Chapter 961

Chapter 967

However, before the old farmer could touch the thing in his arms, he suddenly slapped him with a big slap.

An old man with white beard and hair who is also an old farmer pointed to the middle-aged farmer who was blushing and said, "That's all you have to do? Don't embarrass yourself here!"

The middle-aged farmer said helplessly: "Daddy, when did such scum appear in our family?"

"Go back and talk about it!"

As soon as he left the city, the white-haired old man became furious, pointing at the middle-aged farmer and said, "Why did you come out of my Gongshu lineage? You bastard, the ancestors are famous all over the world, and everything they do is unpredictable. Wei Mengfei belongs to my lineage, but whether he invented the Magong crossbow or the eight-ox crossbow, even this crossbow looks simple, but in fact it has a lot of mystery. The Qin crossbow and the rhubarb crossbow have been restored, but neither the Qin crossbow nor the rhubarb crossbow is as powerful as the Ba Niu crossbow, not to mention the labor-saving mechanism of the Ba Niu crossbow is even more ingenious. Absolute beauty, unparalleled in the world, we should only respect, how can you deceive yourself and others to assassinate with a crossbow? Do you want to disgrace my Gongshu clan by doing so?"

The middle-aged farmer said: "Father, but why is he pretending to be my father-in-law's loser?"

"Does that dishonor our reputation as a public loser?" The middle-aged farmer was dumbfounded.

"That's it!" The white-haired old man said: "Jiaodong Kingdom is a city of miracles, especially the cement, which also has the power to turn decay into magic, and the gantry crane, which benefits thousands of people. Home, the waterwheel has saved countless people from starvation. This is a great achievement. His Majesty has capable people under his command. I heard that the Mohist Xianzong also sent people to the world. We public losers should not be too far behind, otherwise public losers will always It will be forgotten."

The so-called loyalty is because there are not enough chips for betrayal, and the so-called reserve is actually not enough chips for temptation. As long as there are enough chips, any chaste woman can become a slut. up.

At the same time, in the dark room of an unremarkable wine shop in Yecheng.A middle-aged man looked at the information sent by his disciples: "What a great handwriting, it's as good as Kaijiang, and as honorable as Marquis."

"Juzi, are we?"

"How is Yang Zheng's progress now? If he makes that self-propelled steam engine, will he also be granted the title?"

"Your Majesty has already issued a decree that if Yang Zheng can successfully manufacture the steam engine, he will be granted the title of Marquis of Lantian, with eight hundred households in the township."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Your Majesty is really interesting. Many of his policies coincide with our Mohist school. Watching his actions and hearing his words, he is also a famous leader in the world, and my Mohist school is not a person who does not know practical things."

"Juzi, what do you mean?"

"How many people in the Xianzi generation are still learning?"

"With Zhou Xiansi and Guo Xiancheng, the two have won the true biography of the Mohist school!"

"So let them be born!
"But Juzi, if the imperial court's move is just to lure me to wait for the Mohists to be born, and then use iron and blood to clean them up, I'm afraid my Mohist family will suffer heavy losses!"

The giant shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, I have been secretly observing him for 13 years, and I have never been able to see that he is from the He family. If you talk about Your Majesty, it is most likely that he is a representative of the miscellaneous family."

The so-called miscellaneous family is actually one of the hundreds of schools of thought, and its representative is Wen Xinhou Lu Buwei.His academic point of view is "together with Confucianism and Mohism, and the same name and law." Listening to his words and watching his deeds, Ran Ming gives people the impression that he is a miscellaneous.Ran Ming doesn't care which family's theory it is, as long as it is useful, he will use it.

"Miscellaneous? It's possible!"

"It's not possible, but it is fundamental!" The giant said, "Your Majesty emphasizes business and industry, unlike Confucianism who rejects us and Mohists. From His Majesty, we can see that he has the dominance of Legalism, the benevolence of Confucianism, and our Mohism." With both love and non-gong, it may be the best opportunity for me to be born."


"Don't worry, it's nothing more than martyrdom." Juzi suddenly stood up and pointed out the window, "Since the four years of Yongxing, how long has Yecheng not starved to death? In fact, your majesty is more like a Mohist than I am. My Mohist’s way of admiring the virtuous, he set the official reception standard of four dishes and one soup, which also coincides with my Mohist’s festival way, to promote the benefits of the world and eliminate the harm of the world. Such a monarch can only be compared with Mozi, the sage of the Mohist school. follow."

Mohism is a philosophical school in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in China. It is one of the hundreds of schools of thought. Together with Confucianism represented by Confucius and Taoism represented by Laozi, it constitutes the three major philosophical systems in ancient China. Mencius, the representative of Confucianism, once said, "If the words of the world do not belong to Yang (Yang Zhu, a representative of Taoism), they belong to Mo (Mozi)", which proves the glory of Mohist thought in China.

However, at the turn of the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Mohist school was on the decline, and the influence of Mozi was gradually diminishing. The Mohist school was dismantled several times, and finally withdrew from the stage of history. As a result, the book "Mozi" was lost several times, and many articles are still lost today. Lost.With the development of history, Confucianism is in full swing, and "Confucianism and Taoism complement each other" constitute the basic structure of Chinese culture, but Mohism has no choice but to be squeezed out of the main channel of the river of Chinese culture.

The decline of the Mohist school has always made Ran Ming regretful. In fact, the "Mo Jing" is divided into four chapters: "Jing Shang", "Jing Xia", "Jing Shang Shuo", and "Jing Xia Shuo". The "Jing Shang" is mostly principles, definitions, and definitions; the "Jing Xia" establishes topics and demonstrates; "Jing Shuo" is the explanation and elaboration of the "Jing".The achievements made by the Mohists are something that history will never be able to obliterate.The theory of Mohism is very advanced. Mozi is a mechanic. He put forward the viewpoint that "force is the cause of movement".Furthermore, he pointed out in the "Jingshang Shuo" that force and gravity are equivalent, that is, "force means weight".Corrected a long-standing fallacy: confusing gravity with weight.His thesis is very close to the theory of Galileo and Newton nearly 2000 years later.

What's more, the Mohists have all other notable achievements, such as small hole imaging, the theory of geometry, the three laws, etc. (because this book is just a novel, no detailed introduction)

The "Mo Jing" of the Mohist school is the closest to scientific enlightenment in Chinese history.It mastered the lever principle two centuries earlier than Archimedes, and defined geometry as simply and rigorously as Euclid, but it did not achieve the status of "Elements of Geometry" in the annals of Western science. .It also did not trigger a vigorous scientific revolution, which cannot but be lamented.

Mozi talked and loved, but unfortunately he was born in an era of annexation of territories by the weak and the strong, and the rulers only valued his city defense skills.Mozi talked about science, but unfortunately people would rather believe in the illusory yarrow tortoise shell.Mozi advocated technological inventions, but unfortunately, in the eyes of the boastful officials, these are just "craftsman's works, strange skills and obscenity".

This is a depressing reality that has to be accepted.Ran Ming deliberately let Wei Meng appear in the world as a public transporter, and used all resources to build momentum for Wei Meng, in order to lure out those hidden sects of the Mohist school.Because Ran Ming knew that after the Six Dynasties (Eastern Wu, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang, and Chen), the Mohist family had completely disappeared, and now is the only chance to save the Mohist family.

In fact, Ran Ming succeeded, and Wei Meng and others were rewarded for their invention of artillery. Not only did they reward five people wearing jade crowns and belts, and they rode horses through the streets, but they also rewarded him for the honor of riding horses in Yecheng.The major newspapers were ordered to publish Wei Meng's resume and major achievements.In addition, Wei Meng was awarded the Duke of Lujiang County, and Ma Ying, Niu Shi, Qingyun, and Qingfeng were all marquises.

Although there were many marquises in Wei, they were not as valuable as those in the Jin Dynasty, but the dukes in Wei were very valuable and very few.Except for the 48 county princes in the 48 founding fathers' districts, most of them were posthumously granted.As a craftsman, Wei Meng was conferred the title of Duke of the county, which caused a violent shock in the world.

The Mo family couldn't sit still, and with the development of the current situation, they successively put the elites of the sect on Yang Zheng's side.In this era, it is an extremely exciting era, and it is also an era that makes people speechless.

In addition to the Mo family and the Gongshu family who heard the news, even the Guigu family was ready to move.In the east of Ji County, Ji County, there is a small mountain called Yunmeng Mountain, also known as Qingyan Mountain. Living in seclusion here made Yunmeng Mountain famous. From the Warring States period to later generations, many hermits lived in seclusion.

In Yunmeng Mountain, there is a short valley hidden. In spring and summer, the vegetation in the valley is lush, cicadas sing and butterflies dance, and springs and waterfalls splash. In the cold winter, the trees in the valley are covered with frost and snow, and the waterfalls are also covered with snow Frozen into an ice stream, it looks crystal clear, just like a fairyland on earth.This is the ghost valley where Wang Chan of Guiguzi lived in seclusion. Because the valley is about five miles long, it is also called Wuli Ghost Valley. The tomb of Sun Bin, a disciple of Guiguzi, is also in this valley.

At that time, Guiguzi studied heaven and man, especially the art of war and the art of vertical and horizontal. He was the number one in the Warring States Period. Among his disciples, Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Pang Juan, and Sun Bin were all outstanding figures who could turn the world around. Apart from these four, it is said that Guiguzi had many Each of the disciples of the disciples is a hero for a while, but time flies, time has passed, and more than 1000 years have passed, and the heroes of those years have turned into bones. Although Guigu is still the same Guigu, the owner of Guigu has not changed. How many generations?

Guiguzi established the first military academy in Chinese history here - the first ancient military academy in China. There are monumental structures of military strategists and strategists in the Warring States Period, such as Sun Bin, Pang Juan, Su Qin, Zhang Yi, and Mao Sui, as well as Yanbing Ridge and Eight Diagrams Array. It is the oldest ancient military academy site in China.Trained Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Sun Bin, Pang Juan and other military strategists.Guiguzi's name is Wang Chan, also known as Wang Xu, and his Taoist name is Guigu.He gave lectures in Yunmeng, gathered disciples, and wrote "Guiguzi" thirteen volumes of military books handed down to the world. "Historical Records" says: "Su Qin and Zhang Yi both worked on Mr. Guigu's academics"; "Eastern Zhou Dynasty" records: "Guiguzi and Mozi once went to Yunmeng Mountain to collect medicine"; Dou Wen's inscription on the cliff said: "Mr. Guigu's hidden place." In the sixth year of Emperor Yongzheng's reign in the Qing Dynasty, the inscription on the Wangchan Temple was rebuilt: "The ancestor of Wang Chan hid in the cave, and Sun Bin, Pang Juan, Su Qin, and Zhang Yi worshiped Wang Chan here division".

There is a waterfall in the middle of Wuli Ghost Valley, and the water usually flows down the cliff.Thousands of drops of water were splashed, and when the sun shines directly, you can even see a rainbow in the middle of the waterfall. A middle-aged Taoist priest in a gray Taoist robe is meditating there with his heart turned upside down. Fluttering, but his figure is as motionless as a mountain.

After Wang Chan, Guigu gradually became a holy place for military strategists and strategists.Ghost Valley has also evolved into an academic school.Different from the Mohists, military strategists and strategists have always been the talents needed by the society, and the Guigu school has always produced talents in large numbers.The endless turmoil in the Northern and Southern Dynasties was actually related to the separate bets made by military strategists and strategists.The world will always be peaceful, and there will be no stage for Guigu to play.However, because of the birth of a military strategist, it also created too much blood for this world.

However, this is like the theory of the knife, the knife cannot kill, the murderer can only be the person holding the knife.It cannot be discarded because of the benefit of the knife.

The middle-aged Taoist priest suddenly resigned, turned to the waterfall and asked, "What's the matter!"

A man dressed like a warrior immediately came out and said: "A big event happened outside." As he spoke, the warrior put a large stack of newspapers in front of the middle-aged Taoist priest.

The middle-aged Taoist looked at Bushi and said, "Is there anything else?"

"The public loser, the Mohist, the famous, and the miscellaneous all have the intention of being born. Is my military family also born?"

"Driven by the general trend, how can my family of Guigu be alone?"

Yecheng, the Imperial Palace Taiwu Hall.Ran Ming looked at the strategic plan sent by Ji Wei, and said with a little satisfaction: "The war in central Shu has dragged on for a long time." Counting from Xie Ai's entry into Yinping, the battle of Yizhou has dragged on for nearly eight months.According to the news from the royal guards, the current Gupta Empire Samadhara Gupta has a physical problem, and it seems that he has not shown up in public for three months, and his prince, Chandara Gupta, has already supervised the country.Although the Gupta Empire showed no signs of preparing for war, Ran Ming knew that King Chao Ri would never give Ran Ming too much time.

At this time, the situation of the Gupta Empire was much better than that of the Wei State. It has been more than 40 years since the establishment of the Gupta Empire. During these 40 years, the Gupta Empire has not stopped the pace of expansion. In a centralized system, the central government controls many small princes below, and the officials under the princes manage the administration.During this period, with the economically rich and densely populated Ganges River Basin as the center, the economy achieved unprecedented development.Chandala Gupta II attached great importance to the construction of water conservancy and irrigation projects, and repaired many large-scale irrigation facilities that were destroyed to develop agriculture.The Gupta Dynasty controlled the coastal ports of Bengal and West India, and conducted extensive trade with the Byzantine Empire, Greece, Egypt and the Arab world at that time.

In terms of wealth, the Gupta Empire can surpass the Wei State by a few blocks, and in terms of population, the Gupta Empire is nearly three times that of the Wei State. Once such a huge empire is fully mobilized, it is impossible for Ran Ming not to feel frightened.

Moreover, Ran Ming's Wei State has not yet been truly unified at this time.Fu Jian controls the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which directly borders the Gupta Empire. Currently, the level of elaboration in Fu Jian's interior is too low, and he has no access to core information. However, the intelligence personnel found that people with Gupta faces appeared around Fu Jian, and the two sides must have started. With contact, as to the extent of this contact, it is currently unknown.

Under such circumstances, if the Huan temperature in Chengdu does not drop, it will not be possible to achieve true unification, which is unacceptable to Ran Ming.

Ji Wei said with a distressed face: "Things in Chengdu are a bit complicated. In addition to Huan Wen's subordinates, many Liaoren tribes were also encouraged by Huan Wen. Since all the non-Han people were killed, almost all the Liaoren tribes were hostile to our Great Wei Wangshi. Although the fighting power of the Liaoren tribe is poor, these enemies have repeatedly lost battles with our Wei army, but they were defeated and did not disperse. Occupying a large number of mountainous areas and villages, as soon as our Wei army leaves, they will come out to kill officials and rebel."

Guerrilla warfare has always been a problem that is basically unsolvable, especially in mountainous areas like Bashu.As soon as the Wei army came, they burrowed into the mountains, and as soon as they retreated, they immediately came out to counterattack.It made Xie Ai extremely headache.

"I understand the complexity of the situation, but I still hope that the General Staff can formulate a plan to take down Bashu quickly! If the planned troops are not enough, then you can continue to deploy troops!" Ran Ming felt that it was necessary to remind Ji Wei that he was the most important The valued general, what he said about letting the troops solve the Bashu problem in a short time is not a joke, but must be implemented.

The state of Wei is not short of soldiers, nor is it short of food. The first batch of food from the Nanyang area, nearly 300 million shi, has arrived in the state of Wei. Obtaining supplies greatly supported Wei's logistical supply pressure.

Jilu said: "The core of the Shu Kingdom's problem is Huan Wen. As long as the banner of Huan Wen falls, the Bashu problem can be solved easily. If the Bashu problem is to be solved in a short time, then the main force should be gathered to directly occupy all the cities except Chengdu. The city, and leave a large number of troops to garrison, and then use the counties and counties as bases to carry out the surrender. If this is the case, the troops to be surrendered must not only be regular troops, but there must be troops like the rebel army that can adapt to fighting in mountainous areas."

(End of this chapter)

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