Chapter 977
Chapter 984 Having money is the original sin

"Hmph!" Another Gupta soldier said, "You rich ass, and you don't know how their emperor oppresses their people. Maybe the people of their Seres are living a life that would be worse than death every day."

"That's right, if they can be equipped with so many excellent armors, their country must be ransacked."

"I figured it out! Serisians are cowards!"

"Coward, how is it possible!"

"Do you think, if they were brave, they would wear armor like a turtle shell?" The soldier said with a presumptuous smile, "Only we Gupta warriors are real warriors, and only we are not afraid of death."

Hearing the comments of his subordinates, Florinanda had no choice but to ask Qing Tian speechlessly. Most of these cavalrymen had never participated in real tough battles. As the saying goes, they are ignorant and fearless. Can you not know how powerful the army on the opposite side is.

"Shut up! Go back quickly, and please the governor make a decision!" Floriananta found that his 100-plus riders were ignored by the enemy. Of course, as enemies, they also have the invincible capital.

The governor of Florinanda's mouth is actually the official name of the city lord in the Gupta Dynasty. The city lord is similar to the princes in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods of China. He has absolute control over his city-state, including the army and finances. Of course they Need to pay taxes to the central court.The lord of Hooghly City is Ragupta Bintusha. His father is Chandragupta, the founding monarch of the Gupta Dynasty, and his mother is Dudara, the daughter of the lord of Dumaisur.According to his seniority, he is actually the half-brother of Samadhara Gupta.Because in Chandragupta's later years, he liked this son very much, so he was named the city lord of Hooghly City in the Huanhe Plain, which was always the most prosperous place in the Gupta Dynasty.

The more prosperous a place is, the less able it is to raise powerful soldiers.Half an hour later, Ragupta, Bintousha, knew that the Seresians of Wei State had sent more than [-] troops to meet him.

Bintosha Ragupta said angrily: "This group of Seris bandits, they robbed the treasure of the Lord of the city, but they dared not run away, and passed the order of the Lord of the city, all the soldiers killed a Serisian and rewarded him with a bag of food. "

The bag of the Gupta Empire is actually a kind of capacity unit, and the weight converted into later generations is about 25 catties, which is a one-month ration for an adult.The Gupta Empire was able to become a unified and huge empire. In fact, it was not useless. As a slavery country, the Gupta Empire established a military merit system during the period of Chandragupta. Joining the army can obtain tax-free privileges. The tax of the Gupta Dynasty is very heavy. As long as you join the army It can leave a large amount of taxes for the family, so many Gupeng people will rush to join the army.

Liu Laozhi's plan was just to test the true strength of the Gupta Empire's army, so he did not adopt any roundabout attack strategy. Instead, he lined up a majestic wild goose formation, built the Hooghly River with his back, and occupied a beach position along the bank. The main force behind it is to protect Xie Xuan's wings and the rear. Because of the huge naval power, there is no need to worry about the rear being cut off.

However, this group waited for nearly two hours, and this group of Gupta troops, who were not even equipped with armor, arrived late.The two armies faced each other for about 500 meters. Seeing that the sun was about to set, Xie Xuan did not adopt night battles, because the army and the marines were different. Most of them would not adapt to the boat, although they would not get seasick, but their combat effectiveness There will also be a discount.

Therefore, the two sides did not come up directly, but set up their own camps.There was nothing wrong with each other overnight, and in the early morning of the next day, the two sides began to cook, eat, and then lined up to prepare for battle.

Early in the morning, Bintou Cha Luo Gupta began to count the accounts and called the Gupta generals to discuss matters.Seeing that the generals had arrived, Ragupta Bintousha said directly: "The enemy army did not run away, but rushed towards us head-on. It looks like a head-to-head field battle. I have already arranged for detectives to visit us on horseback. Regarding the enemy's situation, everyone can rest assured that the enemy army is rushing all the way, and there are no other ambushes!"

Everyone nodded. They were most afraid of such a sudden situation on the battlefield, but after passing here was the Huanhe Plain, the terrain was flat, and apart from the misnamed Kadori Mountain, there was no complicated terrain, and there was nothing to hide the ambush from. In this place, as long as Qingqi investigates carefully enough, there will be no hidden danger.

Bintosha Ragupta said again: "According to the report from the scouts, there are more than 100 enemy troops coming in more than [-] large and small ships. Among them, there are about [-] elite Serisians, and the rest are slaves. There should be some guards on the Hooghly River ten miles after that."

Hearing this, the generals of Gupta immediately became lighter. Gupta's army was nearly three times larger than the enemy's, and the number of cavalry was nearly [-]. Let alone the entire army, even if the cavalry charged alone, they would completely wipe out the enemy. Swinger.

At this time, Ragupta, the bin-head chakra, gave an order: "General Alitra, General Amitara Gyta!"

"The end is here!"

"The two of you are the most elite main force of our Hooglybang. This time, you were supposed to lead the battle. The enemy is brave, so it's up to you to fight him head-on!"

Alithro and Amitaro Gita are both Pulitnas of the Gupta Empire. If they are replaced by the military ranks of later generations, they are division commanders.Each led a force of 650 people.Among them, Alitro (meaning solid in Sanskrit, meaning that everything is firm and not destroyed.) is cavalry, and Amidoroketa (meaning killer in Sanskrit) is infantry.

The two quickly knelt on the ground and said: "Don't worry, Governor, the general will definitely step forward bravely and kill all the enemy troops!"

Amidora Jieta said: "If you don't kill all the enemy troops, the last general will never withdraw."

Amidoro naturally has his confidence in saying this, because he has a Sikh warrior under his command, and this Sikh warrior is equipped with a Gupta long sword, which is similar to the simple sword of the Song Dynasty in later generations. They are powerful, and the Sikhs are recognized as a brave tribe in the world. In previous battles, as long as these leading swords rushed, the enemy would collapse quickly, so that Amidoro Jiedo won the reputation of Hugli Singh (Singh Ge Sanskrit means lion)
As the observers on the watchtower saw the Gupta Empire troops coming out of the camp, Xie Xuan said: "Beat the drums, Qi army!"

"咚咚..." the war drum sounded, and those soldiers who were eating and drinking in the camp, or protecting their armor, perhaps sharpening their knives, began to gather when they heard the sound of the drum, and in just half a stick of incense, five thousand The lineup is ready!

Xie Xuan did not boost morale before the battle, because the mature Wei army did not need to boost morale at all, Xie Xuan said: "We are not far away, so where do we come from?"

"Create territory for His Majesty the Emperor!"

"That's right!" Xie Xuan said, "During the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu were defeated by the Han army. At that time, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty boldly said: "The lands illuminated by the sun and the moon are all the concubines of the great Han. "Now in the Gupta Empire, we are here. We want to subdue the Gupta Empire and let them become our Wei's concubines."

"Great Wei is mighty, long live Your Majesty!"

The cheers of the whole army were like thunder, and they went straight to the sky.

Xie Xuan said: "The whole army moves forward."

"Forward, forward!"

Just when the large army started to advance, Sima Xieyan of the other department said: "Lieutenant, should we send a department to attack the flank of the Gupta army in a detour, so that we can catch the surprise."

"No, we have to maintain enough strength on the front, and then we can kill enough, Xie Yan, you have to make it clear to the people below you that on this battlefield, loyalty is not for them to rush forward, but for them to die. Let them strictly abide by the code of conduct and wait for orders in the formation, this is the real loyalty to do things, if the army formation is disrupted, I don't care about other things, the military law is ruthless, don't let Xuannan do it, do you understand?" Xie Xuan solemnly Said.

Xie Xuan was very distressed because of his status as an uncle of the country. No matter how much meritorious service he had made, as long as he was promoted, there would always be people around him who said sourly that Xie Xuan relied on his connections. Sister!" If it was a second-generation ancestor who ate and waited to die, he would be very happy to hear this, and would be complacent instead, but for Xie Xuan, who wanted to leave his name in history, this was simply a shame and a great humiliation.

Xie Yan, as Xie An's son, naturally deserves to be considered important.As a foreign relative, the Xie family has a great reputation, but Xie Yan also understands that behind this kind of glory is a deep crisis.In order not to shame their family, they have to work harder, do better than others, and be more impeccable.Xie Yan said: "Youdu, don't worry, Yan will save it!"

Xie Xuan nodded, drew his knife and raised it obliquely, and shouted: "Forward, forward!"

Xie Yan rushed to Xie Xuan's back and said, "Youdu, be careful!"

Xie Xuan said indifferently: "The person who can kill me has not yet been born!"

The whole army compressed forward, seemingly impulsively, but it was actually Xie Xuan's brilliance, because the distance between the two armies was too close, only five hundred steps away, if the heavy ballista was moved to the front of the battalion, it would be able to directly Into the enemy camp.Of course, the enemy army has a lot of cavalry, and the cavalry needs a buffer distance. Once the front line is pushed to the front of the enemy camp, no buffer distance is left for the enemy cavalry, so that the combat effectiveness of the enemy cavalry can be easily abolished.

"The enemy camp is only a hundred paces away, let's line up to meet the enemy!" After saying this, Xie Xuan said: "The enemy cavalry haven't finished gathering yet, so it should be too late to go out to fight. Cavalry without distance are a group of targets!"

Seeing the Wei army approaching slowly, the experienced cavalry general Florinanda's face changed drastically, and he shouted at Alitero: "General, you must go to battle immediately, or you will be in danger!"

Alitero rushed to the chaotic cavalry and said: "Our future glory and wealth will fall on these enemy soldiers in front of us. If we make contributions today, it will not be difficult to get promoted and get rich. If we fail without success, I recognize you, and I Even the knife in my hand doesn't recognize you!"

Florinanda took the opportunity to say: "General, the last general invites you to fight. The battle is upright and upright, relying on bravery. Although the last general is old, the gun in his hand is not rusted!"

Alitro said: "Okay!"

You know what kind of generals lead what kind of soldiers. Florinanda's troops are considered to be relatively elite in the Hooghlybang army, and the team's time is much faster than other troops. He took more than [-] horses under his command and rushed towards the Wei army formation.

However, it was too late at this time, and the infantry line of the Wei army had already advanced to a distance of about [-] paces from the enemy camp, which was equivalent to putting the muzzle of the gun on the enemy's chest.Seeing a wave of enemies preparing to leave the camp, Xie Xuan shouted, "Let the crossbow shoot!"

The rhythm of the originally slow drums suddenly changed, and ordinary people could not feel anything, but the soldiers in the army naturally understood what it meant.

The sword and shield soldiers in the front row began to form slowly in line with the beat of the drums, and there was a gap of about three feet between the shields. Motivation, and then the sound of "咻咻" piercing through the air sounded one after another.

Florinanda, who had just arrived at the gate of the camp, was the first to be baptized by crossbow arrows.The state of Wei is rich and powerful now, so all the crossbow arrows are pressed by hydraulic punching machines, and each arrow is made of triangular arrow clusters similar to armor-piercing cones. This triangular arrow cluster not only has armor-piercing ability Strong, and very easy to bleed, causing the enemy to lose combat power or life quickly.

"Pfft!" The gleaming feathered arrow smashed into the front half of the Florinanda cavalry line, only splashing a few sporadic blood, and then disappeared.When the horses galloped, the Gupta cavalry used shields to protect the vital points. If the Gupta shields were not shields made of iron heart wood in the Central Plains, they were made of cowhide and vines, and the armor-piercing arrows penetrated the shields. Easy, but hard to hurt the soldiers behind.

Xie Xuan hurriedly ordered again: "Shoot horses, don't shoot people!"

Now the second row of crossbowmen aimed at the horses. Unlike cavalry, they were not protected by shields and armor, and they fell down one after another under the blows of the clusters of arrows.Especially those cavalry soldiers who were thrown off by the fallen horses. As long as they fell to the ground, they would never have a chance to get up again, because the horses behind would trample them into a pulp.

The corpses of the horses and cavalry who fell in succession quickly blocked the gate of the enemy camp. Alitero was furious, but he couldn't do anything other than be like a rabid dog!However, Amitaro Jiedo urgently ordered the Gupta longbowman to step forward to suppress the Wei army.

A large number of Gupta longbowmen were close to the camp and fired long arrows at the Wei army.

For a while, long arrows flew towards the Wei army's formation like locusts crossing the border.

The longbow of the Gupta Empire is indeed a remarkable invention. Although the main body of the bow is made of bamboo, the shape has the prototype of a recurve bow and arrow.So this kind of longbow is very simple to use, very light, and easy to learn.However, because it is made of bamboo, this kind of bow cannot bear heavy arrows.

The Gupta Longbow and the bows used by the Manchu Eight Banners in another time and space are two extremes. The Gupta Longbow is light and far away, and its armor-piercing ability is extremely poor.However, the bows equipped with Manba Banners have heavy arrows and short range, but their armor-piercing ability is quite strong.In addition, thousands of Gupta long bows and arrows rained like rain, but the results were very poor. Most of the arrows hit the armor of the soldiers of Wei State, or were cut by the curved surface of the armor, or left shallow marks on the performance of the armor. Only a very few unlucky soldiers of the Wei Army will be ordered to the joints or faces of the armor.

There are Taoists who are laymen to watch the excitement, and experts to watch the way.Seeing that Wei Jun's formation faced several rounds of arrow rain from Gupta's long bow, but he was not as good as entering the mountain, he immediately felt that something was wrong.The Gupta Empire’s army swept across all directions. In fact, it has one thing in common with the Qin Dynasty, that is, relying on the strength of the bow and crossbow, the limit range of more than 300 steps, and the effective killing of [-] steps (unarmored soldiers). After the rain, even without hand-to-hand combat, the enemy collapsed.But now these enemies, the armor of these enemies is too perverted.It actually cost tens of thousands of arrows without injuring the enemy at all.

However, although the army of the Gupta Empire was only the Hooghlybang army, not the central army of the Gupta Empire, its combat effectiveness and fighting will were by no means comparable to those of the Nanyang indigenous tribal armies.As for the number of enemies with few, this is not the patent of Wei State. The army of Gupta Empire has also defeated many with fewer and defeated the armies of various states.Amidoro once served as Senna (similar to the current battalion-level officer, with a staff of 650 people), and he killed more than 1 troops in Uttar Pradesh with less than [-] troops. There are more than fifty war elephants.

However, what made him jump even more was that the crossbow arrows of the Serisians in Wei State were too powerful. In the counterattack, the crossbow machines of only 3000 people were actually denser than the rain of arrows shot by their [-] longbowmen. As for the lethality Not to mention the same.Shooting the enemy with a Gupta longbow was like scratching an itch, but the enemy's arrows rained down on the flesh, and the arrows saw blood.There is no way, why is the equipment of the Gupta Empire army extremely poor? The poor armor rate of the entire army is less than [-]%, and most of them are leather armor. Only Plitna (equivalent to division-level) generals like them can have one Sub-fine iron armor.

Bows and arrows shot at each other, and Gupta's army was being abused. In desperation, Amidora Gyta roared: "Break the stronghold. Charge up."

In just one stick of incense, under the pressure of Wei Jun's sharp crossbow arrows, the Gupta army suffered nearly 2000 casualties.If this continues, I am afraid that the entire army will collapse.This is undoubtedly an act of courting death. The only thing you can do now is to shorten the distance with the enemy and fight hand-to-hand with the enemy.There are many fanatical Buddhist believers in the army of the Gupta Empire. They all hold the mentality of killing themselves to become a Buddha and have no fear of death. Only in this way may be the only chance to defeat the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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