Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 958: War or Peace?

Chapter 958: War or Peace?
Chapter 964: War or Peace?

"I heard that His Majesty is going to set up county schools in [-] places across the country. All county school students will be exempted from tuition and miscellaneous fees, and some students from poor families can also apply for royal bursaries."

A man with the appearance of an official wearing a blue Confucian shirt said: "What brother Lin said is true. However, Yan also heard that the imperial examination system will be officially implemented in five years, and it is just a trial run now."

"Brother Fang, tell me, what kind of reforms should be carried out in this imperial examination system." The official surnamed Lin in a gray Confucian shirt said: "Don't ask about family background, don't ask about background, only the amount is applicable, and the principle of difficulty should be discarded? "

"That's not the case." Fang Yan said: "Yan heard that His Majesty will establish at least one county school in each of the 180 counties across the country, and at least one county school in each of the 21 counties across the country. There are [-] states, and each state has at least one state school. The people who are eligible for the imperial examination system must have a basic principle after five years, that is, all candidates must have a five-year county school completion certificate."

The official surnamed Lin was anxious: "Shouldn't the students of the family studies be allowed to take the imperial examination?"

Fang Yan said: "That's not the case. County school students have a final exam. Regardless of whether they have studied in the county school or not, they can take the county school final exam. If they pass the exam, they can also obtain a county school diploma. Naturally, they can take the imperial examination gone."

The official surnamed Lin said: "I don't know what is the content of the county school exam?"

"The content of the county school examination is relatively simple. It is the same as the content of the imperial examination. The learning content includes various classics, history, and the six arts." Fang Yan said: "The full score is [-] points, of which [-] points are for classics, and [-] are for history. [-] points, [-] points for each of the six arts.”

Hearing this, all the officials lost their worries and began to talk loudly.In fact, Ran Ming was not very satisfied with the imperial examination system and the examination system of later generations.Therefore, Ran Ming adopted a compromise method, that is, the basic education for the universal literacy, which is not only a county school, but also equivalent to the primary school of later generations. It is divided into five years to learn basic cultural knowledge.As for county schools and state schools, this is the model of elite education.

It's not that Ran Ming doesn't want to have a universal education, but that the disadvantages are too great.For example, later dynasties lowered the threshold for universities, and even graduated more than 800 million college students and more than 170 million postgraduates every year. Including doctors, there are almost tens of millions of high-quality talents pouring into society.However, the quality of these college students is not flattering.It's ridiculously low, and it's useless except for hanging book bags.Of course, it is not to belittle college students, but they put on airs, think too highly of themselves, and cannot integrate into society. On the contrary, because of work pressure, they complain about others and have a very bad influence.

Ran Ming didn't want to be like the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, holding up scholars and letting them point at his nose and scold him.Education for all is only to improve the basic quality of the people, so that they can read, understand, and understand some simple arithmetic knowledge, so that they can facilitate themselves in life.It can also increase the overall national power of Wei State.

As for the county school, Ran Ming aimed at the secondary schools of later generations, of course, the combination of junior high school and senior high school. During school, not only should they be educated in classics and historical articles, but more importantly, they should cultivate preparatory knowledge.Such as mechanical theory, physics and chemistry knowledge.Moreover, the imperial examination system does not allow them to become officials. There are only 180 counties in the country of Wei, and there are no deputy county magistrates. Anyway, only [-] county magistrates are needed.There are only [-] counties, and these county-level officials are simply not competent for a fresh graduate.

However, if the land is not developed, the number of officials needed each year is actually very limited. At best, dozens of people are great, and hundreds of people are enough to exchange blood.Many students are doomed to fail to pass the imperial examination and successfully become officials. Most students also need to support their families and survive.Therefore, solving their living problems is also a problem that Ran Ming considers.

It is very easy to increase the number of officials, but if they are abolished, the resistance is very high.The salaries of officials are also the bulk of the country's fiscal expenditures. For example, China's annual administrative expenditure of 7 trillion yuan in later generations ranks first in the world.The more than 5000 trillion yuan will be shared by every citizen, and each person will pay [-] yuan in taxes.At this time, the state of Wei did not have the bloated administrative organization of later generations, but Ran Ming tried his best to avoid the phenomenon of too many officials in later generations.

County school graduates will definitely not get any decent results in the imperial examinations. Except for a very few who can stand out, the others are mediocre.Since officials do not need so many, and the country does not have to cultivate so many talents, any waste of resources is shameful, and waste of human resources is even worse.

At this time, at the Huishan Pass outside Wuxi City, Sun Tai took advantage of Sima Xi's old barracks and set up a command post.At this moment, Sun Tai had a gloomy face, and under Sun Tai stood Zhou Xie, the general of the former division, Xu Fu, the general of the rear division, Sun Bi, the general of the right division, and Lu Ji, the general of the left division.There are also several confidants such as Sun En and Lu Xun.And these people also had the same gloomy expression as Sun Tai, and a few of them could see the worry on their faces at a glance.

After a long silence in the handsome tent, Sun Tai raised his head and looked at the crowd and said loudly: "We don't have much time left for us in Wei State, how do you reply to this? Do you have any opinions?"

After Sun Tai finished speaking, the former general Zhou Xie stood up and said: "Tianshi, Xie's meaning is the same as what I just said. The Wei State has become a major force, and the Jin State has surrendered. The Huanwen State of Shu Even though there is still the will to resist, there is absolutely no way to resist the general trend of Wei's unification. Moreover, the Wei army has more than 100 million troops, in fact, only the Southern Expedition Army that arrived in Jiankang, and the Rebel Army and Modao Army that came from Linhai , and the Zhen Guo Army, Beifu Army and other troops, if the Wei Army wants to put down the Jiangnan dialect, it is definitely not something we can resist."

In fact, Sun Tai also understands that even though he has 40 troops, the numbers are very scary, but in fact there are not many soldiers capable of fighting. Zhou Xie and Xu Fu's confidantes Ding Bing each have more than a thousand soldiers People, after the rapid expansion of these troops, more than [-] capable soldiers can be obtained, with complete armor and weapons, which can be regarded as elites.The second is the Taoist believers headed by Sun Bi. This group is full of more than [-] people. As for Lu Ji, he has more than [-] troops under his command. Only the more than [-] troops of his trusted disciples who act as military officers are considered elite, and the rest are just numbers. of.

What's more, Zhou Xie and Xu Fu are both gentlemen in the south of the Yangtze River. Although they are not considered first-class wealthy families, they are from serious noble families.

Xu Fu also said: "Tianshi, we really don't have enough troops. We can't beat Wei Guo. A ranger sentry under the command of Tianmo the day before yesterday encountered a scout team from Wei Guo's rebellious army. There were only ten of them, but less than half of the hundred cavalry scouts escaped back. Fu is not bragging, the rangers under Fu's command are our elite. At the beginning, with [-] cavalry, Wu Xing prefect Ding Xian had [-] The armored soldiers were defeated with one blow. But they were fighting more and less, and they didn't even have the power to parry." When Xu Fu said this, Sun Bi, the general of the right division, turned to Sun Tai and said, "Tianshi, this Although Jiangnan is huge, if we resist, once the Wei army marches in a big way, we may not have a foothold at that time!"

At this time, Lu Ji said: "Tianshi, the last general received the secret envoy of Wei's royal guards last night. Wei Guo did a great job in order to win over the last general. At the end of the day, the army was given back to an army. The army of Wei State is different from the army of Jin State, although one army in Wei State Army also has two battalions under its jurisdiction, with 4000 soldiers, and also includes a supply, equipment, medical care, etc. There are [-] soldiers in the army. The general is loyal to the celestial master, this secret envoy has already been tied up by the general, and he will go to camp outside. If the celestial master wants to see him, the general will bring him here."

Apart from these confidant generals, of course other confidantes also talked about each other, some said that they would resist to the end, and some said they wanted to compromise with the Wei State, so as to feign surrender to the Wei State, The whole army accepts Wei Guo's adaptation, obtains Wei Guo's excellent equipment, and then turns against his mother.Some people also said that they would unite with Huanwen to jointly resist the southward advance of the Wei army.And listening to these words, instead of making Sun Tai settle down, he hesitated even more.

Like other careerists, Sun Tai is also a careerist under the banner of religion.The road to Sun Tai's rise is covered with corpses. People who can leave a name in history are not submerged in the dust of history, and they are not simple characters.Sun Tai originally took advantage of the opportunity of the Jin Dynasty's violent conquests in the south of the Yangtze River and the loss of people's hearts to rebel. He made up his mind to rebel against the rebellion of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and then accepted Wei's recruitment, and then completed the transformation from reckless to official.

It's just that although the plan is good, there are deviations in actual actions.Sun Tai occupied the most prosperous eight counties in the Eastern Jin Dynasty in just three months, with more than [-] troops.Controlling the life and death honors and disgraces of millions of people, especially those noble ladies such as Lu, Gu, Zhu, Zhang, Wang, Xie, etc. that he had to look up to and admire, now forcefully smile at him, this feeling is so wonderful up.Power is a thing that is more addictive than white fans. Sun Tai, who has enjoyed the beauty of power, can't give up the power in his hands no matter what.

It’s just that Sun Tai also understands that his army is a mob, and its combat power is not even as good as Jin’s. In the previous combat power, he didn’t adopt any effective strategies and tactics at all, but directly employed people in piles to maximize the advantages of numbers. The weak quality advantage of the Jin army was easily offset.

But now that the opponent has been replaced by Wei Guo, this numerical advantage cannot be brought into play.The morale of the Wei army is high. At the last moment of unifying the country, all the soldiers are ready to make meritorious deeds. Who will lose the chain at this time?

The Wei State divides the land with the head of military merit, but it does not specify who owns the head. As for Han people or Hu people, there is no difference in the minds of the soldiers of the Wei army. get the reward.As for killing the good and taking the merit, then don't even think about it.

Countless censors and members of the soldiers' committee are staring at it. Whoever thinks it is too long will kill the good and pretend to be meritorious, and this crime will deprive him of the military merit he has obtained before.

Of course, there is also Liu Zhao who wants to make meritorious deeds in Weiguo. Liu Zhao has already set his sights on Sun Tai's troops. In fact, not only Lu Ji, but all Sun Tai's generals including Zhou Xie and Xu Fu , all received Liu Zhao's wooing secret envoy.As for both Zhou Xie and Xu Fu, they readily agreed to Wei's surrender conditions, and now Wei's intelligence and liaison officials have already stationed in the two armies to discuss the surrender and adaptation in detail.

Faced with the pressing forces of the Dispute Army, Zhen Guo Army, Mo Dao Army and Beifu Army, Sun Tai was extremely worried.In fact, he also knew in his heart that it was impossible to fight against Wei Jun, but the conditions offered by Wei Jun were really hard for him to accept.

The generals of the four divisions were awarded the title of general, and they could accept it, but Sun Tai could not, because what Wei Guo gave to Sun Tai was only the position of the master of the Zhongtiao Mountain Taoist Temple.This is very different from what Sun Tai wanted to succeed Ge Hong as the Taoist leader and guardian of the country.

Recently, Ge Hong's health is not good, and each of Ge Hong's four major disciples has only inherited one aspect of Ge Hong, and he has no prestige to convince the public. division.You must know that Ge Hong, the protector of the Wei Kingdom, has a very high status, and he is even more important than the prime minister. National religious affairs, Taoism in Wei State has now developed into seven parts, one of which is like a psychiatrist in later generations, specializing in solving doubts for believers.In each Taoist temple, set up a small warm pavilion, and then solve the worries and doubts of the believers.Although this kind of Taoist priest has little power, his income is very high.The other branch, like the Christian military chaplains of later generations, specially presided over the death sacrifices for the fallen soldiers.Another one is mainly surgeons.These two Taoist sects both enjoy the treatment of official national civil servants, and they have monthly salaries to receive.Like the highest military physician, they all enjoy the treatment of deputy lieutenant.This is equivalent to two thousand stone officials in the Han Dynasty.

Followed by the chemical alchemy sect and the traditional spirit talisman sect, these two sects are the real Taoists.But it is undeniable that Taoism has been greatly developed in Wei State. There are more than 30 registered Taoist priests, among which doctors are the most, with more than 8 people, followed by the alchemy school, which also has at least [-] to [-] people. .

Now once he accepts Wei's surrender conditions, Sun Tai will not be as good as he is now.People go to high places and water flows to low places, so Sun Tai was naturally unwilling to surrender.

In fact, Ran Ming developed Taoism, but he didn't want to find a father on his head. In Rome, there was no pope to be crowned, and the emperor was not legally effective, and he fought religious wars for more than [-] years for religion.Ran Ming doesn't want an uncontrollable religion to be born in his hands, not to mention Taoism is a religion that started from rebellion, for his own sake, regardless of the interests of the country and the nation.

Later Quanzhen sect Qiu Chuji, this is an out-and-out traitor. Mongols destroyed Song Dynasty, and he contributed a lot to the invisible battlefield.

So under such circumstances, it is impossible for Ran Ming to place the ambitious Sun Tai as the leader of Taoism. This is a lunatic. If he chooses to rebel under his instigation, Wei Guo will be very happy.

In fact, Taoism was not a religion at first, but a school of thought. Among the schools of thought, Taoism adopted the viewpoints of schools of Yin-Yang, Confucianism, Law, and Mohism, and formed the Huang-Lao School of Thought, which occupied a certain position in history. , although Taoism is not as far-reaching as Confucianism, in fact Taoism advocates governance by doing nothing. It had a significant impact in the early Han Dynasty, before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.The Western Han Dynasty adopted Huang Lao's rule of inaction, and the country was rich and strong, which laid a solid foundation for Emperor Wu's two expeditions to Mobei.

The so-called "government by inaction" does not mean inaction in the literal sense.Instead, it is advocated that the monarch saves harsh things, pays lightly, and does not take away the people.Even looking at it now, such a theoretical thought is impeccable.Of course, this is definitely unacceptable to the royalists.

But later, Taoism gradually faded out of the historical and political stage because Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty only respected Confucianism.With the integration of Ran Ming and Ge Hong, Taoism has formed a religion and has a complete sectarian doctrine.Of course, at this time, it is impossible for Ran Ming to let Taoism escape from his grasp.Although Ge Hong was old and frail, his time was short. (It should be dead in history, and the time was deliberately extended for the sake of the plot.) In fact, although Taoism is a native religion in China, and received the support of the court during most of the Tang, Song, and Ming Dynasties, it did not form a world-wide religion. , In fact, it is inseparable from the variety of theoretical factions of Taoism.For example, Ge Hong, in fact, he belongs to the Yuqing sect of Taoism and respects Yuanshi Tianzun, while the Shangqing sect respects Lingbao Tianzun, and the Taiqing sect respects Daode Tianzun.In order not to distinguish between each other, Ran Ming directly transformed the three Qings in one breath, and Haotian was the highest in the process of ranking the gods, and then the three venerables.At this time, Ran Ming planned to make Yang Xi, the ancestor of the Shangqing School, to be Ge Hong's successor.

This Yang Xi, whose name is Xihe.Young studious, calligraphy and painting, has a psychic experience since childhood.And long, the nature is deep and deep.He has very close contacts with Xu Mai and Xu Mi. "Zhengao" and "Qingwei Xianpu" call him one of the founders of the Shangqing School.In the fifth year of Yonghe (349), he received the "Zhonghuang Zhihubaofu"; in the sixth year (350), he received the "Lingbao Wufu Jing" from Mrs. Wei's eldest son Liu Pu; in the second year of Xingning (364), he received the "Shangqing Zhenjing", He also entrusted the gods to dictate, and produced a large number of Taoist scriptures.Yang Xi's achievements in literature, medicine and even chemistry are far inferior to Ge Hong's, but it is undeniable that he has a good prestige in Taoism.As for Sun Tai, Ran Ming didn't think about it at all. If Du Jiong, Sun Tai's teacher, surrendered to Ran Ming, Ran Ming might consider it, but it's a pity that Du Jiong didn't want to surrender to Ran Ming. very high.

(End of this chapter)

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