Chapter 997
Chapter 1004 Be a Son and Be Like a Son

Tamils ​​are tall and powerful.In terms of strength, the generals of the Wei army were no match for the Tamils.Even if a Han can move the corpse of an adult, he will barely move forward.However, although the Tamils ​​were affected to a certain extent in terms of speed, they could quickly charge towards the Wei army.

"Puchi!" Driven by the huge force of both hands, the sharp horizontal knife easily chopped off the head of a Tamil warrior.The horizontal sword is a two-handed sword. This kind of two-handed sword undoubtedly has a great advantage in the process of fighting against a one-handed sword. Unless the strength of the two sides is too large, it is difficult for a single-handed sword to resist a two-handed blow.

In the end, hand-to-hand combat was inevitable. Seeing this scene, Naya Malik almost jumped up happily. Tamils ​​are the strongest infantry fighters in the Gupta Empire. He believes that his Tamil warriors are as good as Serisians Bi, only lost in weapons and equipment, in the case of hand-to-hand combat, a Tamil warrior can defeat three Seris.

Even though the Tamils ​​have a considerable advantage in strength and height, the result of the battle did not develop in the direction Naya Malik expected, because the Tamil fighters rushed up and fought alone, while Wei Jun It is mutual cooperation, often they all adopt a three-on-one method to fight, two defenses and one attack, or two attacks and one defense.This made it difficult for two fists to beat four hands, and one after another Tamil fighters were hacked to the ground.

"Ah!" A miserable howl sounded.A Tamil warrior's face was chopped off in half, and he screamed and rolled to the ground. The Wei army soldiers who killed the Tamil warrior hadn't had time to be happy.But a long Gupta knife cut from behind directly cut him in half.It's just that the Tamil warrior who succeeded in the sneak attack was also pierced through the body by two spears almost at the same time.

The Wei army also suffered losses in the hand-to-hand battle. Although the loss was much lighter than that of the Tamils, Chen Yong still couldn't accept it. In Chen Yong's view, these Tamils ​​are no different from the natives of Nanyang. There is no difference, but there are too many such two-legged beasts.How could it be possible to exchange this kind of back-legged beast with Wei's heroic man?
"The general ordered to create a wall of fire between the enemy's [-] and [-] paces!" After receiving the order from Chen Yong, the ballista gunners quickly replaced the gunpowder shells, and quickly fired the incendiary bombs at the enemy. .

"Bang, bang, bang" a ballista gunner began to discharge incendiary bombs at the enemy in a row.The power of Wei Jun's incendiary bombs is definitely not comparable to that of later generations, but it does not mean that Wei Jun's incendiary bombs are less powerful.Each incendiary bomb can be filled with [-] catties of kerosene, and once it explodes, it will form a sea of ​​flames with a radius of three or four feet, and the burning time is nearly a quarter of an hour.If it is the scattering of incendiary bombs, although the attack on the enemy is not weak, it is not the deadliest.The deadliest thing was this volley, which quickly formed a huge sea of ​​flames in the area between [-] and [-] steps in front of the formation.

The continuous offensive of the Tamils ​​was immediately stopped, and they lost the follow-up of the follow-up troops. The Tamils ​​who had finally reached the front of the battle were swept away by the Wei army in a very short period of time.

"Despicable fellow!" the Tamil warrior gritted his teeth in hatred.In his concept, heroic infantry fighters should fight with the blades in their hands.But the infantry of the Wei army was not only equipped with a large number of crossbows.It is also equipped with a large number of crossbows.This can no longer be called infantry, it is completely archer.It's just that the Wei army is too rich. Every soldier is equipped with standard horizontal knives, individual shields and crossbows, and then the weapons of various arms. If the battlefield requires, Wei's soldiers can be turned into crossbows at any time Hand or pikemen and sword and shield soldiers.

After a whole day of uninterrupted shopping, the Tamil Nadu army was finally repelled during the second attack on No.20, and launched 22 attacks with a scale of more than [-] people throughout the day. Without exception, all of them ended in failure. .In one day, the Tamils ​​shed enough blood to leave a field of corpses in front of the Wei army.As the Tamil Nadu army suffered more and more casualties, their morale was also declining.It was almost freezing.

In fact, although most of the Tamils ​​are fanatical Buddhist believers, this kind of fanatics who rely on religious brainwashing have actually been a very large amount of cannon fodder in the war. Mir fighters inevitably wavered.

As more than 27 soldiers died in battle on this day, the number of survivors of the [-] Tamil Nadu army was less than [-] even including the lightly and severely wounded, and the casualties were close to two-thirds.Under the torture of this casualty rate, the morale of the Tamil Nadu army is also on the verge of collapse.

"Damn it! Why are you still unable to tear through the last line of defense of those Serris people? Yes, those Serris people must have reached the last moment. As long as you work harder, you will be able to succeed." Naya Mali K would tell himself so.He has already bet all the chips in his hand.If he can't break through the Wei army's defense line and take Madras, then he will be defeated and the 27 army will be wiped out.This will also be a devastating blow to Tamil Nadu.I am afraid that without the central army of the Gupta Empire, their old enemies, the Pandyans, will give them a fatal blow.For the Tamils, it seems that they have reached the end of the road.If they can't succeed, they are dead.

Naya Malik immediately unified his mind and stepped up his attack on Madras.In order to break through the defense line of the Wei army, Naya Malik also put his own guards into the battle. Except for the Tamil warrior who was too injured to move and stayed to guard the camp, the rest of the army joined the attack.

Of course, this also put great pressure on Wei Jun.The Hanchang Port of Madras is not even a small city, and the Wei army only relied on field fortifications to resist the frenzied attack of the Tamils.One can imagine the pressure on Wei Jun.If it is not backed by the sea, but the supplies are continuously transported, I am afraid that Wei Jun will not be able to support it at this time.

"Send all the troops out! In this battle, we must resist the Tamil offensive. Otherwise, we will fall short." Chen Yong also had a serious face.He knew that the Wei State Expeditionary Army had to work hard now. "In addition, the Marine Corps [-]st Battalion, Marine Corps [-]nd Battalion, Marine Corps [-]rd Battalion, and Infantry [-]th Battalion were ordered to shrink the encirclement and wait for an opportunity to launch a diversionary attack on the Tamil Nadu Army, so that the Tamils ​​have nothing to do. Put all the main force into the attack on Hanchang Port."

In Chennai City, at this time, Fankameta Verasan has become the titular owner.Although the strength of the Presewar tribe is not weak, they are still not strong enough in the entire Tamil clan. If Fankameta Vilasan wants to become the king of the Tamil clan, he can only rely on Wei Guo.At this time, the confidantes of Fankameta Villasan are already making intensive preparations for the establishment of the Puli Dynasty.

"Dear General, thank you very much for your help." Fankameta Verasan also knew that because of his rebellion, Chennai, the holy city of the Tamils, fell into the hands of the Wei army, and he almost became the leader of the entire Thai army. The public enemy of the Mill family, without the help of Wei Jun, let alone become the king of the Puli Dynasty, whether he can save his life is another matter.

"Your Majesty, please don't be too polite, this is what we should do." Liu Laozhi said with a smile.

Fankameta Verasan said directly: "Your Excellency, General, please pass it on to His Majesty the Emperor and the government of your country. If the State of Wei can help me build a state, the Kingdom of Puli is willing to become a vassal state of the Great Wei Empire!"

Since ancient times, the suzerain-vassal relationship between China and neighboring countries is an indisputable fact.The suzerain-vassal relationship in China indirectly influences the vassal state through suzerain culture, education, diplomacy and other means.On the surface, this kind of suzerain-vassal relationship seems to be a kind of unequal relationship in which small things make big things. The surrounding countries have to "claim vassals and pay tribute" to China; they are granted by China and given seals by China.

In fact, this suzerain-vassal relationship is only a form of maintaining friendly relations between China and neighboring countries, and does not have the substantive content of ruling and being ruled.Moreover, the ruler of China, as the suzerain state, treats foreign countries with an indomitable attitude of "the king does not rule the barbarians, does not reject those who come, and does not pursue those who go" and does not interfere in the internal affairs of the vassal state in principle.In order to show their wealth and magnanimity as the "kingdom of heaven", the Chinese rulers always adhere to the principle of "those who come lightly and come generously".A large number of rewards are given to the tribute, whose value far exceeds the tribute paid by the tribute, so the vassal states are always willing to come to China to pay tribute.Sometimes, in order to reduce their own burden, the Chinese rulers also imposed various restrictions and regulations on the time and scale of tribute from various countries to China.Although some countries sometimes did not follow the regulations and came to China to pay tribute in advance, the Chinese government also gave them a warm reception.Furthermore.While paying tribute to China, countries also conducted trade with China.

Ran Ming hated this so-called "suzerain-vassal" relationship. In the eyes of future generations like Ran Ming, this so-called suzerain state has no benefits at all. When the vassal state is invaded, help them resist foreign enemies.Especially during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty supported North Korea and defeated the Japanese invaders. Although the Ming Dynasty won the war, it lost the future of the Ming Dynasty, because since then, the country's finances have been bankrupt.So Ran Ming decided to change this suzerain-vassal relationship. Ran Ming intends to directly annex the traditional Chinese vassal state. As for the state of Tamil Nadu in South India, the Wei army definitely has no way to rule directly, but let them become the vassals of the Wei state. The country should not be like the loose vassal state relationship in history, but should be controlled from all aspects of military, politics, culture, and economy.

Therefore, the Puli dynasty to be established is the first pilot.

Fankameta Verasang said: "Your Excellency, I don't know how the Great Wei Empire will help Xiao Wang!"

Liu Jianzhi said: "Firstly, the Puli Kingdom is a vassal state of the Great Wei. This must not be tolerated by the Gupta Empire. They will definitely send troops to destroy the Puli Kingdom. Therefore, in order to defend the vassal state of the Great Wei Safety, Da Wei wants to station an army in the Puli Kingdom, and the Wei army is here to defend the Puli Kingdom, so you don’t have to worry about the equipment of this army, our Wei will have the best equipment for the garrison of the Puli Kingdom equipment, but the military pay and supplies of all King Puli's garrison soldiers need to be borne by the Puli Kingdom."

Fankameta Verasan nodded, and had to admit that what Liu Jianzhi said was true.Although Tamils ​​have a population of more than 560 million, they are nothing compared to the huge territory and population of the Gupta Empire.If it weren't for the Malik family who saw the power of the Gupta Empire and asked to surrender in time, the Gupta Empire gave Tamil Nadu the treatment and autonomy of the state in order to make a model of buying horse bones with a lot of money.In fact, the Gupta Empire wants to directly control Tamil Nadu. This is an open secret of the entire Gupta Empire. What the Gupta Empire lacks is an excuse. within the Kingdom of Lee.And Fankameta Vilasan has absolutely no strength to resist the entry of the Central Army of the Gupta Empire.

For this, Fankameta Verasan was not dissatisfied at all. He wished Wei Guo would send more troops. The key is that if there are fewer troops and he cannot resist the Gupta army, his life will be ruined.

Liu Laozhi continued: "The second point is that Wei State needs a port and will build a permanent military camp in the port. The location is Madras. It has now been renamed Hanchang Port. In the future of Hanchang Port The Wei Congress established three port areas, Nangang District, Beigang District, and Military Port District, with 48 seats and more than 100 million square meters of warehouses. Therefore, the area of ​​110 square kilometers around Hanchang Port will be assigned to Wei Guo and become Wei Guo. country territory."

Fankameta Villasan had also heard about Madras for a long time. There was a huge sandy land where no crops could be grown, so he didn't take it seriously.If you give it to Wei, give it to Wei.

Liu Jianzhi said: "The third point is that all the mineral resources in the Puli Kingdom are handed over to the Great Wei Empire for development. Of course, we will share part of the proceeds as compensation for the Puli Kingdom."

Fankameta Verasan hesitated, but finally nodded.Although, it is undoubtedly a disadvantage to hand over the country's resources to the Seris people for exploitation.However, Tamils ​​don't know how to mine at all, and even if they mine, it is the power of the nobles, but the nobles don't give him the king at all.Instead of this, it is better to hand it over to the Serisians for development.In this case, he, the king, can still get a little bit.

"Okay, I agree with this one. However, I want to take [-]% of all the profits." Fankameta Verasan said.

Liu Laozhi still doesn't know how to do business, and the [-]% share is obviously bullying in his opinion.Just when Liu Laozhi was about to agree, the clerk who was in charge of recording said: "Thirty percent is a bit high. Wei Guo exploits the mineral resources in the Puli Kingdom. Two percent is appropriate. After all, we have to pay people, money and machines. It is very troublesome to use the equipment to mine those resources. Therefore, we can only give [-]% to His Majesty the King at most."

Fankametta Vilasan said: "Isn't the two percent too small?"

The clerk said: "Your Majesty, [-]% is already quite a lot. We will hire Tamil workers and pay Tamil workers salaries when mining minerals. These mineral resources still need to be further processed, so the investment is even greater! "

Seeing the resolute attitude of the clerk, Fankameta Verasang said resentfully: "Well, Xiao Wang also agrees!"

Liu Laozhi continued: "Fourth point, after His Majesty the King established the country, the internal affairs of the Puli Kingdom need to be guided by the State of Wei. Weapons. Once a war breaks out, the Puli Kingdom’s army must obey our command. In addition, the Puli Kingdom’s diplomacy must be consistent with that of the Great Wei Empire.”

Hearing this condition, Fankameta Verasang also bargained for a price, and seeing that Liu Laozhi would not let go, his kingdom has no shadow yet, and he must rely on Wei Guo to become the king of the Puli Kingdom.People are like this. Once they choose to compromise, this compromise will gradually form a habit. As long as the habit of compromise is formed, his bones will become soft, and he will lose the principles and bottom line he insists on.

"Fifth point, in the official written materials of the Puli Kingdom, on the basis of using Tamil, Chinese must be added, and the official language should also be mainly Tamil and Chinese. If all Tamils ​​continue to use Sanskrit language, a language tax must be paid.”

"Sixth point, Puli Kingdom's trade market is fully open to Wei State. Products from Wei State enjoy tax-free privileges in Puli Kingdom. Similarly, Puli Kingdom's products go to Wei State and enjoy tax-free privileges in Wei State."

"Seventh point, every successor of the Puli Kingdom must go to Ye City of Wei State to study, and the study time should not be less than six years."

"Eighth point, the official uniforms of the Kingdom of Puli adopt the official uniforms of the State of Wei, which are distributed free of charge by the court of the Kingdom of Wei. The State Council of Wei recruits students in the Kingdom of Puli, and each year recruits [-] Tamil students who are exempted from tuition fees. will limit."

"Ninth point, the Ministry of Rituals of the State of Wei will send someone to guide the etiquette of the Puli Kingdom...".There are a total of 32 articles like this. In fact, Wei Guo did not regard Puli Kingdom as a vassal state, but like a colony.However, the only thing that satisfies Fankameta Vilassang is that the State of Wei will guarantee the legal right of the Vilassang family to rule the Puli Kingdom. Any attempt to overthrow the rule of the Vilassang family will be done at all costs. repression at a cost.

(End of this chapter)

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