Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 980 The Wheel of Fortune Begins to Turn

Chapter 980 The Wheel of Fortune Begins to Turn

Chapter 987 The Wheel of Fortune Begins to Turn

Florinanda was so angry that he yelled and shouted: "Coward, trash, coward!"

It's just that no matter how much he yelled and scolded, it was useless, and the surviving more than two hundred cavalry men were all overwhelmed by the infantry of the Wei army.

At this time, the signs of Wei Jun's victory were already very obvious. However, the three indigenous thousand-man teams protected by the only five divisions of Wei Jun began to explode collectively.

These aborigines are not good at fighting tough battles, so Xie Xuan did not regard them as cannon fodder to resist the Gupta cavalry at all, because Xie Xuan knew very well that once these aborigines were placed in front of the formation, instead of being able to help the Wei army, they would collapse face to face and rush forward. The formation of the cross-Wei army.

Although these natives are not good at fighting tough battles, they are not fools, and they become extremely brave when the water is going smoothly.Everyone knows that Wei Jun is creditworthy and rewards meritorious deeds with his head. As long as he beheads on the battlefield, he can get money and various items rewarded by Wei Jun's masters.So when the Gupta Empire's army began to show its defeat, they all rushed out like crazy, attacking the Gupta army like crazy,

"Damn it!" Alitero cursed, but he couldn't help it.At this moment, a nimble native dwarf ran fast, avoiding those chaotic cavalry nimbly, and rushed towards him quickly.Alitero laughed angrily: "Ant-like bedbugs dare to trouble the general, it's simply boring!"

It’s just that the bug in Alitero’s eyes is simply a killer. He only has a low-quality spear in his hand. The spear in his hand is like a spirit snake spitting out letters, stabbing the passing Gupta cavalry off their horses from time to time.Facing the assassination attacks by the Gupta cavalry, he sometimes rolled on the ground, sometimes got under the horse's belly, sometimes like a monkey, threw the Gupta cavalry under the horse, and in just a few breaths, he was able to achieve seven times. Eight Gupta cavalrymen were assassinated by this humble native soldier.

"Kill, kill. Kill" the soldiers of Wei State, together with the unarmored native auxiliary soldiers, shouted loudly, and drove straight in along the path made aside by the enemy.Seeing cavalrymen who couldn't avoid them along the way, they were stabbed in the head.Seeing the war horse trying to avoid it, it was also stabbed in the head.

Everyone fell into the frenzy of fighting, and at this moment they are all invincible warriors.There is neither fear nor pain nor fatigue.Nothing to do but fight, fight, fight without a break.And those Guppet people who looked tall and fierce before, and the horses that looked majestic before, now in everyone's eyes, they all turned into clay puppets and wooden stalks.All you have to do is stick out your knife and you can cut off their thighs.Then they were thrown to the ground, and their heads were cut off again.

The Gupta cavalry were terrified immediately, no one dared to continue fighting with this group of lunatics, they only had one thought in their minds: "Escape as far as possible."

The cavalry were scared, and the infantry was even worse. The Tamil and Sikh warriors who were close to the Wei army were all killed. Most of the most elite infantry died. Almost, when they are picking up the cheap, they can rush forward without falling behind.But such crazy battles scared them to pieces.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, and get around behind them!" Alitero didn't lose an inch, but his orders couldn't be conveyed at all. The chaotic battlefield was filled with all kinds of voices of shouting, cursing, and weapons clashing. No one paid any heed to Alitero's orders.

Ragupta, the bin head chakra in the stands, was so angry that his seven orifices were smoked.Six thousand five or six hundred cavalry, more than 6000 elite infantry, who have been recharging their energy, and more than 8000 archers, were defeated by less than [-] Serisians, and the infantry deputy Pulit The head was chopped off.This battle, even if he wins in the end, is enough to shame him.

Seeing that both the infantry and the cavalry were in a desperate situation, and those defeated soldiers were about to break the line of the archers, Bintosha Ragupta hastily ordered: "The archers step forward and shoot indiscriminately!"

At this time, a general wrapped in steel beside Bintousha Ragupta said: "Master Cheng, let's go to the last general!"

Although the Gupta Empire adopted a enfeoffment system similar to that of the Zhou Dynasty, entrusting meritorious officials and clan children to various states.However, the only difference from the Zhou Dynasty is that these city lords are surrounded by an army under the protection of the central government.Like the Hughli state of Ragupta, the Bintousha, it was only a middle-lower city-state in the Gupta Empire, but he was protected by a Plitna army.This Pulitna (equivalent to a division) consists of 850 cavalry, 850 infantry, and more than [-] cavalry.

If the emperor is willing, he can ask for the heads of these Bangguocheng lords at any time.Although the money and food of this central army were paid by the city-state, the generals and most of the soldiers of the central army belonged to the central government and were recruited from the vicinity of Huashi Nabang. The family members of these people were all in the central government, so they were also very loyal to the emperor.

The name of this Pulitzer was Malati Singh, and he was also from the Singh family of the Gupta Empire, which was also a well-known military family.

Bintousha Ragupta shouted: "Kill them all!"

"Yes!" Malati Singh yelled wildly, "Gupta wins!"

These troops from the central government are much better equipped than the city-state army. Even ordinary soldiers are 800% armored. Although more than [-]% of them are leather armor, they are much better than the city-state army in terms of money and training. up.Although there are more than [-] cavalry and infantry, which is less than one-third of the entire Hooghly State, but if they fight, they can definitely destroy the city-state army.

However, just as Matila Singh joined the battle, there were less than [-] personal guards around Ragupta, the head chakra of Hooghlybang City. However, at this moment, a big fire was burning behind the Gupta camp. , The fire took advantage of the wind and power, so it was out of control.Just when Bintousha Ragupta ordered the soldiers around him to fight the fire, a loud shout sounded: "Kill Ah San!"

"Kill Ah San!" A Wei army officer led about less than five hundred infantrymen and rushed out, heading straight for Ragupta, who was standing in the stands.

Malati Singh, who had just joined the battle, turned his head and was frightened out of his wits.Although he belongs to the central government, he belongs to the nature of the pro-guard army.According to the military law of the Gupta Empire, if the chief general died in battle, all the guards who protected him would be beheaded if they could not retrieve his body.Matila was completely frightened this time, without even thinking about it, he immediately turned his horse's head around again and galloped back to rescue his master.

It's just that at this time, the battlefield has been completely chaotic, and the Gupta army without morale is even like pigs and sheep, letting the Wei army and the indigenous auxiliary soldiers slaughter them.

At the moment Malati returned to the barracks, three or four hundred black iron balls flew towards the cavalry formation. Although the power of the black powder hand bombs was not too great, it took more than 800 soldiers who had not undergone anti-explosive training. The cavalry exploded and collapsed instantly.

Regarding the result of this battle, both the Wei State and the Gupta Empire insisted on their own opinions, saying that they were the winners.The King of Hughlibang reported to the central court that in February, 10 people from Seris attacked Hughlibang, and the King of Hughlibang led the state army to resist desperately. After paying more than [-] people were killed and more than [-] were injured. After paying the price, the invading enemy was finally defeated.

However, according to the records of the State of Wei, in February of the second year of Hongshi, Xie Xuan's tribe fought against Huge Libang City, beheaded more than 350 ranks, and returned with the troops.In this service, our army suffered 890 casualties, including [-] people in the camp, and more than [-] people were disabled.

Yecheng Gongyuan, the imperial examination was in progress, and when the scholars decided to order, no one dared to be careless.But Zhang Fang knew himself. In terms of learning, he only studied in private schools for three years, and he didn't understand the Four Books and Five Classics at all. The only thing that impressed him were two small questions. Disciples enter with filial piety, leave with fraternity, be sincere and trustworthy, love everyone and benevolent. If you have spare power, learn literature."; the other is "Three of the Practitioners", which comes from "The Greatness of the World" in "University" Dao five, so those who do it three" one sentence.These two questions are small questions, that is to say, a few words are cut out from a complete sentence for you to compose.If you don't know the meaning of this complete sentence, you can't write at all.The small questions test the examinee's familiarity with Confucian classics, in fact, it is memory.

Ran Ming also knows that almost [-]% of the students in the world are students of Confucianism. If you don't take the Confucian classics, there is nothing you can do.Only in the later time, slowly improve the students of various schools of thought, and then reduce the content of Confucianism.

Others are small questions, and the test questions are not too difficult, such as: ""Poetry" says: Yixiongyidi. Yixiongyidi, and then you can teach the people of the country. Ask, which book is the "Poetry" in this sentence? what to explain?

In fact, this type of question did not exist in this era, and only in Ran Ming's era would such a similar question be asked.According to the correct solution, the poem refers to "Xiaoya", which means that in a family, if there is someone who is better than me, he is a brother. I can do my best to respect and do good things, and I feel that the brother always loves me. This is Brother Yi. .Those who are less than me are my younger brothers. I can do my best to be friendly and caress me, and those who feel that I am a younger brother always respect me. This is Yidi.Zeng Zi quoted it and said: "One who is a king must be able to deal with...

But Zhang Fang is so poorly educated that he doesn't understand it at all.Only the "Book of Songs" is in his understanding of poetry, and the meaning is only written according to the literal meaning of the answer "Brothers are in harmony, can the people of the country be educated".

As for the other questions, Zhang Fang didn't even have the impression that he wrote them blindly. Anyway, he finished all the questions.As for right and wrong?I'm afraid Zhang Fang has no idea.If only relying on Confucian knowledge, Zhang Fang would never have a chance to pass the exam, but Ran Ming didn't like that kind of frail scholar, so he added a lot of math problems to the exam.Although mathematics is one of the six Confucian arts, there are not many people who really understand mathematics, and most of them are left to Confucius.But Zhang Fang is a accountant, and he is best at mathematics.Therefore, the confidence in the math problems in the exam is greatly increased.

As for how to calculate the tax per mu of land and how the government organizes and operates things, because he often deals with the government, although he is not a member of the public, he knows a lot.

Except for the failure of Confucian classics, like other miscellaneous test questions, Zhang Fang became more excited and more confident that he could pass the test.Zhang Fang roared in his heart: "I'm going to pass the exam, I'm going to be an official, I'm going to marry a wife and concubines, I'm going to return to my hometown!"

There is a shortcoming of the imperial examination system that cannot be made up for, that is, the virtue of officials cannot be considered. Anyway, the examination-oriented education has been taught for thousands of years, and too many gentle scum have been taught. Although traitors are everywhere in the late Song Dynasty, there are still hundreds of thousands of people and Thousands of people died for the Song Dynasty, but in the Ming Dynasty, the scholars were the most heartless, especially Qian, one of the leaders of the Donglin Party, wanted to dive into the water to die for the country, and he thought the water was too cold. Said it was too itchy.

As for Zhang Fang, he is simply a superb student, but if he takes the imperial examination, according to Ran Ming's imperial examination results, he will probably pass the exam. No one can get a full score in the exam, but those who are proficient in miscellaneous studies are either small government officials or humble merchants. Most of these people's moral character is not good.

However, Ran Ming was definitely not aware of this problem.With the end of the imperial examination, most of the students who stayed in Yecheng, especially those who felt that the imperial examination results were not satisfactory, began to leave, but Zhang Fang did not give up. He begged on the street every day, slept in the ruined temple outside the city, and We must persevere to the end, persist until the results of the imperial examination are released, and then become an official, become rich and rich, and return to our hometown.

The rain in late spring was pattering, and it was bitingly cold when it fell on people.Zhang Fang was so hungry that he really didn't have the strength to run to the ruined temple outside the city to shelter from the rain, so he could only curl up under a signboard selling breakfast.The signboard alone couldn't avoid the rain, and soon Zhang Fang's whole body was drenched by the rain.

When the cold wind blew, Zhang Fang shivered from the cold.At night the rain finally stopped, but it started to rain heavily again at night. After a night of torment, Zhang Fang fell into a coma just before dawn.

"It's not good, it's not good, someone died." The breakfast shop where Zhang Fang slept was a very small shop, there were only two husband and wife, and the husband and wife were honest people. Things suddenly became chaotic.

Wang Meng, as the chief examiner of the first imperial examination, today is the last day of grading papers. After staying up most of the night, he finally finished reviewing more than 8000 papers, handed the test results to Ran Ming for review, and then announced them. This is considered a consummation of merit and virtue. .Wang Meng was so excited that he didn't close his eyes all night, washed his face with cold water, drank another bowl of strong tea, and lifted his spirits.For candidates, the imperial examination ended five days ago, but for Wang Menglai, the chief examiner, it has just ended now.He and his colleagues were quarantined in this tribute courtyard for five days, and they could not go home until the examination papers were finished and the list was issued.

Although it was the first time for the imperial examination in Wei State, Ran Ming had a set of procedures for completing the imperial examination.The first is to use the students of Wei Guo Royal Military Academy and Wei Guo Non-commissioned Officer Academy as pen tips to copy the exam papers that have been pasted with titles.Then, transfer the papers that have been transcribed with blurred names to the room teachers, and these examiners will grade the papers separately, pick out qualified papers from them, and recommend them to Wang Meng. This is the so-called recommended paper.Generally speaking, once a test taker's paper is recommended, it is considered a hit, and the rest is just a matter of ranking.What Wang Meng, the chief examiner, needs to do is to assign rankings to the recommended papers.

Because of the point system, in fact this time the imperial examination is relatively loose. Ran Ming's requirement is that Confucianism knowledge reaches [-]% accuracy, or miscellaneous studies reaches more than [-]% accuracy, and he can be admitted.However, only those with high comprehensive scores can be awarded as officials, and other admitted personnel are civil servants.

After a day and a night of counting, Wang Meng finally recorded all the 420 people admitted, and together with their test papers, they will be sent to Ran Ming for review.Sitting in a carriage, there is a large box with a key on the carriage, which contains the test papers for this imperial examination.However, just as they were about to enter Suzaku Avenue, there was a sudden commotion on the street.Wang Meng suddenly realized that it was not good. Could it be that someone is going to rob the test paper?
Wang Meng shouted coldly: "Go and see what's going on?"

As he said that, Wang Meng ordered the guards to be on alert, and if anyone approached the carriage, they would immediately strike first.However, after a while, the guard said: "Someone fainted in front of Wang Shijun. It is said that he was a scholar. Because he had no money to eat and no money to stay, he got wet in the rain yesterday, hungry and cold, and fell into a coma! A candidate passed out in front of an early morning shop, and the owner of that shop had no knowledge and thought he was dead, but he yelled loudly and attracted countless people to watch."

"I fainted from hunger, how is it possible?" Wang Meng was dumbfounded for a moment, and then said angrily: "Could it be that this examinee can eat, but has no plan, and eats all the meals in advance, so he didn't survive? No, each examinee is [-] yuan The cost of living in an ordinary inn is [-] yuan a month, even if you have four dishes and one soup for every meal, it will not be a problem for [-] yuan to eat for two or three months?"

The guards were embarrassed to tell Wang Meng that what Wang Meng was talking about was the old calendar. In Yecheng, especially during the imperial examination period, more than 8000 candidates poured in. Most of these candidates were from rich families. There are servants and maids, and many people even rent a single courtyard, which also caused the inns in Yecheng to be very nervous.Meals and accommodation are very expensive.

The guard said: "Maybe the money is spent out of restraint. You must know that those scholars like the place of time, and there are all golden caves. Let alone [-] gold, even [-] gold is not enough to spend!"

(End of this chapter)

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