Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 996 Battle of Chennai

Chapter 996 Battle of Chennai
Chapter 1003 Battle of Chennai

Since the Tamils ​​attacked Madras for five consecutive days, the 27 troops suffered heavy losses.Unknowingly, the morale of the Tamils ​​has been almost lost. Although at this time, every attack launched by the Tamils ​​ignores casualties, but this attack to death, no matter how you look at it, those Tamils ​​are looking for death.

The blame is to blame the brainwashing of Buddhism is too thorough, for the death of Buddhism can be reborn in bliss.These Tamil fighters have long given up hope of victory, they just want to die numbly.For these low-level Tamil fighters, every day of life is torture, and death is the best relief.Of course, the dignitaries of the Gupta Empire never regarded these fighters as human beings. The Gupta Empire has a population of more than 3000 million to 4000 million, while Tamil Nadu has a population of more than 560 million. For this average life expectancy of less than 40 years old As far as the country is concerned, they have enough cannon fodder.

Generals at all levels in Tamil Nadu are driving like cattle and sheep. Tamil warriors rushed towards the position of the Wei army with their weapons. While charging, these Tamil warriors prayed to Buddha and Lord Shiva, hoping that they could Let them reincarnate into a good family and stop suffering.

When the unique sound of Wei Jun's eight-ox crossbow and rockets piercing through the air sounded, the Tamil fighters who were charging all showed a relaxed expression.A dark and short Tamil warrior quietly said to the elder brother in front: "Brother, if I get injured later, I won't die for a while, please help me!" The elder brother turned back and said, "Don't worry, I will , if I can’t die from injuries, you have to help me too!”

A Tamil warrior was pierced through the chest by a crossbow spear and lost all vitality in an instant.Not only was there no sadness on his face, but a peaceful one.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The ballista shells began to explode on the ground, and the shock wave immediately spread to the surroundings, and countless Tamils ​​were directly thrown into the air.The scattered shrapnel harvested their lives.A Tamil warrior with half of his leg blown off looked at the scene of flying flesh and blood, with a happy expression on his face, "Mom, wait for me, I'll be right there!"

Almost all the Tamil fighters who were directly killed in battle showed relief, while the uninjured soldiers continued to charge forward, with a distance of [-] steps. The horse male crossbowmen of the Wei army also began to shoot at the Tamil fighters. Rain the lives of wanton Reaper Tamil warriors.This kind of attack like a moth throwing a flame, the scene is indescribably weird.

When the battle just started, the soldiers of the Wei State Expeditionary Army still felt their blood boil.However, as more and more Tamils ​​were killed.They have also gradually become numb.Now they are no different from killing machines.It's just a mechanical pull of the crossbow.Then take the lives of Tamil fighters and nothing more.Kill the Tamils, for them.It's no different from killing a pig or a chicken.

Every time the Tamils ​​attack, they will leave a lot of corpses in front of the Wei army's position.But even so, the Tamils ​​are happy, as if they don't care about the losses at all.In contrast, Wei Jun's losses were much smaller.only.The consumption of weapons, bolts, gunpowder, ballista ammunition is much greater.Even so, Wei Jun can be regarded as a good deal.It is much better to use weapons and ammunition to consume the lives of Tamil people than to exchange the lives of your own soldiers.

As time goes by, it may be because of the increasing casualties.Tamil attacks have also declined significantly.At the same time, the officers and soldiers of the Wei State Expeditionary Army were also very tired.If it weren't for the strong fortifications as a backing, it might have been broken through by the Tamils!
Gao Shi said: "Damn it, these Tamils ​​are too brave, right? No wonder they managed to build such a powerful empire. Among other things, the heroism of seeing death at home is something that most peoples don't have."

"Tamils ​​are brave, but they are too stupid." Chen Yong said with emotion: "If the Tamils ​​are smart enough to arm these brave soldiers with the best weapons and use correct tactics, these brave soldiers will be able to fight against the enemy. Tamils ​​can sweep the world."

In fact, Wei's firepower is dense, but at least it is far from being able to compare with the machine gun fortifications of later generations, and the defense lines of later generations are not invincible. However, the Gupta Empire does not have a heavy long-range weapon. If the Tamils ​​have it, they can suppress the Wei army. With weapons, the Wei army's defense line may have been breached under this kind of attack regardless of losses.

"Damn it, why are these Serisians so powerful? If this continues, we won't be able to hold on." Naya Malik was in a state of disarray.Just now an officer from Chennai City reported to him that a partial division of the Wei army had appeared in Melepo.Obviously, this Wei army's partial division was not aimed at Melepo at all, and the real goal was Chennai city.Although it is absolutely impossible for more than 1 Wei troops to break through the city of Chennai, it will inevitably affect their morale and interfere with his supply line. Once the supply line is interrupted, it will undoubtedly be a devastating blow to the Tamil Nadu army. .

Although the current logistics supply line of the Tamil Nadu Army is still smooth, and it is only seventy or eighty miles from Chennai to Madras, but in the case of backward transportation capacity and difficult roads, there is no guarantee at all. The consumption of more than [-] troops on the front line.Fortunately, the luck of the misfortune is that after continuous attrition, the army has been greatly reduced, which makes their logistical pressure much less.But Wei Jun's weapons are so powerful that they can launch an attack from five or six hundred steps away, especially the kind of incendiary bombs, which can't be extinguished with water. What's more, this logistics supply line is extremely fragile, as long as Wei Jun spares no effort , Burning a part of the vehicles, there is no way for Chennai City to quickly restore its transportation capacity in a short period of time.If the logistics supply line is cut off, it will be completely over.

Now, there are only two options before Naya Malik, one is to continue to attack and launch the most violent attack.If Madras can be captured, then all crises will be over.The second is to retreat immediately while the main force is still there.In this case, he will definitely be chased by Wei Jun.However, the main force of Tamil Nadu still exists, and the war supplies have not been exhausted, so they should be able to withdraw to Chennai.

However, for Naya Malik, this is a dilemma. Although the Tamil Nadu army can preserve its strength and return to Chennai safely, then they have no reason to prevent the Central Army of the Gupta Empire from entering Tamil Nadu. However, the Central Army of the Gupta Empire has always wanted to enter Tamil Nadu. Once the Central Army of the Gupta Empire enters Tamil Nadu, the best result is that he will be unlucky alone and be taken to Fahrenheit City to become a prisoner.The bad result is that I will lose my life, and perhaps the Tamil people will completely lose their right to autonomy.If they can defeat the Seres and occupy Madras, then he will be the hero of the Tamils. With this prestige, it is not a problem to completely subdue the Pandyans and unify Tamil.

"No, I can't fail, I have to win Madras." Naya Malik thought secretly.Only in this way is the best for himself and for the entire Tamil Nadu.

At Hanchang Port, the wharf construction work has not stopped at this time, which shows that the Wei army still has spare power in this war.Gao Shi, who came down from the watchtower, said to Chen Yong: "The Tamil attack is getting weaker and weaker, and they are almost exhausted. However, our soldiers are also very tired. More than 5000 soldiers have been killed and seriously injured."

Chen Yong nodded. Although he wanted to eat the 27 Tamil army in one go, it was impossible for him not to pay a little casualties.The losses of the Wei army were not light, and of course the losses of the Tamils ​​were even more severe.The Wei army directly killed more than 4000 soldiers, and [-] to [-] were disabled due to serious injuries, almost losing one-third of their combat effectiveness.However, the losses of the Tamil people are even heavier. There are nine Pulitna (equivalent to division) battle flags that have disappeared from the battlefield in the past few days, which is equivalent to nine Pulitnas. people were killed or injured.The casualty ratio was almost ten to one.Fortunately, the Wei army is well-equipped, otherwise it will definitely suffer even greater losses when it encounters such a tenacious and desperate army as Tamil.

Chen Yong said: "Now the First Battalion of the Marine Corps, the Second Battalion of the Marine Corps, the Third Battalion of the Marine Corps, and the Ninth Battalion of the Infantry Battalion have arrived at the designated positions. As long as the news of Liu Laozhi's success comes, we can catch the turtle in the urn!"

The development of the battle situation seemed to be beyond Naya Malik's expectations.Although they have broken through the two defense lines of the Wei army one after another, it seems that they are only one step away from the final victory.However, all the soldiers of Wei Jun knew that this was simply Wei Jun's intentional release of water.Otherwise, the Tamils ​​would never break through to the first line of defense of the Wei army.The reason why Wei Jun did this was because he took the Tamil people as fish.And clearly, the Tamils ​​have taken the bait.

The exhausted Tamils ​​will definitely be counterattacked by the Wei army like mountains and seas. By that time, the Tamils ​​have lost the ability to break through.

The Governor's Mansion in Chennai City, Liu Laozhi looked at this magnificent Governor's Mansion.Liu Laozhi looked at Xie Xuan and said, "What's so good about a piece of rotten wood?"

Xie Xuan said angrily: "What is rotten wood? If you don't understand it, don't talk nonsense. If you say it, it will make people laugh. This is rosewood. It is at least a hundred years old. It can be sold for at least 500 million yuan if you get it back. It can be more expensive to find skilled craftsmen to make pieces."

"Yes, yes!" Liu Laozhi waved his hand and said to the clerk: "This is a piece of rotten wood, so there is no need to record it. Pick some town money and write it down."

Hearing this, the clerk smiled knowingly and said, "I understand!"

After the clerk left, Liu Laozhi patted Xie Xuan on the shoulder and said, "Don't say brother didn't give you a chance, this is yours now."

"Thank you, General Tiger!" Xie Xuan knew that Xie An had a paperweight made of rosewood wood, which was usually a treasure. Xie Xuan still remembered that when he was young, he secretly played with this paperweight and was almost beaten to death by Xie An.Xie Xuan already figured it out, this piece of red sandalwood wood is enough for hundreds of paperweights, when the time comes to find a craftsman to carve exquisite patterns, it will definitely make Xie An happy.

At this moment, Xie Yan also followed Liu Laozhi, suddenly Xie Yan's eyes lit up and said: "Good stuff!"

"Jade cicada?" Liu Laozhi murmured in surprise, "I remember this kind of jade is a funerary object, right?"

"It's not wrong to be a funeral object, and it's an authentic Han Eight Swordsmanship. This sword technique is definitely made by a first-class craftsman in the court!" Xie Yan played with this jade cicada, wishing he could swallow it.

"Aren't you disgusting? This is something that was put in the mouth of a dead person, and you still treat it as a treasure!" Liu Laozhi said to the clerk again: "There is no need to record this little thing."

There was no other way, Liu Laozhi knew that although Xie Yan was Xie Daoyun's cousin, he was also an authentic relative of the emperor, so he couldn't afford to offend him.Although the relationship between Liu Laozhi and Ran Ming is not afraid of Xie Yan whispering him behind his back, but who would want to add an enemy?

At this moment, Xie Xuan had asked someone to put away the piece of red sandalwood. He walked up to Liu Laozhi and said, "General Tiger Head, our business is important!"

"Don't worry, this general will be able to tell the difference!" Liu Jianzhi said: "As early as half an hour, this general ordered someone to deliberately let more than a thousand Tamils ​​go. If there is no accident, it will take half a day at most. Malik will get news of the loss of Chennai City."

In fact, Liu Laozhi's guess was right. Just after two o'clock, Naya Malik, who was sleeping, was awakened by the sound of hurried footsteps.At this time, Naya Malik had just had a nightmare, in which a ferocious tiger was about to bite his head, and he woke up at a critical moment.Suddenly, he had a very bad premonition.

"Your Excellency, Chennai city urgent report!"

"Quick pass".

A blood-stained Tamil warrior was holding a bloody parchment. Naya Malik immediately stood up, rushed over in two or three steps, and snatched the parchment.

"It's over, it's all over!" Naya Malick felt dizzy, couldn't get a breath out of his heart, only felt his eyes go dark, and fell onto the carpet with a thud.In his last dying consciousness, Naya Malik felt that the Chinese army camp was full of people.

... I don't know how long it took, Naya Malik woke up slowly, and before he could open his eyes, he heard a quarrel in his ears.

"The Governor wakes up!" Immediately, a large group of Tamil generals surrounded him.

"Your Excellency, what should we do now? Do we want to continue the attack?" General Della Sekia, the highest-ranking general besides Naya Malik, asked hastily.

The other generals also looked terrified, looking at Naya Malik helplessly.During the period when Naya Malik was vomiting blood and comatose, everyone already knew that the fall of Chennai City, the fall of Chennai City, and the cut off of all logistical supply lines meant what it meant to them.Although, there are more than [-] Tamil troops gathered in Madras.But without weapons and food, they would have no way to fight on!

Moreover, the city of Chennai has been lost, and the life and death of their family members are uncertain. They feel even more uneasy, let alone those ordinary Tamil fighters who have been frustrated for days.

"We have already lost. The Tamils ​​have never lost the holy city of Chennai, and now they have lost it too!" Naya Malik said viciously: "We all understand very well that since the fall of Chennai, everyone My family may also have encountered an accident. There is only one meaning for me to be alive, and that is revenge. Take revenge on the people of Seris and kill them all!"

In fact, Naya Malik didn't have the will to die, but he knew that at this time, even if he turned around, he might not be able to recapture the city of Chennai, because Madras, which didn't even have a city wall, had hundreds of thousands of casualties. Didn't take it down, let alone that eternal city?Now the only hope for the Tamils ​​is to defeat the Seres, seize the supplies of the Seres, and persist for a while. Tamil Nadu is not a city, and they have other places to go.

However, if they retreat at this time, the Seris people will definitely not give up their pursuit, and the retreat is likely to turn into a rout, then that will be the end of the Tamil people
Naya Malik organized the last force in his hands and launched an unreserved attack. Even so, the Tamil's desperate charge seemed to hit an invisible wall and was hit by this wall. blood flow.

"Ah!" A Tamil warrior was shot in the thigh by the eight-ox crossbow and fell to the ground howling.Then the howling stopped immediately, because countless Tamil fighters stepped on him behind him, and the screams of this Tamil fighter became weaker and weaker, and finally became inaudible. A mass of rotten meat.

Even after encountering the crazy attack of Wei Jun, the Tamils' offensive momentum still shows no sign of weakening.


When the Tamil fighters rushed within [-] steps of the last line of defense in Hanchang Port, the most equipped crossbow machine of the Wei Army began to rain arrows on the Tamil fighters.Although at a distance of two hundred steps, it is very difficult for the crossbow to kill accurately, and one must have luck against the sky.At this time, the generals of the Wei Army did not care whether they were aiming or not, and just shot out the crossbow arrows in their hands as quickly as possible. Anyway, the Tamil Nadu army's offensive formation is so dense, and they can always kill some Tamil arrows. .

The efficient killing machine of the Wei State Expeditionary Army began to operate quickly. However, although the rain of arrows from the crossbow rain is dense, its penetrating power cannot compare with the bullets of later generations. Whether it is a rifle or a machine gun bullet, it can hit at close range. However, even at a distance of [-] steps, the arrows of the Magong Crossbow can only barely penetrate the human body, but cannot achieve secondary damage.This gave the Tamils ​​a chance. Without enough shields, those Tamils ​​pushed the corpses of their comrades-in-arms as shields and slowly attacked the Wei army.

(End of this chapter)

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