had no objection at all, but in order to protect his family, he had no choice but to commit himself to being a thief.Now that the soldiers and horses of Wei State are marching southward, then surrendering to Sun Tai is also surrendering, and surrendering to Wei State is also surrendering, not to mention surrendering to Wei State can also get an official status?
At this time, the building will collapse, who will not seek their own future?

In this world, the so-called loyalty is because there are not enough bargaining chips for betrayal.Once the chips are enough, there is no pressure to betray.Why did Wang Jingwei fall into the sun and become a traitor?It's not because he is the president of the Kuomintang, but he is firmly suppressed by Lao Jiang. He has no real power and is unwilling to be subordinated to others.

He Qian snorted once again: "There is no need to continue talking about these superfluous nonsense, presumably the envoy came here with conditions to discuss, just state the conditions directly, if it is suitable, be humble and change the banner, if it is not suitable See you on the battlefield, everyone!"

Hearing this, Liu Zhao didn't show any surprise, he still smiled and said: "Since He Shuai is eager to know our conditions, then I won't say any more! There are three conditions, the other is First, turn martial arts into literature, the position of governor of a state, in charge of civil affairs, and the state limits Jiang, Jiao, Guang, Jing, and Yi to choose one of them."

He Qian said: "This is inappropriate. Although Qian's background is humble, he can be considered a begging general. He is unfamiliar with civil affairs, but he is familiar with military affairs."

In troubled times, the grass head king is the one who has soldiers and generals. Without soldiers and horses, who will look at you?He Qian sees this point more clearly.

Liu Zhaodao: "Secondly, the troops were reorganized and organized into one army according to the Wei State's military system, with three battalions under its jurisdiction. He Shuai can be the general of the Kou army, and the troops will be stationed in Shuozhou."

He Qian shook his head and said, "What about the third one? For example, the governor of a state?"

"Supervisor is impossible!" Liu Zhaodao: "I don't have the position of supervisor in Wei Dynasty. If the general chooses the third, he will be named the Duke of Nanchong, grant 3000 acres of land, [-] households in the city, and reward [-] million yuan. money."

He Qian began to think deeply, and he was ennobled as the Duke of Nanchong, with 3000 households in the city, and [-] million rewards.It sounds good, but in fact this is a very big pit.Although there are not as many noble titles in Wei as in Jin, there are more than [-] marquises and above. As for the titles of uncle, son, and male, the number is at least [-].As long as there is too much of anything, it is the price of cabbage.The title is the same.

In fact, He Qian also knew about the situation in Wei State. Titles were very valuable and privileged in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but there was only one salary in Wei State.Neither has the power to intervene in the government, nor can it affect the government affairs of the feudal city, so it is completely dismissed.As for the income of Shiyi, Wei and Jin are actually about the same.The state of Jin has heavy taxes, but the land per capita is small, and the land owned by the four thousand households in the Wei state is at least the land owned by the ten thousand self-cultivating farmers in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.In the fifth year of Xianhe (330), Ding Fu was implemented, with three liters per mu.Three or six years later, it was changed to export tax, with three dendrobium per mouthful.That is, each person receives three shi of grain, and 600 households are calculated based on five people per household. In this year, they can collect 66 shi of grain, and the average price of each shi of grain is 13 yuan, and they can collect 18 million yuan in taxes every year.Of course, in addition to the land tax, there is also service. In terms of service law, the Eastern Jin Dynasty stipulated that "men and women are sixteen to sixty years old", which is the same as the Western Jin Dynasty. "Boys are also free when they are sixteen years old, and they are in regular classes when they are eighteen years old, and they are exempt from classes at [-]."This is lighter than the Western Jin service and over [-] years old.Especially with regard to "his men, each year's service is no more than [-] days", which has already opened the end of the annual service period stipulated by the Northern and Sui dynasties, and the [-] days are the same as the Sui Dynasty.In addition, there is a regulation of "leading [-] people to serve as a transporter".Of course, you don't have to serve in the military, and you can replace it with [-] yuan a day.

Whether it is service money, tax money, or endowment money in Shiyi, all proceeds belong to the knighter.Roughly calculated in this way, a magistrate can get 400 million yuan a year for offerings from Shiyi.But Wei Guo was very cheated.The tax system of the State of Wei basically takes one-thirtieth of the income. Every year, under the supervision of the supervisory censor, the harvest is calculated in various places, and the commission is based on the harvest.The common people collect thirty stones, and the government takes one.Since the Wei State has more acres of land than the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the income of the people will naturally be higher. These 4000 households can basically earn an average of [-] or [-] shi of grain, which is even more grain than the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Eighty thousand shi of grain.The income is around [-] million yuan.

However, the more than 4000 million yuan is not owned by individuals in Shiyi. Although the central government does not collect these taxes, it will allow local governments to spend according to their needs, such as building bridges and paving roads, running schools, and so on.These taxes basically barely keep the revenue and expenditure of the local government. As for the balance, basically there is no need to think about it.If the local magistrate dares to reserve tax money for an individual in Shiyi, then the official will definitely get a bad evaluation during the evaluation. You don’t have to think about being promoted. If you don’t go to the Northwest to eat sand, you will be sent to Liaodong to make a snowman.Therefore, the nobles of the Wei state basically only have one title and salary.

For He Qian, a duke is just nicer in name, but in fact he doesn't get much benefit.As for placing one's own trilogy in Shiyi, that's impossible. Countless censors and officials all over the country are staring at the fiefdoms of the nobles. Once they do so, they will be labeled as malicious.Guilty or not, let's review slowly.

As for the reorganization of troops, Wei Guo adopted a very strict separation of military and government, and the separation of soldiers and soldiers.Every soldier will open an account in the bank, and the military salary will be paid directly to the account.The generals had no chance to intervene at all, so naturally it was impossible to talk about how to win over the soldiers.Moreover, although the Soldiers Committee will not interfere with the specific command work of the generals, once they practice favoritism, refuse to execute military orders, or surrender or rebel, those members of the Soldiers Committee will immediately seize power, capture and directly kill the rebel generals .It can be said that once He Jiajun accepts Wei Guo's adaptation, He Jiajun will no longer have the surname He, but will be completely surnamed Wei and loyal to the Ran family.

This is unacceptable to He Qian. As for becoming the governor of a state and controlling the power of civil affairs, He Qian clearly knows what he can do and let him lead troops to fight. Although he is not a first-class famous general, at least he is considered a top-notch talent , but governing the local area is completely inexperienced.

Liu Zhao naturally knew what He Qian wanted. Although He Qian did not have the ambition to dominate, he did have the idea of ​​dividing one side.He Qian's ideal is to be loyal to the Wei State on the surface, to be independent in his own territory, to report to the central government for military affairs at most, and to pay certain taxes on a regular basis for finance as in the Spring and Autumn Period.

However, this condition was naturally unacceptable to Ran Ming, who wanted to strengthen the centralization of power and unify the world.Ran Ming had already given clear instructions from the royal guards that such conditions of surrender could not be agreed.Liu Zhaodao: "Although the world is big, it is a must-have land for the Great Wei, and no one will let it go." When he said this, He Qian was already preparing to serve tea to see off the guests.But Liu Zhao's next sentence made He Qian stop.

"The original 21 prefectures of the state of Jin, the Great Wei is the place to win, of course not within these 21 prefectures. But this does not mean that other places are not possible?" Liu Zhaodao: "He Shuai has a lot of soldiers, and [-] soldiers need to eat , the place is too small to support, I wonder if Yue Chang can accommodate He Shuai's soldiers to eat?"

He Qian's head was spinning quickly when he heard this.Yueshang is also a branch of Baiyue, with titles such as "Golden Teeth", "Silver Teeth", "Black Teeth", "Baiyi", "Baiyi" and "Baiyi". Of course, the most important thing is that the country of Yueshang is Ningzhou One of the most unstable factors. The main responsibility of Zhou Zhongsun's trilogy is to suppress the country of Yueshang.

At that time, although Ran Ming didn't know which country Viet Chang was, after looking at the map, he suddenly found that the Viet Chang country was established in Nay Pyi Taw, Central Myanmar Province, Myanmar, and the area was roughly the south-central Shan State and most of Central Myanmar Province. .The main ethnic group should be the ancestors of the later Shan people.

This nation is very aggressive and most restless.They fall from time to time and rebel from time to time. Han officials do not understand the local ethnic language and culture, so it is difficult to communicate and often leads to misunderstandings.At the same time, these tribes were divided into different isolated areas by special geographical factors.Finally, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the tribal alliance of slavery Yueshang.Of course, Yue Chang is not considered a country at this time, but a tribal alliance with a unified language system, and there are endless battles within the tribal alliance.

In this era, Ran Ming's goal is to expand the living space of the Chinese nation as much as possible. Let alone Southeast Asia, Ran Ming is bound to win. As for the entire Indochina Peninsula, Ran Ming is more concerned about the Burma of later generations.Myanmar not only has an outlet to the sea and a good natural harbor, but with Myanmar, the Indian Ocean can be controlled as the inner lake of Wei State.

Looking at Chinese history, it is actually easy to find that before the Three Kingdoms, the so-called core area of ​​China was actually the Yellow River Basin and the Jianghuai River Basin. There was almost no effective control over the south of the Yangtze River.However, Sun Jian rose up in Jiangdong, and their Sun family managed for several generations, killing Baiyue to pieces, effectively merging the barbarians of Baiyue, and deepening the localization of Sinicization.And Zhao Tuo, who brought Lingnan into the traditional circle of Chinese influence, naturally also contributed a lot.

Therefore, in the battle of unification, Ran Ming did not intend to kill all those warlords who wanted to separate themselves, but to use them to continue to expand the territory.If He Qian is willing to give up part of his power and eliminate his self-reliance, Ran Ming will at least give him an army establishment. Even after the restructuring, he will at least be a lieutenant general.However, He Qian chose to continue to separate the regime, so he will not be tolerated.If he is willing to accept Ran Ming's arrangement and lead his troops to station in Yueshang, Ran Ming will of course give him certain equipment and food support later.

There is actually a reason for Ran Ming to expand in the form of a curve.People are all selfish. The Qin Army’s Southward Conquest Army was actually very hard at the beginning in Lingnan. Although the Qin Army’s combat effectiveness was strong, the non-combat attrition was very serious.As the Qin Dynasty lost control of the Southern Conquest Army, Zhao Tuo became self-reliant when he came to power.Therefore, the integration with the indigenous peoples has been accelerated, and the indigenous peoples in the south of the Five Ridges have been integrated together.Of course, so is Sun.People will only do their best when they are related to their own interests.When He Qian wants to control Yueshang, he will definitely integrate the indigenous ethnic groups of Yueshang, and when the national integration is completed, the return will be a matter of course.

"As long as He Shuai is loyal to the Wei State, other than the 21 states, other places are easy to talk about. I don't know what He Shuai thinks about the position of Great Wei Zhennan King?"

"Feng Wang, what if it's the Zhennan King?" After hearing this, it would be a lie for He Qian not to be excited. How many people in this world can be called lonely?This sounds tempting, but in fact it is not so easy to do.The aboriginal population of Guangyueshang is as many as 10. Although these monkey-like aborigines are not strong in combat, they are exactly what the saying goes, a toad crawls on your feet, it can't bite you to death, it can disgust you to death.

First of all, today's Yueshang is nominally under the jurisdiction of Ningzhou, but most of them are under the control of the indigenous tribes, and under the control of the Mengmao tribe in the west. Will you be willing to hand over Yue Chang?Absolutely impossible.At that time, Wei Jun behind will be able to laugh at himself and the natives working hard.

And take a step back, even if you take Yueshang by yourself, after Wei Jun completely takes Ningzhou, he will definitely continue to go south. Apart from attacking Guangzhou, Jiaozhou and Qiongzhou, will Wei Jun enter Yueshang?If he wanted to enter Yueshang, wouldn't he be in the same dilemma as now?

Perhaps seeing He Qian's concerns, Liu Zhaodang took out the iron scroll of Dan Shu.Of course, this iron scroll of Danshu is not an iron plate, but refers to the covenant material written in cinnabar. Iron means never change.

Danshu Iron Coupon: The written material of the oath signed between the emperor and his ministers. (referred to as "iron certificate", commonly known as "free death card" in the folk), is a kind of reward and covenant certificate issued by feudal emperors to meritorious and important ministers. It is similar to modern medals and medals, except that its shape is slightly different There are differences, and the connotation is broader.However, from its origin, function, nature, etc., it can be considered that the "iron coupon" is the prototype of the medal.

He Qian had heard about this Iron Scroll of Dan Shu for a long time, but he had never seen it.Opening the iron scroll, it was written with a vermilion pen that on Dingyou Day (July [-]th) in the first year of Hongshi’s reign, Emperor Wei granted He Qian the title of Zhennan King of Wei State. Nay Pyi Taw).Wei State and Zhennan State are bounded by the Mekong River. The north of the Mekong River belongs to Wei, and the south of the Mekong River is the border of Zhennan State.According to the system, the town of Nanguo enjoys the treatment of a big country, and can build the upper, middle and lower armies, each with [-] troops, and it is also allowed to build the king's sixth army.Every year, [-] gold and [-] bolts of cloth, silk, and silk are paid.

Of course, the Iron Volume of the Danshu also details the responsibilities of Zhennan State to Wei State, such as diplomatic unification. At this time, Zhennan State cannot declare the establishment of diplomatic relations with the central court of Wei State, nor can it have economic and trade exchanges.Of course, if Zhennan is attacked by an enemy country, if Zhennan needs it, Wei can send troops to support Zhennan.

At this time, He Qian saw that Ran Ming wrote in his own hand that if he violated his oath, he would be punished by God.In this era, unlike later generations who take oaths as farts, people still pay more attention to oaths.He Qian immediately said to Liu Zhao: "I swear to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Liu Zhao said with a smile all over his face: "In that case, the ministers will congratulate King Zhennan."

He Qian immediately summoned the Jiangzhou Supervisory Army, declared allegiance to the Great Wei to the generals, and changed the flag.Of course, these generals are also very happy. After all, any general is under great pressure when facing Wei's army.Not playing is the best choice.Just after Liu Zhao succeeded in surrendering He Qian, another royal special envoy also succeeded in surrendering Zhou Zhongsun.

However, Zhou Zhongsun was different from what he had guessed. Instead of accepting Wei Guo's offer of the title of King of Funan, he adopted the second strategy of recruiting and surrendering.Such a result is naturally a happy one.

With the surrender of Zhou Zhongsun and He Qian, Sima Dan's army had less than 20 troops, nearly 7 horses had surrendered to Wei State, and one-third of the troops were gone.What's more serious is that Sima Dan sent Sima Xi to lead the Youtong Army and Zuotong Army to rescue Wuxi as the main force of the thief-seeking army. At this time, Mili and the navy were restrained in Liyang, while Jiankang had only less than [-] troops.Moreover, these [-] troops are all Wang Liujun of Sima Dan, and they are also the Central Forbidden Army. Basically, there are no young soldiers who have fought.

When this happened, Liu Peng and Jia Xin, who were eager to make contributions, immediately approached Liu Zhao. The three discussed secretly and came up with a resolution.With the troops of Liu Peng and Jia Xin plus the troops of He Qian and Zhou Zhongsun, the whole army has nearly 8 horses. They are going to take Jiankang and capture Sima Dan to present to Ran Ming.

Immediately after the decision was made, Zhou Zhongsun took advantage of the convenience of his direct lineage to garrison Yanziji and Shogunate Mountain, and asked his confidant generals to enter the city with their personal guards.With the shadow, Sima Dan certainly knew that Zhou Zhongsun's people had entered the city.It's just that Sima Dan didn't pay too much attention when he saw the four school lieutenants under Zhou Zhongsun's troops entering the city with three or 400 personal soldiers.Because the news that the shadow inquired was that Zhou Zhongsun's generals all went to the brothel to drink flower wine.

Drinking flower wine is just a cover, the real purpose is to connect with the intelligence personnel of the Royal Secret Service.With these three or four hundred elite forces, together with the Royal Secret Service intelligence personnel and members of the Operations Department, plus the forces that Ran Ming had secretly accumulated in Jiankang, a total of thousands of troops were obtained, and they began to take real action at nightfall.

(End of this chapter)

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