Chapter 957

Chapter 963

Thousands of soldiers began to move around under the leadership of the Royal Secret Service. The first movers were the members of the Royal Secret Service. They targeted the shadow's eyeliner, and quickly broke through many of the shadow's strongholds by mental arithmetic. There was no time for Shadow to react at all.At the same time, a large number of soldiers also began to put under house arrest high-level Jin officials who were not included in the wooing. Even Wang Shu and Wang Tanzhi were trapped on the bed and became prisoners.In the early hours of the morning, Zhou Zhongsun's confidant general Wang Mai led the troops to attack the left guard barracks, and three battalions secretly transferred by He Qian followed into the city to attack the right army barracks. In the middle of the war, he was surrounded by more than [-] troops from four barracks. All the soldiers who dared to resist were shot to death, and the rest obediently became prisoners.

It is also very interesting to say that General Wei Wang Bin is also the uncle of the great calligrapher Wang Xizhi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Ordinarily, Wang Sima ruled the world, and this Wang family was the least likely to surrender, because the Wei State would never allow a family to exist alongside the royal family, or even surpass the royal family.But when Wang Bin saw the Wei army attacking, he immediately ordered all the troops in Jiankang to surrender, and even killed many generals loyal to Sima Dan.

When the sun rose from the sky, a small number of ordinary people who were active in Jiankang City found that today was a little different from the past. Although the city was tense a few days ago, soldiers could be seen walking around all the time, but Today they found that these soldiers looked a little weird, and these soldiers were wearing red cloth strips on their left arms.

"Now Sima Tian is dead, and most of the Zuo Tong army has surrendered. Jiankang is already under our control!" Zhou Zhongsun looked as usual, but his face was tired, and his eyes were covered with dark circles, obviously he hadn't slept all night .

He Qian said unnaturally: "Two battalions of our department have already surrounded the palace, but Qian did not give the order to attack."

"There is no need to attack the imperial palace!" Zhou Zhongsun said: "Two battalions are probably a little weak, so add two battalions, and four battalions should be enough to surround the Imperial Guard with 8000 men."

Liu Zhao said with a smile: "General Zhou should take the lead this time, so call him to ask for credit for General Zhou!"

Liu Peng said: "The matter of asking for merit should be delayed for a while. Although we have taken the initiative now, we have not overcome the crisis. The main force of the Jin army is still there. Not only Sima Xi has [-] to [-] troops, but Huan Mi and There are more than [-] people in Mili's hands, especially the captain of the navy is a key figure. If he delays the main force of Wei Guozheng's southern army from crossing the river, we will have to face the attack of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses including Sima Xi, Mili, and Huan Mi. .”

"That's a problem."

At this moment, a soldier suddenly came to report: "Generals, Mr. Liu, someone among the prisoners shouted to see him, saying that if the generals don't see him, they will regret it."

Liu Zhao laughed and said, "Who is speaking so loudly?"

"Jiangdong alone Wang Wendu!"

"It's him?" Liu Zhao naturally knew Wang Tanzhi's details.But Liu Zhao didn't dare to neglect, because Wang Wendu was as famous as Xi Chao, let alone Liu Zhao, I'm afraid Ran couldn't treat him harshly, because this guy's reputation was too great.If Wang Tanzhi is willing to surrender to the state of Wei, according to Wang Tanzhi's current status, at least one official position at the level of minister is needed.

Although Liu Zhao's rank is not high, his nature determines that he is the mastermind of this mutiny.So Liu Zhao formally received Wang Tanzhi.Wang Tanzhi saw that everyone was not surprised and said endlessly: "It can be said that I will surrender to the Lord of Jin to help His Majesty unify the world and end the troubled times."

Wars are cruel and show no mercy, even though Sima Dan is Ran Ming's apprentice and has a good personal relationship with Ran Ming, but during the war, Ran Ming has no sympathy for him.

The state of Jin was very weak at this time, with Sun Tai's rebels inside and strong enemies outside.The original situation was very passive, but Ran Ming did not give Sima Dan a chance to breathe. You must know that even if there was no Wei State's southern attack, it would not be easy for Sima Dan to put down Sun Tai's rebels with his own strength.Don't underestimate an army assembled by bankrupt peasants. Such an army is quite terrifying if it is desperate.However, what Ran Ming came up with was quite a luxurious lineup. Wei Guozheng's southern front army had a feint attack with nearly 30 troops. This was definitely the largest feint attack in the history of war.At the same time, it is currently Wei's only strategic opportunity force that is in charge of sea raids. Once Wei needs to use troops at this time, apart from the Shesheng army, Ran Ming will be left with the Imperial Forest Army.

It's interesting to say that the reason why Ran Ming attaches great importance to the Eastern Jin Dynasty is because there were many rebellions in the history of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Neither Wang Dun nor Su Jun overthrew the seemingly weak Eastern Jin Dynasty.Of course, after the founding of the country, no matter which dynasty occupied the Central Plains, it never forgot to unify the world. Shi Le failed with hatred, Shi Hu returned home, and Murong Jun forced the country back for the southern expedition, and was finally forced to suspend the use of troops.As for Fu Jian's further southward expedition, he lost troops and lost generals, and all the grass and trees were all soldiers.From Ran Ming's point of view, this Eastern Jin Dynasty was like an immortal Xiaoqiang, so he couldn't help but be careless.

At three o'clock in the morning, Sima Dan was awakened by the eunuch from his sleep.Only then did Sima Dan know that there was a mutiny in Jiankang. The rebels surrounded the palace and took control of Jiankang. They might invite the Wei army into the city at any time.At this time, Sima Dan did not panic, but remained silent for a long time.In fact, what Sima Dan felt most was emotion. At the beginning, Ran Min only had one city left, and his soldiers were no more than [-], and the generals were no more than a few people. The situation was much worse than that of Jin, but why did Ran Min break out of the siege? Thus playing a great reversal?

"Could it be that the Ran family is really the destiny?" Sima Dan would not believe that the emperor is the real dragon emperor.Like some top politicians, they don't believe in destiny.Sima Dan was just sighing, why was Ran Min's situation so different back then, and why did he end up so differently?
Sima Dan thought, he must have no chance to turn the tables, the current army surrendered, the rebellion rebelled, what should he do?As an emperor, Sima Dan is actually different from most emperors. He is not afraid of death, but only worried about his son Sima Yun.

Sima Dan lightly pinched his son Sima Yun's chubby little face, his face paled, and the force was a bit too strong, but it hurt Sima Yun, and Sima Yun burst into tears.At this moment, Sima Dan's mood was improved by Sima Yun.As for how Ran Ming will arrange him?At worst, like Li Shi, the last emperor of the Han Dynasty, he was granted a Marquis of Guiyi and raised in captivity.Looking at his son's figure slowly sleeping, Sima Dan said: "The homeland that is about to be lost may be a great blessing to you!"

At two o'clock in the morning, Wang Tanzhi, the servant, entered the palace to meet Sima Dan.Accompanying him are Wei Guohonglu Siqing and Chang Wei, Minister of Rites.

"Foreign ministers see His Majesty!" Chang Wei and Wang Tanzhi said in unison.

"Waichen?" Sima Dan felt strange when he heard Chang Wei calling himself a foreign minister.But hearing Wang Tanzhi's self-proclaimed name, Sima Dan couldn't help laughing and said, "When did Wen Du become Wei Chen?"

"It was half an hour ago." Wang Tanzhi, who came from a family of politicians, inherited his father Wang Shu's thick skin.Xie Yi, Xie An's brother, was once annoyed by Wang Shu and cursed Wang Shu loudly.Wang Shu didn't answer a word, just ignored him while facing the wall. After a long time, Xie Yi left, and Wang Shu sat down again.People at that time praised Wang Shu for this.Wang Tanzhi said with a faint smile: "The foreign minister was appointed as the special envoy of the Great Wei by Liu Zhao, the royal special guard of the Wei State, half an hour ago, and is fully responsible for the peace talks with Jin!"

"Negotiate peace?" Sima Dan stared at Wang Tanzhi with strange eyes and said, "Negotiate peace for what? Isn't it just to make me surrender?"

Chang Wei said: "If Your Majesty thinks so, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Before Chang Wei went to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he received orders to delay as much as possible.Of course, at this time, there is no need to delay at all.Because if Wei Guo wins, he will rule the world.Thinking about this matter, Chang Wei felt excited. He, a civil servant, managed to do so many things that many warriors could not do.

Sima Dan said: "I can go to the emperor's title, or I can surrender. I don't know what arrangements Chang Qing has for me, no, for Dan?"

Sima Dan also took revenge on Wang Tanzhi in a small way, ignoring Wang Tanzhi directly.In this regard, Wang Tanzhi always responded with a smile.Chang Wei didn't have Ran Ming's authorization, and he didn't dare to make his own claims. There was no telegram at this time, so he couldn't ask Ran Ming directly, so Chang Wei said: "Your Majesty is the lord of the country, and foreign ministers dare not make lightly assertions. Wait for Your Majesty After arriving in Yecheng, my emperor will naturally make a decision!"

Sima Dan nodded: "Alright, Dan only has two requirements. If your envoy agrees, Dan can draft a letter of credence to surrender."

"Appreciate further details?"

"First, Dan asked Wei Guo to protect the lives of Dan's son Yun and the Lu family."

"The family is not as bad as the family, and the crime is not as good as the wife and children." Chang Wei said: "It is understandable for His Majesty to ask for such a request!"

"Secondly, the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom are all because of Dan, please guarantee that they will not kill prisoners after they surrender!"

Chang Wei said: "In terms of troops, His Majesty has promised the establishment of four armies, namely Jiangzhou Army, Ningzhou Army, Guangzhou Army, and Jiaozhou Army. Each army has two battalions under its jurisdiction. Go to other units of the Wei Army and serve with the original rank. All the soldiers of these four armies enjoy the Wei State standard equipment and food and salaries. All qualified soldiers, establish military registration, and bank accounts, and pay a salary every quarter. Money, 22 yuan per month, 25 yuan per year. Wu Chang’s day is [-] yuan, Shichang’s day is [-] yuan, Duizheng’s day is [-] yuan, Dubo’s day is [-] yuan, Quhou’s day is [-] yuan, and other Sima Sixty dollars a day, a hundred dollars a day for a school captain, fifty thousand dollars a year for a miscellaneous general, and [-] dollars for a standing general."

Sima Dan was also pragmatic, and didn't mention too many unrealistic conditions.Chang Wei has the right to make decisions about these matters, which makes Wang Tanzhi very frustrated. Sima Dan didn't give him a stage to show his eloquence.It was almost a quick cut, and Chang Wei and Sima Dan signed a peace treaty.

Of course, this does not require the approval of the ministers of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, because most of the high-ranking officials and dignitaries of the Eastern Jin Dynasty are now prisoners of He Qian and Zhou Zhongsun.

The joint name on Sima Dan's letter of credence gave the letter of credence legal effect.

On August [-], the first year of Hongshi, the surrender of Sima Dan in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was not the end of the battle.In fact it's just the beginning.At Haishi on August [-]th, a unit of the Wei Tong Department of the Yanzhou Army of the Southern Expedition Army stationed in Tangyi, a total of thousands of people crossed the river and took over Mufu Mountain and Yanziji. The vanguard troops stationed in Jiankang , declaring that Wei Guo regained Jiankang.

On August [-]th, Huan Mi and Mi Li's troops received Sima Dan's surrender decree, announcing their surrender to the remnants of Shi Liang's army on the south bank of the river.That night, Xie Shi, the governor of the Jin State Navy, also surrendered to Shi Yue, the general who conquered the South.

On August [-]th, all the generals of the Southern Expedition Army, with the help of Xie Shi, General Hengjiang of the Yangtze River Fleet of the State of Wei, crossed the river smoothly and stationed in cities along the river.

At this time, Huben Jun Mi Li, Huan Mi and Xie Shi secretly got together.Secretary Huan said worriedly: "Although we were reorganized by the Wei army and gave us normal treatment from the Wei army, but now the Sun Tai bandits are powerful, but when the time comes, will they let us be cannon fodder? To attack Sun Tai's rebels?"

After hearing Mi Huan's words, Mili showed embarrassment, and said after a while: "This kind of thing is probably unavoidable, but don't worry too much, even if we go to fight, it is possible that Sun Tai's mob can stop us Can’t the elite troops succeed? As long as we do our best to defeat Sun Tai and pacify Jiangnan, we don’t have to be afraid that he will make things difficult for us generals from the Jin army.”

What Xie Shiyi heard was the same, even if Wei Guo treats them as cannon fodder, it still depends on who the opponent is.The rebel army under Sun Tai is not the Wei army. Although the Jin army is not too strong in this era, it is not the weakest either.At least Shi Le, Shi Hu, and Murong Jun didn't take much advantage of the Jin army.Although the Jin army lost to the Wei army, if the opponent was replaced by Sun Tai and other mobs, the Jin army had never been afraid of anything.It doesn't even need much, Mili is confident that he can defeat Sun Tai's 1 troops as long as he leads more than [-] people from the headquarters.

Just when the Wei army was preparing to quell the Sun Tai Rebellion, the news of the surrender of the Eastern Jin Dynasty also spread to Yecheng.Ran Mingdang announced the surrender of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the Wei State was basically unified except for Chengdu Huanwen.At this time, while rewarding the soldiers of the three armies, Ran Ming also proposed the "earth break" system.The annexation of land by powerful clans displaced the people and made it impossible to protect their properties. Ran Ming changed the loose regulations on this kind of thing since the Eastern Jin Dynasty, re-regulated the regulations and displayed them to the public, which greatly curbed the mergers of powerful clans.

At the same time, Ran Ming also divided the administrative regions of Wei State.Completely abolish the Overseas Chinese State and Overseas Chinese County system in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

At this time, the state of Wei implemented a three-level administrative system of state, county, and county, and established a Baojia system in counties and counties. Ten households had one armor, ten armors had one fort, ten forts were one town, and a county was divided according to the size of its administrative area. Depending on the size of the population, several towns are established.This is actually the same as the six-level administrative management system of rural villages in later generations.

Of course, the focus is on states and counties.

Wei State Luozhou (Western Jin Sizhou) Governor's Department.It governs Luoyang, and has jurisdiction over Henan County, Xingyang County, Hongnong County, Shangluo County, Pingyang County, Ji County, Guangping County, Yangping County, Wei County, Hedong County, Dunqiu County, and Hanoi County.

Yanzhou Governor's Department governs Linqiu and has jurisdiction over Chenliu County, Puyang County, Jiyang County, Gaoping County, Dongping County, Jibei County, and Taishan County, seven counties and 56 counties.

Yuzhou Governor's Department governs Chen County, and has jurisdiction over Yingchuan County, Runan County, Pei County, Lu County, Qiao County, Anfeng County, Yiyang County, Xiangcheng County, Liang County, Xincai County, Ruyin County, Chen County, There are 99 counties in the thirteen counties of Nanton County and Nanyang County.

Jizhou Governor's Department governs Xindu, governing Zhao County, Chenlu County, Anping County, Pingyuan County, Leling County, Zhangwu County, Hejian County, Gaoyang County, Boling County, Qinghe County, Bohai County, Zhongshan County, Changshan County Counties, 83 counties and [-] counties.

Youzhou Governor's Department governs Beiping, and has jurisdiction over 48 counties including Fanyang County, Yan County, Beiping County, Shanggu County, Guangning County, Dai County, and Liaoxi County.

The Pingzhou Governor's Department governs Xiangping and has jurisdiction over 76 counties including Changli County, Liaodong County, Lelang County, Xuantu County, Daifang County, Canghai County, Lintun County, Goguryeo State, and Fuyu State.

Bingzhou Governor's Department governs Jinyang, and has jurisdiction over 45 counties in Taiyuan County, Shangdang County, Xihe County, Leping County, Yanmen County, and Xinxing County.

Yongzhou Governor's Department governs Chang'an, and has jurisdiction over Jingzhao County, Fengyi County, Fufeng County, Anding County, Beidi County, Shiping County, and Xinping County, seven counties and 39 counties.

Liangzhou Governor's Department governed Guzang, with jurisdiction over 46 counties including Jincheng County, Xiping County, Wuwei County, Zhangye County, Hexi County, Dunhuang County, Xihai County, Jinchang County, and Jiuquan County.

The Qinzhou Governor's Department ruled Shangyu, and had jurisdiction over Longxi County, Nan'an County, Tianshui County, Lueyang County, Wudu County, Yinping County, and Didao County, seven counties and 24 counties.

Liangzhou Governor's Department governs Nanzheng, and has jurisdiction over Hanzhong County, Zitong County, Guanghan County, Fuling County, Weixing County, Baling County, Brazil County, Badong County, Shangyong County, Xincheng County, and Dangqu County, eleven counties and 44 counties.

Yizhou Governor's Department governs Chengdu, and has jurisdiction over 44 counties including Shu County, Qianwei County, Wenshan County, Hanjia County, Jiangyang County, Yuejun County, Cang County, and Zhuti County.

The Ningzhou Governor's Department governs Dianchi Lake, and has jurisdiction over 45 counties in Yunnan County, Xinggu County, Jianning County, Yongchang County, and Jinning County.

Qingzhou Governor's Department governs Linzi, and has jurisdiction over Qi County, Jinan County, Le'an County, Chengyang County, Donglai County, Pingchang County, Gaomi County, Changguang County, and Jiaodong Country (county) nine counties and 56 counties.

The Xuzhou Governor's Department ruled Pengcheng, and had jurisdiction over Pengcheng County, Xiapi County, Pingyang County, Langya County, Dongguan County, Guangling County, Linhuai County, Lanling County, Dong'an County, Huailing County, and Tangyi County, eleven counties and 61 counties.

The Yangzhou Governor's Department governs Jiankang, and has jurisdiction over Danyang County, Xuancheng County, Huainan County, Lujiang County, Jinling County, Wu County, Wuxing County, Kuaiji County, Dongyang County, Yixing County, Xin'an County, Linhai County, Liyang County Thirteen counties and 170 three counties.

The Jiangzhou Governor's Department governs Yuzhang.Jurisdiction over Yuzhang County, Poyang County, Luling County, Linchuan County, Nankang County, Jin'an County, Wuchang County, Guiyang County, Ancheng County, Xunyang County, Jian'an County and eleven counties 69 counties.

Jingzhou Governor's Department, governing Xiangyang, has jurisdiction over Jiangxia County, Nanjun, Xiangyang County, Shunyang County, Yiyang County, Jianping County, Yidu County, Nanping County, Wuling County, Tianmen County, Suidu County, Xinye County, Jingling County A total of thirteen counties and 150 four counties.

The Department of Governors of Jiaozhou, compiled by Zhilong (today's east of Hanoi, Vietnam), has jurisdiction over 53 counties in Hepu County, Jiaozhi County, Xinchang County, Wuping County, Jiuzhen County, Jiude County, and Rinan County.

Guangzhou Governor's Department, governing Fanyu.It has jurisdiction over Nanhai County, Cangwu County, Yulin County, Guilin County, Gaoliang County, Ningpu County, and Happy County, a total of 68 counties in seven counties.

Yizhou was renamed Taizhou Governor's Department, the original Xiuwu City was renamed Taipei, and became the prefectural government, and the former Xiuwu Domestic History County was renamed Taipei County, which governed three counties and nineteen counties in Taipei County, Taichung County, and Tainan County.

At this time, the administrative area of ​​Wei State consisted of 21 state governors, 180 eight counties, and [-] counties.In addition to these directly subordinate counties and counties, four Duhufu were also established, namely Andong Duhufu.

The Anbei Protectorate was moved from Jinyang to Shengle.The area under its jurisdiction includes the Mongolian Plateau, the vast area between the Greater Khingan Mountains in the east, the Altai Mountains in the west, and Lake Baikal in the north.

Anxi Protectorate (Plan) is in charge of the Western Regions

The Annan Protectorate (plan) is in charge of the Indochina Peninsula.

In addition to these four capital guards, there are also four towns in Nanyang, Weiyuan, Fuyuan, Ningyuan, and Zhenyuan.

"The Kingdom of Jin surrendered, the Master Wang entered Jiankang, and the world was unified." The newspapers of all middle schools spread the news as quickly as possible, which made the Kingdom of Wei fall into a crazy carnival.

"National reunification is imminent, and the revival of China that His Majesty is talking about will not be far away!" With the implementation of Ran Ming's imperial examination system, more and more officials began to gather in Yecheng.Many scholars were pointing the country again with their folding fans.

"That's right. After the unification of the country, the political situation is stable, and judging from the policy policies of His Majesty in the past few years, no matter whether it is to support farmers or stimulate business and industry, he has spared no effort. I will have a lot to do when the time comes!"

(End of this chapter)

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