Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 995 The Last Madness

Chapter 995 The Last Madness
Chapter 1002 The Last Crazy
It turns out that the main force guarding the city wall has already arrived. Usually, the soldiers guarding each gate in Chennai City are an integrated Vasini.Vasini is quite a regiment of posterity.Each Vahini is composed of one thousand 980 eight people.The soldiers who usually guard the city wall on duty have only one gona, and one gona is equivalent to the battalion of later generations, with a full staff of 650 people.At this time, the two other goners at the gate of the city all rushed to the gate of the city.

Immediately, more than 300 soldiers were added to Utu Tunduo's hands.Looking at these more than 200 soldiers and three or four hundred Gupta longbowmen, Yang Quanqi couldn't help but look miserable.At this time, more than [-] Wei army ambushed soldiers had already begun to charge. They were still five or six hundred steps away from the city gate, but it took at least half a stick of incense time for these five or six hundred steps.And these unarmored soldiers, there are less than [-] people in the area, will they persist until the reinforcements arrive?
Accompanied by the violent explosion, there was a faint flame rising into the sky.

The generals and soldiers of the Wei army outside the city also tried their best to charge into the city.

Yang Quanqi slashed on the winch with a knife, destroying the rotating equipment on the winch, and the uncontrolled winch fell quickly under the action of the suspension bridge's own gravity.At this moment, Yang Quanqi saw several cold stars flying towards him from the corner of his eyes. He was about to dodge, but it was too late. A sharp arrow hit his leg, causing him to cry out in pain, and knelt down on the ground .

Although the longbow of the Gupta Empire is not strong enough to break armor, it is quite powerful against such unarmored soldiers. Just a wave of arrows caused more than half of Yang Quanqi's subordinates to be casualties. At this time, his subordinates including Yang Quanqi had already died There are less than a hundred people.

The walls of the Tamil city, especially the inner side, are empty without any shelter. These surviving soldiers of the Wei army were shot by the arrow rain of the Tamil warriors and screamed again and again. Many brave soldiers were shot into Like a hedgehog, lying in a pool of blood.

"Form an formation, form an formation to avoid arrows!" Yang Quanqi gritted his teeth and stood up, supporting his body with a long spear discarded by a Tamil warrior with one hand, and wielding a knife with the other to strike arrows.

Under Yang Quanqi's order, the surviving soldiers of the Wei army formed a group. The heroic soldiers of the Wei army used their bodies to shield their comrades from arrows. Hedgehogs die one by one.

One of the soldiers who was seriously injured and dying turned back to his comrades behind him and said, "Brother...a...favor, he finished speaking, his head drooped down. His body was also tight Leaning on his comrades.

Yang Quanqi's eyes were filled with tears, and he roared with tearing eyes: "I promise you, even if you risk your life to be cut into pieces by His Majesty, I will wash the city of Chennai with blood!"

The screams on the city wall had slowly subsided, but the general who led the army with seven thousand soldiers had a strange look in his eyes, and suddenly shouted sharply: "General Yang has already sacrificed his life for the country, and it will be our turn soon. Let the Tamil people see the bravery of our Great Wei soldiers!"

"Big Wei Wansheng!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

Crazy roars went straight into the sky, and seven thousand soldiers rushed into the city with resolute steps.Those Tamil warriors who had just dealt with the Wei army on the city wall were slowly closing the city gate. If they slowed down by a few tens of breaths, they could really close the city gate and isolate the Wei army soldiers outside the city.It's just that Wei Jun was already more than [-] steps away from the city gate at this time.

"It's done!" Utu Tunduo's face showed the excitement of the rest of his life: "The city of Chennai has finally been saved."

However, at this moment, Utu Tunduo's smile froze on his face.In fact, not to mention that the city gate has not been closed on Tamil, even if the city gate is closed, as long as the suspension bridge does not rise, they can no longer prevent Wei Jun from entering Chennai city.Because the ambush soldiers of the Wei army were fully armed, and each soldier carried four grenade bombs. As long as a certain number of grenade bombs were concentrated, the wooden city gate that was only six inches thick could be easily blown up.

However, at the moment when the city gate was about to close, fifty or sixty black balls flew into the city gate hole from the crack of the city gate, and there was a rumbling explosion, and the Tamil fighters in the city gate hole were struck by these dozens of grenades. The bomb exploded into blood and flesh.

When the gunpowder smoke cleared, the inside of the city gate turned into a Shura hell, with stumped limbs and broken arms everywhere, and bloody corpses everywhere.

Groups of Wei Army soldiers, following the drumbeats of the Wei Army formation, moved forward neatly. The Wei Army soldiers standing in the second row immediately took out a black ball the size of a fist from their bodies, and grabbed the pull ring with the other hand. , pull lightly.


In the sound of Wei Jun's order, Wei Jun threw out the grenade in his hand at the same time, while Wei Jun standing at the front erected a large shield and hid his figure behind the shield.Immediately afterwards, there was a series of loud noises, and hundreds of thousands of grenades exploded in front of the formation. The Tamil soldiers who rushed to the front were bloody and bloody from these grenade bombs, and their corpses lay all over the ground.

The grenade bombs used by Wei Jun have undergone countless improvements.The power of gunpowder has increased a lot after being refined again and again... If we say that the gunpowder used for the first time by Ran Ming in Shogunate Mountain was only the embryonic form of gunpowder, then the current gunpowder has basically reached the level of black gunpowder. perfect form.After countless experiments and improvements, the size of the grenade is also shrinking.From the beginning, it had to rely on the ballista to launch, but now it can be carried with you.At this time, the grenade bombs equipped by the Wei army were basically the same in power, except that the rate of misfire was slightly higher than that of the grenade bombs made by the Eighth Route Army during the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Although due to the amount of charge, the power is far weaker than that of the ballista shells, but in close combat, the lethality is astonishing.

Relying on flesh and blood, there is no possibility of resisting firearms at all. Even if the Wei army was only equipped with such backward firearms as grenades, more than 1000 Tamil fighters were caught off guard by grenades.The effect of the grenade also greatly shocked Tamil.If the Tamil fighters were not a group of lunatics brainwashed by religion, it is impossible to say that after this round of grenade bombs, the entire Tamil fighters could be completely defeated...

While the Tamil warriors have not completely collapsed, it is not far off.Among the large group of Tamil warriors rushing to the west gate, a young general murmured: "I said earlier that the Serisians are irresistible, we can't stop them, we can't stop them! "

At this time, Chennai City is like a ripe fruit, just waiting for Liu Laozhi to pick it
Every time the war elephants took a step, the ground trembled. More than 500 war elephants cleared the way, followed by a murderous steel army.When Liu Laozhi led his men to Chennai City, seven thousand Wei soldiers had occupied almost half of Chennai West City.Entering the west gate, Liu Laozhi saw the body thrown on the ground.

These dense corpses covered the entire street, stretching to the end of the street.The city of Chennai is very large, and its population is beyond Liu Laozhi's imagination.However, the street fighting in the city was very fierce. The Wei Army's military discipline clearly stipulated that the slaughter of women and children was not allowed. However, when the Wei Army officers and soldiers encountered the attacks of those women and children, this prohibition was gradually ignored.Although military discipline is strict and punishments are heavy, only the living are eligible to accept military punishment.

The unfettered Wei army is definitely a nightmare for the Tamils ​​in Chennai city. Once the efficient killing machine of the army is released, they will kill the enemies in front of them at the fastest speed.At this time, the streets occupied by the Wei army were almost destroyed into ruins. Those believers who were bewitched by the masters of various Buddhist temples were all red-eyed. On the first floor, some Tamils ​​who were lucky enough to succeed brutally chopped off the heads of the soldiers of the Wei Army who died in battle. Before they could cheer with their heads held high, they were chopped into pieces by the newly rushed soldiers of the Wei Army.

Of course, when encountering a large number of enemies, Wei Jun is not stingy with grenades and incendiary bombs.As for the eight-ox crossbows, rockets, and ballistas of the Wei army, since they are all equipped with wheels, they are easy to move, and they also advance with the army. .

Liu Laozhi did not give the whole city of Chennai a chance to mobilize. Rockets and incendiary bombs began to set fires everywhere in the city, stirring up a pot of porridge in the whole of Chennai.Because Liu Laozhi understands that his troops have less than 2 people. If Chennai City is mobilized, the city will have a population of at least 50 people, and at least more than 2 people can be recruited. A nightmare for an army of less than [-] people.

Eight-ox crossbows and crossbows fired wildly towards the unoccupied area, filled with gunpowder smoke and flames. The collapsed towers and flying stumps showed the cruelty of war. Although the Tamils ​​did not understand why the weapons of the Wei army The explosion, why is it so terrifying, but they understand another thing, that is, once the soldiers of the Wei army occupy the entire city, their fate must be even more cruel.

No matter how many people were killed by Wei Jun's gunpowder bombs, as long as Wei Jun started to charge, the city would still be full of Tamils, and the rain of arrows they created never stopped.Although the Tamils ​​did not establish an independent country, Chennai City is the capital of their hearts. For more than 2000 years, the Tamil city of Chennai has never been captured by the enemy, so the resistance of the Tamil people is also very fierce.

Although the generals of the Wei army had the upper hand on the battlefield at this time, Liu Laozhi was a little anxious. "The population of this Chennai city is about the same as the population of Luoyang in the Jin Dynasty?"

Xie Xuandao: "Although they are all similar, Luoyang has a larger population!"

Liu Laozhi said leisurely: "Now I am a little envious of that guy Liu Cong. When he attacked Luoyang, he had the same number of troops as us, but he didn't have any gunpowder or incendiary bombs, but he was much easier than us. too much!"

In the summer of the fifth year of Yongjia in the Western Jin Dynasty (311 A.D.), Liu Cong led more than [-] Huns to drive straight into Luoyang City.They yelled loudly and rushed towards the palace, killing anyone they saw, robbing things they saw, and going up to concubines when they saw them, and they made the Western Jin Dynasty palace restless and crying loudly.In the Western Jin Dynasty, more than [-] princes and princes from the emperor Sima Chi were captured, and Luoyang City was also burned to the ground.

Xie Xuan said with a gloomy expression: "If Luoyang had resisted as stubbornly as the Tamils ​​at that time, the Huns would not have been able to enter Luoyang City at all."

"That's right!" Liu Laozhi said, "Don't say they resisted so tenaciously. Even if only one-third of the Luoyang people were desperate, the Huns couldn't enter the city at that time, and it was impossible to slaughter Luoyang with only [-] survivors." people."

In fact, if you want to resist, the common people are the main force, but now there are more than [-] fanatical believers in Chennai Chengguang Buddhism. Under the leadership of these fanatical believers, almost the entire Chennai city participated in the resistance, which also caused Wei Jun great pressure.

The city of Chennai was divided into two parts by the ancient Worm River, into the north and the south. The person responsible for defending the position of the water gate was none other than Fankameta Vilasan.There were as many as 7000 troops defending the water gate.As a result, more than [-] people from Fankameta Villasan's unit were transferred to support Melepo. These soldiers never returned. At this time, the Wei army had already entered the city, and the Wei army had no navy, so naturally they would not attack the water gate. Therefore, more than a thousand people were transferred here by Utu Tunduo to support the battle in the city.At this time, there were only [-] tribal soldiers around Fankameta Vilasan.

But the city of Chennai was in a hurry, and Utu Tunda had no choice but to focus on Fankameta Vilasan.When Fankameta Vilasang arrived at Utu Tunduo, there were only more than [-] soldiers left around Utu Tunduo. At this moment, the Wei army launched another round of fierce attack.

There were more than a hundred steps away, and the generals of the Wei army holding the crossbow shot over like black waves. Fankametta Verasang immediately hid himself behind the guards, and the sound of the crossbow flying in his ears With a piercing scream, he was lucky enough to escape this round of attack, but the guard in front of him was not so lucky. The blood splashed from his body splashed Fankameta Villasan's face. When he let go, that The body of a personal guard fell heavily on the ground...

Looking around Utu Tunduo, there were only a few hundred people left, and one-third of his own people were shot down.Just a wave of crossbow arrows attacked and killed nearly a thousand people.Of course, not all of these nearly a thousand people were shot to death, but most of them lost the ability to continue fighting.

Fankameta Vilasan knew the way the Wei army fought. The killing of the enemy by crossbow arrows was only the first wave of attack by the Wei army. Immediately after the gunpowder bombs flew over, these exploding black balls would immediately wipe out the last complete Tamil army formation. It was also torn, and this is the time to show your weapons and fight...

It can't go on like this, something has to be done.At this time, Fankameta Verasang recalled Xie Yan's bewitching words, "Build a kingdom that belongs to you, and you will become the king of this kingdom!"

Even if the so-called Jianguo became king, for the sake of his own life, he didn't want to be buried with Naya Malik.Now it seems that Naya Malik's defeat is only a matter of time, and he is already powerless.Thinking of this, Fankameta Verasang licked his lips and smiled bitterly and said to Utu Tunduo beside him: "General, it seems that our end is here, let us fight to the death!"

Utu Tunda laughed and said, "God Shiva will bless us, and Brahma will also bless us."

However, at this moment, Fankameta Verasang slashed at Utu Tunduo with a knife, and Utu Tunduo, who was completely defenseless, was immediately beheaded, and he didn't even have a chance to scream.The Tamil warriors around Utu Tunda all looked at Fankameta Vilasan with angry eyes, wishing to tear him to pieces immediately.

Fankameta Verasan raised his bloody long knife and said, "Don't look at me with such eyes, you know? I'm saving you."

Although none of the Tamil fighters around Utu Tunda spoke, everyone showed a look like you'd better lie to ghosts.Fankameta Villasan said: "Now the Wei army has entered the city, and you have seen their combat effectiveness. If we resist, we will die!"

A Tamil warrior who was hit by a crossbow on his shoulder said in an extremely positive tone: "The Serisians are indeed very powerful in combat, but with 50 Tamils ​​blindly defending, the Seris army wants to destroy us, I'm afraid It is also very difficult. In addition, the price paid will definitely make the Great Wei Empire very uncomfortable."

"You are right, but can those ordinary people be called the army just now? In front of Wei's army, they are simply vulnerable."

The Tamil warrior who had been shot in the shoulder said nothing, but a look of anger flashed in his eyes.However, he had to admit that what the other party said was correct.The combat effectiveness of the Tamils ​​in Chennai is indeed not very good.If such an army is used to fight against the Wei army that is armed to the teeth, it is really no different from sending to death.

"What's going on? Why did the fighting stop in front?" Liu Laozhi felt puzzled and said, "What happened, go and see!"

Soon the messengers figured out the situation. On the battlefield, one warrior fighting desperately may affect five cowardly people to stand up bravely, but one deserter can affect at least fifty people to shake their minds.

Liu Jianzhi was overjoyed to learn that Fankameta Verasang led his men to surrender at this time.

People are like this, if they fall into despair, they will try their best, but given the opportunity to choose, their resistance will naturally disappear.

Naya Malik issued an order with a serious face in the Madras Tamil Central Army Camp: "Those damned Siris are at the end of their strength, as long as we launch a fierce attack again, we will be able to tear apart Their line of defense was to capture Madras. Starting today, the attack on Madras must still maintain the strength of the previous attack!"

Two of the three lines of defense of the Madras Wei army have been lost, and there is only one line of defense left at this time.Naya Malik believes that this time they can break through the defense line of the Wei army at a lower cost.Once it invades Madras, it will be able to wipe out all the Wei troops.Even if the Wei army cannot be completely wiped out, at least they can be driven into the sea. As long as the Wei army retreats, his strategic goal will be achieved.

"Yes, Governor." The generals of Tamil Nadu had no choice but to cheer up and continue to attack.The original Tamil army had more than 27 troops. In addition to more than 27 war elephants, there were also 27 Pulitzer regiments. However, the days of war made these [-] Pulitzer infantry troops pay a lot casualties.It also made those generals doubtful about whether they could capture Madras.

(End of this chapter)

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