Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 967 The answer is that the experts are among the people

Chapter 967 The answer is that the experts are among the people
Chapter 973 The answer is that the masters are among the people

Ran Yun looked at Ran Ming's thoughtful look, and couldn't help asking: "Father, why were there no villains in the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors?"

Ran Ming smiled. This question seems to have stumped the ministers and celebrities of Wei, but as a person of later generations, he naturally understands the fundamental reason. In the words of Lord Acton, a British historian of thought, "Power leads to corruption, and absolute power leads to absolute power." corruption."

In fact, this is also the case. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty first came to the throne, he did not hold power. Liu Che attacked the Huns twice, his reputation rose, and he became corrupt when he gained absolute power. He did a lot of absurd things in his later years.Like Liu Che, there are many emperors, including Zhu Di, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty.Even if the imperial power loses its restraint, then the emperor is wise and wise, but once the self-control declines, it will affect the country and the community.

The political system of the Ming Dynasty was actually not bad. Although there were many absurd emperors, they did not affect the operation of the country. However, the biggest mistake of Emperor Chongzhen was the same as that of Emperor Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty, which was imbalance.If Chongzhen hadn't been fooled and slaughtered Wei Zhongxian, in fact, the financial crisis of the Ming Dynasty was not bankruptcy.Although Wei Zhongxian can't collect civil servants' taxes, he can shamelessly raid homes and kill people to make money.To maintain a balance, at least the Donglin Party was busy with the Fighting Party at that time, and they were very much looking forward to the emperor's support.

This topic is getting too far, that is, power must be restrained, so as to maintain the monarch and ministers.In ancient times, to put it bluntly, it was only the primary stage of primitive society. At that time, there was no sense of hierarchy at all. Everything was discussed together. Once a wrong policy appeared, it would be opposed by everyone, and naturally it would immediately solve.

However, the emperors of all dynasties lived in the palace. Not only did they not understand the sufferings of the people, but because of the growth environment, they caused the phenomenon of being beyond gold and jade.In fact, the democratic system touted by later generations is not as unbearable as people imagined. At least in a democratic system, although the president is the head of state, the policies he implements must be elected by the Congress, and no more than half of them can pass.There are actually two extremes for the emperor to decide with one word, either the emperor is wise and the country prospers, or the country is brought into the abyss.

Ran Ming suddenly thought of this and began to reflect, the heir to the empire is very important.In fact, if an incompetent heir is chosen, it will be a disaster for the country.But the prince must not be raised in the palace, it can only be cultivated into a bunch of nerds.Then Ran Ming smiled and said: "This question, my father naturally has an answer, but this time my father will not tell you, this answer can be regarded as a test for the two of you, you should find the answer yourself."

"Find the answer yourself?"

Hearing this, both Ran Yun and Ran Bin had miserable expressions on their faces.

In fact, although the matter of the forum of hundreds of schools caused a shock in the Wei state, the shock was only limited to the imperial court and the gentry class, and ordinary people had no heads.Although a hundred families quarreled fiercely, the common people should live their lives according to it, work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

However, Ran Ming ignored the obstruction of Xie Daoyun and Liu Wei's two daughters, and resolutely sent the two princes secretly to private upbringing.Ran Ming personally told Ran Yun and Ran Bin that if they dared to expose their identities, it would be tantamount to giving up the crown prince.Ran Yun and Ran Bin attached great importance to the position of prince, so naturally they dared not be careless.

In fact, regarding the practice of sending Ran Yun and Ran Yan to the folks for a period of time, Ran Ming actually thought that if he wanted to experience the sufferings of the folks, it would not be enough to rely on a few private visits in micro-services. Come on this is a joke.If you want to know, you will know, if you don't only know, you will never know.

In fact, Ran Ming carefully selected the families who raised the two princes. Ran Yun changed his name to Xie Yanqing and sent them to the home of an ordinary farmer. Kidney water, unable to bear children, had to raise a son to support him until his death.Ran Yan sent him to the home of a small carpenter under the pseudonym Liu Jingzu.The carpenter was old. He had two sons. One died fighting for the country, and the other died of illness.

Sending two princes to the people to experience the sufferings of the people, although Ran Ming is cruel on the surface, in fact, this is the part that Ran Ming made up for the lack of education. On the one hand, the prince can only experience the atmosphere of war, and has absolutely nothing to do with experiencing the suffering of the people.In Ran Ming's plan, all the princes will have to live in the private sector for at least two years between the ages of nine and 12, and then enter the non-commissioned officer school at the age of 14, and then join the army.As for personal achievement, it can only depend on the nature of the individual.

As a person of later generations, Ran Ming knows a truth, a person's growth environment determines a person's achievement.There are 550 nine emperors in Chinese history, but only Li Chen, Zhu Youtang, and Liu Xun can be called Zhongxing Mingjun.It is enough to see how the royal education in Chinese history failed.

Ran Ming didn't want to cultivate a successor who would not eat the fireworks of the world.There was a famine one year, and the people had no food to eat. They had to dig grass roots and eat the soil of Guanyin. Many people starved to death.The news was quickly reported to the palace, and Emperor Jin Hui was very puzzled after listening to the minister's report while sitting on the high throne. The "kind" Emperor Hui of Jin wanted to do something for his people. After thinking hard, he finally realized a "solution": "The people have no corn to satisfy their hunger, so why not eat minced meat?" (The people are hungry and have no rice. Eat, why don’t you eat meat porridge?)

In fact, it is very extreme to list Jin Huidi as an idiot emperor based on this point alone. Jin Huidi is definitely not an idiot, because Sima Zhong is Sima Yan’s second son. As the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Zhong is not Sima Yan’s only throne. Candidates, in fact, as the founding emperor, he still has the most extreme vision of seeing people. It is impossible for him to put a mentally handicapped son on the throne, because Sima Yan also usurped the throne. The emperor is very important to the country and the family inheritance.Although the royal family has a great reputation, once they are thrown down, the end will be very miserable.

Of course, Sima Yan's only mistake was to train his son to be a fool, to become a nerd who doesn't work hard and doesn't distinguish between five grains.In fact, this emperor is absolutely no match for wily politicians and ministers. He can easily lose power and be usurped.Ran Ming didn't want his son to quickly lose his foundation after taking over the country.

Therefore, Ran Ming has a complete plan for the cultivation of the prince. First, he will be sent to the people to understand the sufferings of the people.Then he was sent to the army to sharpen his mind and body.Ran Ming doesn't pray that every emperor will become a world-renowned commander, at least he must know military affairs, and don't let laymen guide experts.Of course, it is more important to start from the grassroots officials and understand the operation of the government, so that they will not be deceived by the ministers.Speaking of which, Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty was also very smart and economical, and he really wanted to be a famous emperor, but this emperor who grew up in the same deep palace compound was just a nerd and was fooled by a group of ministers.The minister said that the eunuch party was harmful to the country, Chongzhen eradicated Wei Zhongxian, and the minister said that the emperor should abolish the factory guards. As a result, Chongzhen dug out his own eyes and ears, and even Lu Xiangsheng's death in battle was covered for four months.

Although Ran Ming concealed the matter of the prince's delegating to the people, it was actually discovered by the interested ministers not long after.

As the night fell, Yecheng's nightlife began.As Ran Ming established the first entertainment venue in the form of an opera house in Yecheng, the night market in the entire Yecheng was quite prosperous. Whenever the lights came on, the entire Yecheng was also brightly lit.In addition to delicious food and snacks, various shops are also open at night. Relatively speaking, brothels are the most prosperous.Of course, the so-called brothels in this era are obviously different from the ordinary flesh and blood business. Using the current description, the famous prostitutes of this era are actually the same as the stars of later generations.Even more influential than the stars of later generations.

It's almost an open secret that it's Ran Ming's industry to make the country smile. Of course, this place is also a gold consumption cave, and the customers who come here to consume are both rich and noble.Although it is expensive to spend here, it is also because of the large number of guests and the limited space that you need to make an appointment in advance, which also reflects the so-called face.

At this time, a handsome middle-aged uncle in a green shirt came to Yixiao Qingguo.At this time, it was none other than Xie Gong Dongshan Thirty Springs, Xie An who proudly brought prostitutes out of the world.Soon a man who looked like a servant came to Xie An and said, "Your Majesty, is Mr. An Shi? My master has been waiting for you for a long time."

Xie An smiled and said, "It's Xie An!"

The servant said: "Please, Mr. Anshi!"

The guard led Xie An to a private room near the window on the second floor. As soon as he entered the private room, he saw a tall, long-bearded man waiting there.This man was about fifty years old, with regular and majestic features, and was very handsome.A singing girl in a court lady's costume was playing the piano there, and she didn't know what she was singing in her mouth.

To say that officials in ancient times attached great importance to appearance, with crooked mouth and slanted eyes, it was impossible to become an official. Both Xie An and Wang Jian were personable.During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, apart from banquets and banquets, the gentry communicated with prostitutes while talking about business.Moreover, the source of singers on Ranming Network is basically the children of notorious traitor officials. These women are well-educated, and many of them are good-looking people who are good at singing and dancing.Speaking of talent, he doesn't even need to make more concessions than ordinary officials.

For ancient times, many people actually don't know much about it.Although China is a patriarchal society, men seem to be a very patriarchal society, but in fact this is not the case.For a man to take a concubine, first of all, he must be over [-] years old, his wife has nothing to do, and he must have his wife's consent before he can take a concubine.As for the wife, it's not like some nonsense in some novels, there is no power at all.Chinese tradition emphasizes that men are in charge of the outside and women are in charge of the inside. Most of the wealth management in a family is controlled by women.In fact, it is no different from modern society. At that time, men were also controlled quite strictly.Moreover, a woman cannot divorce her wife unless she violates the seven rules.The so-called Heli is actually a big loss to the man, and ordinary officials will be dismissed from their posts.

Therefore, under such circumstances, a woman from a scholarly family will be fully cultivated from an early age. It is definitely not a woman who has no talent but has virtue. This argument does not hold water at all.

Seeing Xie An coming, Wang Jian got up to greet him.After Xie An and Wang Jian met, they sat down generously and started teasing with the singer. Although Xie An was well-known, he was actually very lewd. When he was alive, Xie An was very honest, but once Liu Shi passed away, Xie An revealed his true nature.Although it is not like the general ministers with wives and concubines in groups, but they often miss the gentle hometown.

What is even more speechless is that Xie An has fallen in love with a talented girl Su Ruolan.Su Ruolan, whose name is Hui and style name Ruolan, is one of the three talented women in the history of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and is famous for her proficiency in palindrome poetry.His daughter learned to write at the age of three.He learned poetry at the age of five, painting at the age of seven, embroidery at the age of nine, and brocade weaving at the age of 12.Now he is just 13 years old but has a friendship with Xie An.

You must know that Xie An is already 47 years old at this time, but Su Ruolan is only 13 years old. If Su Ruolan is Xie An's daughter-in-law, she would be too young, so she has a year-end relationship with Xie An.It was rumored that the two were expected to get married in the next year. Even Ran Ming had to scold Xie An for being a beast when he heard the news.

In fact, Ran Ming understood Su Ruolan's thoughts a little bit. At this time, Xie'an was the fifth son of the diamond king. He was not only a celebrity in the world, but also the uncle of the queen of the dynasty, and even the secretary of the Jiuqing.Su Ruolan's father, Su Daozhi, was just a small county magistrate, if he could get married with Xie An, it would definitely be a high rise.

Xie An's talent is recognized, and he speaks humorously, which makes the singing girls smile beautifully.

The two of them chatted and laughed nonsense for nearly half an hour, and then let the singer leave, and the two officially entered the topic. "The recent war in Chengdu has been dissatisfied by His Majesty, does Anshi have a clever plan?"

Although Wang Jian was not on the front line to command the battle, he was the No. 1 civil servant. Although Wei Guo did not have a prime minister, Wang Jian had no name as a prime minister, but exercised the power of a prime minister.In fact, none of the high-ranking officials who can reach the ministerial level does not want to make progress, and there are many people who want to keep an eye on Wang Jian's position. If Wang Jian has no political achievements, this position will not be stable.

"Your Majesty is right, Anshi is worrying about this matter!" Xie An said: "There are more than [-] soldiers and horsemen in the Zhenxi army eating horses and horses, which costs a lot. Although Wei's treasury is rich, it will not be able to bear it for a long time. what!"

Naturally, Wang Jian knew that it was very difficult to transport food and grass materials in Bashu. The more than 700 soldiers and civilians who accompanied the army needed more than [-] carts for food and grass consumption every day.Fortunately, Ran Ming invented the one-way CIF payment system, and handed over the transportation of materials to the merchants. Although this increased the cost of materials, it greatly improved the transportation efficiency.The efficiency of bureaucrats is notoriously slow, but businessmen are different. They know that time is money. The goods transported by the businessman will pay a part of the liquidated damages for every day late. Losing money, in this way, there is no such thing as poor transportation, otherwise the government transportation alone may have already overwhelmed Wei Guo.

Wang Jiandao: "Who says it's not? Although Huan Wen's officials are terribly virtuous, they are people who know how to fight. This Chengdu is guarded by him. Who would have thought that Huan Wen would put a lot of big urns in the city to listen to the progress of excavation in the west of Xie Town, and at the same time start excavation in the city wall. Huan Wen actually diverted water into the pit to soak more than [-] catties of gunpowder, and dragged it into Chengdu by the way."

Hearing this, Xie An laughed loudly and said: "Xie Zhenxi is also smart and confused for a while, but now he is stealing the chicken!"

"At this moment, it's not that Xie Zhenxi didn't try his best, it's just that Huan Wen is too cunning!" Wang Jian said, "Huan Wen has planted a large number of landmines outside the city of Chengdu. In order to avoid the loss of soldiers, Xie Zhenxi also came up with a clever plan. It was a pity that Huan Wen came up with an even more ingenious countermeasure to pull out the fuse of the landmine and change it to be detonated by a dead man. Now Xie Zhenxi used all kinds of methods to deal with it. means, but can't break through the city."

Thinking of Huan Wen, Wang Jian was so angry that his heart bleeds. The army under Huan Wen's command was not strong in fighting power. If it hadn't been for guarding the city tightly, Wei Guo had already completed the unification of the world and began to rule.But Chengdu is a bad debt.The current situation can be said to be extremely unfavorable to Wei Guo. If the morale of Xie Zhenxi's troops is low, it may fail because of it.

What made Wang Jian even more distressed was that the General Staff Headquarters did not have a suitable strategy, nor did he have any plans. The longer the delay, the worse it would be for Wei Guo.

Speaking of this, Wang Jian looked at Xie An expectantly: "An Shi, you must not let the martial arts master be the only one, otherwise the civil servants of the Great Wei will be defeated!"

Xie An said slowly: "The enemy has few soldiers, but our army has many. Although our army has completed the encirclement of Chengdu, Bashu is in chaos for thousands of miles. Everything we need depends on transportation from the rear. We must ensure this extremely long logistics line. Therefore, the thieves' advantage is long-term, while our army's advantage is quick decision. It is a pity that Zhenxi and Huanwen fought more than a dozen times in the field, with more victories than defeats. Now if we want to solve Chengdu, we must The troops must be divided!"

"Divide the troops?" Wang Jian said: "Although Jane doesn't understand military affairs, she also knows the truth that dividing the troops makes the weak!"

"It is true that the troops will be weak." Xie An said with a smile: "If Xie Zhenxi besieged Chengdu with an absolutely superior force, and then attacked the counties and counties of Bashu with partial divisions and weak troops. All of Bashu, even if you only occupy most of them, especially if you cut off the connection between Huan Wen and Huan Shiqian, the enemy will cut off their reinforcements, and if they cut off their reinforcements, Chengdu will surely be conquered!"

(End of this chapter)

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