Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 965 Opening the Home Forum

Chapter 965 Opening the forum of hundreds of schools

Chapter 971 Opening the forum of hundreds of schools

A group of people arrived in front of Chengtian Gate, the main gate of the imperial palace, but Kong Fu knew the general idea. He didn't really break into the palace, but knelt down in front of the palace gate, held up the memorial, and shouted: "See you!"

After a short time, one of the servants said with a smile all over his face, "Why did Kong Ya offer his official position?"

"Your Majesty feels the wind and cold occasionally, so I don't see any foreign ministers!" The eunuch said indifferently: "Kong Ya is an official, please go back!"

Kong Fu was unmoved, and continued: "If Your Majesty does not see you, I will kneel and die in front of the palace gate!"

Then, more than 100 officials also spoke out.

The servant smiled wryly and said: "Your servant has already said that your Majesty occasionally feels cold and doesn't see any foreign ministers, so why should Kong Ya present an official by forcing others to make things difficult for him!"

At this time, Kong Fu looked at the waiter and his eyes were almost bursting into flames, and shouted directly at the waiter: "There are big and small things. When life and death are at stake, what is the mere wind and cold! The day when the sky will collapse and the earth will be shattered, and the earth will be full of fishy smells is just around the corner. As the loyal ministers of the Great Wei, we will swear to the death to defend the holy way and eradicate the traitors. If you don’t let me see Your Majesty, you have ulterior motives and want to murder Your Majesty!"

To say that the only thing Confucianism can do is the ritual system they formulated. In the name of being loyal to the emperor and serving the country, they wantonly attack political opponents. Who can resist it?If Kong Fu didn't make a move, it would be fine, and if he did, he would directly charge the servant with the crime of killing the king and his father.

Meals can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately. This servant was taken aback by Kong Fu's charges on the Internet.Then the group of officials followed suit and shouted for beating and killing.Since ancient times, Confucianism has given people a weak impression.In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Before the Song Dynasty, Confucianism was not just lip service. Although their kung fu was not as good as that of generals, it definitely had nothing to do with the term "powerless".

Seeing the servant was sweating profusely, Kong Fu became more courageous, stood up suddenly and said: "Go away, I want to see Your Majesty!"

At this moment, a little Huangmen came running quickly and said to Kong Ya: "Kong Ya Xianguan, you are also a high-ranking official in this dynasty after all, don't you know the crime of slandering others by talking nonsense?"

The so-called Huangmen refers to the Qin and Han Dynasties, when most palace gates were painted yellow, so it was called Huangmen.Huangmen Shilang got his name because he first served in Huangmen.

Huangmen Shilang was an official under the Ministry of Shangshu in the Han Dynasty, and he was also a close servant of the emperor.After the establishment of the system of three provinces and six ministries, it is the official position of the province under the door.The main job of the Huangmen servant in the Han Dynasty was to communicate the official affairs between the emperor and the minister. He belonged to foreign officials who could freely enter and leave the forbidden area, and had access to many court secrets, so his status was very important.This little Huangmen is none other than Xi Pijiang, the son of Jingxiang great Confucian Xi Chisel Tooth.

"It's just an eunuch!" Kong Fu said disapprovingly.

"You are also a disciple of a sage. If you still have a heart to defend the holy way, you should let me into the palace!" Kong Fu saw the person coming, and said loudly: "The minister who is lucky to bewitch the sage listens. Abolish Confucius and Mencius. Words, actions Zhai Mo Tao Zhu Zhai way. Respect the villain, stay away from the gentleman. Learn the last skills, forget the root. Such a great Wei and Jiangshan will perish, and we will be ashamed to see the sages of the past. Now I have to give up this life and deal with the traitor to the end. You Wherever you go, it all depends on your heart!"

Although Xi Pijiang was talented and learned, but his experience in the world was still inexperienced, he was suddenly overwhelmed by Kong Fu and murmured that he couldn't speak.At this moment, the servant suddenly came to his senses and shouted in a sharp voice: "Where are all the soldiers, protect the palace and protect Your Majesty!"

In order to prevent the Great Wei Yulin Army from spending too long at ease like the Song Dynasty, they forgot their bloodiness and war, so Ran Ming formulated a very strict rotation system.These palace guards of the imperial forest army were all fierce soldiers who had seen bloody battles, and when they heard the words, they moved, their swords were unsheathed, and their murderous aura came out vigorously.

Kong Fu and the other civil servants had never seen this before, they were frightened and backed away slowly.

Kong Fu saw this, and shouted: "Confucius said to achieve benevolence, Mencius said to take righteousness, only when righteousness is exhausted, so benevolence is the best. What have we learned from the books of sages and sages we have read? Today we are for the holy way. Retire, at worst, the blood splashes on the spot, we are also vigorous, worthy of the sages!"

"Yes, what Kongya Xianguan said is right. For the sake of the holy way, we can't retreat. For the sake of the holy way, why should we spare ourselves with swords and swords? Go in, go!"

Don't think that civil servants have no power to restrain chickens. When they fight in groups, they don't suffer at all. They scream and rush inside.The soldiers blocked it, and the hats on their heads were all caught off.Yelling and yelling, you pushing and shoving, the front of Chengtian Gate of the palace suddenly became a mess.The saddest thing was that servant, who was knocked down by several civil servants, stepped on it with unknown number of feet, immediately exhaled a lot of air, and inhaled less, and it seemed that he would not survive.

Those imperial guards could easily bring down these officials, but seeing the crazy actions of these officials, no one dared to do anything.Although the state of Wei was emphasizing martial arts and despising literature at this time, these officials were not thieves. They didn't have a clear purpose, so they were naturally a little bit late.And as Kong Fu and others rushed into the Chengtian Gate, they couldn't actually enter it either.You must know that there is more than one palace gate in the imperial palace. Starting from Chengtianmen and arriving at Taiwu Palace, you have to pass through at least five palace gates. They are different from ordinary imperial guards. Those Qilin guards don’t care so much. Within a hundred steps, he will be shot to kill.

After Kong Fu and the others entered Chengtian Gate, Ran Ming sent Zhongchang Attendant You Yi to welcome them into Taiwu Hall.

When they came to Taiwu Hall, Ran Ming only let Kong Fu enter alone, but Kong Fu was calm, and after greeting Ran Ming, he said loudly: "Your Majesty, I think that the current enemies of Wei are inside and not outside."

"Oh!" Ran Ming smiled, "Why did Kong Ya present himself as an official?"

Kong Fu pointed at Wang Meng and said, "Your Majesty, this person is the biggest culprit of the Wei Dynasty. Please punish this person for committing the crime of chaos!"

There was a strange look in Ran Ming's eyes, and then he said angrily: "Jing Lue is the pillar of the imperial court, how could he make trouble, it's just nonsense!"

Kong Fu's accusation of Wang Meng is not a momentary fever. Wang Mo, the master of Guigu Sect, confessed to Ran Ming that Wang Meng, Xie Ai, and Ran Min are all disciples of the Yinzong sect of Guigu Sect, and Wang Meng learned from Chongyang Daoist.Xie Ai is the master of Master Huayang.And although Ran Min is not a disciple, he has also received secret education, which can be regarded as a connection.Kong Fu didn't care whether Wang Meng was a member of the Guigu sect, but Wang Meng once presided over the construction of the miracle city in Buqi, which made everyone in the world think that even if Wang Meng was not a disciple of the Mohist family, at least he was related to the Mohist family.Therefore, Kong Fu directly put the big hat on Wang Meng's head.

"I'm not talking nonsense!" Kong Fu said loudly: "Wang Meng once opened a course to obtain scholars in Qingzhou without authorization. The content of the examination has nothing to do with the Four Books and Five Classics. He even practiced some heresy, blasphemed the holy way, and corrupted the style of scholars! Young scholar I don't know the seriousness, blindly follow the power, and even abandon the teaching of the sages. If this continues, people's hearts will be ruined, the government will be worse, and the country will be ruined and the family will be destroyed! Your Majesty, the people of the world are not a society, and the three emperors have no way of life. This is not the way of Confucius. Then there is no way to stand. Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, and Zhou Gong are all saints. However, they develop the principles of the three cardinal principles and five constant principles, and record them in the scriptures. The one who fell was Confucius' strength. Disrespect to Confucius and Mencius is no different from that of barbarians. I ask your Majesty to deal with Wang Jinglue and set the record straight!"

Ran Ming is not those greenhouse flowers that grow up in the palace, what is the way of Confucius and Mencius, is nothing more than a patron saint to protect their interests!Naturally, he scoffed at what Kong Fu said.Kong Fu wanted to know that Ran Ming was the real mastermind of Qingzhou's first imperial examination system, while Wang Meng was just an executor.Sue the accomplice in front of the mastermind, and it is a ghost to win the case.

Ran Ming said with a half-smile: "Jing Lue, Kong Ya offered to impeach you, what do you have to say?"

Wang Meng pondered, just now he was talking with Ran Ming about the so-called forum of hundreds of schools, isn't now a good opportunity to promote it?So Wang Meng thought for a while and said loudly: "The pure is clear by itself, and the turbid is turbid by itself. Right and wrong are right and wrong, and justice is in the hearts of the people. Let's invite people who can argue in the world to debate the way of sages. Colleagues, all of you Those of you who are eloquent, I believe that you will not be timid to fight, I wonder if you dare to fight?"

Kong Fu looked at the officials around him, took a deep breath and said, "Why don't you dare!"

"Of course that's good!" Ran Ming clapped his palms and said with a smile: "Someone came to convey my will, and immediately ordered someone to set up the Tongque Terrace, and set up a forum for hundreds of schools on the Tongque Terrace to preach the holy way of hundreds of schools."

Tongque Terrace, because after Cao Cao wiped out the Yuan brothers, he stayed overnight in Yecheng, saw the golden light rise from the ground in the middle of the night, and dug up a Tongque the next day. Xun You said that Shun's mother dreamed of a jade sparrow in her arms and gave birth to Shun.Now it is an auspicious sign to get the bronze sparrow. Cao Cao was overjoyed, so he decided to build the bronze sparrow tower on the Zhangshui River to show his contribution to calm the world.

After the Sixteen Kingdoms, Zhao Shihu added two feet to the height of Cao Wei's ten feet, and built a five-story building on it, fifteen feet high, and a total of 27 feet.Standing tall and admirable, it is as high as a mountain.The windows are decorated with copper coverings, and when the sun rises, the streamer shines.He also made a bronze sparrow on the top of the building, one foot and five feet high, and its wings seemed to fly. "Ye Zhong Ji" records: During Shihu's time, there were 120 halls in Tongque Terrace, and there were female eunuchs and prostitutes in the rooms.On the main hall, there is an imperial bed, a Shu brocade tassel tent, golden faucets at the four corners, five-color tassels, and a screen bed with golden buttons.Two wells were dug in Tongque Terrace. There is an iron beam tunnel between the two wells, which is called "Mingzi Cave". A lot of treasures and food are stored in the cave.

Ran Min established the State of Wei. In the past, the financial resources of the State of Wei were limited, and the Tongque Terrace was basically abandoned. Later, the State of Wei's finances improved, and this was maintained.However, because Shihu is very stable in the repair of Tongque Terrace, there has been no large-scale repair for more than [-] years, and Tongque Terrace is still stable.

While Ran Ming sent people to urgently renovate Tongque Terrace, he also ordered people to carry out large-scale publicity in the residence newspaper, newspapers and the Royal Navy Navy.

As the news spread, more and more people flocked to Yecheng and Tongque Terrace.During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the dominant position of Confucianism in the Han Dynasty was broken. With the rise of Taoism and the introduction and prevalence of Buddhism, the development of Confucianism was severely challenged.Confucianism in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties lagged behind.During the more than 300 years of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was not a single Confucian master.

As the Wuhu invaded China, Confucianism was improved in order to please the ruling class.Therefore, on the basis of the "relationship between heaven and man", a new theory was born, that is, "the destiny is not long, but it has virtue. The virtues of the barbarians and the people are cherished by the people." That is to say, the destiny is not eternal, according to Whether there is virtue or not, whether there is a kingly way is the standard to grant the position of the king.Regardless of the Huaxia ethnic group or the ethnic minorities, as long as they implement "benevolent government" and practice the kingly way, they will be recognized and attached by the people.For a long time, Confucianism has advocated a Chinese "orthodox" concept, believing that only the Huaxia people are qualified to rule the Central Plains and even the world, and minority nationalities can only be ruled. .

Dong Zhongshu said: "The change of the Three Traditions, there is nothing near the barbarians, and only China is the one that produces evil." "Theory of the Three Traditions" is Dong Zhongshu's most unique view of history.It is believed that each successive dynasty must correct the Shuo and change clothes, so as to inherit the destiny and obtain the legal right to rule the world.But this kind of right can only belong to the kingdoms of Xia in the Central Plains, and the kingdoms of Yi and Di are not qualified, and Yi and Di can only be under the rule of China.

Confucianism in the Northern and Southern Dynasties actually produced the theory of traitors.For this kind of theory, Ran Ming is very disgusted from the bottom of his heart. Of course, the theoretical reform of Confucianism was formed under the persecution of Hu people with swords and swords. If Ran Ming wants to make Confucianism bow, he must kill all directions like Hu people. They were killed until their blood flowed like rivers, and their corpses were strewn across the field, forcing them to surrender.

Obviously, this is not what Ran Ming wanted.Ran Ming is a giant standing on the shoulders of history. With more than 600 years of knowledge and such a broad vision, Ran Ming also has the means to deal with it.

All schools of thought, please show your strength.Ran Ming is very much looking forward to the performance of Zhuzi Baijia, hoping not to let him down.

Tongque Terrace is Ran Ming’s ideal place for a hundred schools of thought. First of all, Tongque Terrace is big enough. The hall of the main hall of light is more than 4000 square meters, which can almost be compared with the main hall of Taiwu Hall. Hundreds of people can be seated in it. There is no problem, and the south side is almost full of gates, so that if there are too many people, all the doors can be opened to allow people to sit outside the hall and listen to lectures.

Secondly, Tongque Terrace itself is a place of literature.After Cao Cao built Tongque Terrace, he ordered Cao Zhi to write a Fu. Cao Zijian wrote "Dengtai Fu" with his brush. Cao Cao also used a lot of money to redeem Cai Wenji, the daughter of Cai Yong, a great scholar at the end of Han Dynasty, and sang at Tongque Terrace. The famous "Eighteen Beats of Hu Jia".The Tongque Terrace and the Tongque Garden on the east side were the paradise for the creative activities of Ye scholars at that time.Tongque Terrace has an indissoluble bond with Jian'an literature.Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Wang Can, Liu Zhuang, Chen Lin, Xu Gan, Cai Wenji, Handan Chun, etc. often gather at Tongque Terrace to express their hearts with their straightness.They are generous and express their ambition to make great achievements.They mourn the chaos at the time, reflecting the social reality and the miserable life of the people.They set off a climax in the creation of literati in the history of Chinese poetry on Tongque Terrace.

Thirdly, there is a semi-circular high platform in the Tongquetai Hall. The ancients actually built a huge indoor echo wall. In the absence of audio equipment, as long as the sound is slightly louder, everyone in the hall can clearly hear it. his speech.So Ran Ming set up the forum of hundreds of schools in Tongque Terrace.

Ran Ming's so-called renovation of the Tongque Terrace was actually very simple. He just had someone clean it up, and set up a podium according to the style of the later generations' conference. Behind the podium, there was also a huge blackboard.Of course, there are no flowers, fruit plates, etc., and there are no seats, but hundreds of futons are placed inside for the participants to sit on their knees.

As Kong Fu, dressed in white, appeared under the Bronze Sparrow Stage, it immediately caused a burst of sighs from the surrounding people.This time Kong Fu came to the stage to explain Taoism, which shocked the scholars all over the world.You must know that although Kong Fu is talented and knowledgeable, it can be said that in terms of knowledge, he is far from reaching the height of no one before and no one in the future, not to mention that Wang Meng, who is facing him, is also famous all over the world.However, Wang Meng's name is not his literary name or talent name, but his pragmatism and ability. When confronting Kong Fu, it is inevitable that he will be suspected of being bullied by the big.

In fact, Kong Fu was also riding a tiger at this time, and he was impatient when he made a bet with Wang Meng.Although I have some regrets afterwards, it is impossible to repent when it is done.Luckily, after Ran Ming told the story, Kong Fu also stood at the forefront of the storm.Moreover, Kong Fu not only represented the holy sect of Confucianism, but also the scholars in the world. Once he failed, it meant that Kong Fu had failed.Kong Fu couldn't afford this price.

However, Kong Fu also knew that Wang Meng's master came from Guigu. Although Guigu is only a hermit sect, the best of Guigu's lineage is the art of war and vertical and horizontal. This strategist is famous for being good at sophistry. Instead of having the will to win, Kong Fu felt uneasy.Therefore, Kong Fu not only went to invite Yan Yue, Li Xian, He Chengtian, Cheng Mo and other famous Confucian rookies to help out.In addition to these people, Pingyuan Gaoyan also supported Kong Fu. Pingyuan Gaoyan was also from a Confucian family, and his great-grandfather was born in Gaojia.He was the teacher of Emperor Han Yuan.Gao Xu, was a Ph.D. in the Han Dynasty, and a great doctor of agriculture.

Then, more than three or four hundred people including Kong Fu entered the Tongque Terrace, and the Guigu sect master Wang Mo and Wang Meng entered the main hall. Compared with Kong Fu's large number of people, Wang Mo's Guigu sect seemed talented. wither.Besides Wang Mo and Wang Meng, there were only about forty students.

Such a lineup seems a bit small.

The judges of the Northern Times are almost all famous people today, such as Xie An, Xi Zouchi, Liu Yan, Yu Zhong, Liu Xuan and so on.Including Wei Guochen's important ministers Wang Jian and Wang Ning also joined the crowd and were in the front row.

Seeing everyone sitting down, "Cough~, everyone..." Kong Fu cleared his throat, just about to say hello to the officials and celebrities below, and when he started his speech, he suddenly saw a young official running Running in, this made Kong Fu very angry, and couldn't help but glared at the official a few times, but the other party seemed very anxious, and ran to Kong Fu's side and whispered a few words, as a result, Kong Fu's face also changed, and then He hurriedly left with He Chengtian, Yan Yue and others.

Just as the scholars and celebrities in the audience were guessing in their hearts the reason why Kong Fu and the others left, they soon heard a burst of chaotic footsteps from outside, and then saw Kong Fu leading a large group of people in , And when these scholars and celebrities saw the people who came in, they couldn't help standing up in shock.

Among the people who followed Kong Fu, the leader was Ran Ming, the Emperor of Wei, and there were seven or eight children behind him, and Ran Yun was the leader of these children.These people did not wear formal attire, but all of them were wearing t-shirts, with the unique arrogance of the royal family on their faces, and they could tell whether they were rich or noble at a glance.

Ministers and celebrities who knew Ran Ming wanted to salute, but when they saw Ran Ming making a silent gesture, they had to give up.

Seeing Ran Ming's arrival, Kong Fu became nervous for a while, and he still guessed the purpose of Ran Ming's arrival, could it be to help Wang Meng?You must know that Wang Meng is the number one celebrity in front of Ran Ming, and it will be a matter of time before he becomes a prime minister and joins the cabinet.It's just that Ran Ming didn't come to the front row as expected, but found a corner and sat down with the princes.

Although Kong Fu couldn't figure it out, his heart was in a mess at the moment.Unexpectedly subconsciously said: "Please make a proposition, Your Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

Upon hearing this, everyone followed Kong Fu's gaze, and those who knew Ran Ming couldn't help being shocked, shouting: "Your Majesty, Sheng An!"

"All my dear ones are free from courtesy!" Ran Ming said: "I came here today in a white dragon fish suit, with only my ears on. I will not judge this academic debate. It can be said that you are all well-educated people and have your own judgments in your hearts. .Since Lord Yansheng asked me to make a proposition, I happen to have a problem, which is called interpretation, what do you think?"

"Explain the Tao." This is also Ran Ming's cunning, since you Confucianists want to defend the Tao, I will let you first explain what your own Tao is.It can be said that Ran Ming's proposition is not ordinary.Hearing this, not only Kong Fu felt dizzy, but even Yan Yue felt a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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