Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 986 Ambush Along the River

Chapter 986 Ambush Along the River
Chapter 993 Ambush Along the River

"Chennai?" Hearing this, Fankameta Vilasan's sweat immediately flowed down. Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu. In fact, it is a sacred place in the hearts of Tamil people.Fankametavirasan suddenly felt that the surrounding air became hotter. He reached out and unbuttoned his collar, tore off the silk tied around his shoulders, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and nodded, saying: "No , no, no, Chennai cannot be attacked, attacking there will be punished by Brahma."

"Brahma? Huh!" Xie Yan frowned, and said with a little disgust: "We believe in Haotian, our Emperor, and Brahma can't control us. Well, we come here this time, we can't reach The purpose will never stop. If you want to continue the cooperation between us, you must fulfill the obligations of an ally. If you want to become the enemy of Wei, then you must be prepared to bear the wrath of Wei. .”

Fankameta Vilasang was very tangled, because the more he knew Da Wei, the more he knew how invincible Da Wei was.At this time, the expeditionary army had obtained Arabian horses through trading, and had nearly two battalions of cavalry, which had made up for the shortcomings of the expeditionary army's cavalry. The most powerful thing in Wei was gunpowder weapons. The weapons that appear in the world are irresistible to human flesh and blood. No matter how brave a warrior is, they are vulnerable to gunpowder.Of course, although Siris was unreasonable to be nice to his friends, he would not show any mercy to his enemies.Especially those Nanyang natives who followed the Seris people, they are a group of inhuman beasts, and when they meet them, they will often leave a tribe alone.

Xie Yan ignored the strange smell emanating from Fankameta Wirasang, leaned down and said seductively: "Our country of Wei is too far away from Chennai, and it is impossible for us to occupy this place for a long time. We need food and gold from Chennai. There are also some worthless native products. After we leave, we can’t take Chennai with us. We will leave it to our friends. Don’t you want to break away from the Gupta Empire and form your own country? We Great Wei doesn’t need much, as long as you open up trade and pay annual tribute to Wei, we will be friends forever.”

"Perhaps your Presewal Department doesn't have such big ambitions. For Chennai, I think the Madurai Department and the Babu Kidi Department will be interested in Chennai. How? My friend, have you thought it through? Yes Do you want to be Wei's friend or Wei's enemy?"

For Xie Yan, who was born in a civilized society, Wei people, even killing must comply with certain methods and rules.The cruelty of war is reflected in the invasion and destruction of another civilization by one civilization, rather than digging out the enemy's intestines and hearts by cruel means.For problems that can be solved by political means, military means should be used as much as possible. This is the tradition of the Chinese people, and it is also a habit of thinking. Xie Yan’s conditions are not generous. As for food, due to the abundant rainfall and fertile land in Chennai, the crop yield here is very high. Gao, Wei Guo can take away Chennai's inventory, and it only takes a short year for Chennai to be full of grain.As for gold and silver, there is no one to mine. The Wei State has a shortage of human resources, but the Gupta Empire does not.

Their territory is slightly smaller than that of Wei State, but their population is three times that of Wei State.In fact, the population of the Gupta Empire may not be calculated by themselves, and there are still many tribes who simply hide in the deep mountains and old forests.

Xie Yan turned around and was about to leave. He suddenly said coldly: "My time is limited, and my patience is limited. When I return to the battleship, we will no longer be friends, but enemies. Do you understand?"

"In the south of our tribe, the northern part of the Madurai tribe you mentioned, there is a tribe called Vinanael. They are now secretly contacting other tribes to discuss how to deal with you. The governor of Tamil Nadu sent it over They plan to organize [-] warriors to help the governor defend Chennai." Fankameta Vilasang suddenly said: "A Vinanaer department, our Presewar department is not afraid, But now that they have assembled more than a dozen tribes, they are not something that our Presewar department can deal with!"

Xie Yan didn't speak. He had already started to think about many things in his mind. Eliminate this Venner tribe and form a tribal alliance?It sounds like a good idea, but for the entire campaign of Chennai, the real effect is very limited.But once Presewal's troops are allowed to mix into this alliance, when they help defend Chennai, the effect will be even greater if they strike back.Thinking of this, Xie Yan smiled and said: "My friend, tell me what you want?"

"I want your ballista, and ballista." Fortunately, Fankametavirasan was self-aware and didn't mention gunpowder and Greek fire.

However, Xie Yan shook his head and said: "My friend, I can't provide you with these weapons for the time being. Listen, I want you and your tribe to join the alliance of the Venere tribe, and lead the warriors in your tribe to enter In the city of Chennai, when we need it, you can help us capture one of the city gates, or cause large-scale chaos in the city. This time, I will give you six hundred altars of fine wine, three thousand bolts of silk, and five thousand sheets of bamboo A bow, a hundred thousand arrows."

Fanka Mettawilasan is not a fool either, he understood Xie Yan's intentions at once, but he also understood Xie Yan, because it is not a secret that Wei State-style equipment was used in the Gupta Empire. After all, the Gupta Empire has won many battles. It's not difficult to get a little Wei country equipment. If Priseval changed into Wei country equipment, even a fool would know that they were in collusion with Seris, and if they didn't do it well, they would be surrounded and beaten by the surrounding tribes.

Usually, the Presewar Department's external expansion is done by killing them all. They either surrender or die. There is no third way to go. Therefore, the news of the Prisewar Department's collusion with the State of Wei has not yet spread.But the secret will not be kept for too long. This time, the Presewar Department will take the lives of the whole clan to make a great future.If you succeed, you can establish your own country. If you fail, the Seris people will not abandon them, otherwise no one will cooperate with the Serris people in the future.

If Xie Yan knew what Fankameta Vilasang was really thinking, he would definitely be very surprised. Who said that the natives are all fools?Although they are not civilized, they are not stupid.

Fankameta Vilasan quickly returned to the tribe with his confidants.At this time, the Presewar Department was not headed by him, but by his father, Chatterji Methavirasan.Tell his father about this plan, and his father will definitely not agree to it. For this reason, Fankameta Vilasan has prepared for the worst.

Sure enough, when he returned to the tribe, Fanka Mettawilasan had just told his father the details of the cooperation with the Seris people, when Chatterji Mettawilasan roared, Chatterji Mettawilasan still wanted to Killing Fankametavirasang, but Fankametavirasang had been prepared for a long time, and his confidant warriors rushed up and attacked his father with knives, and soon those who disobeyed him in the tribe became dead body.Fankameta Vilasan became the new patriarch of the Presewar tribe and started his crazy gambling.

Rows of still blood-stained heads were placed in front of Fankameta Verasang, looking at these still blood-stained heads, Fankameta Wilasang was filled with emotion.Most of these heads are his close relatives, including his biological father, four uncles, and three younger brothers, and there are even more people with more distant blood ties.

These heads have different expressions, some are unwilling, some are terrified, some are desperate, some are angry, and some are calm... I don’t know how long Fankameta Vilassang sat among these piles of heads until the sky completely darkened. When it was dimmed, Fankametavirasan rubbed the dried blood on his hands, and then murmured: "You forced me, you forced me, do you know? Seres people have Brahma to have it." They are the envoys appointed by Brahma, and they are the ones who lead us to prosperity and strength. Going against Brahma will be punished by God. Do you think I am willing to cooperate with the Serisians? In fact, I also No, but I know that if we don't cooperate, our Presewal Ministry will be completely wiped out."

Fankameta Vilasan talked for a long time among this group of people, and finally calmed down his emotions, and began to plan his mission.The task Xie Yan entrusted to him can be said to be very arduous, as long as there is a slight mistake, their Presewar tribe will be attacked by the surrounding tribes.Of course, the Presewal Department has directly expressed their opinions on the intention of the Venere Department to form an alliance, and they will not participate.But taking the initiative to participate in the alliance now will definitely arouse the suspicion of others.

As the young patriarch of a tribe, and the current patriarch, the Presewar tribe still has basic tactics. After a little thought, he sorted out his thoughts.Put yourself patricide and seize power on the head of the Siris.Anyway, there were not many literate people in the whole tribe, and they were all very cooperative, and those who didn't cooperate went to see Brahma.Soon a unified caliber was formed within the Preservewar tribe. The Seres raided the Preservewar tribe and killed the patriarch Chatjimetavirasan and some elders, as well as many warriors, so They must take revenge on the Serisians.

Fankameta Vilasan also issued a reward. Anyone who catches or kills a Serisian can get a reward from the Presewar Department. This reward is gold equal to the weight of a human head, or twenty female slaves .After the news spread, the Vinanael Department sent people to contact Fankameta Vilasan to discuss the news of the Alliance.Preserwal is a medium-sized tribe in Tamil Nadu. Although there are tribes larger than Preserwal, there are definitely no more than [-] tribes. Among the tribes around Vinanaer, Preserwar The Waal tribe belonged to a powerful tribe.Therefore, with the support of Presewal's Ministry, the alliance of Vinanaer's Ministry will definitely gain momentum.

After some hypocrisy, Fankameta Weilasang finally agreed to participate in the anti-Wei alliance, and the new patriarch Fankameta Weilasang personally led 27 warriors to participate.After the news spread, the momentum of the anti-Wei alliance was indeed very strong. A total of [-] Tamil tribes joined the alliance, and the number of warriors formed by the alliance was as many as [-].

At the same time, Chen Yong, the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, was also sitting on the bumpy battleship watching the staff members of the expeditionary force's staff department being busy.Holding the helmet with his hand, Chen Yong collected his thoughts, looked at the map in his hand, and confirmed the target that the troops should capture.The scale of the Wei State's expeditionary army has expanded from the original, instead of expanding, it has shrunk a lot.Due to battle damage or disability, the Wei State Expeditionary Army did not continue to increase the number of troops at this time, but deliberately reduced the size of the troops.It's not that Ran Ming doesn't believe Chen Yong, but because the expeditionary army is also facing military system reform at this time.As the direct person in charge of the military system reform, Chen Yong had an unusual headache.Because of his outstanding military exploits, he was promoted to lieutenant, but how to arrange it was a big problem.

For this military system reform, Ran Ming only gave the expeditionary force fourteen divisions.Among them, the four towns of Zhenyuan, Ningyuan, Fuyuan, and Weiyuan Nanyang will use four security divisions to be responsible for the security work of the four towns.The other ten divisions will be unified into four marine divisions and six army divisions, including two cavalry divisions and four infantry divisions.Now there are 59 generals above the rank of Lieutenant in the Expeditionary Army, but there are only [-] major generals and division commanders. This makes Chen Yong feel very headache. Who will be promoted and who will not be promoted? Ran Ming delegated the power to Chen Yong, although With the factor of Ran Ming's trust, why not have this huge pressure and responsibility?
Chen Yong quickly brought his thoughts back to the sand table. This time was the first large-scale attack launched by Wei State on the mainland of the Gupta Empire, and it was also the first time that the navy and army cooperated in a joint operation. The goal they wanted to capture was Tamil. The capital of Nadu state.Since the defeat of Ye Tiaoguo, the Wei State Expeditionary Army has not carried out large-scale battles. It is not that Ran Ming intends to let them fade out of the stage of history, but too many changes have taken place in Wei State recently.What's more, when Ran Ming led the expeditionary force to set off, it was just a completely unfamiliar army, with a strange combat concept, a strange geographical environment, and a completely strange combat method.

21 days ago, in Ningyuan City, Chen Yong received a battle plan codenamed "Tsunami" from the Wei State Staff Headquarters. The core of this battle plan was to harass the coastal areas of the Gupta Empire, wait for an opportunity to occupy its important cities, and test the feasibility of dismembering the Gupta Empire. Program.

Chen Yong finally set his sights on Tamil Nadu. According to detailed information, Tamil has a population of more than 560 million. In terms of strength, it is even stronger than Jin, especially soldiers. Tamil is best at heavy equipment. infantry.As long as the most important source of troops of the Gupta Empire is controlled, the blood transfusion ability of the Gupta Empire will be greatly reduced.If Tamil Nadu is allowed to continue to be under the control of the Gupta Empire, then when needed, Tamil Nadu can send at least 60 million troops to the Gupta Empire. If everything is excluded, this number may increase to 70 or more. 80 people.

In order to ensure the success of the action plan, Chen Yong mobilized 44 flying fish warships in good condition, 110 two first-class warships, and more than [-] transport ships.Even mobilized two-thirds of the entire expeditionary force.

"Report!" The messenger said, "General, all the participating generals have arrived!"

Chen Yong returned the salute, and then went straight to the meeting room.At this time, the meeting room was arranged on a large ship, which was a new ship, as tall as a building, with a wide bottom, high head and tail, and guard plates on both sides.The whole ship is divided into four floors, the lower floor is filled with earth and stone ballast, the second floor is for soldiers, the third floor is the main operating place, and the upper floor is the combat place.The bow of the ship is high, and there is an impact device, which can plow and sink the enemy ship under the pressure of the wind.This is a battleship specially designed by Wei State for the Gupta Empire Navy. Because the Gupta Empire Navy lacks long-range attack weapons, it usually adopts close-combat tactics. Feeling like there's nowhere to go.

At this time, the shipbuilders of Wei State, who had gradually matured, took out a new type of warship. The hull of this warship was 69 meters long, 18 meters wide, 120 meters deep, and weighed about [-] tons. cubic lumber.This new ship is actually very close to the rich ships of later generations, but it has adopted many new technologies.With the balanced schooner as the propulsion device, it can sail in crosswind or even against the wind, and the sail surface can be rolled up according to the wind force. Even if the sail surface has many holes, it can still maintain a good wind effect.The stern rudder hanging at the stern can control the direction of the boat, and can be adjusted according to the depth of the water.Its mooring tool is a four-claw iron anchor. When the four-claw anchor is placed on the seabed and is in a flat position, one or two claws will be inserted into the sand, which has considerable grip.When lifting the anchor, pull the ship above the sinking anchor to make the anchor shaft vertical, and the four anchor claws are upward, so that it is easy to break away from the sediment and lift out of the water.

Therefore, this kind of warship will be the collision warship of Wei State before the artillery technology is mature. At this time, in the large three-story warehouse, more than [-] square meters of conference rooms are arranged.

"General Chen is here, salute!"

The participating generals at all levels stood up collectively and saluted Chen Yong.Chen Yong returned the courtesy and said, "Sit down, everyone!"

Subsequently, the staff of the staff department began to lay out the giant map.Chen Yong pointed at the map with his baton and said: "Here is our goal this time, Chennai City. Chennai City is about 75 miles away from the beach. The Guwam River crosses the city and flows into the Bay of Bengal in the east. Chennai City It is not difficult to break through the city wall, but the difficulty is that there are 20 large and small temples in the city, and there are about [-] believers. We have already seen the fanaticism of Buddhists, and these people are more terrifying than the army when they become crazy. So, everyone, don’t underestimate the enemy.”

The meeting continued, and Chen Yong continued: "The staff came up with three plans in total. One is to use half of the ship to directly bomb the water gate, destroy its city wall, and then attack the city from the downstream water gate. The shortcomings of this plan are also very obvious. If we take a boat, we cannot wear armor. Although the longbow of the Gupta Empire is not capable of piercing armor, it is quite lethal against soldiers with light armor or no armor. If there were no archers who cleared Chennai city immediately , our army has to suffer considerable casualties. The second is to go up the Guwam River and land at the Babu Ferry, five miles away from Chennai City, and then divide into three groups, from the north and south banks of the Guwam River at the same time. Landing, centered on the waterway, surrounded Chennai on three sides by the north and south wings. There is a very important problem in attacking from land, that is, according to intelligence, there are more than a thousand war elephants in Chennai city. The third set of plans is based on The basis of the second set of plans is to use the internal resources to obtain the city gate and break into the city."

Then, Chen Yong ordered the staff to hand over the detailed battle plan to the generals at all levels, and Chen Yong said again: "Now whoever has questions, you can ask them, and Staff Du will answer them for everyone."

Xie Xuan raised his hand and asked suddenly: "Counselor Du, I have a question, why did our three sets of action plans pass through the ancient Worm River and go up the river? If the Gupta people had already prepared to arrange sunken ships on the Guworm River to block the river, Or lock Henghe with iron to prevent us from advancing, how should our army deal with it?"

Staff Officer Du said: "This problem is mainly due to the fact that there is no suitable landing site on the coast. The closest location to the landing site is about sixty miles away, and there is a wetland of about ten miles along the way. The transportation of supplies will cause great inconvenience."

Xie Xuan said again: "If it is because of this, if Gupta people ambushes along the river, has the staff considered this issue?"

In fact, the generals present all knew very well that although the Wei State Navy's naval warfare capabilities were not weak, entering inland rivers and oceans were two completely different concepts.At that time, there is no place to hide, and there is no way to retreat, there is only a dead end.

(End of this chapter)

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