Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 962 I'm Really Not Short of Money

Chapter 962 I'm Really Not Short of Money

Chapter 968 I'm Really Not Short of Money
After hearing this, Ran Mingdao pondered. As the head of Wei State, he was very clear about how many troops he had and where they were deployed. After thinking about it, he said: "The terrain of Bashu is too special, and Wei The national army is basically not suitable for mountain warfare. It is not only too slow to transfer troops from other states and counties, but also requires adaptive training. In this way, Xie Ai ordered him to recruit young and strong people from the Bashu mountain area, initially recruiting 5000 people , Form three mountain divisions, numbered from the first mountain division to the third division, and then call out three songs from the rebellious army, and use these three songs as the backbone of the elite who are familiar with mountain warfare, first set up the shelf of the mountain division. While organizing training, while clearing and paying, training with battle! These three mountain divisions adopt a new type of organization as a pilot for the whole army. Each mountain division governs four mountain infantry regiments, one logistics regiment, and one cavalry battalion. The ground infantry regiment governs [-] troops."

"If there are three divisions with the combat effectiveness of the Koni Army, it is not a big deal to pacify Bashu!" Ji Li said, and then hurried back to the staff to prepare a specific battle plan for Bashu.

After the hometown left, Ran Ming stared at the huge picture of the national military situation again, and then looked away after looking at it for a long time. At this time, another person from outside knocked on the door and came in.

"Old servant sees His Majesty!"

Ran Ming found that You Yi was holding something in his arms, and asked, "What is this?"

"All are greetings!"

"Oh!" Ran Ming casually opened one of the greeting cards, on which was written in official script Gongshuo please see His Majesty.Ran Ming opened another one. "Wei Wu, the great Mohist, please see Your Majesty" Ran Ming's heart was about to jump out. He thought it was just a big fish, but he didn't expect it to be a giant whale, and there wasn't even one.Gong Shuchuo is a descendant of Lu Ban, Wei Wu is a Mohist tycoon, and Wang Mo is a contemporary Guiguzi. Ran Ming is too aware of the importance of these people. They are no longer skilled craftsmen, but ready-made physicists, mechanics and The best engineer, no matter how high the price is, must keep him, or kidnap him if he can't, Ran Ming made up his mind.

As long as these people help each other, it will no longer be a fantasy for Wei Guo to enter the era of steam industry.Ran Ming even thought that as long as the steam engine train is manufactured, even if it is only a primitive steam engine train with a speed of 1 kilometers per hour, then even if it is from Pingzhou in the east of Wei to Xizhou in the west, the whole journey will be 100 miles, from south to north It's only more than [-] miles, and even if you add the time of the stopover, the full speed is only more than [-] hours, a week at most.As for the steam engine ship, the speed will no longer be limited by the wind direction. Even if it is only an average speed of [-] or [-] knots, it will only take half a month to come back from Nanyang.

time, what is itTime is not only money, but also an effective means of control. As long as there is a problem anywhere in the country, the central army can use the train to arrive within a week, which is much faster than the cavalry.If there are steam engines and artillery, Ran Ming is absolutely sure to beat the Gupta Empire out of the sky.As for Byzantium, Rome, let alone.

Ran Mingzheng straightened his clothes and ordered all the people to come out to welcome them. These hermit families and these Chinese elites are worthy of him using the guard of honor of a prince to welcome them.In order to win over these talents, Ran Ming did not hesitate to use the duke.As long as Gong Shuchuo took refuge in Ran Ming, Ran Ming immediately bestowed the Duke of Lu County to Gong Shuchuo, hereditary.As for Wei Wu, the great son of the Mohist family, although it is impossible for the Duke of Wei County, at least he can get a duke.

On the contrary, the status of Guiguzi praised by everyone in Ran Ming's heart is not as good as the former two.

Rare things are considered expensive, and the same is true for talents.Because of the lecture hall and military academy established by Ran Ming, Wei Guo could not train first-class handsome talents in batches, but there was no shortage of generals and eloquent diplomats.A weak country has no diplomacy. For Wei, who is now in full swing, even a stupid pig can easily do a good job of diplomacy with the backing of Wei.

Even so, it does not mean that Ran Ming can ignore Guiguzi's influence.Of course, Ran Ming pays more attention to the Mohists and public losers in comparison.Wei State is extremely short of those authoritative scientists.Whether it is the Mohists or the public losers, they are not ordinary craftsmen, but the most outstanding elites of this era.

Gongshuzi cut wooden people for the emperor, Mo Di carved wooden kites and flew them, Wuhou made wooden oxen and horses.Although these things cannot be restored with the technological level of later generations, in fact China has too many lost stunts. More than 2000 years ago, memory metal could be forged in ancient times, but current technology cannot.Not to mention very complicated things, even the machines with real objects such as Hengdao, Modao, and Divine Arm Bow are still unable to be restored by people.It cannot be recovered, but it does not mean that these things do not exist.

Ran Ming is very distrustful of the scientific and technological attitudes of later generations, especially authoritative experts.In their principles, there is no integrity and no bottom line. Some people even regard wooden cows and horses as unicycles, and such absurd views as air pollution caused by bicycles can come out. It is not that the gold content of Chinese experts is not flattering.

However, ancient China was indeed at the forefront of the world in terms of technology.China is a country of etiquette and civilization. It has a long history of etiquette and a rich historical heritage.The so-called guard of honor, in fact, is not only a grand welcome, but also a declaration of military prestige.

Of course, there was no need for Ran Ming to show his military power to Gong Shuchuo, Wei Wu, and Wang Mo, but Ran Ming treated the three of them with duke courtesy.According to the etiquette system, the duke is a five-carriage car, with green oil buildings, Zhu Siluo decorated with green roads, gold painted with five powders, the wheels are still plain, the two boxes have no gold and brocade decorations, and the first car is a car.In fact, before the Tang and Song Dynasties, yellow was not a royal color.The duke belongs to the first rank, although there are kings in Wei State, but the kings belong to the super rank.According to the system, the duke can have six concubines, 14 Sima in front of the chariot, and 50 Lu Ben, equipped with: gold medal, Xuan Zhushou, green purple cyanosis, three-beam crown, nine-slit skin, eight-flag, seven-crow crown.

Any one of Gong Shuchuo, Wei Wu, and Wang Mozhong deserves to be greeted by Ran Ming's duke.Following the three sets of Duke's ceremonial guards slowly coming, Ran Ming ordered the National People's Congress to open the gate of the palace and ordered civil and military officials to welcome them.This kind of hard work and mobilization made all the civil and military officials of Wei State jealous.

Gong Shuchuo usually dressed like an old farmer, but this time he was no longer dressed like an old man.The whole body is dressed in black Hanfu, which looks ancient.On the other hand, Wang Mo was dressed in brown clothes, with boots on his feet, and his hair was tied with ancient rattan branches.The middle-aged people behind were much more casual, not only slovenly, but also barefoot and wearing clogs.

Ran Ming laughed loudly and said: "Mr. Gongshu, Mr. Wei, and Mr. Wang are here, and they are really full of glory. Ming is here to be polite!"

As he spoke, Ran Ming bowed deeply to the three of them, and made a long series.The three of them were obviously very satisfied with Ran Ming's attitude.Of course, they can become the leaders of the family, and they are naturally talented people.Now it is not like the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were many vassals, and hundreds of schools of thought shuttled among the vassals, mixing like a fish in water.However, in the era of great unification, the role of various schools of thought is obviously both pros and cons.

Gongshu Chuo said with a smile: "Your Majesty is a heavenly genius. Apart from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, there are few virtuous monarchs. It is a blessing for me to meet the face of the sky."

Ran Ming smiled even more when he heard Gongshu's flattery.However, Wang Mo showed the appearance of an expert outside the world, and said lightly: "People outside Fang, have seen Your Majesty, Your Majesty Sheng'an!"

Wei Wu's attitude was very cold from the beginning to the end, and Ran Ming was a little baffled.However, he angered all the ministers. Ran Ming is the king of a country, and the king of the great unification of the world. Although Bashu is not settled, anyone with a discerning eye knows that any city will fall one day, so Huan Wen's persistence will definitely not last long.The output of Bashu is limited, and even if they have a good location, it is difficult to match the power of Wei State, so Huanwen's failure is inevitable.

For Wei Wu's ignorance of flattery, all the ministers were also very angry.However, Ran Ming was clearly not a small belly, and immediately exchanged greetings with the three of them, welcoming them into the Taiwu Hall for a banquet.

For these banquets, Ran Ming prepared with great pains.It happened that the three of them came here in a joint formula. You must know that the Mohists don't care about waste, let alone luxury.As for Guigu and Gongshuchuo, they must also be hungry.For this reason, Ran Ming had to take care of all aspects. First of all, he divided meals according to the ancient system, and each person served four dishes and one soup according to the system.However, these four dishes are very knowledgeable. The fish is made of high-quality Yellow River carp and cooked in a sweet and sour method.Meat, roasted with tender lamb.There is also a precious ingredient, the flying dragon bird.Flying dragon bird, belonging to the grouse family of birds, has a body shape very similar to a pigeon, with a weight between six taels and nine taels, with white and tender meat, and large and plump breasts.Its neck bone is long and curved, like a keel; its short legs have feathers, and its claws have scales, just like dragon claws, so it is named "Flying Dragon Bird".

In later generations, flying dragon birds belong to the national first-class protected animals. It is definitely not easy to eat this, but in this era, there are a lot of flying dragon birds, and the price is not expensive.As for seaweed and cabbage, they are common dishes.

Seeing everyone sitting down, Ran Ming held up his wine glass and said, "Taxes are collected from the people and should be used for the people. Although I am the king of a country, I should set an example for the world. Naturally, I dare not be extravagant and wasteful. Therefore, I set up this thin banquet to return the money to the people. Please three gentlemen Haihan."

Gongshuchuo immediately laughed and said, "Your Majesty was joking, such exquisite tableware, paired with delicious food, can't be called shabby, not to mention flying in the sky, swimming in the water, running on the ground, and born in the sea. It’s rare that this old man, a villager from the mountains, is flattered to have such a special encounter, hahaha.”

Ran Ming quietly looked at Wei Wu from the corner of his eyes.However, following Wei Wu's performance, Ran Ming found that even if he became an official, he would not be able to enter the officialdom. At best, he was a craftsman leader.In fact, it is impossible for a family and a sect to hide from the world for too long, and if they hide from the world for too long, they will be gradually forgotten.In this way, no matter how long the family and sect are, it will be meaningless.In fact, even if Ran Ming doesn't fish, these hermit families and sects will find ways to get out of the world.

Especially Guiguzi Wang Mo, Guiguzi is also committed to peace, and has some similarities with the Mohist philosophy, which is to govern the world and the people, and to rule the world.Wang Mo learned the way of power, and saw that Ran Ming and Ran Min, father and son, tried their best to benefit the people in the process of governing the world, recuperating and recuperating, the inner sage and the outer king, such a country is not easy to collapse.Moreover, compared with the Han Dynasty, Wei's rule was more detailed.

Especially in terms of military affairs, starting from the establishment of the Lecture Hall, the benefits of cultivating by oneself instead of relying on the nobles and generals of the gentry are very obvious.That is, it will not be controlled by the gentry, and the imperial court will directly grant favors to the subordinates in the form of a bank, so as to prevent the generals from taking the opportunity to develop and form a separatist regime.

In Wang Mo's eyes, the situation in Wei State is very good, especially the Ran clan who never ceases to make an appointment with the people, which is much better than Han Gaozu's three chapters of agreement.

But Wang Mo is a smart person, although he wanted to be born, but he didn't open his mouth, because he had a lot of confidence.Because Wang Mo and Wei Guo have already formed an indissoluble bond.

Although Wang Mo followed Gong Shuchuo to some extent, but Wei Wu kept his mouth shut from the beginning and hardly expressed his opinion.Because these three peerless smart people all know that whoever loses his temper and speaks first will fall into the inferior position.

Gong Shuchuo seems to be an old fox, not only flattering Ran Ming without a trace, even Ran Ming has to admit that Gong Shuchuo is better at life than Wang Mo and Wei Wu.

Wei Wu ate meat and drank heavily, until the food and drink in front of Sao Guang sincerely praised: "This delicacy is the best in the world!"

"Mr. Wei just eats. As long as you want to eat, you can come anytime. The gate of the palace is always open for you!" Ran Ming said with a faint smile. Compared with Gong Shuchuo, a great mechanical scientist, Ran Ming respected the Mohists.

The Mohists are a group of the cutest people. They mingle with the common people, go deep into the folk, feed themselves on poor-quality food, wear poor-quality cloth and coarse linen, and live almost like ascetic monks. Donate to those who need it most.In the eyes of the rulers, these Mohists are people who invite people to buy people's hearts and have ulterior motives, but in Ran Ming's eyes, these Mohists are as noble as **.Even the great ancestor would not worry that the corruption would endanger his rule, because in this world, there has never been a minister with great achievements, only an incompetent king.

"Your Majesty, although Wu is an outsider, he does not know the good and the bad. His Majesty's painstaking efforts, Wu understands and understands. If you can only be the head of a craftsman, please don't open your mouth. The Mohist is hidden in the world." For 400 years, he didn't come out to be the head craftsman." Wei Wu said: "The ideals and ambitions of the Mohists will one day meet a worthy king!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was shocked, and even Ran Ming's face changed drastically.

Wang Jian shouted loudly: "Presumptuous!"

Wang Ning, the official censor, got up and shouted: "Zhuzi is so brave!"

Lin Heishan showed his fist even more. Although he didn't speak, once Ran Ming gave the order, Lin Heishan would definitely rush to capture Wei Wu.

Ran Ming stretched out his hand and pressed it, and the sound of scolding disappeared immediately.Ran Ming smiled and said: "I am going to establish the Great Wei Royal Academy of Sciences. The Royal Academy of Sciences has eight departments under the jurisdiction of the Department of Earth Science, Chemistry, Medicine, Mathematics, Engineering, Mechanics, Physics, and Agriculture. As the country's highest academic institution in science and technology and the national comprehensive research and development center for natural science and high-tech, as long as you become an academician of the Academy of Sciences, you can enjoy the four-rank treatment.

Ran Ming continued: "As for Mr. Wang, the master of Guigu Sect, what I mean is that there is still a lack of a department supervisor in the staff department of the Royal Military Academy of Wei Dynasty. I don't know if Mr. Wang can give in!"

In the past, Wang Mo, the so-called staff officer, really looked down on him, but now it is different.As Ran Ming gradually increased the authority of the General Staff Headquarters, and correspondingly increased the authority of the staff officers of the various armies below. Strategy, campaign, and tactics recruit all active-duty students. The students are battalion captains and above, and a few marching commanders or other division commanders. The teaching procedures include learning theory, intelligence analysis, researching battle cases, and doing sand table, map, and field operations.This can be said to be Wei's general training class, while the martial arts hall has become a pure non-commissioned officer school to train junior officers.

The current staff department is one of the seven departments of infantry, cavalry, naval, artillery, engineering, and communication command in the Military Academy.Wang Mo was delighted to hear this.

What made Wang Mo even more excited about Ran Ming was that he was actually conferred the title of Duke of Jijun.Ji County is the capital of the late Yin and Shang Dynasties in ancient times, known as Chaoge in ancient times, and it is also the hometown of the first generation of Guiguzi.The descendants of Confucius were conferred the title of Duke Shengyan by the rulers of all dynasties, and they were hereditary, which made Ran Ming also have this idea.

He named Duke Shuchuo the Duke of Lu County, hereditary.Entered the Academy of Sciences to support the Department of Mechanics, responsible for the national mechanics.Wei Wu was granted the title of Duke of Liangjun, which was also hereditary.However, the dukes of Gongshuchuo, Wei Wu, and Wang Mo are vain dukes. They have no fief and food town, but they have salary.

Ran Ming showed great sincerity, and of course it was also because Ran Ming was not short of money.Each duke's salary alone is no less than 3000 million yuan, which is equivalent to the cost of feeding [-] sergeants in three battalions. The three dukes spend nearly [-] million yuan a year.If it was before overseas expansion, Ran Ming would definitely be under a lot of pressure.But at this moment, Ran Ming really didn't feel anything.

(End of this chapter)

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