Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 963 Wei Guo's Movement

Chapter 963 Wei Guo's Movement

Chapter 969 Wei State’s Student Movement
What's more, Ran Ming knows the value they can create. Naturally, Wang Mo's value cannot be measured by money. As for Gong Shuchuo and Wei Wu, the value they can create with the family sect behind them will be the thousands of dollars that Ran Ming has paid. times, even ten thousand times.

Of course, in fact, Ran Ming not only paid for the three dukedoms, but also attracted the dissatisfaction of many Confucian students both inside and outside the court of Wei.This dissatisfaction intensified, slowly making Ran Ming feel great pressure.

However, what made Ran Ming even more angry was that someone was secretly fueling the flames and trying to force Ran Ming into the palace.After half a month, the conflict finally broke out.

Chengtian Gate is the only way for civil and military ministers to attend the court meeting. Of course, this is not the only way to enter the imperial palace, but it is the most convenient way to enter the court meeting. However, Shang Shu ordered Wang Jian to lie in the carriage for a nap that day. Suddenly stopped, Wang Jian said to the coachman, "Are you there? So fast today?"

"Report to Shang Shuling, something happened ahead!"

"what happened?"

"Shang Shuling, I'm afraid the world will collapse this time!"

Wang Jian stretched out his head to look, and saw countless scholars kneeling in front of Chengtian Gate in the night, reading aloud in a low voice: "It's a joy to have friends coming from afar!"

Wang Jian's complexion changed drastically.

The layout of Yecheng was inherited from the Qin and Han Dynasties, and later from the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Its central axis symmetry system, single palace city layout, and design concepts of clear functional divisions have had a profound impact on the planning history of ancient Chinese capitals.Later, Chang'an City and Luoyang City in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and Beijing City in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties all followed here, and Heijo-kyo in Nara, Japan was also built in imitation of Yecheng.

There are five city gates in Yecheng Imperial Palace No. [-]. Among them, the Zhuque Gate on the right, which leads directly to Zhuque Street, and the Xuande Gate on the left, are usually used by ministers to go to court, and their functions are very significant.The Xuande Gate on the left is used by civil officials, and the Suzaku Gate on the right is used by military officials. The Chengtian Gate in the middle is generally not open for people to walk. When the festival comes, the emperor will lead his family to throw copper coins on the gate of Chengtian to commemorate the festival. Wang Jian was naturally shocked that someone dared to block such an important place to show the joy of sharing with the people.

Wang Jian didn't dare to be careless, and immediately got out of the carriage, only to find that not only the Chengtian Gate was full of kneeling people, but also the Suzaku Gate and Xuande Gate on the left and right wings were full of strangers.Wang Jian found that there were some familiar faces among these students, not only the students of Taixue, but also the students of Imperial College, but the most were the students of Fengle Academy.

It is obvious that there are many students who can block the three important places, thousands of people, or even more.The uniform Confucian uniforms worn by these students are actually the deep garments of Hanfu.Every student was focused. The leading student was holding the tablet of Confucius, and the students behind were reading "The Analects of Confucius".

Wang Jian also studied Confucianism, so he naturally understood the meaning of these students. At this time, the students were studying. It's not small, and once there is a commotion, it will definitely ruin people's reputation.

It was precisely because of this that Wang Jian did not dare to step forward without authorization, and could only stand outside to watch. When the surrounding officials saw that even he did not dare to step forward, they were naturally even more afraid, so each of them could only stand Looking back, anyway, these Guozijian students, Tai students, and academy students have blocked the palace gate, and I am afraid they will not be able to go to the morning court today.

As time went by, more and more officials were blocked outside the palace gate, and finally even Wang Ning, Xie An and others came, but the students kept reading and they didn't dare to go forward. Can be so stalemate.

Just when Wang Jian was at a loss, Taifu Shenzhong, Chief of General Staff Ji Wei, Taiwei Dong Run and other military officials arrived outside the palace one after another. Seeing these ministers blocked outside the palace, Wang Jian became more worried.

Xie An quietly came to Wang Jian's side, cupped his hands and said, "How did the prince find out?"

"Discovered?" Wang Jian realized at this moment that these students' abnormal behavior must have some intentions, so he said without hesitation, "I'm afraid the comers are not good!"

"It must have been a bad person!" Xie An frowned and said, "Just now An was suspicious, but now I can be sure that there must be someone behind the scenes!"

Seeing Xie An's hesitation to speak, Wang Jian sighed, and observed carefully again.It should be said that the night is dark at this time, but there are countless huge wind lanterns hanging on the wall of the palace, which makes the sight in front of the palace very wide.Wang Jian also has many acquaintances with the students of the Three Schools of Wei State. Although he has not heard any news about this matter, none of the direct descendants of the Wang family in Taiyuan have appeared here.Not only the Taiyuan Wang family, but even the children of the family who had a good relationship with the Taiyuan Wang family were not listed here.At this time, Wang Jian shook his head and smiled wryly, "They're all a bunch of idiots, they were sold and counted for money."

Ran Ming, who was in the Taiwu Hall, got the news early in the morning. Of course, the news was more comprehensive, such as who the organizers were, who the participants were, and what their purpose was. All these information were on Ran Ming's desk.Use these students to force Ran Ming to go to the palace and force Ran Ming to expel the Mohists.

To talk about the dispute between Confucianism and Mohism, we must first understand the concepts of Confucianism and Mohism.Confucius founded the Confucian school, and its main ideas are recorded in the book "The Analects of Confucius". And to reach people." "Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself." The foundation of the benevolent is filial piety and brotherhood.Confucius respected the Duke of Zhou, advocated Zhou Dao, and governed the country with "rituals", emphasizing "doing one's best and obeying the destiny of heaven", "serving the righteousness of the people" must "respect ghosts and gods and keep a distance".Mohism and Mozi put forward different propositions from Confucianism, including universal love, non-attack, advocating the same, advocating the virtuous, frugal use, frugal burial, non-life, non-joy, heavenly will, and ghosts.This shows that the two schools not only have different academic origins, but also have been compatible with each other for a long time.

Confucian Mencius criticized Mozi for both love, "he has no father", compared his thought to the thought of "rebellious officials and thieves", and believed that its harm to human beings is no different from "a scourge" ("Mencius Teng Wengong Xia". "Huainan Zi·Yaolue states that the Mohist school "studies the career of Confucianism, accepts the art of Confucius, thinks its etiquette is disturbing and does not talk about it, burials the rich and poor, and the cultural clothing hurts life and harms things, so it goes against Zhou Dao and uses Xia politics." Explain the difference between Confucianism and Mohism.

In fact, the most serious conflict between Confucianism and Mohism lies in the rituals of Confucianism. Confucianism emphasizes rituals, while Mohism despises rituals.Those who do not learn "rituals" will not be able to stand without learning "rituals". "Guanzi Herdsmen" says that "if the warehouse is real, you will know the etiquette, and if you have enough food and clothing, you will know the honor and disgrace".In fact, to put it simply, the so-called ritual is the social order.It's because Confucianism can't understand the Mohist theory that everyone is equal, while Mohism advocates universal love, regardless of hierarchy.This is a system that advocates the establishment of a complete hierarchy, while Mohism is the theory of equality for everyone after 2000.

To say that the fate of the Mohists is also rough. If Mozi was born in later generations, his theory would be easily accepted by others, but in this era, it is very difficult.Not to mention those with vested interests, even ordinary people do not support the idea that everyone is equal.If father and son are equal, ruler and subject are equal, husband and wife are equal, wouldn't this be a mess?
For these old things of Confucianism and Mohism, Ran Ming has no need to care about them at all, and there is no need to intervene in the dispute between Confucianism and Mohism.But with the current strength of the Mohist School, it is definitely not the opponent of the Confucianism. If they don't stand sideways, the Mohism will probably be eaten up by the Confucianism.

But Ran Ming didn't make any statement. He wanted to accept the Mo family's use, of course he wanted to get rid of the last trace of arrogance in the Mo family's heart. To be precise, he wanted the Mo family to let go of their insignificant reservedness.

At this time, the sky was bright, and Ran Ming issued an imperial edict from the palace, announcing that the day would be over.

At this time, the students surrounding the palace gate panicked.Especially Cheng Mo.Cheng Mo's style name is Ziqian, and Cheng Mo is also considered to be from a scholarly family. Cheng Mo is the sixth grandson of Cheng Bing.Cheng Bing, courtesy name Deshu, was born in Nandun, Runan (now west of Xiangcheng, Henan).He learned from Zheng Xuan at first, and later learned from Liu Xi, so he mastered the Five Classics.Later, Shi Xie, the prefect of Jiaozhi, appointed Cheng Bing as the long history.Wu Emperor Sun Quan heard of Cheng Bing's reputation, so he recruited him with courtesy. After Cheng Bing arrived, he was appointed as the prince and Taifu.Cheng Bing wrote "Book of Changes", "Shangshu Ban", and "The Analects of Confucius Bi", with a total of more than 3 words.Chen Shou also commented: "Yan, Cheng, and Kan Sheng were scholars at one time." Because Cheng Bing was once the Taifu of Eastern Wu, and he left three books with more than [-] characters during his lifetime, which gave the Cheng family of Wujun a little bit of heritage.Although it can't be compared with the first-class family in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it is at least a family of officials.

Cheng Mo came to Fengle Academy from Wujun three years ago to study, and now he is a relatively well-known master of clear talk in Fengle Academy, especially good at classics and debates.Regarding the fact that the students from Guozijian, Taixue and Fengle College jointly petitioned this time, Cheng Mo only learned from his good friends Sun Lin and Wang Xin yesterday that as a passionate young man, he reused the Mohist teachings for Ran Ming. The practice is very hated. This time the imperial court not only wants to establish the highest institution of learning in the Great Wei Dynasty, the Wei Royal Academy of Sciences, but also allows the Mohists to open altars to teach their children. For Confucianism, Mohism is a threat.So when Cheng Mo heard that some of the students organized a petition in the palace, he immediately agreed without hesitation.

Standing by the side of the road, Wang Jian looked at the enthusiastic students in front of him, but a mixed expression of joy and sorrow flashed in his eyes. Originally, there was still controversy in the imperial court over whether all schools of thought should be held concurrently, but after these students made a fuss, I am afraid that there will be no more in the court. No one dared to object to the abolition of the Mohism, otherwise they would be scolded by the scholars of Shilin. After all, the students in front of them are the main body of Shilin. Their influence alone is limited, but when they are gathered together, this force will be huge. Enough to influence the court's decision-making.

However, Wang Jian was very aware of Ran Ming's temper. Since the third year of Yongxing, Ran Ming has been very eye-catching in every way. To be precise, he has a lot of talents and knowledge, and he is very good at military art, economics, politics, military affairs, and studying things.It is a kind of sadness to be such a courtier of the emperor who is so talented.

Ran Ming has his own opinions and is not easy to be influenced by others.To put it bluntly, he is very stubborn. As long as it is a good policy that Ran Ming thinks, he will work hard to carry it out. Improving the status of merchants has caused shocks in the court, but facing the opposition from the court, Ran Ming had to give up this idea, but The relationship between the minister and Ran Ming was very tense, so when Ran Ming raised the issue of improving the treatment of craftsmen, Zhongzhong made a compromise.

But Wang Jian didn't know that Ran Ming had no intention of raising the political status of businessmen and making them the backbone of politics.The businessman was Ran Ming's former political ally, but Ran Ming discovered that after he released the monster of capitalism, with the opening of Pandora's box, more and more things beyond Ran Ming's imagination appeared.

In order to pursue profits, these merchants began to use a large number of cheap native slaves, which was of limited help to Ran Ming's economic plan to enrich the people, and these merchants were too bold.With the large number of immigration to Nanyang, and most of the immigrants are single men, and the aboriginal women of Nanyang are black and ugly, this makes the immigrants urgently solve their psychological needs, and the crime of human trafficking begins.Of course, not only the aborigines were trafficked, but even the women of ordinary Han people in the Eastern Jin Dynasty were trafficked a lot during the war.

This made Ran Ming very angry. Han people are not allowed to be slaves. This is Ran Ming's iron law, even if the servants used by each government all adopt their own identities and use the contract system.Of course, Ran Ming did not show mercy to those merchants who dared to traffic the Han population. The main culprits were all sent to work in the factories and mines of the four towns until they died of exhaustion.It finally deterred many slave traders.

Ran Ming guessed that if the political benefits of businessmen were raised on a large scale, they might do more outrageous things.Except for the veterans of Ran Ming's business alliance, ordinary businessmen still don't have much political status as before, but the ban on children being officials has been lifted.

Wang Jian was even more worried about the fact that the students forced Ran Ming to expel the Mo family.Ran Ming spared no effort to invent some kind of steam engine. The annual research and development expenses alone rose to more than 300 million gold, which accounted for one eighth of the financial expenditure.For Ran Ming, who urgently needs the power of the Mohists to invest in research and development, expulsion of the Mohism is simply unacceptable.

Now when these students make a fuss, they will put these ministers in a dilemma. If they advance, they will gain the favor of the students and increase their popularity, but they will confront Ran Ming head-on, which will make Ran Ming unable to step down.

Besides, both Wang Jian and Xie An are smart people, and they have also seen the harm caused by student petitions.Once the government's decision-making does not agree with the students' ideals, or if they are exploited by someone with a heart, and they have repaid the benefits of the petition this time, will they come out to petition whenever there is something in the future? It is not a trivial matter. After all, sometimes public opinion is not necessarily correct. Sometimes, for the sake of long-term consideration, the imperial court will make some decisions that go against public opinion. If these students come forward to petition again, it will only Let the court fall into a predicament.

But not everyone thought of Wang Jian and Xie An's worries.After the officials present heard the demands of these students, some officials who supported the expulsion of Mohism and continued to adopt Confucianism as a national policy showed excited smiles on their faces, while those officials who wore the cloak of Confucianism were actually Legalists. They all shook their heads and sighed. With such a large-scale student petition, they could only wait and admit defeat.

In fact, at this time, Wang Meng was also among the waiting crowd. He was not jumping up and down like Li Xian, dancing with excitement.Unlike Li Xian, Wang Meng is not a pure Confucianist. Although he was enlightened by Confucianism, he is a disciple of the hidden sect of Guigu.In fact, the disciples belonging to the Guigu sect in Wei State do not refer to Wang Meng alone. The current Zhenxi General Xie Ai is also a disciple of the Yingu sect.According to his seniority, Xie Ai is still Wang Meng's fellow apprentice.

Now that Ran Ming reuses Gongshu, Guigu and Mozhe, Wang Meng is very supportive.Without agriculture, there is no stability, without work, there is no wealth, and without business, there is no life.This is the basic condition of the ancient socio-economic framework structure.Wang Meng soon realized that he hadn't received any news about such a large-scale student petition, which was obviously very abnormal, unless someone organized it secretly and blocked the spread of some news.

Think of the possibility above.Wang Meng raised his head suddenly, and first looked at Wang Jian in the crowd with a complex expression.However, he quickly shook his head. Wang Jian has the ability to organize student petitions, but he has a square personality, so he certainly would not disdain to do such a thing, and student petitions are not entirely a good thing. As a minister, Wang Jian Obviously, what Jane has gained is not as much as what she has lost. Politicians are always unprofitable, so they can also be ruled out.In this way, only those who have the strength and reason to do this are left...

(End of this chapter)

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