Chapter 991

Chapter 998
Ta Er Ganna was very satisfied with the deal with Wei Jun. At least in his opinion, Liu Laozhi was a very civilized person. Although they were victors, they did not squeeze the defeated side.In this world, there is a common truth, that is, the winner can dispose of the loser at will.In the case of not being able to defeat the Wei army, the Pandiya Department was ready to be slaughtered, but unfortunately, their worries were unnecessary. Liu Laozhi neither asked Pandiya to prepare a large number of beauties, nor did he rob Their food and wealth, as for the war elephants, that is a fair deal.

"Respected Your Excellency General, here is Babu, a famous warrior in our tribe. He has been to Chennai many times and is familiar with the road to Chennai!" Ta U Ganna pointed to a Pandya with his upper body bare. People, this man wears a traditional Pandya turban on his head, and a large piece of linen around his waist, like a big skirt.

Liu Laozhi was also worried that he would get lost and lose his time. Losing his time in the Wei army is a very serious crime. If it is light, it will be punished with a stick, and if it is severe, it will be beheaded. At this time, Liu Laozhi has seriously delayed his trip, but there is no way to do it For the most important thing, there is a guide who is familiar with the terrain, which is what Liu Laozhi needs most.

With the addition of these five hundred war elephants, Liu Laozhi's marching speed suddenly accelerated a lot.Liu Laozhi also got on a war elephant, but this war elephant was not equipped with other things, but a reclining chair was placed on it. Liu Laozhi could sit down whenever he wanted, and he could lie down on it to rest when he was tired.

Just when Liu Laozhi was about to embark on the trip, in fact Naya Malik had already led the main force to resist outside Hanchang Port. The Lysians were driven into the sea.

"Order the entire army to set up camp and prepare for the sneak attack of those Seres. Tomorrow, we will launch an attack on Madras (Hanchang Port) and take it here in one fell swoop!" Naya Malik ordered.

Although, their time is running out, it is best to launch an attack on the Seris as soon as possible, and strive to take Madras earlier.However, the officers and soldiers are too tired. Letting them attack Madras under such circumstances is undoubtedly letting them die!Even though, Naya Malik never put the lives of those ordinary gray animals in his eyes.But even if it's cannon fodder, it's worth dying for!Not to mention that Madras has already been well-built fortifications by the Seres.

Naya Malik took several Tamil Nadu generals to observe the fortifications of the Wei army in Madras.Although the fortifications on the periphery are the simplest camp fortifications in the Wei state, they are already extremely lethal with the addition of ditches, horse refusals and fixed arrow towers, and of course movable crossbows, crossbows and rockets .It can be predicted that the Tamil people will need to spend a lot of lives to fill these fortifications.However, Nayamalik didn't care about that.They have an absolute advantage in military strength.Even if you use people to pile it up, you can definitely break through Madras.

In fact, it's not that Naya Malick is so conceited, it's just that he has unspeakable difficulties.Tamil Nadu was not directly attacked by the army of the Gupta Empire, but the Tamil people saw the power of the Gupta Empire and attached themselves to it.In Tamil Nadu, although it is nominally a state of the Gupta Empire, in fact, from top to bottom, the Tamils ​​are in charge of management, and they only pay a tax to the Gupta Empire every year.

For his own power, for the future of the Tamil people, Naya Malik does not want to break this situation at all.The prerequisite is that he wants to defeat the Serisians before the central army of the Gupta Empire reacts, or at least drive the Serisians into the sea before the central army of the Gupta Empire intervenes. Then the central army of the Gupta Empire will have no excuse to enter the Tamil state , he can also continue to be his native emperor.

It's just that now the Serisians seem not to be planning to attack the well-prepared city of Chennai, but to build a port in Madras. Such a large-scale port cannot be built in a day or two. If it takes a year and a half Even if the Central Army of the Gupta Empire climbed to Tamil Nadu.Even if the central army of the Gupta Empire can defeat the Serisians, he will probably be controlled and become a puppet, and he may die inexplicably one day.

He didn't pay attention to the wooden horses and walls of Madras, because he knew that in front of the war elephants, this kind of wall was like a fortress on the beach, and it would collapse if pushed.

"Flamir, it's up to you tomorrow. All 79 war elephants will be under your command. You must break through the camp of the Serisians and drive them into the sea!"

The Gupta Empire has a huge territory. Before trains and planes were built, it would take four to five months to get from Fahrenheit City to Tamil Nadu in the south. Next, enter the Bay of Bengal, and then arrive in Chennai, this time will be shortened to one and a half months or one month.This may be the trouble of the huge territory.

Fortunately, Ye City of Wei State is located in the north, and the transportation facilities are much better than those of the Gupta Empire, especially the highway that Wei State is building on a large scale. Even infantry armed marches can easily travel at a speed of hundreds of miles every day. .Of course, Wei Guo's cavalry transfer speed is faster.However, the military system of the Gupta Empire is different from that of the Wei State. They did not have a separate cavalry system, and they usually used chariot soldiers, war elephants, cavalry, and infantry in joint operations. In this way, the marching speed of the Gupta Empire was not determined by the fastest cavalry, but by the fastest cavalry. is determined by its slowest infantry.The Gupta Empire has fourteen full-staffed Akshoshini (group armies), each with 650 two war elephants, 650 two chariots, 680 three cavalrymen, and 3 taels Eight hundred and five infantrymen.

At this time, the navy of the Gupta Empire has not yet recovered its combat effectiveness. Of course, it will support Tamil Nadu by sea. If it encounters the Wei State Navy, the Wei State Army will not take action at all. maritime.Of course, the Gupta Empire’s army supporting Tamil Nadu does not have to start from Fahrenheit City, but is located in Andhra Pradesh in the northern part of Tamil Nadu. Unlike Tamil Nadu, this Andhra Pradesh has Gupta In the state directly controlled by the royal family, in Andhra Pradesh, the Gupta Empire has stationed two reorganized Aksohini all year round.There are also more than [-] tribal armies.

Due to the close proximity of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, the two reorganized Akshohini can reach Chennai in a maximum of 25 days.Although the Tamils ​​are brave and good at fighting, they are probably powerless in the face of the Central Army of the Gupta Empire.Therefore, it is the best way to directly refuse the Central Army of the Gupta Empire to intervene in the war in Tamil Nadu.At this time, Naya Malik had received the news that the governor of Andhra Pradesh, Banerjeta Gupta, had led his troops to move south, so he had to endure huge casualties and drive the Seris people into the sea first.

Flamere was also a proud man.In his heart, he was very eager to fight against Wei Jun, and use Wei Jun's blood to forge his glory.According to the practice of the Gupta Empire Army, the commander of each war elephant unit has the rank of Pulitna.But Flamere still holds the rank of Prithna despite having commanded nearly two of Prithna's war elephant troops, and he needs a victory to complete his promotion.

Flamir believed that the war elephants he led would be the most powerful arms in the world, and they would surely win the war.The war elephants of the Indians are indeed the fist troops of ancient India, because during the Maurya Dynasty, facing Alexander's Eastern Expeditionary Army, the Maurya Dynasty insisted on letting Alexander the Great's invincible Macedonian phalanx suffer a great loss.Of course, this is also the only time in the history of ancient India that successfully resisted the invasion of the enemy.Even the Macedonian army that swept across Asia, Europe and Africa was at a disadvantage in front of the war elephants. Flamir believed that even though the Serisians were very powerful, they could never be stronger than the Macedonian Empire.

In the era of cold weapons, war elephants are famous all over the world for their thick skin, thick flesh, and infinite strength. Even the horse crossbow of Wei State can only cause damage to war elephants within a distance of [-] steps, but the vitality of war elephants is also limited. It is very tenacious, and will never die because of one arrow and two crossbow arrows. Instead, the severely injured war elephant will go crazy and crush all enemies in front of it at a more violent speed.If the cavalry is the tank of the cold weapon era, then the war elephant is the steamroller of the cold weapon era.

Hanchang Port looks like a huge construction site at this time. Four marine battalions and seven infantry battalions of the Wei State Expeditionary Army have assembled here, with a total of eleven battalions and more than [-] troops. In addition to these troops, there are several Thousands of servants are working hard.However, this time will be the place of decisive battle. Chen Yong hopes that in this place, enough blood will be shed by the Tamil people, and then favorable conditions will be created for the counterattack.

"General, it seems that the Tamils ​​are ready for a decisive battle once and for all!" Gao Shi said with a smile: "These damned Asan, if we hide in Chennai city, we may have to spend a lot of time, but they left the tortoise shell , I sent it to my door by myself, I am looking for death!" This time, Liu Qi, the deputy commander of the long-distance Tamil Nadu Expeditionary Army, was in Ningyuan City, but he did not come.

"Order the 30th Infantry and the [-]th Infantry Battalion to fight according to the No. [-] combat plan. You must carefully instruct them to fight slowly, and don't fight too hard. It will scare the Tamils ​​away. If [-] to [-] Tamils ​​run all over the mountains and plains , we are busy!" Chen Yong ordered: "The first battalion, the second battalion, the third battalion, and the ninth battalion of the Marine Corps are ready to implement the second combat plan!"

In the absence of enough historical famous generals, Ran Ming only needs to use the assembled forces to make up for the lack of leading generals. Therefore, the easiest thing for Wei is to lead the generals. They only need to consider one thing, whether to fight or not to fight. .After deciding on this issue, as for how to fight and how to fight, these are all things that the staff need to consider.The combat plans are all planned, you just need to start step by step according to the plan.

The so-called No. [-] combat plan is actually very simple. It is to use the three lines of defense set up outside Hanchang Port to let the Tamil people shed a lot of blood. The core combat idea is to confuse the enemy and make the enemy feel that they have a chance to defeat the Wei army. , causing them heavy losses.Of course, the second battle plan is to encircle and wipe out the Tamils.Chen Yong used eleven battalions to resist the full-scale Tamil attack, and eight battalions to carry out the siege operation.

Although Chen Yong used two-thirds of the troops of the expeditionary army, there were only 5000 soldiers in the 27 battalions of the whole army, but the Tamil Nadu of the Gupta Empire dispatched more than [-] troops. Almost three times that of the Wei State Expeditionary Army.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, at the order of Naya Malik, tens of thousands of Tamil fighters began to line up.Tamils ​​are physically strong and extremely powerful. They all like to use heavy weapons, especially the most common mace among nomadic peoples in northern China.However, these more than [-] Tamil fighters did not fight with maces, but with bows and arrows, and slowly approached the defense line outside Hanchang Port.

Slowly entering a distance of [-] paces, the defenders of the Wei army did not move at all. At a distance of [-] paces, the Wei army's position was still silent.However, this deathly silence made the Tamil fighters very nervous. Youdao is the name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and the strength of the Seris people. These Tamil fighters are also very clear.

Slowly these more than [-] Tamil warriors entered the [-]-step distance in front of the camp. At this distance, the Gupta longbow could reach it. However, it is obviously very difficult to hit a target [-] steps away with a bow and arrow. .At a distance of three hundred paces, a human head is only as big as a match head, but war is not a shooting competition, and if it is covering shooting, it is another matter.


As the Tamil fighters heard the order, the more than 20 people set up their arrows one after another, pouring arrows at the target wall. The sound of "咻咻咻" piercing through the air can be heard endlessly.Bows are different from crossbows in that a well-trained archer can fire nearly three times as fast as a crossbow.Therefore, these more than [-] Gupta long archers shot nearly [-] arrows on the wall of Wei Junzhai in just half a stick of incense.

As early as when the Gupta longbowmen began to prepare, the soldiers of the Wei State army entered the arrow defense cave under the orders of their respective officers.Of course, the principle of this kind of anti-arrow hole is the same as that of the anti-gun hole. It is made of thick wooden piles, covered with raw cowhide, and then coated with thin mud. It is not afraid of rocket shooting, and it can also effectively prevent the damage of bows and arrows .

Some people may say, Wei Guo's armor is so good, just stand there and let them shoot?In fact, bows and arrows are like bullets, with very strong penetrating power. Even if they cannot penetrate armor, the huge sprint force will make soldiers very uncomfortable, just like the bullets of pistols cannot penetrate body armor, but you are wearing body armor. Shuttle bullets, if you don't die, you only have half your life left.

More than [-] arrows almost made the entire wall of the village seem to be covered with weeds. Faced with such a powerful rain of arrows, Naya Malik was very satisfied. In his opinion, there should be few people on the wall of Wei Jun's village, right?

In fact, Naya Malik didn't know that these more than [-] arrows caused less than ten figures of damage to Wei Jun. He didn't know whether he should cry or laugh at that time.

When these more than [-] Tamil fighters were observing their results in front of the battle, suddenly there was a loud noise in the air, and they saw black balls flying towards them in the air.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The explosion sounded on the Tamil fighters' positions, leaving bomb craters one after another.The entire position seemed to be shrouded in gunpowder smoke.Wei Guo's ballista shelled very violently.It's just that the ballistas they participated in the attack were less than one-third of the total ballistas of the Wei army.However, the casualties caused to the Tamils ​​were very large.Wherever they hide, shrapnel from ballista shells will leave the kiss of death on them.

A shell fell on the head of a Tamil fighter, directly smashing the head of the Tamil fighter, and then the shell that fell on the ground exploded, blowing away seven or eight surrounding Tamil fighters .Another ballista shell directly hit the back of a Tamil warrior who was fleeing in a hurry. The shell with huge kinetic energy directly cut the Tamil warrior in half. With a loud bang, the surrounding area was swept away immediately. a large piece.

In just half a stick of incense, the ballista on the wall of Wei Junzhai fired more than 450 ballista shells. When the smoke cleared, the entire position of the Tamil longbowmen was in a mess, and everywhere was torn into pieces. The corpses were full of huge bomb craters. As for the Tamil fighters, they were either directly killed by the explosion, or they were also frightened crazy by such a powerful fear weapon.

"Damn it, let our infantry go out." Naya Malik's face was a little ugly.He originally thought that with his powerful longbowman, he could directly shoot and kill all the Serisians on the wall, and they would be able to win.I just didn't expect it to end like this.The defense line of the Wei army deployed a large number of repelling horses. Although the Tamils ​​had never seen repelling horses, they also knew that if the war elephants were driven to charge, the losses of the war elephants would be considerable.However, just at the beginning, the development of the battle situation seemed to deviate from his expectations.

Every war elephant is the treasure of Tamil Nadu, but the Tamil warriors are different. These warriors are the most humble people and belong to the nature of cannon fodder. As long as they need money and food, he can have countless troops. .Although the entire Tamil tribe has a population of less than 600 million, he can easily recruit 50 troops, so he doesn't feel sorry for the death of 20 soldiers. What harm did the Seres do.

"Your Excellency, our archers are finished," the general in charge of commanding the Tamil Longbow said with a mournful face.

"Damn it!" Naya Malik couldn't help cursing secretly.

Ultimately, that's how the bow shooting in Tamil Nadu ended.It's not that Naya Malik doesn't want to continue shooting, but that he can't bear the huge loss!Tamil people are brave by nature, but it is a pity that there are gains and losses, and there are too few Tamils ​​who are good at archery. The 27 army has already lost more than 6000 people. Although he still has [-] archers, if this continues, their archers will be wiped out in a short time.At that time, how will they continue to fight?

(End of this chapter)

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