Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 984 Being an Emperor Is Painful

Chapter 984 Being an Emperor Is Painful
Chapter 991 Being an Emperor Is Painful

A person always has a circle of interests, and with this circle of people's feelings, there is a difference between near and far.Originally, Wang Jia was not in Yang Xi's circle, but because he did solve Ran Ming's problem, he showed his face in front of Ran Ming.So Yang Xi had a feeling that Wang Jia was his own.

However, it is definitely impossible to say that Yang Xi is satisfied with Wang Jia.Ran Ming might not have noticed Wang Jia's gaffe, but Yang Xi had noticed Wang Jia's abnormality.As soon as he left the palace gate, Yang Xi said coldly, "Prince Nian, what's going on with you today?"

"Report to the leader, Pindao is fine!" Seeing Yang Xi's expression of believing in you, Wang Jia subconsciously explained: "Pindao is the first to see Tianyan, and it is inevitable to lose his composure!"

Seeing the carriage coming, Yang Xi gave his disciple Luo Ben a look, and a few strong Taoist priests restrained Wang Jia.

Wang Jia turned pale with shock, and said in fear, "Master, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, you understand!" Yang Xi said angrily, "Nowadays thousands of disciples of the Taoist sect are related to Xi, it is better to let you shut up than to be killed by you!"

Wang Jia didn't resist when he heard this, and got into the carriage obediently.Yang Xi waved his hand and said, "Roben, send Prince Nian to Laojun Guan, if he doesn't say anything, don't let him go out!"

"Respect the teaching of the Lord!"

As the leader of Taoism, how can Yang Xi be a person who has earned his fame?Of course, Yang Xi's physiognomy skills are quite good, but he can see the fate of countless people, but he can't see the fate of Ran Ming. I believe Ge Hong has left doubts in his heart about this matter. But if Ge Hong didn't say anything, Yang Xi naturally kept silent.You must know that Taoism has been suppressed by Buddhism for hundreds of years, and finally met an emperor who supports Taoism, so Yang Xi will not just look for trouble.

This Wang Jia may be proficient in the art of astrology, but what's the use of being proficient, there are some things that should not be said, absolutely not.

It has always been Ran Ming's aim to entrust professional things to professional people.So before Ran Ming thought of a solution to the problem of sea maggots, he sent a technical discussion topic to the Royal Academy of Sciences of the State of Wei, which was "How to avoid the harm of sea maggots to ships".

If you focus on the problems that the vast majority of the elites in the Wei state can't solve, it is definitely not a problem that Ran Ming can solve alone. Then you can only use a stupid method, first soak the wooden boards on the bottom of the battleship in the sea, and then get sea maggots to eat the wooden boards. Speed, set a ship safety deadline, and replace the bottom planks regularly.

To say that Ran Ming’s biggest change to Wei State is the issue of measurement units. First, Ran Ming established the standard size for later generations, and abolished all traditional Chinese measurement units such as stone and dendrobium. Of course, people still use customary weighing. Objects, but in the official documents, they were changed to grams, kilograms, kilograms and tons, and the units of long feet were also changed to kilometers, meters, centimeters, and millimeters in later generations.In addition, scales such as meters and nominals have been formulated. In order to accelerate the development of science and technology, Ran Ming even produced the vernier calipers of the thousandth unit of later generations, which made the industrial process of Wei State develop rapidly, and at the same time, it is more convenient for various production specifications. .

Although the current overall industrial level of Wei State is far from Ran Ming's expectations, it already has the basic conditions for taking off. As long as the society is stable and can continue to develop, Ran Ming believes that Wei State has entered the period of industrial revolution There can definitely be a technological advantage of a thousand years.

At this time, the Taoism improved by Ge Hong and Ran Ming finally exploded into a small universe.In ancient China, Taoist warlocks were the ones who knew the most about chemistry, but these warlocks often regarded their chemical inventions as miracles for their own benefit.One of Wei's greatest inventions, sulfuric acid, was actually invented.

There is a scholar named Wu Wenwen in the Dong'a Yanggu Pavilion.One day he inadvertently put the green vitriol in the furnace for calcination, and obtained a liquid, which was so overbearing that it could not only melt gold and iron, but if the meat was put in, it would immediately turn into coke... His wife and others After Wu asked about adultery, he angrily killed his wife and adulterer.Then he invented the green vitriol oil to destroy corpses and wipe out traces.The so-called green vitriol oil is actually what the ancients called sulfuric acid. This is what Ran Ming has been striving for. Sulfuric acid is the most active binary inorganic strong acid, which can react with many metals.High-concentration sulfuric acid has strong water absorption and can be used as a dehydrating agent to carbonize carbohydrate-containing substances such as wood, paper, cotton and linen fabrics, and biological flesh.When mixed with water, it will release a lot of heat energy.It is highly corrosive and oxidizing and should be used with caution.It is an important industrial raw material, which can be used to manufacture fertilizers, medicines, explosives, pigments, detergents, batteries, etc., and is also widely used in industries such as purification of petroleum, metal smelting, and dyes.It is often used as a chemical reagent, and can be used as a dehydrating agent and a sulfonating agent in organic synthesis.

Although Ran Ming is a person of later generations, he is definitely not a chemist. He only has a superficial understanding of these things. He knows that sulfuric acid has many functions, but he doesn't know how to make sulfuric acid.As for nitroglycerin, there is nowhere to start.The Taoist used green vitriol oil to destroy the body and traces, and was seen by the maid at home. The maid thought it was a miracle, and was frightened to death. She ran to Dongping County in one breath. Afraid that the alchemist would kill her, she voluntarily surrendered. .

After Ran Ming got the news, he hurriedly dispatched the alchemist named Wu Wendao to the Royal Academy of Sciences and became an enshrined priest.Ran Ming doesn't know much about chemistry, but Ran Ming knows that sulfuric acid can produce caustic soda, and after producing caustic soda, Wei Guo can mass-produce glass and soap, and then expand the production scale and reduce production costs.Wei Guo, who has glass and soap, can use low costs in exchange for greater profits.

Although it is said that robbery is fast, but for distant Europe, there is no way to rob. Wei Guo does not have the strength to push the army there, let alone Europe, and it is very difficult to push the army to Central Asia and West Asia. , but you can also make profits by doing business. Of course, you must first have a competitive product in your hand.Nowadays, there are many high-profile products of Wei State, such as rice paper, and various weapons and equipment, which can definitely open the door of trade between Rome and the Sasanian Dynasty.But Ran Ming didn't want to spread papermaking to Central Asia, they liked to write on sheepskin, so let them keep writing for fun.

As for refined salt and canned food, Ran Ming sells them on a large scale. Other technological products that cross the ages will not be sold for the time being. As for the sea ships exported to Southeast Asia, they are all shrunk versions for export.

Sulfuric acid is not only used in industry, but also in military applications. Nitric acid can be produced through sulfuric acid. As long as nitric acid is produced, high explosives can be produced in the next step. Even if Ran Ming cannot produce large quantities of high explosives, At least mercury nitrate, that is, thunder mercury, can be manufactured. With thunder mercury, a flash cap can be manufactured, and a breech-loading rifle can be manufactured after a flash cap is manufactured, and bows and crossbows can be completely eliminated.

Don't look at the fact that Wei is equipped with a large number of horse-gong crossbows and eight-ox crossbows. However, cold weapons such as crossbows require high raw materials, and the cost is not low. Especially when Wei's army has expanded to a scale of more than one million, these equipment It needs maintenance and maintenance, and it costs a lot of money every year.In comparison, the cost of muskets and rifles will decrease after Wei Guo’s steel production capacity increases. The key is that muskets are the future development trend.

The development of chemistry is the short board of Wei State. The level of Wei State’s equipment industry has been greatly developed, especially the textile industry. Now Wei State’s most advanced loom is a hydraulic 24-shuttle. This kind of weaving The loom is more than a hundred times more efficient than the traditional weaving machine, and it is very close to the loom in the steam age. If the steam engine is successfully invented, I am afraid that the textile industry will be the first industry in Wei to enter the industrial age.As for the mechanical design of steam engines and trains, it has entered the verification stage, but the chemical field is far behind.

In the industrial age, various lubricating oils and chemicals will be applied on a large scale. If the development of chemistry cannot keep up, it will definitely greatly hinder the pace of development.

When Ran Ming returned to the bedroom, he saw the queen Xie Daoyun staring out the window in a daze. "Why do you miss your son again? The son must be raised among the people, let him know the hardships of the people, and let him experience what he should go through. A loving mother often loses her son!"

Ran Ming has never spoken to Xie Daoyun in such a blunt tone. They have been married for many years, and Xie Daoyun knows that things may have changed. Just two hours ago, he also learned that her husband was in a good mood. Something happened that she didn't understand, and it should be related to her son.

"What happened?"

Ran Ming sighed and said: "Actually, it's nothing. Bin'er was kidnapped by bandits in seven days, and the inner guards took action in time. Now, Bin'er is fine."

Ran Bin is the second son, and his mother is Liu Pei. Now that Ran Bin almost had an accident, Xie Daoyun suddenly thought of a possibility.As a woman cultivated by an aristocratic family, Xie Daoyun is also known as a talented woman, and she is also very familiar with various conspiracies and tricks.Now Ran Ming's sons, except for the eldest son and the second son, are still too young. Whether it is for Li Chang or Li Xian, if something happens to Ran Yun, then Ran Yun is the most beneficial person. Of course, it can also be inferred that, Ran Yun had an accident, and Ran Yun was the most suspected.Xie Daoyun was afraid that some short-sighted people in the Xie clan would have a fever and do such a stupid thing.

Others don't know Ran Ming very well, but as a couple for many years, Xie Daoyun still knows Ran Ming very well.Once something happens to Ran Bin, Ran Ming will definitely go crazy. This will not only affect Ran Yun's future, but even the Xie family in Chen Jun may be buried with him.When the emperor got angry, he laid down millions of corpses, this is no joke.

"Your Majesty, Yun'er has a simple and honest heart, he will never do such a vicious thing!"

Ran Ming interrupted Xie Daoyun's explanation, and said casually: "Although Yun'er has a motive, he hasn't come into contact with outsiders recently. Naturally, it is impossible to do something wrong. It's best that this incident is just an accident, otherwise I don't shy away from killing people!"

Xie Daoyun suddenly fell into Ran Ming's arms.He murmured: "The Xie family has a large population, so it is inevitable that there will be people with ulterior motives, but Jiang believes that the third uncle will not do this."

Ran Ming was a little tired, and said lightly: "I really don't know what's so good about this seat. I'm almost exhausted every day, and they are still thinking about this seat. You know Ling Jiang , How comfortable I was before, but now, I wake up early and work late every day, live without touching the ground, and I am afraid that I will not be able to manage this country well."

"Queen, do you know? The history of our Huaxia clan is actually a circle!"

"A circle?" Xie Daoyun asked suspiciously, "What circle?"

"A strange circle that cannot be broken, a circle mottled with blood and tears. A tragic circle of the Huaxia clan." Ran Mingyu said earnestly: "My Chinese people have to bear the bullying of the barbarians every few hundred years. It is about to be trampled under the iron hooves of Yihu, from the invasion of the dog soldiers in the Zhou Dynasty, to the invasion of the Huns in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and now the Wuhu Luanhua's clothing and clothes moving south. This is a cycle that goes back and forth, and my Central Plains dynasty is prosperous If the Central Plains dynasty weakens, they will go south with iron hoofs and wantonly enslave the people of our Han family."

Xie Daoyun is also a talented woman who is familiar with classics and historical articles. When Ran Ming didn't mention these things, she didn't feel anything, but with Ran Ming's reminder, Xie Daoyun found that it was just as Ran Ming said.The establishment of each dynasty can rely on a strong army and technology to completely abuse the Yihu. After the Yihu surrenders, in order to show the generosity of the Central Plains, the blood debt will be forgotten.But once the Central Plains Dynasty weakened, they would show their claws and claws. This was the case in the great chaos at the end of the Qin Dynasty, and the separatist rule in the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and it was also the same in the Jin Dynasty.Although Xie Daoyun is a woman, she has doubts. Since Yihu is a white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with it, why not kill it all at once?

Ran Ming said firmly: "What I'm doing is not for the Ran family's iron-clad country, nor for future generations, but to break this vicious circle and free the Huaxia clan from this vicious circle. This tragic circle of our Huaxia clan , the root lies in the emperor. The emperor has too much power and can do whatever he wants, so everyone wants to be the emperor. However, the world is not a world of one family and one surname, and the world is not a world of one person. The world is a world of people. As long as The power of the emperor is limited, perhaps in name only, like the emperor of Zhou, to be the emperor in name, and to decentralize power, so that the royal family of Zhou will be passed on for 800 years. The power of the emperor is too great, so there are countless people who want to empty it The emperor has monopolized power, and when they monopolize power, they will usurp the throne like the Cao Wei royal family and the Sima royal family. Every time there is a change of dynasty, which one does not kill blood and heads?"

"The concubine knows, but they don't!" Xie Daoyun looked at her husband, looked at the exhausted look on his face, and said in a low and helpless voice, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, none of them dare!"

"Of course they don't dare, and they don't have that strength either!" Ran Ming sneered and said, "But I will grow old one day, and I will die one day. Dare? No one can truly monopolize power. Human energy is limited, and the things they are responsible for are also limited. The emperor is really not a good job. It is really too difficult to be a good emperor. As long as If you make a slight mistake, you will be infamous forever in history. I don't care about that much, so for Yun'er, Jin'er and the others, I just need to be selfish and leave them a titleless throne and leave the power to The first and auxiliary ministers, each first and auxiliary minister has a term of five years, and can serve two consecutive terms, that is, ten years. The first and auxiliary ministers are responsible for managing the country, so the emperor has become a puppet without power, so although he cannot do whatever he wants, but this Only then can the Ran family live in peace."

"No one wants to be a puppet, but compared with the safety of life, it's not an unacceptable thing." Just when Ran Ming was worrying about his son, the news that made Ran Ming breathe a sigh of relief finally came. What happened to Zin was not a conspiracy, it was just a coincidence.

To be honest, Ran Ming didn't want to point the butcher's knife at Chenjun Xie's family, because compared to the entire gentry class, Chenjun's Xie's family tradition was still good, and he had to worry about Xie Daoyun's feelings.

At this time, the taxation of Wei State's income far exceeds that of the same period in history, and it is even close to the richest Song Dynasty in Chinese history.However, since Ran Ming has never had the habit of saving money, he spends it quite well when he has money.The Ministry of Finance's pockets were well covered, otherwise the money it got would not be enough for Ran Ming to toss about.

However, Ran Ming spends money according to the target, at least he is quite harsh on himself. In order to save financial waste, Ran Ming abolished most of the 24 prisons that specially served the royal family, such as Shangyi Bureau, Needlework Bureau, and Scarf and Hat Bureau. , the Internal Dyeing Bureau was assigned to the Textile Department of the Ministry of Light Industry, and the Wine, Vinegar and Noodle Bureau (in charge of edible wine, vinegar, sugar, syrup, noodles, beans, etc. in the palace), and the Siyuan Bureau (in charge of vegetables, melons and fruits in various places in the palace) and planting arts) etc. were merged into the Procurement Department, with one chief, two deputy and three general managers, and more than [-] eunuchs. In this way, the number of service personnel in the palace has been reduced by more than two-thirds.

(End of this chapter)

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