Chapter 960

Chapter 966

Landmines are hard to defend against, and Huan Wen also invented earthen mines, which made it impossible for Wei Guo to clear mines.If you want to attack Chengdu, you must use your life to detonate all the mines.Not to mention that Xie Ai didn't dare to do this, I'm afraid Ran Ming couldn't be so ruthless and send Wei's elite troops to die.

Because of this change, Xie Aikong had superior strength, but he couldn't use it.Now, neither the trebuchets under Xie Ai's command, nor the ballista, nor the rockets can touch the edge of the city wall of Chengdu.At this time, the food stored in the city of Chengdu is about enough for hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Chengdu to feed for half a year. If food is saved, this time may last for ten months or even a year.

Huan Wen is definitely a genius. After he discovered the usefulness of landmines, he immediately sent someone to send the mines and the method of making them to Huan Shilu, so that he could deal with Zhang Wen.

In this way, neither Zhang Wen nor Xie Ai could make a breakthrough in a short period of time.

When You Yi told Ran Ming the news, Ran Ming woke up suddenly in his sleep, and ran out barefoot without even having time to get dressed.It's quite like Cao Cao seeing Xu You at night.

"Your Majesty, here we come, five big guys have been brought here!"

Ran Ming hurriedly put on his clothes and shouted loudly: "You Yi, prepare your horse quickly, I'm going to have a look, otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight!"

When the emperor travels, the whole set of ceremonial guards is very huge, but Ran Ming can't take care of it.He only pulled Lin Heishan and ran out of Miyagi with more than a hundred imperial guards.

At this moment, Ran Ming discovered something unusual about You Yi.This You Yi was riding on a horse, his body was as if nailed to it, as stable as Mount Tai, no matter how tall the horse was, he couldn't shake him at all.Looking at that relaxed look, it is obvious that he is skilled in riding.

Ran Ming passed through the palace city quickly and arrived at Jingyang Gate.The gatekeeper of Jingyang Gate saw that it was Ran Ming's warrant, so he didn't dare to neglect it, and immediately opened the city gate.Ran Ming didn't even bother to greet the captain of the city gate and all the soldiers, so he rode away directly.

Out of Jingyang Gate, along the official road all the way to the east, the horse galloped for three quarters of an hour, and the horse was exhausted and panting, and then came to Fengle Ferry.

I haven't seen the artillery yet, but I saw an old man.Wei Meng, a senior craftsman of the Military Weapons Supervisor.Wei Meng is one of the veterans who followed Ran Ming. From the initial flat carbine gun to Takahashi saddle, double-sided stirrup, Mo knife, eight-ox crossbow, horizontal knife, and Mingguang armor, Wei Meng contributed a lot to every step Ran Ming made. .From the third year of Yongxing to the first year of Hongshi, Wei Meng has been working hard in obscurity for 15 years.

You must know that Wei Guo is just an ordinary blacksmith, and of course he can also work as a carpenter part-time, but what kind of work does Ran Ming let others do? It is simply the work of scientists.In order to follow in the footsteps of Ran Ming, Wei Meng is also extremely diligent, studying desperately.From the original cold weapon to the king of war with hot weapons, Wei Meng has been working hard.You must know that Wei Meng not only does the work of craftsmen, but also the work of management officials. In fact, although Mo Dao, Mingguang Armor and Heng Dao are the painstaking efforts of Niu Shi, Wei Meng's contribution must not be obliterated.

In the past 15 years, Wei Meng has grown much older, perhaps because of the wind and dust all the way, but Wei Meng's face is filled with endless fatigue.

"Your Majesty, I will join you!" In addition to Wei Meng, Niu Shi, and Ma Ying, veterans of the military supervisory department, there are also two of Ge Hong's apprentices, Qing Yun and Qing Feng.

"All my lovers are my great heroes, please hurry up!" Ran Ming gently helped everyone up, and then excitedly walked towards the cannon that had just been unloaded from the ship.Touching the yellow golden light of these five statues, Ran Ming said excitedly: "The good guy finally came out!"

You Yi watched Ran Ming touching the cannon with great excitement, crying and laughing, not understanding.Ran Ming put his hand into the barrel of the cannon and stroked it, only to find that the inside was very smooth, not as rough as he imagined.The roundness of the gun barrel is also very good. There is not a single trachoma on the body of the gun that is more than one foot long. I patted the barrel of the gun with my hand and made a crackling sound. The wall of the tube that is more than one inch thick is very thick. You can tell this thing at a glance. Very strong.

Compared with the most primitive artillery in ancient times, this artillery has one more thing, and that is the rotatable gear set.The earliest artillery in the past was a fixed fort. The artillery could only strike in one direction, and could move up and down at most.It is very troublesome to move left and right, which requires digging the base of the gun base again, and then adjusting the direction.

However, the modern artillery adopts the same working principle as the ballista. It can be turned up, down, left, and right like the artillery of the later generations. The only difference is that there is no hydraulic or electric power in this era. Every adjustment or transfer must be done manually.Of course, it takes a lot of strength to turn a big guy that weighs five or six thousand.

"Wei Meng, have you tried it?" Ran Ming excitedly asked Wei Meng.

"Reporting to your Majesty, I have already tried it!" Wei Meng said: "During the development of the artillery, I divided it into two steps, developing the cannon and the cannon barrel separately. In fact, the cannon was successful as early as the end of last year. There are three kinds of guns: five catties, ten catties and twenty catties. Because the guns are different, the guns are also different. Among them, the artillery that can hit twenty catties can hit as far as thirteen miles, and the total weight is five. 760 jin, while the 460-jin cannon weighs only 380 jin and can hit nine miles. As for the [-]-jin cannon, it can only hit [-] jin, and it weighs only [-] jin.”

At this moment, Ran Ming looked at the so-called cannons, that is, shells.Because Ran Ming pursued perfection too much, this shell was similar in shape to the shells of later generations. The only difference was that it was not fired by thundermercury, but was ignited with bright light like the original smoothbore gun.Looking at the appearance of the cannonball of the later generations, there is a fuze more than one foot long at the tail, which makes Ran Ming feel strange.

This kind of artillery firing method is also more heterogeneous. First, there is a small hole in the front, which is specially used to pass through the fuze. The shell is loaded, the fuze is pulled out from the breech bolt hole, and then the fuze is ignited to complete the firing of the artillery. .

Judging from the firing position, this gun is a rear-loading gun, but the firing method is a front-loading smoothbore gun. As for the power, Ran Ming can only watch the live performance.In fact, it is reasonable for Ran Ming to be dissatisfied with the original artillery. The oldest Hongyi cannon can only fire solid bullets, iron sand, or chain bullets. It is nonsense to use this kind of cannon to deal with cavalry. A few breaths will kill the front, and this kind of cannon can fire a shell in about 2 minutes. If you rely on this thing to deal with cavalry, it is purely courting death.After a shell flies out, the artilleryman has to quickly fill the barrel with water, then clean the barrel with something like a mop, then fill the gunpowder, stuff the matchlock in the hole, pound it firmly, and then stuff the solid projectile in, and finally Light the gunpowder rope again, and slowly wait for the gunpowder fuze to burn out. After all this is done, the cavalry's blade will have chopped off the head.

Of course, the cannon in front of Ran Ming is actually a freak, a freak created by the military supervisor to fulfill Ran Ming's series of requirements.Ran Ming needed a breech-loading gun, so they made a breech-loading cannon, and Ran Ming wanted a breech bomb, so they tried their best to make a breech-loading gun.

As for the result, it is not up to them to decide.

Ran Ming said: "Wei Meng come and try it out?"


"Of course" Ran Ming said, "I don't want to wait any longer!"

Wei Meng had no choice but to act according to Ran Ming's wishes.In fact, there was no ideal bombardment position around Yecheng. In order to avoid accidentally injuring innocent people, Ran Ming had to order the cavalry of the Royal Forest Army to clear the Zhangshui River, and then put the artillery on the boat, aiming at the surface of the Zhang River.

Wei Meng directed several craftsmen to slowly move the artillery towards the ferry, then adjusted the firing angle, and finally reloaded and ignited the fuze, anxiously expecting not to embarrass them in front of Ran Ming.

"Boom!" Wei Meng closed his eyes nervously.Muttered in his mouth: "It must be successful, it must be successful!"

Wei Meng's prayer was not heard by Haotian in the end, so the artillery test failed in the end.From another angle, it was considered a success. Although the shell was fired, and the distance was not 5000 miles as expected, it was still nine miles away. This is a range of nearly [-] meters, which made Ran Ming very satisfied.

However, the shell did not explode.

Ran Ming said displeasedly: "Didn't I tell you already? I don't need a cannon that can only fire live ammunition, but a cannon that can open flower ammunition. The difficulty will take four years and cost millions. You Just let me watch this?"

Hearing what Ran Ming said, whether it was Wei Meng or Niu Shi, they all knelt on the ground in fright, shaking like chaff.Wei Meng shouted unwillingly: "Your Majesty, please give me another chance!"

As a top craftsman who has studied artillery for four years, Wei Meng has gathered countless smart people around him. Maybe Wei Meng is not the smartest, but Wei Meng has used countless smart people around him.Wei Meng's understanding of artillery was no worse than Ran Ming's.After a short look, he knew where the problem was.The detonation method of the flower bomb is not the same as that of the original rocket, but a passive detonation method by impact.In this test, when the shell hits the water, the water flow will offset part of the kinetic energy, which may not be enough to detonate the shell.Even if the shell hits the ground, in fact, out of ten shells, at least three will not explode.

There is no way, the explosive ammunition is too difficult, and some of the technologies have already exceeded the limits of what can be achieved in this era.Ran Ming silently nodded and said, "Sure!"

Wei Meng shouted: "Prepare to launch an empty ship, five miles away, light a fire on the empty ship, and prepare the artillery to hit the empty ship."

Following Wei Meng's order, a hundred-stone inland river boat was slowly driven forward.After reaching the range of five miles, they finally lit the fire according to the instructions.

Wei Meng personally commanded the artillery operator and said: "Target fireship, get ready."

A shell was loaded into the cannon and the fuze was drawn.The operator who calibrated the artillery quickly turned the artillery. Amidst a burst of creaking sounds, the artillery operator shouted loudly: "Ready!"

"Let it go!" The elevation angle of the artillery was adjusted very low, which was almost the closest range of the artillery. Of course, within this range, the accuracy of the artillery was very high, basically [-]% of the hit rate for fixed targets.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a black shell flew out of the barrel.The artillery shells fell into the fire boat five miles away in an arc. As the gunpowder bombs exploded, the fire boat was torn into pieces by the artillery, and the hundred-stone tank boat was instantly blown into flying pieces.The entire river surface is like falling into the punishment of heaven.

Ran Ming said excitedly: "It's done, it's not bad, it's better than I imagined! However, I'm still not satisfied with this firing method. It's better to change it to a pulling and detonating method like a grenade."

Wei Meng said: "I will continue to work hard!"

"En!" Ran Ming nodded and said: "The Great Wei established the country with military force, and the rewards and punishments are clear. Even though you have developed the artillery according to my will, you have to reward it."

"This is a matter of the minister's duty, and I dare not take credit for it!" Wei Meng said anxiously, sweating profusely.

Ran Ming gave orders to have someone receive the military inspector and his party, and then hurried back to the city.

On September 25th of the first year of Hongshi, the senior craftsmen of the Military Weapons Supervision and Artillery Project headed by Wei Meng, Niu Shi, Ma Ying, Qingyun, and Qingfeng arrived at Jingyangmen in Yecheng.After Wei Meng and others handed over the documents and checked them, they entered Suzaku Street.Just after entering the square gate of Suzaku Avenue, there was a sound of gongs and drums, and a group of heavily armored Imperial Guards in black armor marched slowly in neat steps.

Merchants or pedestrians on Suzaku Avenue hastily stepped aside.As they got closer, Wei Meng and others also recognized that this was the standing warrior of Taiwu Palace, the real emperor's personal guard of honor and guard.The leader was a middle-aged eunuch who was wearing a crimson palace attire.

In Yecheng, the Imperial Forest Army is very common, but the Zhandian warriors are not common. In ancient times, Zhandian warriors could be said to be officers teaching the corps. Every Zhandian warrior is the emperor's cronies and confidantes. He doesn't go out of the palace, and once he sees him outside, the last time he will be an officer above the military rank.

Wei Meng exchanged glances with the crowd, hurriedly pushed the cannon, and stepped aside to the side of the road, letting the group of soldiers from the Royal Forest Army Standing Hall pass first.Unexpectedly, when the hundreds of warriors and middle-aged eunuchs standing in the hall were ten feet away from Wei Meng, they suddenly stopped at the same time.The eunuch walked towards Wei Meng.

Wei Meng was stunned, his expression somewhat astonished, until the eunuch walked in front of Wei Meng with a submissive smile on his face, then he came back to his senses.

"Marquis of Shucheng, Zhengwei Meng of the Military Weapons Supervisor, Huaxianzi, the Military Weapons Supervisor Cheng, Jiafang Commander Niu Shi, Fang Chengbo, the Military Weapons Supervisor Cheng, Nufang Commander Maying, Qingyun and Qingfeng received the order... . . ”

The eunuch's voice was high-pitched, but full of energy, once he opened his mouth, pedestrians who were tens of feet away could hear him clearly.

Wei Meng, Niu Shi, Ma Ying, Qingyun, Qingfeng and others immediately knelt down and said, "I accept the order!"

The eunuch said slowly: "Marquis of Shucheng, Zheng Wei Meng of Military Weapons Supervisor, Huaxianzi, Military Weapon Supervisor Cheng, Jiafang Commander Niu Shi, Fang Chengbo, Military Weapon Supervisor Cheng, Nufang Commander Maying, Qingyun, Qingfeng , overcoming difficulties, developing the country's most important weapon, and the merits are comparable to opening up the frontier. Special gifts are given to Wei Meng, Niu Shi, Ma Ying, Qingyun, and Qingfeng to ride horses in Yecheng, and to grant jade crowns and jade belts."

Soon, Wei Meng said with tears in his eyes: "I thank the emperor for his kindness!"

Don't think that riding a horse in Yecheng is just a very common trifle, but it is a status symbol.Yecheng is the imperial capital, and it is the same as the vehicle control in later generations. In this era, there are only three kinds of people who can ride horses on the streets of Yecheng.The second hero returned to the capital and allowed him to parade through the streets on horseback.The third is the wedding day of the gentry class.

In the astonishment of everyone, the eunuch ordered people to replace Wei Meng and others' crowns with jade crowns.jade belt.In this era, jade crowns and jade belts are also status symbols, which not everyone can wear.Only the public waiting class can do it.Wei Meng, who is Marquis of Jueshu City, can naturally be included in this list, but Ma Ying, Niu Shi, Qingfeng, and Qingyun are all honorary awards.

Seeing that Wei Meng and five people were supported by the warriors standing on the horse-colored horse, the eyes of the military supervisors and craftsmen were all red.Jealousy, since ancient times, craftsmen are lowly people. Although they are lower than peasants and higher than merchants in the ranking of the four peoples, they are not as rich as merchants, and their life is not satisfactory.But who would have thought that they would not only be rewarded with jade crowns and jade belts, but also be rewarded with horses to parade through the streets, and the imperial decree also said that their merits are better than opening up borders.

Ran Ming used this method to reward Wei Meng and others, but he was actually fishing.Ever since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty exclusively respected Confucianism, hundreds of schools have truly declined, but each line of existence has its own reasons, just like the later celestial dynasties, all kinds of pornography, but has the pornography been swept away?A prostitute is still a prostitute, and a bustard is still a bustard. Because of social needs, they always have the soil to survive.Baijia is actually the same, they just changed their identities, turning light into darkness.

Mohist Yang Zheng was appointed by Ran Ming as the person in charge of the steam engine project, but the principle is there, but the progress is not fast.In addition to Yang Zheng, there are many secretive Mohists who entered the steam engine project.This made Ran Ming very unhappy, but Ran Ming knew that the Mo family was scared by the rulers of previous dynasties, and they were afraid that there would be a new round of purges after they showed up, so they only threw out a few small characters to ask for directions.Ran Ming used this method to tell the world that his idea of ​​a hundred schools of thought contending and letting a hundred flowers bloom is not a political slogan, but a thorough national policy.

In fact, the effect is very pronounced.Especially after the gongs and drums in front cleared the way, five people rode white horses, and many navy troops hidden among the people began to play a role.

"Well bro, do you know what they look like?"

"Why don't you know? Let me tell you that the brother-in-law of Mr. Wei's butler is my cousin. After turning countless turns, he finally turned to Wei Meng: "Master Wei is said to be a descendant of Lu Ban. , Invented many new weapons and equipment, such as Modao, Hengdao, Mingguang Armor, Ballista, and Rockets. It parades across the street on horseback. "Everyone showed a look of being a real man.

Listening to these sailors blowing more and more outrageously, some people finally couldn't sit still.A middle-aged man with the appearance of an old farmer showed a very disgusted expression on his face. He looked at the arrogant Wei Meng and the others, and suddenly stretched his hand to his waist: "What's the use of keeping such deceitful people?"

(End of this chapter)

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