Chapter 964
Chapter 970

Xie An?To say that he has the ability and prestige to organize such a large-scale student petition, Xie An is a very serious suspect.But Wang Meng immediately shook his head again. Although Xie An is the uncle of Empress Xie Daoyun and has a close relationship with Ran Ming, Xie An is not pure Confucianism. Xie An is not only good at calligraphy and music, but also proficient in Confucianism, Xuan and Buddhism.

The so-called Metaphysics, also known as New Taoism, is the study and interpretation of Laozi, Zhuangzi and Zhouyi, which originated in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.Metaphysics is a trend of thought advocating Laozi and Zhuangzi that emerged between the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the middle of the Song Dynasty in China.It can also be said that Taoism is expressed in a new way, so it is also called New Taoism.Its trend of thought lasted from the end of the Han Dynasty to the end of the middle of the Song Dynasty.Xie An is not a person who only respects Confucianism. Although he does not synthesize the strengths of various schools like Ran Ming, it can be said that he is more like Taoism than Confucianism.

What's more, Xie An is not a guardian.What's more, this student petition, whether successful or not, will definitely offend Ran Ming.For Xie An, who has always been alone, this is obviously unacceptable.After Xie An was ruled out again, Wang Meng found Xi Chiu Chi in the crowd again.

Xi chiseled teeth, a descendant of the Jingchu noble family from generation to generation, and the descendant of Xiyu, the Marquis of Xiangyang in the Eastern Han Dynasty.One of the leaders of Shilin in the Eastern Jin Dynasty is capable of organizing this student movement, but like Xie An, he is also proficient in metaphysics, Buddhism, and history.His work "Han Jin Chun Qiu" is a famous historical work with far-reaching influence.Of course, Xi Zuochi is a newcomer, and he would never take such a big political risk to instigate this matter. Once the news leaks, it can herald the end of Xi Zuochi's political career.

Wang Meng couldn't help raising his head to look in the direction of the palace, with a lonely expression on his face.It is said that the most ruthless emperor's family, it seems that it is true!

In fact, it really made Wang Meng guess right.

Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and there will be struggles.In fact, the temples are just like the rivers and lakes, and the struggle is very fierce.In the era of various schools of thought, Mohism and Confucianism looked down on each other and fought fiercely with each other.Not only is there a dispute between Confucianism and Mohism, but there is also a dispute between Confucianism and Legalism. In fact, Confucianism is an extremely aggressive and immortal Xiaoqiang who makes enemies on all sides.It was not easy to encounter Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who only respected Confucianism, but this struggle did not stop, but intensified.Moreover, Confucianism fought fiercely because of the dispute over ideas.

Looking at the history of the Chinese people, the next sentence is simply a war epic.Fighting with aliens, fighting with colleagues, talking about adhering to the Confucian way of tolerance and benevolence, but being busy fighting all your life, and only having time to catch your breath during the intermission, shouting a few slogans of benevolence and justice, the referee Knock the gong, and get busy with hand-to-hand combat again.

Ran Ming is a giant standing on the shoulders of history, so he sees farther and more clearly.If you want to make a person run fast, the effect of training is not as good as putting a mad dog behind the person, so that it can drive the person forward crazily.The so-called emperor's art and the way of imperial servants, to put it bluntly, are actually two words "balanced".

Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty broke the balance and killed Wei Zhongxian, the last natural enemy of the Donglin Party, the eunuch Wei Zhongxian. As a result, the Donglin Party without natural enemies was flooded.Prospered because of Confucianism, but also weakened because of Confucianism, because of loss of balance.Corruption in the administration of officials is due to the formation of an alliance of interests, and officials and officials interact with each other.However, in the era of the Three Emperors Wenjing, the Han Dynasty was dominated by a hundred schools of thought. Because of the conflict of ideas, the ministers would fight with each other. Dereliction of duty and corruption were all means of attacking opponents. In this way, during the period of the Three Emperors Wenjing, The Han Dynasty was able to maintain a relatively clean and clear administration of officials.

In Ran Ming's eyes, the relationship between various schools of thought and Confucianism is to play the role of the opposition party, keeping an eye on Confucian officials and their faults and omissions, so as to better maintain a clean and honest government.Therefore, Ran Ming single-handedly created this drama, which was obviously to force Ran Ming into the palace.

Although it's a bit like a thief shouting catch a thief, but who would have thought that Ran Ming would write and act in such a big play by himself?However, there is never a shortage of smart people in this world. Wang Meng guessed the driving force behind the student movement. Of course, Wang Meng is not the only one.

The impact of this student movement is naturally not small.However, Ran Ming did not express any attitude problems, but ordered all officials to dismiss the court.The students didn't see Ran Ming either, and after a whole day of stalemate, a large number of servants came out of the palace, bringing food and drinking water. More than 1000 students petitioned in Yecheng. At night, the political slogan changed from simply expelling the Mohists to fighting for orthodoxy.

Although the student representatives finally left the palace in disappointment, a turbulent wave was set off within Wei.

The word "fighting for orthodoxy" became the most popular word in Wei State overnight. In particular, He Chengtian, a student of the Imperial Academy, wrote an article "The Great Merit of Daoism", which made Confucian scholars all over the world crazy about it.

He Chengtian, a native of Tan in the East China Sea, was a general of Jin Youwei from Zu Lun.Chengtian lost his father at the age of five, and his mother, Xu, and Guang's elder sister, were intelligent and knowledgeable, so Chengtian was admonished and discussed at a young age, and he should read all kinds of Confucianism and history.This article with only more than [-] words caused great repercussions among scholars. The printing workshop rushed to work overnight, but the result was not enough. Some scholars who couldn't wait to copy it by themselves.

However, Ran Ming also began to support the theory of a hundred schools of thought. In this era, Confucianism has dominated the court for more than 300 years, and Mohism and Legalism have been weakened to the extreme.Therefore, Ran Ming must be biased, trying his best to build momentum for the Mohists and catalyze the dispute between Confucianism and Mohism.Books such as "Mozi", "Hu Feizi" written by Mo Zhai's disciples, "Suichaozi", "My Son", "Tian Qiuzi", "Yin Yi", "Gongshu", "Ziwen" and other books, There are also hundreds of other classics, which will be printed and distributed quickly.

Ran Ming not only paid for the publication of Mohist scriptures, but also used newspapers and the huge naval forces of the royal guards to create momentum for Mohism.In the National Library of Tongque Terrace in Yecheng City, an old man in a Confucian shirt suddenly saw the "Mozi" and other classics of hundreds of schools on the bookshelf. He casually flipped through a few pages and suddenly saw Seeing that many students were actually reading "Mozi", they became furious and said: "It's really unreasonable. It's unreasonable for a good scholar not to delve into the subtle words and righteousness of the sage, and when he doesn't study the classics and articles, he doesn't sharpen his ambition and waste his energy on heresy. !"

"That's right, brother Weide's words are reasonable. Except for the words of the sage Confucius, everything else is crooked. I don't understand the principle of virtue first, meritorious service second, and speech first. How can you do things for the country if you don't show virtue!"

The Confucian scholar conveniently put the newly published "Mozi" and "The Original Geometry" on the bookshelf, but the book may have been accidentally dropped on the floor.However, this Confucian scholar did not stop doing anything, stretching out his feet and stepping on the "Mozi" that fell on the ground. At this moment, the group of scholars in the library looked at each other, wondering why this Confucian scholar was going crazy. .

A Mohist disciple walked up to the Confucian scholar with a slight smile on his lips, and saluted slightly.

"Brother, you look like a scholar?"

"Hmph!" The Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi snorted coldly.

The Mohist didn't care, and said with a smile: "The three hundred poems can be summed up in one word, thinking is innocent! What is virtue, don't steal or rob, don't cheat or harm others, honor your parents, love your brothers, do things with all your heart, and treat others with sincerity That's enough. To do things, you have to look at your real ability. I'm afraid you can't do it just by virtue, right?"

"Absurd, the sage speaks a little bit of righteousness. It is a fluke to see a little bit of it in a poor life. How much can people like you realize?" the Confucian scholar known as Brother Weide said angrily.

The Mohist sneered and said, "A sage doesn't plow or plant, and he once had nothing to eat. If everyone in the world becomes a sage, they will all starve to death within a few days. You are full of reason. Don't talk about it a few years ago." , Okay, it’s useless to talk about it now! Han respects Confucianism, Han perishes, Jin respects Confucianism, Jin perishes.”

Having said that, the Mohist almost shook his head and sighed,
The Confucian scholar was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and his goatee was shaking up and down.Cheng Mo behind him couldn't bear to watch anymore, and coughed.

But He Chengtian said, "How many books have you seen and how many books have you read, and you dare to talk about the right and wrong of a saint? You are really crazy!"

Ever since Emperor Wu respected Confucianism alone, Confucianism has developed extremely fast. Almost 300% of the scholars are Confucianists, while Mohism is very pitiful at this time. Thousands of people.More than half of the others are Mo Xia, and another third are Mo workers. There are less than 200 people who really study "Mo Zi".

The most outstanding disciple among them is Xie Siming.Of course, because Ran Ming ascended the throne, in order to avoid Ran Ming's Ming characters, Xie Siming changed his Ming characters to Liang characters, so now he is called Xie Siliang.Xie Siliang started arguing with the Confucian scholars, but there are many Confucian scholars, and He Chengtian, a child prodigy, He Zhu, Xie Siliang has the demeanor of Zhuge Liang arguing with Confucian scholars.

To say that Emperor Wu's unique art is actually just a political slogan.The essence of the adoption is Confucianism outside the law, but the long-term falsehood has become true, just like the Manchu Qing adopted Huhua to the Han people. Under the high-pressure policy, countless Han people turned the fake Hu into the real Hu, especially during the Revolution of 200. The most significant revolution The characteristic is to cut off the braids that symbolize the tradition of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.However, during this period, the dissatisfied people who suffered the most resistance were the Han Chinese.Countless Han Confucians shouted "the law of the ancestors cannot be abolished" and wrote petitions at every turn.I really don't know whether the ancestors they talk about are the ancestors of the Manchus or the ancestors of the Han people. The ancestors of the Han people can resist with blood for more than [-] years in the process of hair removal.

This is actually a property.

As Xie Siliang defeated Cheng Mo, He Chengtian and other Confucian scholars in the debate, his reputation rose greatly.As a result, countless Confucian scholars with outstanding talents came to challenge Xie Siliang.Xie Siliang won every battle, which made Xie Siliang's name appear in the newspapers many times and became a rookie in Shihlin.

At the same time, after discovering the position of the newspaper, the Confucians and Mohists also began to scold each other in the newspaper.Under such circumstances, the storm of Sima Dan and a group of surrenders from the Eastern Jin Dynasty arriving in Yecheng was covered up.

However, Sima Dan's entry into Ye was not a trivial matter after all, and many people still paid attention to Sima Dan.Sima Dan entered Ye from Jingyang Gate, especially when he saw the prosperity of Ye City, Sima Dan was deeply shocked.Sima Dan was like a puppet, surrounded by the officials of the state of Wei, and completed some dramas such as surrendering to the Taimiao.But in the end, when Sima Dan was exhausted, he returned to his mansion.

"Ministers often say that the whole world is not the land of the king, and the land of the land is not the king's minister. The emperor is rich in the world, but in the end, how many people in my Dajin emperor really know such a vast world. An imperial city will kill the emperor. It's deadlocked, if not, I, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to leave Beijing yet!" Sima Dan looked at Xiao Lezi beside him, and felt that he was about to become a loner at this moment.

Ran Ming did not confer an insulting title on Sima Dan, such as disobedience, loyalty, etc., Ran Ming was very magnanimous to confer on Sima Dan the Duke of Xihai County.

Xiao Lezi smiled slightly: "Grandpa, if you want to rule the world, you must not know the sufferings of the people. How can you understand the hardships of the people! Let's talk about farming. After half a year of hard work, one acre The harvest from the land is only more than one stone, and after half of it is handed over, the rest can be used as food for the whole family, and at most we can exchange some salt, and at the end of the year, we can buy a piece of meat and make a meal of dumplings, which is considered a good year!"

Sima Dan frowned, and said: "Lezi, I remember that the tax of the Jin Dynasty is only one bucket per mu of land, which is only one-tenth of it. Why is half of the people expropriated but can be stable, and the wives and children are scattered and their families are destroyed, and even Become a traitor?"

Xiao Lezi said: "My lord, do you want to hear the truth, or lie?"

Sima Dan said: "Of course it's the truth, Lezi will never leave me in this world."

Xiao Lezi said: "Two words, gentry!"

Hearing this, Sima Dan's five sense organs were twisted together, and he couldn't understand it.

Wang Meng came to Taiwu Hall very lonely, looked at Ran Ming and asked in puzzlement: "Can your majesty clear up my doubts?"

Ran Ming laughed and said, "Why is Jing Lue confused?"

Wang Meng said: "Why does Your Majesty instigate the dispute between Confucianism and Mohism? If the court is not peaceful, what is the benefit to the society?"

"You know everything?" Ran Ming looked at Wang Meng and said.

Wang Meng nodded: "I have a vague guess, I hope I guess wrong!"

"That's right, Jing Lue is really a genius!" Ran Ming sat lazily on the dragon chair, and said lightly: "Since Emperor Wu only respected Confucianism, Confucianism has gone through so many years, and it has produced many, many, rascals, rascals The logic and philosophy of the people, what they say is for the emperor, Yao and Shun, and what they say is loyal to the emperor and patriotism, but in fact they are the gravediggers of the court. I am very unhappy. I want to reform Confucianism, but Confucianism will never let me reform, so I will give it to them. Make an enemy."

Wang Meng spit out a sip of water, he didn't care to wipe it off, stared at Ran Ming dumbfounded, and couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, this is the first time I've heard someone say that in my life!"

Ran Mingdao: "Confucianism is actually the same as Taoism. It gradually evolved into a religion from the initial theory of various schools of thought. Taoism established Taoism. Although Confucianism did not formally establish Confucianism, in fact Confucianism at this time has become a religion. Confucianism has turned into a kind of paranoia, a disease! It’s just that no one dares to speak out about this disease. This is the cleverness of Confucianism’s hijacking of public opinion! There must be a problem! As long as no one speaks, the emperor's new clothes will never be punctured."

Ran Ming continued: "The Confucian ancestral system of opening the mouth, ancestral system of closing the mouth, Zhou rites of opening the mouth, and Zhou rites of closing the mouth, are the Zhou rites still applicable now? Not to mention the Zhou rites, it is the system of 300 years ago, 100 years ago, let's put it in the present , are not necessarily applicable, neither the system nor the law should be static, but should keep pace with the times. Like the three chapters of Liu Bang's agreement with Guanzhong, the murderer dies; the wounding and theft are punishable. The basic framework. But does such a law apply today?"

Wang Meng fell into deep thought. "But will this endanger the community?"

Ran Mingdao: "The more the truth is debated, the more facts speak louder than words. Their Confucianism wants to restore the ancient system, and I will let them do so. I will hold a hundred schools of thought at the Tongque Terrace every ten months. A forum where everyone has the opportunity to promote their ideas."

Kong Fu, Taichang Minister of the State of Wei, is also a man of great background.He is the 24th generation grandson of Confucius. He was originally a Fengsheng Tinghou who was supposed to inherit the title of Jin Dynasty in history.When Ran Ming ascended the throne, he enfeoffed all the officials, and Kong Fu took the honor of his ancestors. In addition, Ran Ming didn't know that the descendants of Confucius were only enshrined as Tinghou at this time, and thought that they were hereditary descendants like the later generations.

In fact, the title of Duke Yansheng was in the second year of Zhihe in the Song Dynasty. Ran Ming didn't know it, so he pretended to be the 24th generation grandson of Confucius, Kong Fu, as Duke Yansheng, with [-] households in the city.Of course, the so-called Shiyi in the Wei Kingdom is basically empty, and all the titles of Shiyi are converted into money, and a family of Shiyi can earn about ten thousand yuan a year.In fact, the peasants in the Wei state couldn't pay much tax a year, and these food towns were just an extra salary.

And in order to win people's hearts, from the time of Ran Min, Kong Fu was the Taichangqing of the Wei State. If you say that Taichangqing belonged to the chief of the clan sacrifices, his original name was Fengchang, which originated in the period of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty.This Tai Changqing doesn't have any power at ordinary times, but he can feel a sense of presence during sacrifices.

As Ran Ming pushed the schools of thought to formally enter the political arena, as the spiritual leader of Confucianism, Kongfu, public and private, could no longer decide.With the contact of some middle and low-level officials, Kong Fu contacted hundreds of officials, preparing to meet Ran Ming.Ever since the incident of Guozijian, Taixue, and Fengle Academy students blocking the palace gate occurred in Wei State, Ran Ming stopped court meeting.If he didn't meet with all the officials, even if Kong Fu wanted to meet Ran Ming, he would have no chance.So as a last resort, he led more than 100 middle and low-level officials straight into the palace gate.

Among the more than 100 officials, except for Kong Fu, Taichangqing, who is a third-rank official, the others are some low-level officials, mostly sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-rank officials. There is none of the assistant minister and the official doctor.

More than 100 officials in green robes and official uniforms paraded through the city, naturally attracting countless people to watch. Chinese people have a tradition of watching the excitement since ancient times. Seeing this abnormal situation, it naturally attracted countless people to stop and watch, and once blocked the street.

(End of this chapter)

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