Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 979 The Alliance Under the City

Chapter 979 The Alliance Under the City
Chapter 986

"Why are small clans and small countries united?" Murong Kai felt that his heart was tangled up, as if his father had discovered something.

"Because it is difficult for people in a big country to have true unity." Murong Ke said: "People must live for themselves, seek benefits for themselves, and fight for themselves! But it is difficult to achieve great things by one person alone, so It is necessary to help each other to compete with the outside world. In the Northeast and Mobei, a small tribe is a whole, and they must fight against the heaven and the earth as a whole tribe to survive. Unity is not a virtue, it is a need. A tribe must unite to compete with other tribes for survival resources, and a tribe must unite to compete with other tribes for growth. However, the Han people do not have this need.”

Murong Ke sees the problem very thoroughly. The disunity factor of the Han people is actually directly related to the core values ​​of the Han people. The ethnic concept and national concept of the Han people are very poor. into everyone's heart.In the eyes of the ruler, nationalism is actually a double-edged sword. Sometimes it can respond to the call of the ruler and resist foreign enemies at all costs. Of course, sometimes it will break the strategic arrangement of the ruler because of blind and short-sighted behavior. and plans, the most obvious example of which belongs to the tragic character Chiang Kai-shek.

The family and the country always put the family and the interests before the country. When the interests of the country and the family conflict, the family's interests will often come first.Under the influence of this deep-rooted ideology, it is difficult for the Han people to achieve true unity. Once the Han people are united, terrifying energy will erupt.This kind of unity model was achieved by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but the Xiongnu were beaten so hard that they dared not go south.Emperor Hongwu did the same, and the Mongols were driven out of the Central Plains.The Great Ancestor of the Celestial Dynasty also did it, so if he dared to stop the League of Nations army from advancing an inch, he could also embarrass the polar bears.

After the establishment of the Wei State, Ran Min and Ran Ming and his sons spared no effort to educate the Han people, especially in the simplest way, using various Bianwen stories to combine state relations with real examples, affecting everyone .It focuses on a core idea, "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country." Numerous realistic examples are used to illustrate the relationship between the country and the people's families, and to set off the correctness of this point of view.

"Wei State is different from Jin State. This is a country built from the ruins." Murong Ke said: "Although the Han people in Wei State and Jin State are both Han people, Wei State really feels the crisis of subjugation and extinction, so Only then did they have the sense of unity that small countries have. What is even more frightening is that Wei State annexed Jin State and unified the world. The courage of the Han people, the determination to fight for their lives, and the spirit of unity revived the once corrupt state of the Han people, and the state of Jin provided them with infinite manpower support. This is also the reason why the state of Wei has been invincible in all these years."

Murong Ke's face was covered with cold sweat, and he said in a trembling voice: "Unless someone can pull Mrs. Ran off the altar, all those who challenge the Wei State will be swallowed up by the Wei State with its huge advantages in figures and resources. Therefore, you It is meaningless to do that kind of thing now, you are playing with fire now, this is pushing the Xianbei Murong Department into the abyss of disaster, once the incident happens, the Xianbei Murong Department will fall into a place of eternal doom."

"Father? You?" Murong Kai said in surprise: "Father, do you know everything?"

"If you don't want people to know, you have to do nothing!" Murong Ke said: "If we say that we are not united, in fact, our Xianbei Murong people are not united like the Han people. Since the rise of our ancestors, we Murong tribe have fought against each other. Blood? How many people died?"

As early as Murong Hao's period, in order to keep his position, Murong Hao forced Murong Bao to turn against Murong Bao and killed Murong Han who was both civil and military. It's life and death, but in the end it's cheaper for Wei Guo.It's not that Murong Kai is not clear about these things, it's just that he doesn't want to admit it.Some things, no matter whether you admit it or not, the facts still exist and cannot be erased at all.

Speaking of this, Murong Ke sighed and said: "Aren't we Xianbei people very good now? Everyone has food to eat, everyone has clothes to wear? Don't worry about natural and man-made disasters." Then Murong Ke showed a look of fear on his face : "With the strength of the Wei Kingdom, we must concentrate our forces to the outside world. Under the sky, who is still their opponent? If you don't die, you won't die. Once you die, you will definitely die. You can do it yourself. You are now an adult. What's the matter?" Think carefully, even if we Xianbei people get away with it, what can you get?"

"What can you get?" This is actually the essence of the problem. Murong Chui has had a disagreement for a day or two. Murong Ke also persuaded him, but the stubborn Murong Chui did not listen to persuasion at all. Secretly, but Murong Chui didn't know that Emperor Ran Ming was not a fatuous person, especially Wei Guo chose Anbei Army and Zhenxi Army to form Anxi Army.It made Murong Ke feel the crisis, and Wei Guo would no longer tolerate Murong Chui's mischief.

Either don't move, once it moves, it will be earth-shattering, Murong Ke really can't imagine that Murong Chui will have any chance.As a general who knows soldiers, Murong Ke actually understands better that the Wei army's combat mode will not leave the enemy any opportunity to take advantage of.Now that the Wei army is marching forward, there are endless scouts in front of them for reconnaissance, and there are also hot air balloons in the sky for aerial reconnaissance. Any ambush will have nowhere to hide.It is impossible to ambush. Don't expect Wei Jun to make mistakes. Although the generals trained in batches by Wei Jun Royal Military Academy cannot be compared with first-class famous generals, they can use quantity, absolute quantity to offset the quality advantages of famous generals.What's more, those grassroots non-commissioned officers from the Wei State Non-commissioned Officer Academy have implemented the idea of ​​​​loyalty to the emperor and the country in the hearts of every soldier. Such an army that has been mass-produced like this has no possibility of defeat.

While Murong Ke was educating his son, the battle on the banks of the Hooghly River in the Gupta Empire was coming to an end.The elite infantry of Amidora Gyta launched seven attacks on Xie Xuan's troops within two hours. These seven attacks were as fierce as the tide and continued continuously.It's a pity that no matter how the Gupta army attacked, the Xie Xuan Department of Wei State remained motionless.

"The warriors of the Gupta Empire, for Your Majesty, for the Gupta Empire, charge to the death!" Amidora Gyta led the guards to fight.

There is no way, Gupta's long sword has no advantage at all against Wei Jun's swords, shields and spear formations, not to mention that Wei Jun never used their best firearms from beginning to end.The Gupta swords were often stabbed into blood gourds by the spearmen of the Wei army before they were cut down. Countless Gupta soldiers died of hatred before reaching the bodies of the soldiers of the Wei army.

The number of personal guards under Amidorogyetta's command is not large, only more than two hundred people, but these personal guards are all from the Tamil ethnic group, all of them are tall and powerful, and they have physical advantages. More than a hundred people were all wearing iron armor, holding a huge shield in one hand and a huge ax in the other.

Even Amidoroketa took part in the battle directly with a huge axe in his hand, but instead of chopping with his giant axe, he smashed it directly.The extended iron handle and the ax weighing more than 60 kilograms are like a mace in his hand.He didn't care about the accuracy, he waved it when he saw someone in front of him, and then there was a dead person or a pile of rotten meat in the world.

The strong impact, the terrifying lethality, and the scene of flying flesh and blood made Xie Xuan's subordinates shudder with fright!
However, this Amidoro Jiedo's decisive charge did not frighten Xie Xuan, Xie Xuan shouted coldly: "Thank you 81!"

"Slave here!"

Xie 81 is a Kunlun slave bought by Xie Xuan in Ningyuan City. This Xie 81 is nine feet four inches tall and weighs nearly three hundred catties, but he is not a fat man, but a muscular man. His master beat him to death, he could eat thirty steamed buns weighing half a catty in one meal, and he would feel scared when he thought about it. Such an amount of food was simply unaffordable for ordinary people.But for Xie Xuan, it was not a problem.Not to mention one Xie 81 people, even a thousand Xie Xuan has the financial resources to support them.

Xie 81, who was wearing Wei Guo's latest style of Lengzha plate armor, looked like a humanoid tank.

"Rush, rush!" Amidoro Jiedo made a beast-like voice, and he was still running in the front. Since he was wearing two layers of iron armor and one layer of leather armor, he didn't care about the injury of the soldiers of the Wei army just now. , rushed directly into the land of two arrows.

However, at this moment, Amidolo Gedo suddenly felt danger, as if he was being stared at by a wild beast, which made him shudder.

Xie 81's mind was not very bright, and he didn't care whether Amidoro Gedo could understand or not, he said directly in blunt Chinese: "Master, people want me and want you to die."

Speaking of which, he raised the specially made Modao in his hand. The Modao of ordinary soldiers weighed 38 catties, but Xie 81's Modao was 34 catties heavier than the standard Modao, and the giant Modao belt weighed 72 catties. With the sound of howling wind, it struck directly at Amidora Gyta.

No gimmicks, but direct force confrontation.

Amidoro Jieduo raised his ax to block, Xie 81 slashed again, Amidoruo Jieduo raised his ax to block again, Xie 81 slashed again, in just ten breaths, Xie 81 made sixteen cuts, and ten Six strokes.

When the No. 17 knife was used, Xie 81's Damo knife broke, but after the sixteen swords were blocked, Amidoro Jiedo was also uncomfortable. His hand was almost unable to hold the giant axe. Cracked, dripping with blood.

Xie 81 was a man with a dull mind. Xie Xuan ordered him to kill Amidoro Gyta, but he would not discount it in the slightest.Because Xie 81 has hardly had a full meal since he was born, and only when he was with Xie Xuan, he could eat with a relaxed stomach. Not only can he be full, but he can also eat meat every now and then. To Xie Ba81, he could still drink wine. Such a day was like a dream.

"You must die!" Xie 81, who only had half of the handle left in his hand, stared bull-eyed and shouted, "Die, die!"

One of Amidoro Jiedo's personal guards saw that the knife in Xie 81's hand was broken, and wanted to take advantage of it, so he raised the axe, but Xie 81 waved his hand, and the first move came first, and he snatched the white blade with a beautiful empty hand. Grab the giant ax of the personal guard in your hand.Then Xie 81 flicked his wrist, and the guard involuntarily gave the huge ax in his hand to Xie 81.

The giant ax is actually shorter than the Mo Dao, and of course it is also lighter than the Mo Dao. Xie 81 swung the ax twice and felt it was very smooth, so he threw the giant ax at Amidoro, and Amidoro Jiedo swung the ax again Blocking, just heard a "click", Amidoro's right arm showed a strange arc, and his arm was broken.

Amidora Gedo's personal guards rushed forward to protect him, but Xie 81 was a man who accepted death, Xie Xuan wanted Amitor Geduo's life, so he had to let him die.So Xie 81 stepped forward, grabbed a bodyguard of Amidoro Gedo with one hand, and smashed it wildly.

"Gupta!" Bintousha Ragupta stood on the stand, watching the battle below, and unknowingly, tears flowed from his eyes.This is the only battle in Bintosha Ragupta's memory where Gupta's army did not win when it faced a superior force.After the cavalry did not cross the side of the Wei army, the infantry did not rush across the front of the Wei army.

Hundreds of thousands fell down, or died under the arrows of the Wei army, or died under the horseshoes of their comrades-in-arms.Or die under the spear of Wei Jun.The infantry also suffered a lot of casualties, but they didn't rush through the damn gun forest of the Wei army.

Liu Laozhi, who had a telescope, could see more clearly. Liu Laozhi sighed: "The Gupta army suffered nearly 5000 casualties at this time, and the casualty rate was as high as [-]%. Well-deserved reputation."

Joining the army said: "Although it hasn't collapsed yet, it's almost there. They are already at the end of their strength and won't last long. It's a pity that we don't have cavalry in our hands, otherwise these troops would definitely be able to stay."

Liu Laozhi nodded and said: "Xie Youdu is really a hero, he also fought very hard in this battle."

Joining the army said: "General, do you want to send another lightly armed force to detour there and inflict more damage on them?"

"No need!" Liu Laozhi said: "Our purpose this time is to test the quality of Gupta's army. Now that the goal has been achieved, we don't need to do more. The Gupta Empire is not that kind of small country. As far as the entire strength of the empire is concerned, it will not affect much. They have more than 100 million regular troops. If you count the tribal troops, there are three to four million. With the strength of our expeditionary force, there is no way to destroy the Gupta Empire, and your majesty There is no intention of destroying the Gupta Empire, we want to call on His Majesty, and His Majesty just wants to force the Gupta Empire to sign an alliance under the city."

"Strong, it's really too strong!" Florinanda couldn't remember how many charges were made today, ten or twenty times, anyway, countless charges not only exhausted the vigor of the soldiers, It also exhausted the physical strength of the horses and soldiers.Holding the long spear tightly, the long spear that was at hand at the beginning actually weighed more than a thousand catties at this moment.

Numerous futile attacks did not seem to have caused too much damage to the enemy, except for leaving countless robes and hatred on the battlefield.The enemy's spears are like a forest, and the enemy is like a rock, immovable like a mountain.

"I can't chew, I can't rush!" Alitero also spit out bloody phlegm.At this moment, a reorganized Gupta Pulitna cavalry has 520 cavalry, and the casualties are one thousand. Although the casualties at this moment are not heavy, they give them a very desperate feeling.That is, no matter which way they attack, the enemy's hedgehog formation will always bite off a piece of meat from them.

The spear array was still the same spear array, and there seemed to be not many casualties. This is where the Gupta cavalry soldiers are most desperate.At this time, there was confusion in the Gupta infantry unit. As the leader of the army, Amidoro Jiedo was killed by the Kunlun slaves tamed by Xie Xuan. confusion.Naturally, Xie Xuan would not let go of this opportunity to severely injure the enemy.

Xie Xuan, the position of the central army, gave an order: "Stop all soldiers, attack and move forward!"

"Attack forward!"

"Attack forward!" As the sound of the drums changed, Sima of the Spear Department in the forward position immediately shouted: "There are enemies attacking, the soldiers are the first, the spears are in front, there are enemies but no me!"

The less than [-] spearmen who survived shouted in unison: "The enemy is attacking, the soldiers are the first, the spears are in the front, there is no enemy but no one. Kill, kill, kill..."

Although there were only less than [-] spearmen, the murderous aura that erupted in an instant made Bintosha Raggupta feel horrified.

The heart of Ragupta, who was standing on the stand, trembled suddenly: "Crazy, those Seres people are all crazy."

With the power of absolute inferiority, it launched a counterattack against the troops of Amitaro Gyta, who had the absolute superiority. What is even more incredible is that it defeated the five troops led by Vice Prietna in just a few breaths. Senna, and then submerged Vice Pritna himself in the torrent of madness.When Alitero received the order from Bintosha Ragupta and led the entire cavalry to charge, it was too late.

Before the horse could get up to speed, the head of Vice Prieter was already lifted up by a tall man covered in blood.Then, the red-eyed Serisians became even more crazy, and actually countercharged against the cavalry's horse hair.

With a distance of more than twenty steps, the ground was clogged with too many corpses, and the horse couldn't reach the fastest speed at all.However, the red-eyed Seris people rushed down, and with a wave of their arms, they smashed hundreds of smoking iron lumps into the horse herd.

"Boom!" "Boom!Dozens of war horses fell in a pool of blood, rolling and howling.And on the ground, there were still grenades smoking, rolling down, rolling, rolling, and then "booming" again, throwing up the corpses of a man and a horse.

"Go around, go around, go around!" No one is sure if the remaining iron bumps on the ground will explode, and when will they explode?Avoiding the enemy's front and outflanking from the flanks became the best choice at this moment.Before Alitero could make a decision, a Sennabaoli had already yelled and pulled the horse's head sideways.With a few hundred cavalry subordinates to himself, they were directly separated from the team, and from a farther place, they detoured towards the enemy's back.

(End of this chapter)

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