Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 993 Tamil Warrior

Chapter 993 Tamil Warrior

Chapter 1000 Tamil Warrior
At this time, after Wei Jun gave up the first line of defense, he retreated to the second line of defense.But compared to the first line of defense, the second line of defense is stronger. This is already the city wall that Wei Guo will build Hanchang Port City in the future. On this line of defense, although the real city wall has not yet been built, there are still three feet. High wall base.This kind of wall foundation made of reinforced concrete is far stronger than the wall made of wooden piles.

Naya Malik was greatly touched by today's battle.The attack of Tamil fighters can be said to be very brave.But after they paid huge casualties.But still unable to break through Wei Jun's defense line.It is conceivable that Wei Jun's combat power is also extremely powerful.

Now, Naya Malik is already a little worried. Can they break through the defense line of the Wei army and capture Madras?If not, then they are all over. The 27 troops are very likely to be lost in Madras, which is undoubtedly a serious blow to Tamil Nadu.For him, the governor, it was a devastating blow.Naya Malik was able to become the governor of Tamil Nadu because he possessed the strength to deter other tribes. However, once his strength is damaged, whether it is the central army of the Gupta Empire or the Tamil Nadu tribe Ambitious people will not let him go easily, even if he is not dead, when the time comes.There is no future for him and his family.

Today, more than 20 Tamils ​​have been killed in battle, and there are countless wounded. At this time, there are only barely 2000 Tamil fighters participating in the battle, and there are many lightly wounded among them.The loss was so large, but the damage to the Wei army was very limited. In his opinion, the loss of the Wei state was probably less than [-] people.But he failed to break through even a line of defense of the Wei army.This made Naya Malik's complexion very ugly.

However, Naya Malick never knew that the real loss of the Wei army was smaller than he imagined. In this battle, only more than 100 Wei soldiers were killed, and the total number of lightly and severely wounded soldiers was only more than [-]. The total casualties were less than one hundred. Thousands of [-] people.Apart from the fact that Wei Guo's armor rate is too high, ordinary swords, as long as they don't hit vital parts, will hardly cause casualties.It is also fortunate that Tamil is strong and strong. They basically use heavy weapons. If they only use swords, the casualties of the Wei army may be even lower. "Order the troops, prepare to launch a night attack tonight! No matter what, we must break through the defense lines of those Serisians." Naya Malik said viciously.

For the Tamils, there is not much time to drag on.If it is too late to capture Madras, drive the Wei army into the sea.This will put them in danger. Among other things, the two reorganized Akshohini Central Army in Andhra Pradesh alone can enter the territory of Tamil Nadu.Easy for them to get out of Tamil Nadu is hard.

However, just as the Tamils ​​were preparing for the night attack, Naya Malik received a report from the soldiers, and the soldiers of the Wei army on the first line of defense actually retreated.

In fact, this is Wei Jun's strategy. Yes, it is indeed to give the Tamil people a little confidence.If the Tamils ​​knew that they could not break through the Wei army's line of defense even after suffering such heavy casualties, then they would definitely retreat.But now, although they suffered heavy casualties, they managed to break through the Wei army's first line of defense.Although, there are still two lines of defense behind, doesn't this also give the Tamils ​​a little hope?In this case, they will continue to die in Hanchang and Wei Jun.Of course, this will also allow the Wei State Expeditionary Army to gain valuable time for the deployment of ambushes.

Hearing this news, Naya Malik said ecstatically: "I knew it, I knew it, those Serris people are also reluctant to persevere. In Serris' words, they are also at the end of their battle. Tell the generals, you must persevere. The time to overcome the difficulties and defeat the Serisians is just around the corner!"

"Yes, Governor!" The generals of Tamil Nadu were also overjoyed. If the Seres didn't retreat, they really didn't have the confidence to continue fighting. After all, there must be an impenetrable line of defense. people despair.

A whole four Tamil fighters from Pulitna were assembled. They deliberately lowered their voices and touched the second line of defense of the Wei army.It's just a pity that Tamil fighters don't know that there are deadly murderous intentions buried under their feet.

There was a loud bang, and a landmine was triggered to explode.The huge explosion blast threw the hapless Tamil warrior high into the air.If it weren't for the presence of landmines, perhaps the Tamil fighters' night attack might have been successful.

Because in the night attack, Naya Malik invested as many as 150 ascetics. The personal martial arts of these ascetics are not weaker than the special soldiers of later generations, and the night gave these ascetics a very good cover. It made them even more powerful.No matter how well-trained the sentinel is, it is impossible to avoid the assassination of these ascetics.Even if it is a secret whistle, these ascetics will rely on their extraordinary sense of hearing to hear the almost inaudible breathing sound, so it is difficult to escape the murder.

It's just a pity that the night also made these ascetics lose their vigilance, and those landmines are the best nemesis for these ascetics.The sudden explosion of landmines turned the Tamil night attack into a storm.

Although the defensive firepower of the Wei army on the second line of defense is also extremely dense, but due to the influence of night vision, their shooting effect is much worse than that during the day.However, despite this, it is obviously not easy for the Tamils ​​to successfully break through the second line of defense.The Tamil attack stopped only when there was a trace of white belly in the sky.Forty thousand Tamil fighters attacked fiercely for one night.They even broke through Wei Jun's defense line for a while, but were eventually driven back by Wei Jun.In the face of the intensive firepower of the Wei army, the superiority of the Tamil troops really can't play a big role.The only result they achieved was probably to make a mess of Wei Jun's second line of defense, and at the same time cause Wei Jun to pay a lot of casualties.

On the third day, Naya Malik could bear it no longer, and threw his most precious war elephant into battle. The power of more than 1000 war elephants charging together is enough to make people frightened.In particular, the Wei army's second line of defense was just a city wall base about three feet high, which was almost negligible for war elephants.The attack of war elephants cost the expeditionary army a heavy price.

Even though the ballistas and gunpowder of the Wei army were pouring out their firepower desperately, in order to prevent the war elephants from fleeing in fear of the loud noise, Naya Malik ordered the ears of the war elephants to be deafened, their eyes covered with cloth, and the war elephants were driven to run away. Like charge.The Tamil war elephants really lived up to expectations, and soon broke through the second line of defense of the Wei army.

This is not because the Wei army retreated deliberately, but was indeed repelled.Although the power of the eight-ox crossbow is not small, it can also cause fatal damage to the war elephant, but the Tamil warriors who charged along with the war elephant dispersed the firepower of the Wei army in time.In the end, hand-to-hand combat was inevitable, and the Niu Gaoma Da Tamil fighters had an extremely obvious advantage in hand-to-hand combat.

In the battle on the second line of defense, the Wei army suffered a lot of casualties, especially the many soldiers who were trampled to death by war elephants or killed by Tamils. This made the Wei army's losses skyrocket. The fierce battle caused the Wei army to pay nearly [-] casualties, especially the fallen soldiers, who have already broken through the [-] mark.

"General, we are under a lot of pressure, but the Tamil people are absolutely uncomfortable!" Zu Yan said: "The third line of defense, it will definitely not be a problem if we stick to it for another day or two."

"You don't need to stick to it." Chen Yong said: "Now the first battalion of the marine corps, the second battalion of the marine corps, the third battalion of the marine corps, and the ninth battalion of the infantry have arrived at the designated positions. There is news from Liu Laozhi's headquarters that they have arrived In the east of Chennai City, you can launch an attack on Chennai City. The news of the attack on Chennai City will reach Naya Malik's ears tomorrow, and Naya Malik will not care about us at that time. They will definitely not sit back and watch the city of Chennai being attacked. As long as they show their intention to retreat, we will immediately counterattack. We will surround the remnants of the Tamils ​​with [-] battalions (less than [-] percent) of troops, as long as the Tamils ​​are left behind. , our strategic goal will be achieved!"

In the history of India, Tamil Nadu was rarely influenced by foreigners, and there was almost no trace of India and Islam intertwined. Tamil culture is a very pure representative of Hindu civilization.The Tamil culture has a long history. In addition to its own Tamil language and characters, it also has a unique literature, music, dance, sculpture, and temple architecture art, which is clearly different from North Indian culture.Therefore, in addition to the existing Divali New Year in India (approximately between October and November every year), Tamils ​​also celebrate another New Year in the middle of the first lunar month—the Penge Festival.

This is mainly because the Tamils ​​are physically fit, strong and have a large population.It has a population of more than 560 million, which is larger than the population in the history of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Although the Tamils ​​are fighting among themselves, when foreign enemies invade, they will often abandon their contradictions and unite to the outside world.Although the Gupta Empire has almost occupied the entire South Asian subcontinent at this time, its influence on Chennai City or the entire Tamil Nadu State is very limited.

Chennai City is also a big city, and it was one of the hundred cities in the world in later generations. In this era, it can be ranked in the top five in the entire Gupta Empire. Although its political status is not as good as that of Luoyang and Chang'an in Wei State, the scale of Chennai is absolutely No smaller than Luoyang City.Facing such a huge city, Liu Laozhi only has more than [-] people under his command, so it is obviously impossible to break it easily.

However, the old enemies of the Tamils ​​have already found a way to break through the city of Chennai, which also gave Liu Laozhi the hope of success.

Mylapore, Mylapore—Myli means peacock, and Oor means town. Together, they mean Peacock City or Peacock High. Although it is called a town, it is actually not a town, but a cluster of ancestral temples.Here is the largest Shiva temple in Tamil Nadu, and Big Shivlinga (if you have seen the Frozen Gate of Rebirth, this is the word mentioned.) (Reproductive Worship) When Wei Jun appeared in Melepo It was immediately discovered by the Tamils. As a holy place for Hinduism, non-Hindus are not allowed to enter, let alone enemies.Relying solely on the defense force of Melepo, it is obviously impossible to defend the Temple of the Hunpo, so the temple here asked the city of Chennai for help as soon as possible.

The Tamils ​​in Chennai were going crazy. They would never allow the Temple of Shiva to be destroyed by the soldiers of the Wei army. An army of more than [-] people was sent to support Melepo.

Naya Malik attacked Madras with an army of 27, while Chennai only left less than [-] troops. Now [-] troops were sent out, and the entire Chennai became an undefended city.Although Melapore is only a short distance of [-] miles from Chennai city, it takes at least one day for the Tamil army to march at this distance.

This is Liu Laozhi's opportunity.The fate of Chennai city seems to have been doomed to tragedy.

In the Temple of Shiva in Melepo, a middle-aged monk with a swollen face respectfully salutes a benevolent old monk on the futon.This benevolent old monk is Karona Karnataka, who is one of the seven chief priests of Tamil Nadu and a master worshiped by thousands of families.And this middle-aged monk with a face full of flesh is Shanandasi, Melepo's Dharma Guardian Vajra.

"Master, the Serisians are about to attack the temple, what should we do? Shall we send monks to stop them?" Shanandas was short and fat, but his voice was very loud: "If you wait for Seris If people attack, it will be too late."

The benevolent Rona Karnataka said: "Send monk soldiers to intercept? Do you think your military strength and talent can beat Marshal Singh and Prince Devadatta?"

Rona Karnataka's voice was very slow.But with a rhythm unique to Hinduism.

"This." Shanandas bowed his head. No matter how arrogant he was, he would never compare himself with Marshal Singh and Prince Devadatta. Hundreds of thousands of troops have been defeated by the Siris, how dare he think that he can confront them head-on.Besides, the monks and soldiers in his hands are really too few.However, he is a bloody person after all, and he said unwillingly: "This is our holy place, how can we allow those pagans to act recklessly?"

Rona Karnataka said: "It is said that these Serisians, like the Gupta Empire, grew up from a very small principality. They defeated countless enemies along the way and established a huge empire. Especially Although the emperor of the Wei army is young, he is very wise and mighty. He has experienced hundreds of battles and traveled thousands of miles, but no one is his opponent, and you are definitely not their opponent!"

Even though what this Rona Karnataka said was true, Shanandas was still not happy to be told that in person.

Rona Karnataka continued: "Our Buddhism has been spread to China as early as 400 years ago. Three days ago, I just received a joint post from Gaochang Buddhism, warning us not to be enemies with the Wei army. They The power of the people is extremely powerful, beyond our imagination, and there is no way out for resistance. I have notified the Buddhist temples in Tamil Nadu half an hour ago, and I will take General Chen Yong of the Kingdom of Wei as the guardian of the Samana, and support him. Take over Tamil Nadu."

"How is this possible?"

"Why is this not possible?" Rona Karnatak asked back: "Since the Serisians appear here, Governor Naya Kamalik should have failed too. Governor Naya Kamalik led the Tamil Most of the elites are not opponents, do you want us Tamils ​​to shed the last drop of blood?
Buddhist monks and fanatical believers are a group of lunatics who are not afraid of death, but their top leaders are a group of cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death.In terms of choices, Buddhism has always been flexible. They are best at observing words and emotions, and holding thick legs.When the Gupta Empire was powerful, they cooperated with the Gupta Empire. Once the Wei army approached the city, they wanted to change their banners.Because these high-level Buddhists know very well that they do not manage any secular affairs, they are only responsible for the spread of religion, and they parasitize countless believers to suck blood.

No matter who has achieved the ruling power, they cannot do without these Buddhist eminent monks.

It's just that Rona Karnataka obviously miscalculated. Liu Laozhi is obviously not a lunatic. He will definitely not provoke the Great Temple of Shiva. You must know that in the Gupta Empire, the status of the Great Temple of Shiva is no less than that of the emperor's mausoleum.Killing some people and looting some property only angered some people, but once the Great Temple of Shiva is attacked, it is estimated that all Tamils ​​and even all Guptas will go crazy, and there will be endless attacks to meet the Wei army.

Although the fighting power of these Gup people is not strong, but the toad crawls on the feet, it can't bite you to death, but it can disgust you to death.So Liu Laozhi set up a huge camp before Meile was broken, and then made a pretense of attacking the Great Temple of Shiva with all his strength. Prison shot at Meilepo, and then led the elite troops to make a detour towards Chennai city.

For the Tamil army, the distance of sixty miles would take a whole day to cover, but for the Wei army, this distance could be covered in two and a half hours at most.When the more than [-] reinforcements from Chennai City had just left Chennai City for less than [-] miles, the forward of Liu Laozhi's troops had already detoured to the city of Chennai.

The terrain near Chennai City is similar to that of the east coast of China. They are all low-altitude plains, and even hills rarely exceed 70 meters above sea level.This terrain is actually the most suitable for field combat.Although Liu Laozhi's forward arrived near Chennai City, he did not attack Chennai City immediately.

They are still waiting.

Wait for Liu Laozhi to wipe out more than [-] living forces in Chennai City in the field, and then attack Chennai City when he has no worries.

(End of this chapter)

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