Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 985 We Came With Kindness

Chapter 985 We Came With Kindness
Chapter 992 We Came With Kindness
The emperor started to abolish his own service organizations, and the people below naturally didn't dare to spend money lavishly. Now the emperor himself only supports a dozen or so chefs, so Ran Ming still feels a bit wasteful.The major nobles below also dismissed their service staff one after another. If anyone dared to support hundreds of cooks and servants, it would be a slap in the face of the emperor.

These things alone saved Wei Guo a lot of expenses.Of course, Ran Ming was not an emperor who wanted the horses to run and not let the horses eat grass. These abolished eunuchs and maids were also properly arranged. For example, Ran Ming asked some of the former royal chefs to establish the Wei Kingdom in Ye The Royal Grand Hotel provides first-class and supreme-level service.These institutions spun off from the palace will no longer enjoy royal financial allocations in the future, but will be responsible for their own losses.

Ran Ming's constant efforts are not to open up much territory for the Chinese nation, nor to inject bloody genes into this nation, because Ran Ming's greatest wish is to break this circle, the tragic reincarnation of blood and tears of the Chinese nation for thousands of years.Ran Ming is different from previous rulers, he is a giant standing on the shoulders of history, with an unparalleled vision advantage.That is, Ran Ming understands human nature better.In fact, our ancestors left us a very absurd proposition, that is, "At the beginning of man, nature is good; Whatever is depicted on it, he can be.

Chinese human nature is an extremely complicated contradictory body. There are sentiments that "you can die when you hear the Tao in the morning", and there are also rare and confused ways of dealing with the world. servility.Chinese people's values ​​and outlook on life have always been contradictory and antagonistic. The Manchu Qing Dynasty first used the bloody literary inquisition to clear the blood and backbone of the Han people, and used forced enslavement education to train countless loyal slaves.In the early Qing Dynasty, it was the Han people who shouted "the law of the ancestors cannot be abolished" and resisted the hair-shaving order. However, in the late Qing Dynasty, it was not the Manchus who rejected democracy and waved the flag for the Qing Dynasty, but the Han people.Ran Ming can clearly see that under the influence of the group, the role of role models is infinite.

Therefore, in order to change Chinese human nature, Ran Ming worked hard to promote education. This education is not the traditional Chinese elite education, but education for all.The illiteracy of the whole people will definitely restrict the progress and development of the society. Of course, if Ran Ming wants to speed up the industrial progress of Wei State, he needs countless professional and technical personnel. The working class knows what production technology is, but they know why. They cannot rely entirely on his golden fingers. Once Ran Ming goes west, Wei State is most likely to experience a technological gap, and the development of social science and technology will be helplessly stagnant.

Therefore, Ran Ming needs more people to enter the field of scientific and technological research, to study and explore, and to open up new knowledge and fields.Even for a murderer like Wu Wendao, from a legal point of view, it is not too much for Wu Wendao to kill two people in a row, and destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces. Ten years in prison is just as well.However, Ran Ming unjustly allowed him to enter the Royal Academy of Sciences and continue to engage in chemical research, so as to use his soil chemical knowledge to cultivate more chemical talents for Wei.

Ran Ming used the funds saved by the royal family to establish 27 professional systems including "geography", "medical science", "medicine", "chemistry", "agriculture", "mechanics", "physics" and "water conservancy". The purpose of these scholarships is for outstanding students who stand out in the education of counties and counties to continue education according to their qualifications. Of course, this scholarship will not become a monopoly resource for students with background like later generations, and it is specially for children from poor families.

In fact, Ran Ming does not want to completely destroy traditional Chinese cultural education. After all, there are many educational and humanistic concepts that are quite good. However, Ran Ming's focus is to strengthen education in science, rather than hanging book bags and looking for chapters and excerpts.In fact, Ran Ming also wants to implement universal education, but at present, Ran Ming does not have the conditions in terms of funds and teaching staff, so he can only proceed slowly.Frozen three feet did not happen in a day, and Rome was not built in a day, so Ran Ming's education still has a long way to go.

In the initial implementation of at least one county school (primary school) in each county, it will take three to five years or even ten years to transition. Ran Ming believes that by then, Wei's fiscal revenue will be greatly improved, and the reserve of teachers will also be able to increase. Basic conditions for opening higher educational levels.

Many ministers don't understand Ran Ming's large investment in education. In their eyes, although the fiscal revenue and national income have been greatly improved, Wei's infrastructure is still blank. The traffic in some counties is still the old official road left over from the previous dynasty, and it has not been repaired for many years.There are also cities and water conservancy in various places that need to be repaired, but Ran Ming has devoted so many resources to education.

Some of these opposition ministers were stubborn in their thinking, and some of them were members of the noble families of the knowledge monopoly group, but their opinions were directly ignored by Ran Ming. "Old people often think about the past, and young people often think about the future. Only thinking about the past creates nostalgia; only thinking about the future creates hope. Only nostalgia is so conservative; only hope is so aggressive. Only conservative , so it is always old; only progress is also necessary, so it is new every day....The red sun is just rising, and its way is bright; the river flows out and flows into the ocean; Falcons try their wings, and the wind and dust are blown away; Strange flowers are born for the first time, and they are the emperor; the generals grow their hair, and they have their awns; , I am young in China, I am not as old as the sky! I am strong, I am young in China, and the country has no borders"

After Ran Ming ascended the throne, he seldom plagiarized the articles of later generations. However, this time, Ran Ming still took out the plagiarized "Young China". Ming Pao, followed by other major newspapers and magazines reprinted it one after another, which caused a huge sensation in Wei State.

Of course, at the same time, the elites of various hidden sects of Wei Guohuang Academy of Sciences also gathered together to hold a technical seminar ordered by Ran Ming to find solutions to the problem of sea maggots.Even when the Wei State did not find a solution to the sea maggot problem, under the blue sea and blue sky of the Indian Ocean, the Wei State Expeditionary Army did not stop its attack.

With the almost complete annihilation of the Gupta Empire's navy, Gupta's sea gates were completely opened to the State of Wei. At this time, the Gupta Empire was like a girl whose clothes had been ripped off, ready to be picked.On the long coastline of the Gupta Empire, the Wei State Expeditionary Army launched one offensive climax after another, which worried Samadhara Gupta in Huashi City. He felt that his situation was getting worse.

Wei's expeditionary navy and marines, as well as a large number of Nanyang indigenous servants, after landing, swept from one area to another. After they wiped out the Gupta Empire army, they began to search for the property they could see , from the cheapest food, to the bronze or pure gold Buddha statues in the major Buddhist temples, and the property of various lords and nobles.

Of course, as the conflict intensified, there was no longer any possibility of détente between the Gupta Empire and Wei.Casualties on both sides also continued to rise. Wei's army was better, their armor rate was too high, and the steel armor could protect the lives of Wei's soldiers very well, but the casualties of their indigenous servants soared sharply.However, as Wei's side won more and more victories, the inspired native servants suffered fewer and fewer losses, and the more they fought, the better.

Numerous well-equipped Wei army launched an attack on the Gupta Empire army with eight-ox crossbows, crossbows, and rockets, completely defeating the Gupta Empire's final will to resist. Chasing and killing, these crazy servants suddenly turned into devils, slashing and killing the enemies they could see, and even more terrifying people. Wei Guo can obtain almost endless indigenous servants in the Nanyang region. This cheap At the beginning, the cannon fodder consumed the Gupta Empire army at a ratio of three to one, or even five to one. However, as the war evolved, this casualty ratio became smaller and smaller. One point five, or even one to two.

This kind of wolf smoke everywhere and endless blows made the Gupta Empire worse. With the failure of the Gupta Empire, this made the leaders of the major tribes in the Gupta Empire ready to move

The caste system in ancient India is actually similar to the four peoples system in ancient China, both of which are a kind of oppression.However, because of the ideological control of the religion of Buddhism, the blood of the ancient Indians lacked the gene of resistance.Although most of the Gupta are submissive and pin their hopes on the afterlife, there are always a small number of people who are eager to promote their caste through war.

Ancient India was invaded more than 300 times in history, and only one tie was made during the Mauryan Dynasty, and the others were all failures.During the previous conquests, those who were more practical were greatly compensated.When the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala of the Gupta Empire were harassed by the Wei State Expeditionary Army, the Tamils ​​finally couldn't sit still.

Fankameta Vilasan is the young patriarch of the Priserwar tribe in Tamil Nadu. When the Wei army harassed Priserwar, Fankameta Vilasan did not lead the tribe like other tribes. The warriors in the clan resisted, but chose to cooperate.This time Fankameta Vilasan found her own stage.At this moment, Fankameta Vilasan carried a horizontal knife made of crocodile skin into a scabbard, walked to the front of the team, cautiously crossed a territory that did not belong to the Presewar tribe, and quietly touched the seashore.As long as he reaches the seaside and connects with the Seris, he can not only get a lot of rewards, but also use the Seris to eliminate tribes that are not friendly to the Presewar.

That's right, Fankameta Vilasan is a Tamil who voluntarily defected to Wei. He found out the deployment of the Tamil Nadu army for the Wei State Expeditionary Army, guided the attack target, and used the rewards of Wei State to serve his descendants. Future generations create a good life.Who would have thought that the young patriarch of the Preserwar tribe, who is usually aloof, would actually become an Indian traitor?

"Oh, my God (heaven in their mouth means Brahma), there are so many people in Seris." A Tamil warrior who was walking in front of Fanka Mettawilasan exclaimed.Fankameta Vilasan hurried forward, and in his sight were countless Serisian warships densely crowded, the shadows of their sails overlapped, almost covering the sky and the sun.

"What's going on, it seems that the people of Seris are not coming this time, they don't want to capture Chennai (the capital of Tamil Nadu), right?" measures.He really wanted to know the true intentions of the Seris people, and to use the hands of the Serris people to wipe out several tribes that were unfriendly to the Presewar tribe. The capture of Chennai, the capital of the Tamil people, was beyond his bottom line.

At this moment, the scouts of the Wei State Expeditionary Fleet apparently discovered Fankameta Vilassang and others here, and a centipede boat quickly sailed towards the shore with more than [-] people on board.After a while, a young general wearing Wei's school captain's armor jumped ashore.

This young lieutenant is none other than Xie Yan, the cousin of Xie Daoyun, the empress of Wei, and Xie Yan, the direct son of Xie An, the treasurer of the cabinet.Strange to say, the scorching sun in Nanyang did not tan Xie Yan. Except that he was stronger than when he was in Jiangnan, there was almost no change.In the eyes of the Gupta, the lighter the skin, the more noble. (The World War II movie made in India actually turned Hitler into a black ghost) Xie Yan is exactly the aristocrat in the eyes of people in Guppo.

Xie Yan looked at the so-called colored silk on Fankameta Verasang's shoulders, and couldn't help laughing. This is the best rainbow brocade, worn on Fankameta Verasang's shoulders. On the body, it fits an idiom best, bathing the monkey and getting the crown.Fankameta Vilasan is a bit contradictory. On the one hand, he likes the noble etiquette of Seris of Wei State very much, and also likes the gorgeous clothing of Wei State people, but he is not interested in the fire dragon, ballista and eight-ox crossbow of Wei State. full of awe.In the eyes of Fankameta Vilasan, those Seres people from the far east are really the incarnation of Shixiannu, who exist as powerful as Brahma. They have weapons that can destroy heaven and earth, and they also have weapons that can induce The means of Lai Tianhuo, the armor on their bodies, is very strong, it seems that they cannot be destroyed, they can attract Thor, and they can easily destroy a tribe or a manor.So he succumbed, and he chose to cooperate with these people with mysterious powers, and chose to obey their orders, or become their friend.Now he is the leader of the largest military group in the nearby hundreds of miles, with tens of thousands of elite soldiers, and a powerful tribe that supports him.

"Ni Hao!" Fankametavirasang showed off the Chinese he had learned so hard, this strange tone almost shocked Xie Yan.

In the eyes of Fankameta Vilasan, these Serisians are the best natural allies. They are very honest. They say that they will never let a person go if they destroy a tribe. They will touch, as long as they don’t anger them, they will give candies to children in the tribe, expensive silk and perfume more expensive than gold to beauties in the tribe, and the best swords and shields to Warriors of the tribe.You can get anything, anything you want in the Seris just by earning their friendship.Of course, you need to pay something equivalent in exchange.

Tamils ​​are natural fighters, and now they have the weapons and equipment of Wei State, even more powerful.Now the Presewar Department has the capital to launch a war against the surrounding tribes. They have more advanced weapons, and there is no suspense in the battle at all.Of course, the road to the rise of Preserwar's tribe is also full of blood. In Xie Yan's view, each of these Tamil fighters is full of blood, and the life in each person's hands may not be as high as that of Wei Wei. There are fewer elite troops in China.

"Hi, my dear friend, what good news did you bring me this time?" Xie Yan sent a greeting to Fankameta Vilasang through the tongue.Then he said: "Perhaps, there is a tribe that you want to eliminate. As friends, it is our duty to solve difficulties for friends."

"Fankameta Vilassang, on behalf of the Presewar Department, I would like to extend my most sincere greetings to His Majesty the Emperor of Wei." Seeing Fankameta Vilassang bowing to the east, Xie Yan had no choice but to remind Fankame Tawilasang, Yecheng is in the northeast, not in the east.

Xie Yan said: "We came here with good intentions. We Seres people want to do business with the Gupta Empire and do business fairly, but your emperor sent a navy to attack our fleet, so we must give Gupta The emperor taught him a lesson, and made him understand that the state of Wei cannot be offended. In a certain view, we have not done enough, and we have not really hurt His Majesty Gupta, so we must increase our attack. This time our goal, That's Chennai."

(End of this chapter)

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