Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 992 War elephant is a joke

Chapter 992 War elephant is a joke

Chapter 999 War elephant is a joke

The Tamil fighters, who had been ready for a long time, launched an attack.The Tamil Nadu Second Akshashini Fifth Infantry under the command of General Della Sekiah, Pulit Nadu, was dispatched to attack the Wei army's position.Tens of thousands of Tamils ​​rushed towards the Wei army's position like a gray tide.

"Baoxu crossbow, get ready to shoot!" On the wall of Wei State's stronghold, [-] Baoxu crossbow carts began to fire.One hundred and eight six-foot-long crossbow spears roared and flew towards the Tamil warriors.The six-foot-long crossbow flew to a high place, and began to fall after exhausting its strength. The sound of the three-edged arrow piercing the wind was terrifying, like the hissing of a poisonous snake.

The voices of those yelling Tamil warriors finally stopped changing, and the screams rang out. The simple shields couldn't stop the special crossbow guns, and blood spattered where the crossbow guns fell.

Under the sharp blow of the eight-ox crossbow, the fragile side of the human body is fully displayed.The solid shield was instantly torn into pieces by the huge strength of the crossbow gun. A tall and burly Tamil warrior was shot by the crossbow gun. Coincidentally, the crossbow gun pierced through the hole in the giant battle ax in his hand. Through his body, due to the resistance of the giant axe, the crossbow gun did not easily penetrate his body, but this tall and burly Tamil warrior was strung by the crossbow gun, like a fallen leaf being swept into the air.

"Buddha, the weapons of the Serisians are so powerful!" Naya Malik's face turned pale.

In the Gupta Empire, ordinary soldiers were basically composed of serfs, and there was not much training at ordinary times.Tamil warriors are famous for their bravery in the Gupta Empire. That is because Tamil Nadu is located in southern India and is often hit by storms. Therefore, the local living conditions are harsh. If the Tamils ​​want to survive, they cannot survive without a strong body. of.In fact, Tamil fighters did not receive much formal training before joining the army. They just relied on their physical strength, holding heavy weapons, and fighting fiercely.

The Tamils ​​have amazing reproductive ability and have a population of more than 560 million. The most important thing they lack is fighters.

For the loss of these cannon fodder, Naya Malick didn't take it too seriously, but cannon fodder also has the value of cannon fodder. If they can fight off some Serris people, they will naturally fulfill their responsibility as cannon fodder, but now they don't even None of the sides of the Serisians touched.

This Tamil Praetna is even more ugly. Tens of thousands of brave Tamil fighters under his command have encountered hundreds of eight-ox crossbows and suffered heavy losses. Will they be able to tear apart the defense line of the Wei army? , it is obvious.

General Della Secchia, who is in charge of specific command operations, is equivalent to a lieutenant general of the later generations according to Della Secchia's military rank. He is a veteran on the battlefield.Seeing this situation on the battlefield, he fell into a difficult choice.Relying on a single Tamil fighter who reorganized Pulitna would definitely not be able to break through the Wei army's defense line. In this case, he had only two options: to withdraw the troops, reduce losses, and reorganize the troops in order to fight again.However, the disadvantage of this choice is also obvious, that is, the first battle is not good, and it will have a greater impact on the morale of the entire army.

The second is to increase the intensity of the attack, invest more soldiers, rely on the offensive of the sea of ​​​​people, and completely submerge the defense line of the Wei army.But in this way, there will definitely be huge losses.However, after a little thought, General Della Secchia quickly made a decision: "Order the first Plitna, the second Plitna, the third Plitna, the seventh Plitna, Immediately organize an army attack!"

This time, General Della Secchia was also cruel, and joined four Pritna's troops at once, nearly [-] troops.

Tamils ​​do not have strict discipline, and the battlefield became even more chaotic with the order of General Della Sekia. The generals at all levels yelled frantically: "Hurry up, fight quickly, hurry up, speed up!" accelerate."

Many generals are also experienced. They know that the only way to break through the Wei army's defense line is to use their speed advantage to quickly run out of the shooting range of the Wei army's eight-ox crossbow.It's just a pity that this battle made Chen Yong feel extremely relaxed. Within the attack range of the Eight Bull Crossbow, the Gupta Empire still cannot produce a weapon that can attack the Wei army within the range of the Eight Bull Crossbow.

The strange designs on the weapons made the Gupta Empire's offensive and defensive wars even more bloody.The collective attack of nearly 100 Tamil fighters by four Doplites cannot be stopped by more than [-] eight-ox crossbows.

You must know that although the shooting speed of today's eight-ox crossbow is not slow, it can only achieve the shooting frequency of half a stick of incense and two rounds, and more than 800 steps have begun to improve. Fully armed soldiers can't even take the time of a stick of incense, especially The faster Tamil fighters could run to the front of the Wei army in just a little more time than half a stick of incense.

Although the attack speed of the Tamil fighters has accelerated a lot, the other eight-ox crossbows are still shooting continuously. However, due to the uneven physical fitness and strength of the Tamil fighters, some run too fast, and some run slowly, invisible. The distance between soldiers was widened, which effectively reduced casualties.These Tamil fighters suffered more than [-] casualties, and most of them ran into the shooting blind spot of the Eight Bull Crossbow.

However, running into the shooting blind spot of the Eight Bull Crossbows did not mean that they were completely safe.Wei State's attack method has always been distinct. There are eight oxen crossbows at the farthest, and horse male crossbows at the farthest.

"Magong crossbow, shoot!" Before the Tamil fighters could breathe a sigh of relief, the Wei Guo crossbow shooters who were deployed on the wall of the village raised their arrows and fired wildly at the Tamil fighters.Although the power of the Magong crossbow is far weaker than that of the eight-ox crossbow, there is one advantage that the eight-ox crossbow does not have, and that is the rate of fire.A crossbow archer who meets the training criteria of the Wei army can achieve ten breaths and one arrow.That is to say, from three hundred steps to the front of the battle, the Tamil fighters could at least resist six rounds of crossbow arrows from the soldiers of the Wei army.

At this time, the Tamil warriors finally realized what it means to have arrows raining like rain. Although well-trained Gupta longbowmen can also shoot the shooting frequency of Wei Guo's crossbow arrows, the Gupta longbow's armor-piercing ability is quite weak because the arrows are light and far away. .However, the Magong crossbow uses three-edged armor-piercing arrows. When Wei Jun desperately rained arrows on the Tamil soldiers, the Tamil soldiers fell to the ground row after row like cutting wheat.There is no threat to Wei Jun's position at all.

The crossfire formed by Wei Jun's powerful crossbow mechanism was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely breaking down the attacking Tamil fighters.In the face of huge losses, even the elite troops of the Gupta Empire could not bear it.Not to mention an ordinary tribal army in Tamil Nadu?

The Tamil attack lasted less than half an hour.However, the 5 excellent infantry fighters of the five Pulitzers were completely maimed within half an hour.More than half of the attacking troops of more than [-] people were killed or injured, and the rest were still in shock.If you want to continue to put them into the battlefield.That's simply not possible.It can be seen that this attack launched by the Tamils ​​has completely failed.

"It seems that those Serisians are stronger than we imagined. At least, their weapons are really as powerful as Governor Devadatta said." Governor Naya Malik said.He learned from Devadado that the Wei army's combat power is very powerful, especially the powerful weapons and equipment.At the beginning, Governor Naya Malik didn't take it seriously, and really thought that Devadatta was looking for an excuse for his failure.But now, he no longer dared to underestimate it.

Della Secchia and the others nodded repeatedly, and a Pulitzer was maimed within half an hour.Such loss of speed.Indeed, it exceeded their expectations.They have only 27 pulitnas in total, which is now equivalent to three pulitnas disappearing from the Tamil Nadu establishment. This loss rate makes them feel boundless despair.

"Our enemy is strong. But now we have no other way. We Tamils ​​have managed to keep the autonomy of Nadu state. If we don't drive the Seris people into the sea, then the efforts we have made It’s all in vain. Whether it’s the Central Army of the Gupta Empire or the Seris people, they are all loyal to us in Tamil Nadu. Therefore, no matter how heavy the casualties are, we must drive the Seris people out of Tamil Nadu State will do,” said Governor Naya Malik.He was shocked by Wei Jun's powerful firepower.However, he has no way out.Either win this battle, or wait until it is wiped out by the Seres, or the Central Army of the Gupta Empire takes Tamil Nadu. He has since become a puppet of the Gupta Empire, and the last state of the Tamils ​​will disappear.It must be defeated for the future of the Tamil people.Otherwise, they are doomed, not only with their lives, but with the future of their entire nation.

"Yes, governor!" The other generals nodded repeatedly.As the vested interests of the Tamil people, although they enjoy the glory and wealth, they also shoulder the sacred mission and responsibility.

"Half an hour, we will attack again, this time we need to attack with all our strength." Governor Naya Malik said: "Our troops have an absolute advantage, and we can attack in three directions: left, center, and right. Breakthrough, for the future of the Tamil people, it's up to you guys."

Governor Naya Malik said it well. Although this tentative attack cost them more than 27 soldiers, the loss of more than 24 soldiers has not yet hurt the Tamil people, especially in the whole When the nation is facing life and death, this loss is nothing.They have 5000 troops, and now there are [-] left. In fact, in the entire Hanchang Port, there are only eleven battalions of the Wei Army, and there are only [-] people at full strength.The Tamils ​​are nearly five times as numerous.

Half an hour passed quickly. This time, the whole front of the ring fortifications of Hanchang Port in Wei State was densely packed with Tamil fighters. These attacks were very brave and violent, but only after Wei Jun's far, middle and near echelon strikes Next, it still didn't work.Facing Wei Jun's circular fortification centered on Hanchang Port, no matter which direction they attack from, they will encounter fierce firepower from Wei Jun.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"A Tamil warrior who was lucky enough to escape the eight-horse crossbow's attack, just entered the shooting range of the horse male crossbow, his good luck ran out, and at least a dozen crossbow bolts hit his body, big and small.However, the entire face of this Tamil warrior was distorted and deformed due to the pain, but he didn't retreat, and he tried to move his body forward.

The rise of the Gupta Empire was not an accidental factor, because the Gupta Empire was united with Hinduism, and the most deceptive method of Buddhism was the so-called theory of reincarnation. Under the influence of Buddhism, the people at the bottom of the Gupta Empire faced poverty and oppression. And slavery, they all think that the previous generation has done too many sins, so they suffer.Buddhism took the opportunity to confuse and preach that if you want to be liberated and reborn in bliss, you must sacrifice your life for the empire.

Under the influence of this kind of thinking, the soldiers of the Gupta Empire did not fear death at all, but believed that death was the best destination.This is much more powerful than Little Japan’s communist thought, otherwise, why did the Gupta Empire change from a small principality (equivalent to the marquis state in the Spring and Autumn Period of China) to the hegemony of the entire Indian continent, thus spreading the influence of Buddhism Developed to the extreme?
During this round of attack, Wei's army endured the most serious crisis since the start of the war. All the ballistas and rockets hidden on the walls of the village were added to the attack, but they still couldn't stop the onslaught of the Tamil fighters.Especially in the middle and short distances, those horse male crossbowmen are desperately launching the crossbow. Although the crossbow is wound by a lever because of the ratchet, in fact it still needs strength. Stop the charge of the Tamil fighters.

"The Seventh Infantry Battalion asks for support!" Chen Yong stood on the watchtower and watched the situation on the battlefield. In fact, he didn't need a messenger to report. He had already seen the danger in the Seventh Infantry Battalion's position through the binoculars.

At this time, Governor Naya Malik gave full play to his superiority in military strength.Since the morning, the Tamil attack has not stopped.They have enough troops to rotate.So much so that the officers and soldiers of the Wei army had to keep fighting.In the era of cold weapons, the physical strength of soldiers is the most critical factor in war.After all, people are not steel, energy and physical strength will be constantly consumed, especially in fierce battles, energy and physical strength will be consumed very quickly.In addition, the powerful combat power of the Wei army is entirely based on strong firepower, which makes the consumption of weapons and ammunition on the front line very fast.

More than 100 soldiers in just two battalions actually consumed 50 crossbow bolts, more than 7000 crossbow guns, and nearly [-] ballista shells in just two hours.As for the [-] rockets equipped by the entire army, they were directly consumed within half an hour of the battle.

Chen Yong said: "The time is almost here, let's accept it when you see it!"

Gao Shi said: "It seems that the Tamils ​​have lost nearly a quarter of their combat effectiveness today. It's time to give up the first line of defense. If the reserve team is strengthened to the first line of defense, the Tamils ​​will probably support them." Can't help it, Liu Laozhi's headquarters and the Marine Corps haven't been deployed yet, if the Tamils ​​flee at this time, our plan to wipe them out will come to nothing!"

However, in front of the Wei army's position, the corpses left by the Tamils ​​have piled up a thick layer.The blood from these Tamil soldiers soaked the soil.In some low-lying places, small pools of blood appeared one after another.

As night fell, the attacking Tamils ​​retreated from the battlefield like the tide ebbing.However, the corpses from that place could not be taken away.The choking smell of gunpowder smoke and the smell of blood permeated the air, which proved how tragic the battle just now was.The bodies of the Tamils ​​were piled on top of each other, forming a thick layer.Countless wounded soldiers who were seriously injured but not yet killed were dying and howling.It's just that no one cares about them, and no one saves them.

Taking advantage of the retreat of the Tamils, the Wei soldiers deployed on the first line of defense also began to alternately cover and retreat, because at this time the Tamils ​​had already filled up the trenches arranged on the first line of defense of the Wei army, and the refusal of horses also It was completely destroyed, and as for the wall of the village, it also collapsed in many places. If we persisted, the Wei army would definitely take their lives to block the offensive of the Tamils.

This is the last thing Wei Jun wants to do
"The attack launched by Tamil during the day has completely failed. I think they will definitely not be willing to fail. Maybe they must be thinking of other ways at this time, and they will launch a night attack if they fail!" Chen Yong said: "Notify the second Defensive troops, get ready for a surprise attack by the Tamils ​​tonight!"

"Don't worry, general, between the second line of defense and the first line of defense, except for a few key passages, other areas are equipped with mines." Gao Shi said: "Unless the Tamils ​​can grow wings and fly over, Otherwise, their night attack is a joke."

Landmines were not invented by Ran Ming, but by Yuan Ying, a master craftsman under Huan Wen's command, who was the eldest son of Yuan Qiao who joined the army under Huan Wen's command.However, Yuan Ying doesn't like literature and calligraphy, but likes various organs and equipment.At this time, landmines have been popularized in the Wei army. This weapon has become a warning sentry for the Wei army, and this "sentry" is very dedicated and will not fall asleep. May all fail.

(End of this chapter)

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