Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 966 The education of the second generation of the emperor is imminent

Chapter 966 The education of the second generation of the emperor is imminent
Chapter 972 The education of the second generation of the emperor is imminent

In fact, during the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Confucianism was undergoing a period of great change, so basically most of the famous scholars studied Xuan, Buddhism, and Confucianism, but Kong Fu was the 24th generation grandson of Confucius. There is basically nothing involved in Buddhism.Yan Yue also frowned.

Kong Fu was dumbfounded on the spot, the scene was very embarrassing.

Tao is a unique philosophical thought of Chinese philosophy, which has a great influence on various fields such as philosophy, society, politics, culture and military.The Tao of Taoism has rich and complex philosophical meanings, and the meanings of Tao in different situations are often different.The original meaning of the word Dao is the way, and later it is extended to the way of doing things, the method, the source, the ontology, the law, the principle, the realm, the ultimate truth and principle, etc.Lao Tzu said at the beginning of the "Tao Te Ching": "Tao can be Tao, but it is very Tao; name can be named, but it is very famous. The beginning of the unknown world is named the mother of all things."

"Zhuangzi·Xing Xing": "Tao, rationale. . . . Dao is all rational." "Guanzi Junchen Shang" said: "Don't pay attention to what is right and divided is called reason, what is logical and not lost is called Tao"; Unreasonable." "Han Feizi Jie Lao" mentions "reason" together, and believes that "Tao is the one who is rational", "All things have different principles, but Tao fully understands the principles of all things." "Guanzi Renfa" says "the old law The Tao is the ultimate way in the world”, and this “way” is a political principle;

But what about Confucianism?Because the Tao of Confucianism evolved on the basis of the reforms of the past dynasties, it can be said to be very contradictory.For example, in the Christian "Old Testament", it is said that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.However, Mencius said that those who are right will be helped more than those who have lost their way.Is this the case?Very easy to explain with real examples.Did the Cao family lose their virtue during the Three Kingdoms period?

The answer is yes, no.But Cao's country was usurped by the Sima family.Is Liu Yuan virtuous?The answer is yes, and no, but Liu Yuan took over the world, and a tyrant like Shi Hu can sit in the world. This fact makes Confucianism contradictory.It is a very big misunderstanding that the country is solid in virtue but not in danger.Even though Song Weizong messed around in the Northern Song Dynasty, the court still did not lose the hearts of the people, and most of the people still remembered the good of the Zhao family. Even at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, those Southern Song people would rather jump into the sea to die for their country than endure humiliation.What's more, there is another tragic example, that is, Ran Min, Ran Min's subjugation, Wei Guo's soldiers and civilians committed suicide and martyred their country, thus starting the tradition of martyrdom in the Central Plains.

This also contradicts the Confucian interpretation of Dao.

The core idea of ​​Confucianism is respecting ancestors and emphasizing filial piety. Could it be that Kong Fu directly pointed out that his ancestors were wrong?

So at this time, Kong Fu was caught in a dilemma.At this time, He Chengtian, a rising star of Confucianism, said: "Yan Shenggong is above, the boy is not talented, he can explain the Tao."

Kong Fu was overjoyed and said, "How did Chengtian explain the Tao!"

He Chengtian said: "Benevolence is called benevolence, righteousness is what is done, righteousness is what is done according to what is true, and virtue is what is sufficient for oneself and does not treat others. Position. Therefore, there are gentlemen and villains in Taoism, and there are evil and good virtues. Lao Tzu’s small benevolence and righteousness are not to destroy, but those who see them are small. Sitting in a well and watching the sky, saying that the sky is small, it is not the sky. It is benevolence, solitude is righteousness, and it is suitable for small ones. What they call Dao, what Dao means, is not what I call Dao. What they call virtue, what virtue is what I call virtue, is not what I call virtue. Whatever I call morality , It is also based on the words of benevolence and righteousness, and the public words of the world. Laozi’s so-called morality is based on the words of benevolence and righteousness, and it is also the private words of one person." The Great Confucian Han Yu’s Original Taoism)
... But how can it be done?Said: "No blockage, no flow, more than no way. People are people, fire is their books, and huts are their dwellings. The way of the kings of the Ming Dynasty is based on the way, and the widows, widows, lonely, disabled and sick have support. It is also possible.

Although the central idea of ​​He Chengtian's speech is to revive Confucianism and condemn Buddhists and elders, the views in the text are clear, broken and established, citing the past and present, analyzing from the aspects of historical development and social life, refuting the faults of Buddhists and elders, and discussing The essence of Confucianism comes down to the purpose of restoring ancient ways and respecting Confucianism.However, He Chengtian must be young and energetic. These remarks not only bombard Buddhism, but also bombard Taoism.He Chengtian thought that Confucianism and Taoism would not be spread if the teachings of Buddhism and Laos were not blocked;Monks and Taoist priests must be returned to common people, Buddhist scriptures and Taoist books must be burned, and Buddhist temples and Taoist temples must be turned into dwellings for common people.Carrying forward the way of the previous kings as the standard of governing the world, so that the widows, widows, lonely, disabled, and chronically ill people can be taken care of, and this is probably enough!

Since the five chaos in China, Confucianism has declined greatly, Taoism has risen in the south, and Buddhism has risen in the north because of the stone tiger's belief in Buddhism.Don't think that Buddhism is all about teaching people to be good. In fact, there is nothing good in religion, but a group of parasites that confuse people's hearts.

Following He Chengtian's article on the great merits of defending Taoism, He Chengtian became a rookie in the Confucianism. As a result, the publication of this article on Buddhism and Taoism is enough to establish his status as a great Confucian.

Of course, it was even more lively at the Tongque Terrace. At this time, there were Taoist disciples and many Buddhists who were listening to the lecture. They wanted to have a good show, but they didn't expect that the fire would actually burn them. body.Without waiting for Wang Meng to debate, the Buddhist and Taoist families below began to scold.

"Bright words!"

"Nonsense! It doesn't make sense!"

All eyes were focused on this person in an instant, only to see that he was unattractive, with a thin body, but with a pair of eyes, full of energy.This person is none other than Yang Xi, the next generation appointed by Ran Ming to replace Ge Hong as the leader of Taoism.

Yang Xi cupped his hands to the surroundings, and then said generously: "It is true that in China, there was a time when the country was about to lose the country, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the people were slaughtered. But that is not the present, but the previous Jin Dynasty. Now Your Majesty is working hard to rule and help the Han people. In the eyes of the poor, what he sees is great prosperity, and what he sees is that the world is finally going to be peaceful. He really doesn't know where the theory of subjugation comes from!"

He Chengtian didn't know Yang Xi and didn't know how powerful Yang Xi was. He just regarded him as an ordinary Taoist priest. He felt even more disgusted when he saw a Taoist priest. He sneered and said, "How can a city be built in the desert for a long time? The way of a sage is like a thousand-foot-high building. It is the foundation of a country, and scholars do not understand the way of sages, and people’s hearts are in chaos, isn’t it a sign of the country’s ruin?”

"Hahaha, the way of the saint is so powerful, dare to ask who, after the saint, can there be a court for thousands of years? After the saint, there will be no rise and fall and chaos?"

Yang Xi deliberately didn't mention He Chengtian's name, but called him that who, which made He Chengtian's nose pissed off.He Chengtian pointed at Yang Xi and was so angry that he said "you, you, you" and didn't say a word for a long time.

But at this time, Wang Mo, the master of Guigu Sect who was listening to the lecture, said with a smile: "Confucianism has really fallen."

Wang Meng smiled and said: "What Master said is very true. Right now, Confucianism is making enemies everywhere. In order to protect themselves, all schools of thought may have to fight!"

Wei Wu, a Mohist tycoon, also said to his disciple Xie Siliang, "Siliang, later you will go to the stage to challenge the Confucianist, who is said to be a once-in-a-century genius!"

"Master, don't worry about it!" Xie Siliang said flatly: "The face of Confucianism is annoying to look at."

"Our Mohist school is not as hypocritical as the Confucian school. We just repay revenge with revenge, and repay kindness with kindness!" Wei Wudao: "The thousand-year dispute between Confucianism and Mohism, today I will take this opportunity to discuss it with him!"

It can be said that Ran Ming’s forum of hundreds of schools was very unsuccessful. First of all, Ran Ming put forward the proposition of Buddhism and Taoism. As a result, Confucianism returned to respect Confucianism and criticized Buddhism and Taoism.It attracted Taoism and Buddhism to attack Confucianism successively.As a result, Yang Xi initiated the theory of governing chaos, Confucius quoted Mencius' theory of governing chaos, Yin-Yang School and Miscellaneous Schools criticized Confucianism's theory of governing chaos with the theory of five virtues, the end and the beginning, and Legalists used Han Feizi's deceitful emissary to attack Confucianism. Refute Confucianism's theory of one rule and one disorder.Along with Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Legalism, Yin and Yang schools, and miscellaneous schools participate in the debate.As one of the bitter enemies of Confucianism, Mohism also joined the battle.

There is a saying that a good tiger cannot hold back a lot of wolves. Although Confucianism is good at playing tricks, it also feels powerless in the face of the attacks of various schools of thought.What's more, since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty exclusively respected Confucianism, Confucianism's suppression of hundreds of schools can be said to be extremely extreme. Whether it is Legalism or Mohism, they have all been reduced to hermit schools.

All these schools of thought have become opposition parties, and when they have nothing to do, they will naturally ponder the loopholes in Confucian philosophy. Regarding his loopholes and shortcomings, these students can be said to be very familiar with it.The arguments put forward were also very sufficient, and Confucianism was very embarrassed at this time.

At this time, the so-called forum of a hundred schools of thought really had the taste of a hundred schools of thought contending, but the Mohist's move brought this first forum of a hundred schools of thought to a climax.

Xie Siliang, a disciple of the Mohist school, said to He Chengtian: "Mr. Jiuwen is a great talent. He can speak at the age of one, enlightened at the age of two, and has already read the "Book of Filial Piety", "Poems", "The Analects of Confucius" and "Spring and Autumn" at the age of five. and."

When He Chengtian heard this, he smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said: "It's too young, it may not be good to be older."

This sentence reveals an allusion. Chen Wei, a doctor in the late Han Dynasty, satirized Kong Rong who was a child. At that time, Kong Rong said: "I miss you when you are young, maybe it is gone!"However, He Chengtian was proud of his talents, and then said indifferently: "Chengtian is not only familiar with the scriptures, but also writes annotations for various schools of thought."

Xie Siliang said solemnly: "Mr. is a great talent. He is the first genius in a hundred years to have a broad knowledge of hundreds of schools of thought. He is the first genius in a hundred years. That gentleman also said just now that the society must prosper if you are close to virtuous ministers and far from small people. The country will be destroyed. Just as Mr. said, why did there not be villains in power during the time of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors? You must know that the Three Emperors and Five Emperors were not saints who were infallible throughout their lives. For example, Emperor Yao misused Yu’s father, Gun, to control the water.”

As soon as this question came out, everyone including Wang Jian, the royal censor Wang Ning, Xie An and others were all stunned.Xie Siliang's question is not too profound, but it is more than bold.

For the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Confucianism will always praise their sages. Anyway, that time is the past history, and there are very few written records left, so Confucianism will continue to enrich the system of ancient times, which is an ideal era for Confucianism.

In fact, in the eyes of people like Ran Ming, the ancient era was not an ideal era, but a barbaric era.In that era, productivity was extremely limited, and material life was very scarce, so there was no happiness to speak of.Just like in the early days of the founding of the later Republic, ordinary people yearned for the communism depicted by the Soviet Union very much, it can be said that they were obsessed.It's as if being able to eat goulash is communism.But now let’s not say that everyone can eat goulash with potatoes, at least most people should be able to eat it.Can people be happy?

The so-called ideals and reality change with time. When ordinary people ask why the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors was good, the first impression of ordinary people is that the monarch is famous, and he does not pick up lost things on the road, and does not close his door at night.But now Xie Siliang brought up a very contradictory point of Confucianism. Emperor Yao wrongly used Gun to control the water, so Emperor Yao was not a person who would not do wrong things. If so, why was he praised by the people? Is there no villain in power?

The three cardinal principles and five constant principles of Confucianism are important thoughts in Chinese Confucian ethical culture. Confucianism maintains social ethics and political systems through the teaching of the three cardinal principles and five constant principles, and played an extremely important role in the long feudal society.

The Three Cardinal Guidelines are the root of the Confucian thought of enslavement, distorting the Confucian theory of monarch, minister, father, father, son, son, husband and wife.Its core is obedience to the righteousness or unconditional obedience to the relationship between superiors and subordinates. The Three Cardinals are based on obedience under the relationship, and Confucius is based on the righteousness, advocating that regardless of status, one should perform one's duty according to the righteousness.

This is also the fundamental reason why Confucianism was adopted by the rulers. One of the most notable features is respect for ancestors.The son does not say anything about the father's faults, but when Confucianism enriched the ideal social system in ancient times, it left a very obvious loophole. This loophole does not explain why the society was ruled by the ruler and ministers in ancient times.

Whether the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are wise or not is actually a bad book, and no one can tell for sure.In fact, regardless of Confucianism or other schools of thought, there is actually one thing in common, that is, respecting teachers and emphasizing Taoism.Deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors is something that cannot be tolerated by any sect. In fact, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors were not only praised by Confucianism, but in fact, in the Spring and Autumn Period, all schools of thought were praised and deified.Confucius also said that people are not sages and sages who are familiar with everything?Knowing mistakes can improve Mo Dayan.A virtuous king who can do wrong things and use wrong people, why is there no villain in power in his era?Xie Siliang's move is completely using the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son, which has won the essence of sophistry.

In this era, it is not that no one has raised doubts, but in this era of Confucianism, the voice of doubt is too small.Now that Xie Siliang really asked He Chengtian a question, He Chengtian was in a dilemma.Perhaps my friends have also participated in debates at school. The best way to debate is to attack based on the loopholes in the opponent's speech, just like computer viruses attack system loopholes.

In fact, ancient strategists and strategists also used this method to attract each other's self-contradictions based on each other's views, such as the more famous sophistry "A white horse is not a horse" and so on.

Xie Siliang is a rare mohist of the Mohist school. He is a professional theoretical scholar, not a mohist, and a Mohist. Naturally, he has a good mouth.

At this moment, He Chengtian frowned when he heard it, and answered after a long time of contemplation: "This question, Chengtian can't answer!" You must know that although this debate is an academic competition, it is actually a competition for the court's right to speak , He Chengtian's words mean that he has admitted defeat?This made Kong Fu very anxious, but he couldn't help it, and he also couldn't think of the real answer to this question.Yan Yue's expression changed drastically in anxiety.

Standing next to Ran Ming at this time are the eldest son Ran Yun and the second prince Ran Yun.Both Ran Yun and Ran Bin were born in the sixth year of Yongxing, and now they are nine years old. If we follow the ancient tradition of being two years old, the eldest prince and the second prince are now 11 years old.If it was in later generations, nine-year-old dolls would still be acting like a baby in the arms of their parents, but it was different in ancient times. Because the life span of the ancients was very short, they matured very precociously. As for the children of the royal family, they matured even more precociously.

Following Ran Ming's ascension to the throne and proclaiming himself emperor, even though neither the first prince nor the second prince had been canonized as princes, the two of them had made every effort to compete for the throne.Of course, on the surface, the two also maintain a brotherly relationship, but there is also a lot of filth behind their backs.Just like the last time Ran Zhi's rebel army besieged Yecheng, in fact, the eldest son Ran Yun and the second son Ran Tan both patrolled the city to boost morale.

The two adopted completely different methods. The eldest son of the emperor, Ran Yun, climbed up the city wall and saw the mighty offensive of the rebels. Although his face was pale with fright, he still insisted on showing no fear.However, Ran Bin did not hide his emotions. Seeing soldiers who died of serious injuries, he would cry at him. He even saw a child fall to the ground and cry into a ball because of fear during a trip. Ran Bin asked people to stop driving. , get out of the car to help the child who fell down, and pretend to be an adult to comfort the child.

What Ran Yun showed was the majesty of an emperor, which can be said to be cold-blooded.But what Ran Tan showed was kindness.

However, in comparison, these two were only childish, and no matter whether it was the Zhongshan Liu family or the Chen Jun Xie family, they did not join their respective camps.However, there were signs of this, which made Ran Ming vigilant.

In history, Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng fought to the death, and in the end Li Shimin killed his brother and imprisoned his father, and achieved the emperor's hegemony.However, Li Shimin's sons also learned well, and few of Li Shimin's sons died well in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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