Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 994 Your Uncle Is Your Uncle After All

Chapter 994 Your Uncle Is Your Uncle After All

Chapter 1001 Your uncle is your uncle after all
Liu Laozhi chose a hill about ten feet high as the central army, and set up a watchtower on the hill.Standing on the watchtower, Liu Laozhi stood taller, with a wider field of vision, and saw that the reinforcements from Chennai City had already appeared on the horizon.The reinforcements in Chennai City are divided into four levels, the first level is about 5000 people, the second level is also 5000 people, the third level is its main force is about 2 people, and the fourth level is more than [-] people. Mir fighters are miles away.

These reinforcements appeared to be very strong and in good spirits.In addition to a [-]-man supply unit, Liu Laozhi set up two and a half battalions on the front line. With [-] elite infantrymen of the Wei army, they faced more than [-] Tamil fighters, [-] against [-]. The chances of self-consciousness are very high.

With Liu Laozhi in the middle, Xie Xuan on the left, and Xie Yan on the right, they rushed towards the Tamils.It’s just that the two armies have just come into contact, and Liu Laozhi feels a little different. The last time he played against the small town of Mulu Dubang, Liu Laozhi’s troops were like chopping watermelons with a knife. Like hitting a hard rock!The Tamil warrior was strong and strong, and the impact of Liu Laozhi's department had already been raised. Under the impact of the gold and stone, stone chips flew, but the knife was bent by the recoil.Liu Laozhi used two and a half battalions to fight against Tamil's first heavy striker. Although the number of the opponent was nearly three times that of the opponent, he was beaten by force.

It turned out that this group of Tamil warriors who ran for thirty or forty miles were the most fanatical believers in Buddhism. When they met the Seres here, they thought that the Seres had already broken through the Great Temple of Shiva, so they shouted, They all worked hard.

"Revenge, shame—" the Tamil general yelled angrily, clashing left and right among the Wei army, and no one could stand against them. Although nearly three battalions of soldiers in the Wei army were still able to hold on, they did not gain the upper hand.

As the saying goes, a real strong team is good at winning and also good at losing. The so-called good at losing means that they can deal with unfavorable situations without being surprised. The soldiers of the Wei army are of good quality and firm will. enemy, it is easy to be frustrated.Especially when the whole army underestimated the enemy, they suddenly suffered a small loss.

Once this flaw appeared, the situation became even more dangerous.The Tamil general was overjoyed, and continued to rush towards Liu Laozhi's Chinese army regardless of fatigue, and even broke through the blocking of more than a dozen people.Liu Laozhi was shocked and hurriedly urged the battalion to move forward, but on the battlefield, in addition to improving morale, equipment, skills, and strength, he also focused on organization.After losing in the fight, Wei Jun quickly reacted from underestimating the enemy.

Soldiers of the Wei army no longer fought alone with Tamil fighters, but formed a small formation of three or five people, and formed a larger formation of 30 or 50 people, especially tens of hundreds of people began to run quickly. Advance, forming arcs one by one.

This formation is actually the hand-to-hand combat formation that the Wei army is best at. The strongest soldiers in the entire army quickly interspersed, peeling off the enemy layer by layer, and then encircled and suppressed them.Although the Tamil warriors are the strongest infantry in the Gupta Empire and have strong combat effectiveness, their strength is very one-sided and relies on brute force.

If you encounter an army that also doesn't talk about tactics, the advantages of the Tamil people can be brought into play, but once you encounter an orderly advance and retreat army like the Wei army, their tragedy will begin.

The Tamils ​​are very fierce, but it's a pity that they put too much emphasis on personal bravery. When they charge, they swarm like those evil neighbors in northern China.

Although Liu Laozhi, Xie Xuan, and Xie Yan are young, they are very experienced in using soldiers. Nearly three battalions of infantry are like meat grinders, quickly harvesting the lives of Tamil people.When the leading general saw this situation, he was extremely anxious.He was furious and kept waving the giant mace. However, at this moment, the soldiers of the Wei army in front suddenly stepped aside, and the general was furious, and roared loudly: "Despicable and indecent!"

Dozens of crossbowmen in front of Liu Laozhi had already drawn their arrows, and it was already too late for that general to retreat. With a distance of only thirty steps, the Wei army's standard horse crossbow had the ability to penetrate a layer of iron armor. , not to mention that this general is just a cowhide armor?The result is self-evident, the dozens of crossbow bolts did not leave any dead space at all.

The enemy general was sniped by Liu Laozhi, and the battle came to an end.At this time, the Tamil second heavy front also fell, but unfortunately there were not many [-] fighters left in the first heavy.

It was almost a repeat of the battle just now, Wei Jun's triangular formation and arc cutting tactics continued to be staged, which made the Tamils ​​behind accelerate their charge.

It's just a pity that fighting with cold weapons is a physical activity. These Tamil fighters walked forty miles, especially the acceleration here just now, which accelerated the consumption of their physical strength, and the battle at this time was easier.

"These Serisians are really powerful enemies!" Utu Tunda, the coach of the Tamil reinforcements, watched his [-] troops being devoured by the enemy, and he didn't even have a quarter of an hour left for him, which made him feel terrified.

However, Utu Tunduo was obviously also an experienced general. He did not let his troops join the battle directly, but ordered his entire team to form a neat formation to attack the Wei army.

Just when the [-]th army of the second tier was about to be completely killed by Liu Laozhi's troops, the Wei army in front suddenly retreated, leaving behind a confused Tamil warrior.

Utu Tunduo asked in puzzlement, "Why did the Serisians retreat? It shouldn't be!"

But soon he understood why the Wei army retreated. Although he didn't see the scene in front of him clearly, he felt the vigorous and rhythmic vibration from the ground. As a general of the Gupta Empire, he naturally knew what caused it.

"Damn it, it's actually a war elephant, go back, go back!"

It's just that the charging speed of a war elephant is so fast, how can it be compared with two-legged people?More than [-] war elephants roared loudly, sweeping towards the Tamil warriors like a stormy sea.

Although ancient India was the first country to train elephants to participate in battles, they did not have any good means of restraining war elephants. They usually used war elephants to fight war elephants. Now they only have ordinary infantry, and they are powerless to face war elephants. of.Because they are familiar with the power of war elephants, these Tamil warriors have boundless fear of war elephants.

At this time, Utu Tunduo was desperate for anything, and [-] troops came to help Mei Lepo. He thought that the chances of winning were not small. After all, Tamil was fighting Wei Jun in Madras, and there would definitely not be many troops from Wei Jun surprise Mei Le Po. .But what he never expected was that those Wei troops still had war elephants.

Utu Tunda's troops retreated in an instant. These brave Tamil warriors threw down their weapons, armor and everything in the way, and ran away.The soldiers of the Wei army who followed the elephants to attack took the opportunity to cover up and kill them.

There is no safe place around, and although you can see those small hills sporadically nearby, these small hills are too small, and the small hills with a height of tens of meters cannot stop the charge of the war elephants at all.Utu Tunduo ran towards Chennai city with his personal guards in a state of embarrassment. Now only Chennai will be a safe place, because war elephants cannot enter the city, and they still have a chance to survive. Once they are overtaken by war elephants , Being shot by the crossbowman on the elephant is the best end, the most terrible thing is that if you are not careful, you will be trampled into mud by the elephant.

The forty-mile retreat road was simply the road of blood and tears under Utu Tunduo's troops.Countless Tamil fighters were chased to the sky and had nowhere to go.Even if they want to raise their hands to surrender, war elephants are not human beings. As long as the charging speed of the war elephants is raised, even the hands of the war elephants cannot easily control them. As long as they stop, the war elephants will be trampled into flesh.

Utu Tunduo managed to get to the west gate of Chennai City. He turned his head and saw that there were less than a hundred people around him, and there were only sporadic routs running towards him. One can imagine what happened to the others.But Utu Tunduo didn't know that even the hundreds of people around him were not all Tamil warriors. Some of the Tamil warriors with bloody faces and torn clothes were all disguised as soldiers of the Wei army.

This is not to blame for Wutu Tunduo's carelessness, but because it was getting late and his vision was blurred. Besides, the blood-stained soldiers showed panic and uneasiness. Even Utu Tunduo was exhausted.

The defenders of Chennai City finally opened the city gate, but while waiting to open the city gate, another 600 people gathered around Utu Tunduo. Seeing the 600 people around him, Utu Tunduo finally feel better.However, he didn't know that he was still crying

The city of Chennai in the night is a bit bleak.The air was filled with thick humidity, and Utu Tunduo knew that it was going to rain soon.Utu Tunduo took a deep breath, looked behind him, and saw the listless, blood-stained and ragged Tamil fighters behind him, he felt an urge to cry.

More than [-] elite Tamil warriors went out of the city to support the Great Temple of Shiva in Melepoh. As a result, they suffered a disastrous defeat before even seeing Melepoh.The army of more than [-] was almost wiped out.

Utu Tunda knew very well in his heart that there must be nothing wrong with Chennai City, and Chennai City should be related to the fate of the Tamil people.If the city of Chennai cannot be defended, the main Tamil army will collapse completely.Because the main force of the Tamil army led by Naya Malik completely needs the city of Chennai for supplies.Prior to this, Chennai City had just provided three days of supplies to the main force of the Tamil Army led by Naya Malik.In fact, despite the fact that Chennai city is not far from Madras, but the pitifully weak transportation capacity of the Gupta Empire made Naya Malik almost vomit blood.

It's not that Naya Malik doesn't want to store more food, grass and supplies in the army, it's just that the Tamils ​​have limited transportation capacity.It is also fortunate that Chennai city is very close to Madras, otherwise the logistics alone could drag the Tamils ​​to death.The Wei army only needs to capture Chennai City... as long as Chennai City is taken, the connection between Chennai City and the main Tamil army is cut off, or even if they don't fight, the Tamil army will lose the ability to fight after ten days at most and become slaughtered by others lamb.Wei Jun can win a complete victory.

However, with this big defeat, can the Tamils ​​still hold the city of Chennai?Even Utu Tunduo himself has no bottom.At this moment, a Tamil warrior reminded Utu Tunda, who had lost his mind: "General, the city gate is open!"

Utu Tunduo immediately cheered himself up, drew out his long knife, and looked into the deep night behind him. His eyes seemed to penetrate the night sky and see the situation of the Wei army chasing troops in the distance.Fortunately, the murmur of murderous intent could no longer be heard in the night, so he said with peace of mind, "Give me the order to enter the city quickly."

It's just that Utu Tunduo never imagined that in the reed marshes of more than [-] steps away, nearly one and a half battalions of [-] fully armed Wei army elites were ambushing there.While speaking, Utu Tunduo dragged his tired legs and moved towards the city.Although Chennai is a holy city for the Tamil people, the city's defense facilities are not very good.Except that the city wall is made of bluestone, it still has good defensive capabilities, but there are no city defense facilities such as the inner urn city, the Tibetan soldier cave, the arrow tower, and the horse face.

More and more remnants followed Utu Tunduo into the city, and just when the five or six hundred remnants were about to enter the city, the army suddenly dispatched.A wounded soldier whose head and eyes were covered suddenly took off the hemostatic bandage on his body, and shouted: "Soldiers of the Great Wei, make contributions tonight!" A Tamil warrior.This Tamil fighter is a genuine Tamil fighter, and the injuries on his body are real.In a hurry, the Tamil fighter was knocked to the ground.

About [-] to [-] soldiers of the Wei Army pretending to be Tamil soldiers immediately stabbed their knives into the unsuspecting Tamil fighters around them. If it is said that these Tamil soldiers died unjustly, they have been repeatedly charged and killed by the Wei Army's triple formation , and experienced the impact of war elephants, and can live to the present, almost everyone is the darling of Brahma.After entering Chennai City, they all relaxed, thinking that they would be truly safe now.However, these Tamil fighters were all assassinated on the spot.

Of course, because those Wei soldiers were afraid of being spotted by Utu Tunduo, these counterfeit and Tamil fighters were far away from Utu Tunduo. When the assassination began, Utu Tunduo escaped.

Seeing this change, Utu Tunduo reacted in time. He immediately said to the Tamil warriors on the city wall: "Quickly raise the suspension bridge, and then wipe out these damned Serisians."

Jinchengnai's moat is drawn from the ancient Worm River, and this moat is quite abnormal, it is as wide as ten feet wide and about three feet deep.The depth of such a moat is not easy to swim through, especially the soldiers of the Wei army wearing heavy steel armor, if they fall into the moat, they will definitely sink to the bottom like a stone.If the Tamil fighters are allowed to successfully raise the suspension bridge, it will be difficult for the generals of the Wei army to successfully enter Chennai this time.

"Stop them from raising the suspension bridge!" Captain Yang Quanqi yelled, "Come on, follow me!"

But the winch of this suspension bridge is on the city wall. It is easy to say that it is easy to attack the city wall quickly, but it is difficult to do it.Because they were pretending to be Tamil warriors, these Wei soldiers had neither weapons nor solid armor, and relied on their flesh and blood to forcibly challenge the Tamil warriors' formation.

It sounds slow, but it's actually extremely fast.In just one stick of incense, Yang Quanqi led his troops to attack the city wall three times. However, these three attacks were all repelled by Tamil fighters, and nearly half of his troops were killed or injured.After hesitating for a moment, Yang Quanqi stomped his feet suddenly, and shouted loudly: "The brave sons of Wei, the time has come to be loyal to His Majesty, follow me to attack."

At this time, a soldier of the Wei army suddenly tripped over something under his feet. He was unprepared and was thrown into the mud by a dog.He spit out a mouthful of blood foam and secretly cursed bad luck.Taking advantage of the lights on the city wall, he finally discovered that what tripped him was actually a grenade held in the dead body of a Wei soldier.

Seeing this scene, the soldier broke off the corpse's hand and held the grenade in his hand.He followed Yang Quanqi and rushed towards the city wall, 26 or [-] steps away from the Tamil warriors on the city wall. He immediately pulled the fuse of the grenade, and then the grenade flew towards the Tamil warriors on the city wall.

In about three or four breaths, the grenade exploded with a bang. Although the power of the black powder grenade is not as powerful as the TNT explosives of later generations, it is not a problem for this kind of grenade to kill three or four enemies who are crowded together.

When Yang Quanqi saw a gap in the Tamil warrior on the city ladder, he was immediately annoyed. How could he forget the grenade?The generals of the Wei army pretended to be Tamil warriors. Although they did not wear the armor and weapons of the Wei army, everyone prepared two grenades.

Yang Quanqi shouted immediately: "Grenade, ready, throw."

Nearly [-] grenade bombs flew towards the city wall densely, and the repeated explosions almost wiped out all the Tamil fighters on the city wall.At this time, Yang Quanqi successfully climbed to the gate tower. Yang Quanqi was like a mad tiger, slashing and killing the Tamil warriors near the winch.

The Tamil fighters near the winch were quickly cleared, but by this time the drawbridge was two-thirds up.Before Yang Quanqi put down the suspension bridge, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart at this moment... It was too late, and then, a sharp arrow shot from the city like lightning, and went straight to Yang Quanqi.Yang Quanqi backhanded his saber and hit the sharp arrow, but before he could turn around to look around, he heard Utu Tunduo hoarsely shouting: "The longbowmen shot all the Serisians on the city wall!"

(End of this chapter)

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