Chapter 978
Chapter 985 Be a Good Person in Your Next Life

Fortunately, the Gupta Empire’s army was too rough when they set up camp. Like the trenches that the Wei army strictly wanted to save, there were no horses, arrow towers, and sentry towers. Under Luo Jieta's order, all the soldiers of the Gupta army raised their knives and axes, and slashed at the walls of the village frantically, and soon cut many gaps in the walls of the village.

With these gaps, the soldiers of the Gupta Empire rushed towards the Wei army like a torrent of gaps.

Thousands of people fill the city, ten thousand people fill the fields, as long as the number exceeds ten thousand, it will be boundless.Two reorganized Pulitna (divisions) attacked a battalion of the Wei army, and the front formed by three thousand troops was like a thin dam.Trying to block the oncoming stormy sea.

Just five miles behind the formation of the Wei army, there are more than 600 Wei army officers and soldiers surrounding a group of Wei army civilian officers. These are the staff officers and leading generals of Liu Laozhi's advance detachment.

This is a tentative battle, mainly to measure the real strength and tactical characteristics of the Gupta army, and to provide intelligence reference for future large-scale battles with the Gupta Empire.

"The number of its archers is no more than [-], and at most it will not exceed [-]. They still have enough power to shoot sixteen rounds, which shows that they are well-trained."

Archers are a very labor-intensive profession. Because they need to concentrate their whole body's strength when drawing a bow and shooting an arrow, many archers' muscles will be strained. Even a one-stone archer can only shoot one pot of arrows (ten arrows) per battle. [-] to [-] arrows), even for those with more physical strength, it may take two weeks at most to recover.At the same time, archers are also very difficult to train. Even if they do not require precision shooting, they need more than three years of training to be able to shoot in a general direction. After observing the staff, it is found that their archers are quite well-trained.

Then, another staff officer observed the situation with a telescope and reported: "The casualties of the soldiers participating in the battle are close to [-]%. The battle is fierce and the morale is high. It can be regarded as a strong army!"

"The attack is chaotic and orderly, and if the command is determined, it can be regarded as a strong enemy!"

Liu Laozhi looked at Xie Xuanbu who was like a flat boat in the sea, Liu Laozhi secretly worried: "Xie Youdu, you must hold on."

It's ridiculous to say that Xie Xuan was Liu Laozhi's immediate boss in history, but in this time and space, Xie Xuan has always been under Liu Laozhi's command. Liu Laozhi was promoted to the chief general of an army, while Xie Xuan was a battalion captain under Liu Laozhi's command.In fact, this is a bad taste of Ran Ming.

No matter how smart Liu Laozhi was or how capable Xie Xuan was, they would not discount Ran Ming's orders and resolutely carried them out.

"Clang, clang, clang..." The feather arrow flew over a distance of eighty steps, and suddenly plunged down from midair.It hit Wei Jun's team like rain hitting plantains.

"Squeak-cheep-cheep!" Soldier Du Bo Hong Dayou blew the copper whistle vigorously, then lowered his head, and faced the direction of the feathered arrow with the brim of his helmet.Located in the first two rows of the Wei Army's goose-shaped formation, a total of more than 800 soldiers also lowered their heads slightly, using the broad edge of the helmet and the front breastplate as much as possible to face the feather arrows.At the same time, continue to take a neat step and continue to advance towards the enemy.

The key point of this battle was none other than blocking the cavalry of the Gupta army in the camp. Without the buffer distance of the cavalry, their cavalry would not be able to play their due role on the battlefield.But if these cavalry were released, thousands of cavalry would be more effective than tens of thousands of infantry on the battlefield.

Although the Wei army had many ways to restrain cavalry, casualties were inevitable if they used infantry to defeat cavalry.Facing a galloping horse with flesh and blood is all about taking human life to pile up victory.

The cold-forged steel helmet and breastplate bounced most of the feathered arrows upside down without causing any harm to the brothers.However, occasionally one or two shots, due to angle problems, or other inexplicable reasons, happened to be shot at the junction of the breastplate and arm armor, or shot through other weak points that required flexibility, such as the throat or eyes. , but let the arrow fell to the ground moaning.

The vacated positions were quickly filled by soldiers from the rear row.The entire army formation continued to move forward against sharp arrows like a storm.No one stopped, and no one tried to turn around.Although in the ranks, some veterans are already in their stomachs, and they are already greeting some people's immediate family members.

Wei Jun is still moving forward, two hundred steps, 180 steps, 150 steps, and one hundred steps.

Xie Xuan silently calculated the distance, and finally a long-lost smile appeared on Xie Xuan's resolute face, and the Gupta cavalry was half eliminated.However, at this time, the infantry of Amidora Gyata had already rushed up first. Countless Gupta infantry chanting the Buddha's name and holding Gupta swords slashed at the soldiers of the Wei army with their swords.

The Gupta long sword is similar to the simple sword of the Song Dynasty, and it can also be said to be somewhat similar to the Mo knife of the Tang Dynasty. However, this kind of long sword has no advantage over the spears of the Wei army. The three-foot blade and the four-foot handle are often As soon as these Gupta swordsmen raised their swords, they were pierced into the blood gourd by Wei Jun's spear.

Every huge empire has its uniqueness. The reason why the Gupta Empire was able to unify India and become the overlord of the Indian subcontinent, of course, also has its own uniqueness.Especially those fanatical religious soldiers, even if they were seriously injured, even if they were in unbearable pain, they neither screamed nor showed fear, but with the last strength left before death, they threw the long knives in their hands at Wei Jun. Soldier.

The long knives flying in the air caused a lot of trouble for Wei Jun. Even if Wei Jun's armor could resist the attack of arrow rain, he would be dazed by the long knives. The knife sliced ​​off the head.At this time, the Gupta cavalry also came out of the camp under the leadership of Florinanda, a veteran cavalry bird. Instead of directly attacking the Wei army, they drew an arc and circled in a big circle, like a god of death. Like a sharp blade, it detoured towards the rear of Xie Xuan's troops.

Xie Xuan put the elite post-war soldiers at the forefront, but behind them were the indigenous auxiliary soldiers of the three thousand-man team. These indigenous auxiliary soldiers were not good at fighting, especially in tough battles, and would definitely collapse. They participate in the hunt, and they will all be as fierce as a lion.

In fact, Xie Xuan had already expected this situation. Compared with the well-trained elite of the Wei army, it was very easy to find the weakness of the native auxiliary soldiers. As long as there was a general with a little discernment, he could find this loophole.However, Xie Xuan handed over the back to his cousin Xie Yan.

Facing the Gupta cavalry on the opposite side, Xie Yan knew that they were about to charge, but Xie Yan was fortunate that the Gupta Empire had a loophole in the application of cavalry. Attack them by means of ranger hunting.As Xie Xuan's closest brother, and as the uncle of Wei Guo, Xie Yan must also go all out to ensure the safety of Xie Xuan's side and rear.

The copper whistle in Xie Yan's mouth blew continuously, and the two units serving as the reserve team began to move quickly. When the two armies are fighting, the overall formation will always take precedence over the individual's courage and charging speed.This is the secret manual taught to him by His Majesty Ran Ming, the Emperor of Wei.It is said to be the press box classic of Ran's Art of War.Not only him, the students in the martial arts hall, countless battalion captains and Du Bos have all received similar guidance from Ran Ming, and their understanding of discipline and formation has penetrated into the cracks of everyone's bones.

With the rapid movement of Xie Yan's troops, an inner crescent moon formation was soon formed.The state of Wei is rich and powerful, so every soldier equipped with a sword and shield is an excellent sword and shield soldier, equipped with a bow and crossbow, is an excellent crossbowman, and equipped with a spear, is naturally an excellent spearman.

The formation formed by Xie Yan's troops is very simple. Since the Gupta cavalry has no archers, he does not need to put the shield hand in front of him. The comprehensive quality is very high, from the battalion school captain to the ordinary soldier, each of them has been carefully screened.As long as it does not fall, it will never turn its back on the enemy.

Looking at the hedgehog-like array of spears, Florinanda also felt his scalp tingle for a while.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The crossbowmen of Wei Jun Xie Yan's troops took the lead in attacking. Hundreds of triangular crossbow arrows shot at the cavalry of Florinanda's troops. In an instant, more than [-] cavalrymen were directly shot down to the ground. The cavalry of Linanda's troops appeared in moderate confusion.Those cavalry or horse corpses trampled into flesh by their brothers' horses did not stop the Gupta cavalry from charging.As long as they are cavalry, they will understand that the advantage of cavalry is speed. Once they lose their speed, they will be targets.

However, when Florinanda was less than fifty steps away from the spear formation, after paying hundreds of cavalry casualties, Florinanda swung his spear, turned his horse around immediately, and played a beautiful hand in front of the Wei army formation. Even for nomads who have grown up on horseback all year round, it is not easy for them to turn around on a high-speed galloping horse.However, Florinanda did it, not only him, but almost [-]% of hundreds of cavalrymen did it.

Only by rushing to the speed can we give the enemy a stronger impact.This is the experience summed up by generations of Gupta cavalry with their lives.As long as the army on the opposite side is crushed, the next task is to chase death and chase north.Even if the enemy has a crossbow to assist in the battle, they are powerless.However, it is not bravery to directly attack the long-standing spear formations, but suicide. Of course, this is also the experience summed up by the Gupta cavalry with their lives.

The advantage of cavalry lies in speed, but also in flexibility.Florinanda found that the crossbowmen of the Wei army shot very fast, but the entire formation was not indestructible. The junction of the front army and the rear army was their loophole.Florinanda is to seize the opponent's loopholes and give him a fatal blow.

At present, Amidora Gyta has not made a breakthrough, and the two sides are in a stalemate. As long as they make a breakthrough in the rear, the Gupta Empire will win.

The junction of the front army and the rear army is indeed a loophole in the entire formation, and it cannot be called a loophole, it can only be called a weak link. With [-] soldiers fighting more than [-] enemies, which position is not considered a weak link?
"Dong dong", feeling the tremor of the ground under his feet, Hu Dahai's eyes widened, and the inside of his throat was instantly as dry as fire.The blood vessels on his forehead also popped out one by one, pulsating rapidly under the inner edge of the helmet.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!" He clearly heard his heart beating, and clearly felt a cool breeze blowing in his ears.He clearly saw the leather helmet of the enemy on the opposite side, and the hideous faces under the leather helmet.For the first time, I saw the sharp spear piercing head-on!
It has entered within ten steps.One or two more breaths, and it will stab his body.However, at this moment, he felt no fear at all.I just feel that the speed of the enemy's war horse is so slow, and there are flaws all over the body.But on his body, all the pain suddenly disappeared, and his arms and legs were full of strength.That is the power accumulated by the beast before it pounces on its prey, only waiting for the last flash of opportunity.

"Chi Chi" Hu Dahai heard the sound of the spear piercing into the flesh clearly, and the spear in his hand obviously stabbed the enemy cavalry.It's just that he was not lucky yet, suddenly there was a loud "click", and the handle of the gun in his hand actually broke.The cavalryman who had been stabbed to death relied on his strong inertia to break the spear and hit himself, with a bang, which was the sound of his sternum breaking.

Hu Dahai felt as if he had grown wings and slowly flew into the air. In his remaining consciousness, he saw countless cavalry rushing towards him.Ding Dafu, Lai Ba, and Zhao Junshi, who looked like a gentleman, would all be knocked to the ground by the enemy horse, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead.It's just that he couldn't do anything at the moment, and then he fell into endless darkness.

"Hold it, hold it!" Xie Yan saw that Li Jingqu was loosening, and Xie Yan's eyes were about to burst: "Do you still have eggs, don't think that there is a sister who weighs your waist, mother, you dare to step back halfway!" Step, I will kill you first, and then I will apologize to His Majesty!"

Li Jing was sweating coldly, and murmured: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"If you are not afraid of death, you will not die. The more you are afraid of death, the faster you will die!" Xie Yan said: "If you dare to be a deserter, not only will you die, but your sister will also be ashamed because of you. Our brother-in-law Ying will never want to be a colleague Lift your head up in front of you."

"If you are not afraid of death, you will not die. If you are not afraid of death, you will not die." Li Jing gritted his teeth and roared like a madman, "If you are not afraid of death, you will not die."

"Lieutenant, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back later."

Hearing this, Xie Xuan didn't even look back, but said indifferently: "I will hand over the back to Xie Yan, and I will trust him. Now that the enemy has attacked three waves, our army is as immobile as a mountain. Launch three waves, once the enemy's spirit is lost, it's time for us to counterattack."

After joining the army, he continued to wait and see the battle, and finally found that the crumbling formation had never collapsed.It turned out that in times of crisis, those servants and natives spontaneously stepped forward.Although the fighting power of the natives is not strong, they have more than 3000 people, even if it is a broken ship, there are three catties of nails, not to mention that they are attracted by the ethnic policy of the Wei State, and they want to integrate into the Wei State. How about being a Wei State?Death is not a terrible thing for these natives, as long as they can exchange their lives for the opportunity of their descendants to become Wei people, it will be more valuable to die like this.

The war between nations has always been a war of life and death. If a large clan loses, it will be enslaved, and if a small clan loses, it may be exterminated.But there is one nation that is transcendent. No matter how badly they lose or how hard they are enslaved, the Han people will always have a chance to come back.

Murong Ke, the new servant of the Ministry of Officials in Yecheng, Wei State, said to his son Murong Kai: "Since the beginning of the world, no matter how many winds and rains, no matter how many setbacks they have experienced, the Han people have never fallen. Once they face life and death, they will emerge some heroes who can turn the tide The Han people are a nation that dares to go all out, although they usually look weak, but since Chen Sheng said that the prince and general Xiangning have a kind of call?, the Han people have been injected with the gene of resistance."

Murong Kai said: "The child doesn't understand what the father wants to say?"

Murong Ke glanced at Murong Kai lightly and said: "What I want to tell you today is that you should not have any unrealistic fantasies in your heart. We Xianbei people can take advantage of the endless civil strife among the Han people, but we don't have the strength to completely Conquer the Han people. There are some people in our Xianbei Murong Department who just love to dream and always want to restore the grand plan and great cause of Tanshi Huai Shanyu. It's just a pity, because we Xianbei people have forced the Han people to change!"

"Changed?" Murong Ke looked outside and found that there were no other outsiders, so he lowered his voice and said, "Kai'er, you have also been familiar with Han Chinese classics since childhood, but look at the current Wei Han people who are in the book with you." Are the Han people you know the same?"

"Why is it different? Don't they both speak Chinese and have the blood of the Han family?" Murong Kai asked in confusion, "The child really doesn't understand what Father means."

"Although the Han people in Wei State belong to the same origin as the Han people. However, like us Xianbei people, they originated from Donghu, but they have produced a new nation. The current Han people in Wei State are forced by our various ethnic groups to oppress them. There was a great sense of crisis. Under the leadership of the first emperor, they were besieged by our various ethnic groups and survived. That's why they have a sense of crisis that the Han people in the south don't have, and have the determination to fight for their lives! Courage as a bet, with the unity that only a small clan and small country can have."

(End of this chapter)

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