Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 959 The God of War Appears

Chapter 959 The God of War Appears
Chapter 965 The God of War Appears

Some people are like this, they can't find their own position at all, and they put themselves too high.Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times because Liu Bei was precarious and had no choice but to do so.In Ran Ming's eyes, Du Jiong was nothing more than a magic stick, the difference being a slightly more famous magic stick.Unlike the monarchs in history, Ran Ming is a descendant, and he doesn't believe in gods and ghosts at all.Even Du Jiong's miraculous performance, in Ran Ming's view, is nothing more than a large-scale stage magic, with no redeeming qualities.As for Sun Tai, let alone step aside.

If Ran Ming needs it, he can support any cat or dog as the leader, as long as the leader hears about it.

Sun Tai thought about it by himself, and finally decided to resist.Although the state of Wei is powerful, its army is also very powerful. Of course, in Sun Tai's view, the serious trouble of the state of Wei is not himself, but Huan Wen.The world is so big, and the terrain of Yizhou in the Shu Kingdom is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In the south, Wei Guozhen Nanda General Zhang Wen's troops were blocked by Huan Shiqian at Xiaguan, and hundreds of thousands of troops could not advance an inch.As for Zhenxi General Xie Ai, although he surrounded Chengdu, there is no sign of breaking through Chengdu for the time being.In this case, the main force of the Wei State's Southern Expedition Army must march westward and attack Chengdu by water.Then the Wei State that raided Linhai by sea will definitely not have too many people, at most 3 people, and a whopping 6 or [-] people.

Of course, relying on the more than 40 mob under Sun Tai's troops, regardless of the numerical advantage, there is still no hope of defeating the Wei army. With these elites, it should be possible to block the Wei army.Of course, Sun Tai didn't want to fight to the end, he just wanted to let Wei Guo see that after this battle, Sun Tai didn't just wait for someone else, don't use the method of dealing with the surrendered army to recruit me, and I can surrender, But he has to show sincerity. What he hopes most is naturally to become the leader of Taoism in the Great Wei Dynasty and protect the country, just like Ge Hong. Of course, although this requirement cannot be achieved, it is necessary to maintain his own power. As the captain of the four counties, he himself became the general guarding one side, while he could nominally obey the leadership of the Wei court.

It is a pity that Sun Tai was unlucky and met Su Lin.When Su Lin was in Ran Min's time, it was because Ran Min was his inner demon. In order not to face Ran Min's embarrassment, he faded out of court.But it doesn't mean that Su Lin doesn't have the heart to pursue an official career. As the head of the Su Clan in Zhongshan, the interests of the family push him forward.Su Lin is the kind of person who doesn't do anything, but does what he does best.So when he came back, he had to show that he, Su Lin, appeared with the strongest face. Su Lin wanted to stand up, and he wanted to make his own voice to the generals of Wei State, so as to prove that he, Su Lin, was back.

And Sun Tai was very pitiful and became an egg in Su Lin's eyes. Su Lin wanted to kill chickens to scare monkeys, and chickens are nothing more than disputes. At present, it is Sun Tai.But those monkeys are the princes and generals of Wei Guo because of their meritorious service.At this time, Su Lin was only General Zhen Guo, a miscellaneous general of the fourth rank, but the generals who were once lower than Su Lin, especially Ji Wei, now became the de facto bigwigs in the military.This made Su Lin very unbalanced. When Ran Min established the Wei State, among the generals, the only one who could stand alongside Su Lin was Zhou Cheng.As for Ji Gu at that time, he was just a captain riding under Ran Min's command.

If this is to be replaced by the military rank of later generations, it is the difference between the commander-in-chief and the head of the colonel, which makes Su Lin very unbalanced.Su Lin wants to fight a battle to see if he, Su Lin, is not a man of fame. Facing Sun Tai's resistance, Su Lin ordered the four infantry battalions and two cavalry of the Zhen Guo Army to attack Sun Tai without saying a word. of the Chinese Army.

Sun Tai proved with facts that no amount of mob can resist the real elite.Regardless of the combat effectiveness of the national army responsible for attacking Sun Tai Town, even the elite troops in Sun Tai’s eyes are actually just over 30 years old. , Let alone compare with the elite Zhen Guojun, even the most ordinary garrison army of Wei State is much stronger than Sun Tai's so-called "elite".

The army of the Zhen Guojun was reorganized from the Han captives rescued from the Xianbei Army of the Yan State. Almost all of these soldiers came back from the gate of hell. It's not a level of fighting at all.

Zhen Guojun's style of play is very fierce, completely like a lunatic's style of play.Facing the knife and ax cut by the enemy, he didn't even have the intention of dodging. If he didn't dodge or dodge, he swung his knife and struck, which was often a crazy way of fighting for his life.As soon as the two armies came into contact, Sun Tai's "elite" troops immediately herded sheep.Those who are soft are afraid of those who are hard, those who are hard are afraid of those who are stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of death.Even the elite regular army of the State of Wei would have a headache when they encountered an army with the style of the Zhen Guo Army, but Sun Tai's troops didn't have to worry about it at all.

Although the generals of Sun Tai's fourth division are not useless, especially Lu Ji, the general of the left division, is a lunatic who dared to attack the Eastern Jin imperial palace with 200 people in history. Brilliant.However, the battlefield is not a paradise for personal bravery, and the so-called battles before the Three Kingdoms are nothing more than literary and artistic techniques.The role of generals' personal bravery on the battlefield is actually very limited.

Just after Lu Ji killed more than [-] soldiers of the Zhen Guojun, Su Lin became angry.Of course, Su Lin didn't directly confront Lu Ji, but ordered all the eight-ox crossbows and crossbows of the Equipment Battalion to aim at Lu Ji.No matter how bad Lu Ji was, his personal martial arts could not resist the arrows of the Eight Bulls Crossbow.Obviously, Lu Ji had a tragedy.At least sixty giant crossbows as thick as a child's arm were shot at Lu Ji. Although Lu Ji avoided most of the giant crossbows, he was nailed to death on the horse in the end.

Following the death of Lu Ji, the tens of thousands of Sun Tai's left division collapsed, which affected the former division's general Zhou Xie and the rear division's general Xu Fu's division. Irreversible, uprising on the battlefield again.In this way, the defeat of Sun Tai's troops was so fast that even Sun Tai didn't realize it.At the time when the whole army was in chaos, Sun Tai took Sun En, Lu Xun and other confidants to make up and escape, but he was identified by the rebellious guards before he ran for a mile, and he obediently became a prisoner.

Subsequently, Sun Tai's rebel army was pacified by [-] soldiers of the Wei Guozhen National Army with a thunderous force, and Su Lin even commanded the Modao Army, the Beifu Army, and the Rebel Army to surround Sima Xi's troops in Jinling.Hearing that Sun Tai was defeated and captured, and that Hu Guang's rebel army was also approaching Jinling from the northeast, Sima Xi didn't think he could resist Wei's Mo Dao army, rebel army, Zhen Guo army, and Beifu army even if he was arrogant. The joint attack of the four armies was almost before Hu Guang approached Jinling.Sima Xi hastily agreed to the surrender conditions announced by Liu Zhao.

All parts are unconditionally accepted for adaptation.Sima Xi, Kuaiji King Sima Yu and other kings will accompany Sima Dan and Chu Suanzi to settle in Yecheng.

After Ran Ming received the news of the initial pacification of the south of the Yangtze River, he did not stop the troops to rest and reorganize. Instead, he left Hu Guang, the rebel army, to clean up the local bandits and disorderly armed forces in various counties and counties in the south of the Yangtze River. At the same time, he ordered the Southern General Shi Yue , mobilized the elite of the army, joined Xie Shi, the commander of the navy, went upstream from the waterway, and together with Xie Ai and Zhang Wen attacked Huan Wen on three sides.

With the information sent by the Wei State Expeditionary Army, the political structure of the Gupta Empire court has undergone a great change. The Gupta Emperor Samadhara Gupta officially established Chandara as the heir and heir.Although Ran Ming didn't know much about ancient Indian history, he knew that Samadhara Gupta was regarded as Napoleon Bonaparte in Indian history.And Chandhara is the Chaori King of the Gupta Empire, an emperor who was blown to the sky. He inherited the great expedition of his father, King Shamdragupta, destroyed the provinces of Western Satopu, and annexed Malawa, Ujan, Prayag and other places entered the Gupta Dynasty.Almost unified the entire South Asian subcontinent, pushing the Gupta Empire to its peak in one fell swoop.

This is a war madman, but also an excellent military strategist. For such an enemy, he must not be able to swallow the anger of the Gupta Empire being defeated by Wei and being blackmailed.With Samadhara Gupta gradually receding into the background, Chandhara will definitely seize the time to prepare for battle after taking power.There will definitely be a war between the Gupta Empire and the State of Wei.This battle will determine who is the destination of the Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean subcontinent.

Although Ran Ming was unwilling to go to war with the Gupta Empire during this period, he knew better that peace would definitely not work for the rise of a nation, and this could only be the wishful thinking of corrupt scholars.The rise of Japan was due to the Sino-Japanese War of [-]-[-], stepping on the bones of the Beiyang navy, thus establishing Japan's maritime power.In the Russo-Japanese War, it stepped on the bones of Tsarist Russia and achieved its status as a powerful country.The same is true for the United States. Because of World War I and World War II, the United States stepped on the bones of the Germanic people to achieve its position as the world's hegemon.

If the Wei State wants to rise to the world, it is far from enough to unify the world, and it is not enough to defeat the nomads in the north.Only by defeating the Gupta Empire can Wei State truly control Nanyang, control the Strait of Malacca, and go to the world.For this upcoming national war, Ran Ming must prepare for the war as soon as possible.

Although Ran Ming also knew that the Gupta Empire did not have the strength to break through the blockade of the four Nanyang towns and reach Wei Guojiao, Guang, Jiangzhou and other places, but Ran Ming had to prepare for the worst.As for the Beifu Army, Modao Army, and Zhen Guo Army, Ran Ming ordered them to go south in advance. While recovering the land of Jin that was nominally surrendered to Wei, Ran Ming will also conduct climate adaptation training in the subtropical region.

Of course, during the battle against the Gupta Empire, Ran Ming would definitely not leave such an unstable factor as Huan Wen, and Huan Wen must be eliminated.For the north, Ran Ming issued a secret decree to Shi Yue, Xie Ai, and Zhang Wen. The first to enter Chengdu will be crowned king, and the one who captures and kills Huan Wen will be promoted to a third rank.

In order to solve Huan Wen, Ran Ming naturally spared no effort.Although the three southern expedition troops, the Southern Expedition Army, the Zhennan Army, and the Zhenxi Army left a lot of people to guard the place, there are still as many as 70 million people who can participate in the attack on Shu.In order to grasp Jiaoguang as soon as possible, Ran Ming also went south collectively with Zhou Zhongsun, He Qian and all the surrendered troops from the Jin Kingdom.

In fact, Ran Ming is really not at ease with Zhou Zhongsun, He Qian and others. In history, whether it is Zhou Zhongsun or He Qian, both of them have experienced surrender and rebellion. To put it bluntly, they are warlords.Now that they have surrendered to Wei, if they are allowed to stay in Jiangnan, there is no guarantee that they will not make a comeback with their personal prestige and charismatic leadership.Therefore, Ran Ming must call them out and let them cooperate with Su Lin's troops.

Relying on the combat effectiveness of the Beifu Army and the Modao Army's direct troops, they would not dare to rebel if they were given three more guts.When more than [-] troops including Zhou Zhongsun, He Qian, Su Lin, Hu Guang, and Xiong Jian went south, the entire Wei State thought that Ran Ming was making a fuss out of a molehill. In fact, except for Wang Meng, no one guessed that Ran Ming's real purpose was to Keep the Indochina Peninsula.Going south to the central half of the peninsula, Ran Ming must play a trick to attack Guo.

Indochina peninsula is tasteless to the successive monarchs of the Central Plains Dynasty, but in Ran Ming's eyes, it is a sweet pastry.Indochina Peninsula has a humid climate, rich output, and a large amount of minerals, which Ran Ming cannot give up.The unique geographical environment of Indochina Peninsula makes Ran Ming have to take it into his own hands.

Once the Gupta Empire is allowed to control the Indochina Peninsula, or use the Indochina Peninsula as a springboard to attack Wei from the north, Ran Ming will definitely have a big headache.For this reason, Ran Ming's determination to bring the Central Peninsula under direct rule became stronger and stronger.In fact, all the surrounding countries of ancient China paid tribute to China. This tribute was not actually a vassal, but a word game played by literati.No one has ever seen such stupid emperors and ministers in the Central Plains Dynasty pay tribute to some local products, and the gifts are ten times and a hundred times real gold and silver.

Moreover, these vassal states are a group of typical white-eyed wolves, and the Celestial Dynasty, which upholds this traditional diplomatic principle, is also a fool.All the tax revenue provided by the people is selflessly thrown to those white-eyed wolves.If it was a diplomatic error once, it is also twice, and the second time is really stupid.

In ancient times, almost all the countries around China had the tradition of paying tribute. In fact, it was just a shameless whitewashing by the literati in the Central Plains. Many so-called tributes were spontaneously organized by businessmen from various countries.The purpose is to see that the people of the Central Plains dynasty are so stupid and easy to cheat. Anyway, they can kowtow at most without losing a piece of meat, but what they get is ten times and a hundred times the benefits.For this kind of so-called tribute, Ran Ming, a modern person, is very disgusted. In this world, diplomacy depends on fists. The United States has never spent money on a large scale in the world like China, but the diplomatic strength of the United States is still well-deserved Big Brother.

Under this unspoken rule, whoever does not pay tribute to the Central Plains Dynasty is a fool.In the sixth year of Kaiyuan, Funan Kingdom also paid tribute to Ran Min of Wei State, and transported an elephant by sea.Ran Min was also very generous in returning thousands of volumes of books, most of which were Buddhist scriptures, as well as snow salt, silk and so on.It's just that the value is not much, which made King Funan very dissatisfied, and immediately cut off contact.

Ran Ming was very disgusted, so he put an end to this kind of behavior of slapping a swollen face to pretend to be fat.As long as it is a tribute from a vassal state, there will naturally be a lot of gifts in return, but there is absolutely no one or two gold and silver. Confucian classics, various books, and Han culture, a large amount of selfless donations.For one tribute from Baekje, Ran Ming sent a thousand volumes of "The Analects of Confucius" and a thousand pieces of Confucian robes and shirts.When Khotan became a vassal, Ran Ming also had a thousand sets of "Four Books and Five Classics" and a thousand sets of Confucian uniforms.

Funan Kingdom, also known as Funan Kingdom and Ba Nanguo, means "mountain", and is the name of an ancient kingdom that once existed on the ancient Indochina Peninsula.Its jurisdiction is roughly equivalent to the entire territory of Cambodia today, as well as southern Laos, southern Vietnam and southeastern Thailand.It is the first Southeast Asian country to appear in ancient Chinese historical records, and it is also a Southeast Asian country that often appears in ancient Chinese historical records.

On August 25th, Ran Ming issued a secret decree to Su Lin, asking him to take the opportunity to conquer the countries of the Indochina Peninsula, destroy them, and merge Zhancheng State into the Wei State Jiaozhou Governor's Department. The country established by Xianglin County in Nanjun moved north to Jizhi Lurong (near Hue, Vietnam today).After the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was owned by Linyi.

Champa was destroyed, and Xianglin County was upgraded to a county, which governed [-] counties of Champa.Of course, what Ran Ming meant for Chenla, Khmer, Funan and other countries was to destroy their countries and establish counties.Set up Yuezhou in Funan State to govern Vientiane.

Ran Ming believed that with the strength of the small countries in the Indochina Peninsula, they could not resist Wei's iron-blooded army. Once the Indochina Peninsula was captured, it would not be a problem to maintain a large garrison with the rich output of the Indochina Peninsula.Ran Ming's plan is to set up [-] to [-] military mansions in the Indochina Peninsula based on retired veterans, station more than [-] Han troops, and then let the Han troops intermarry with the local indigenous peoples to gradually integrate the Indochina Peninsula.

In addition, Ran Ming's annexation of the Indochina Peninsula at this time is actually related to the successful invention of artillery.When Ran Ming surrendered in Sima Dan, he received a secret report from the military supervisor that the artillery was successful.The king of the battlefield - after the artillery appears, any cold weapon is just a fleeting cloud in front of it...

Once the germ of technological war emerges, it won't take long for this guy to grow into a towering tree, and its roots will even drill a hundred feet into the soil. The machine of war has already rumbled to the distance.

Ran Ming invented gunpowder, which did not exist in this era. In terms of military applications, Huan Wen also saw the value of gunpowder and vigorously developed gunpowder.Because of Xie Ai's fierce attack on Chengdu, because of the war, Huan Wen's use of gunpowder was promoted instead.Although Huan Wen didn't make artillery or rockets, he made great use of the power of gunpowder.Because Huan Wen taught himself without a teacher, he created landmines.

First of all, Huan Wen passed through the countless caves for hiding soldiers on the city wall of Chengdu, and kept transporting mines out of the city, and densely spread them on the battlefield.

From the initial distance of [-] feet from the city wall, Huan Wen gradually surrounded Chengdu with landmines. Except for the narrow passage exits in four directions, all other directions were blocked by landmines.

(End of this chapter)

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