Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 998 Emperor Era

Chapter 998 Emperor Era
Chapter 1005 Emperor Era

Moreover, Fankameta Vilasan is also very clear that it is impossible for a small country like his Puli Kingdom to be completely independent if it is sandwiched between the Gupta Empire and the Great Wei Empire. The army, politics, and culture have handed over the power of internal affairs to him, and he is at least a real king in his kingdom.

Fankameta Vilasan considered for a whole night, and finally agreed to the 32 articles of the Wei State, formally established the Puli Kingdom, and at the same time professed a vassal to the Wei State and asked to join the vassal.

Just after Liu Laozhi helped Fankameta Verasang to establish the Puli Kingdom, he sent someone to inform the Pandiya people to discuss the establishment of the country. Finally, after intense negotiations, the Pandiya people will be in the Puli Kingdom. Therefore, the North established the Pandiya Kingdom, and also accepted Wei's 32 vassal state agreements.

In fact, South India is somewhat similar to the Korean peninsula, that is, the Koreans are divided into three Hans (Mahan, Chenhan, and Bianhan), while the Tamils ​​are divided into Sanluo (both Zheluo, Zhuluo, Pan Diya), for the Zheluo tribe at the southernmost tip of South India, Wei Guo also sent an envoy a year later, but after the Zheluo tribe rejected Wei Guo's kindness, Wei Guo organized the Puli Kingdom and the Pandya Kingdom The two younger brothers, in a two-on-one situation, quickly beat Zhe Luobu out of Xiang.Had to agree to Wei's conditions, and became Wei's third vassal state in South India.This is something I will not mention for the time being.

Just when the state of Wei had completed its support to the Puli Kingdom, the Tamil Nadu army led by Naya Malik was also in desperation.The Tamils ​​exhausted their last strength and shed their last blood, but they were unable to gnaw at the defense line of the Wei army. Then the Wei army used fifteen battalions of troops (including 2 people lost in battle) to launch a counterattack.The resistance of the Tamil Nadu army was very weak.Facing Wei Jun's attack, they had no intention of resisting at all.Many Tamil fighters even threw away their weapons and surrendered on their knees in an attempt to save their lives.

When the morale of the Tamil Nadu army is completely low, it is naturally impossible to resist the attack of the Wei army.The Ninth Battalion of the Wei State Expeditionary Army Infantry entered the rear camp of the Tamil Nadu Army that afternoon.Originally, Wei Jun thought that he would fight a tough battle with the Tamils.But in the end, the officers and soldiers of the Wei State Expeditionary Army still found that they looked too highly on the Tamils.Especially after the news of the establishment of the Puli Kingdom reached the military camp, they completely lost the courage to resist.

The Battle of Chennai ended with the annihilation of the 27 Tamil Nadu army, of which 27 passers-by were killed, more than 21 surrendered to the Wei army, and thousands of people had to escape.And Governor Naya Malik committed suicide after the defeat. These soldiers of the Tamil Nadu army will not be handed over to the new Puli Kingdom, but they will use their waste heat on the construction site of Hanchang Port.

Although the Wei State Expeditionary Army won the war, it also suffered a lot of casualties. The Wei State Expeditionary Army suffered a total of more than [-] casualties, of which more than [-] were killed and more than [-] were seriously injured and disabled. Those with minor injuries will return to troops in the coming months.Although the Wei State Expeditionary Army won this battle, it did not mean that the war was over. They had to resist the counterattack of the Central Army of the Gupta Empire.

Of course, at this time, the Wei army was no longer fighting alone, because with the establishment of the Puli Kingdom and the Pandya Kingdom, these Tamil warriors joined the Wei State to resist the invaders of the Gupta Empire.

The Tamil warriors are different from those useless Nanyang indigenous servants. The fighting power of those Nanyang servants is a long joke, but the Tamil warriors are the strongest infantry in India. This kind of enemy is also a headache, Chen Yong believes that the army of the Gupta Empire will definitely suffer heavy losses.

With the demise of the Jin State, the Wei State unified the whole country, and this ancient country was once again unified after decades of division.Under the leadership of the emperor Ran Ming of the Wei Empire, this ancient country has undergone tremendous changes.Frenzied looting from overseas colonies, fueled by ample funds and a wealth of new technology, is making this ancient country develop rapidly.Through a series of stimulus measures, social capital was activated and industry and commerce developed rapidly.This ancient country will soon develop into a powerful country.

At the court meeting in late September of the second year of Hongshi, Wei Emperor Ran Ming proposed to adopt the Yellow Emperor's calendar at the court meeting.In the later generations, the Western calendar prevailed all over the world, and there was no way to do it, because it was entirely because the West led the entire world, and other countries had to copy it.However, China is an ancient country with a history of 5000 years of civilization, so we must stick to our own traditions.Why is it that Jesus was born in the first year of AD?Besides, China was in a completely weak position in that era, but it is completely different in this era. Ran Ming believes that he is fully capable of influencing the world.Since the Mongols and the barbarians can do things, there is no reason why he can't do them.

Although, the ministers were a little surprised why Ran Ming broke the tradition and insisted on adopting the Yellow Emperor's calendar.However, no one will touch Ran Ming at this time.Although Ran Ming delegated power to the cabinet at this time and the ministers had absolute administrative power, Ran Ming's prestige was too high and he controlled the national army.Who can surpass Ran Ming's prestige no matter in the court or in the local area?Who else would recklessly contradict Ran Ming?

"Yellow Emperor Calendar" is the Han calendar in the pre-Qin period.Together with "Xia Calendar", "Yin Calendar", "Zhou Calendar", "Lu Calendar" and "Zhuanxu Calendar", they are called the ancient six calendars. "The Yellow Emperor's Calendar" is the earliest calendar in China, and it is said that it was made by the Yellow Emperor.

Taishi Ling Jiang Ji is actually a person who opposes the emperor's year name, because it will cause great inconvenience to people. You can't tell which year it is without the help of information, and this year name has There is only one emperor, while others have several, which makes it easy to confuse.When Ran Ming proposed the emperor's calendar, Jiang Ji immediately stood up and said: "That's right, using the Yellow Emperor's era can better reflect the cultural heritage of our Chinese nation."

Other ministers also echoed.

At this moment, Prime Minister Wang Jian said: "Your Majesty, if the emperor's calendar is adopted, then what year is this year?"

The sons and daughters of China consider themselves descendants of Yan and Huang, and respect the Yellow Emperor as the "ancestor of humanity".But since the Qin and Han Dynasties, people have not been very clear about the historical age of the Yellow Emperor.Sima Qian said in "Historical Records": "I read spy records, and there have been years since the Yellow Emperor. Judging from the history of spies, from the beginning to the end of the biography of the five virtues, the ancient texts are different and strange. The master's theory is second to the years, how empty! "

There is no authoritative statement on the question of the emperor's calendar in this era, and it is impossible for Ran Ming to come up with Liu Shipei's "Emperor's Chronicle". In Ran Ming's opinion, even Liu Shipei may not be correct.In the 29th year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty (1903 AD), Liu Shipei published "Yellow Emperor Chronicle Theory" in the "National Daily", opposing the year title system, and at the same time opposed the Confucius chronology advocated by Kang Youwei and other reformers.Liu Shipei advocated taking the year when the Yellow Emperor was born as the first year of the era, and the 29th year of Guangxu is the fourth year of the Yellow Emperor.However, the date of the birth and death of the Yellow Emperor is not clearly recorded in the literature. Song Dunchu advocated that the year of Guihai, which was considered to be the accession of the Yellow Emperor, should be regarded as the first year of the era, and 1904 AD should be regarded as the year [-] of the Huangdi era.Revolutionary magazines, led by Min Pao, the official newspaper of the Tongmenghui, adopted the Yellow Emperor era.

"Historical Records Suoyin" records: ""Shiben" and "Lv Lizhi": The Yellow Emperor envoys Xihe to account for the sun, Changyi to account for the moon, Yu area to astrology, Linglun to create Lulu, Dazhuo to make Jiazi, Lishou to write Arithmetic; Rong Cheng synthesized these six techniques and wrote "Tiao Li". It is also known as: "Only the Yellow Emperor and Yin, Zhou, Lu and Jianzi are the right ones."And "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" records: "The Yellow Emperor made the calendar, and the Yuan Dynasty started from Xinmao."

However, the time recorded in these documents is a very vague concept of time. From the text, it can be seen that Huangdi's "Tiao Li" began on the Shuo day of a certain year, and the day's stem and branch were Xinmao.

According to folklore, the Yellow Emperor was born on the second day of February when the dragon raised its head.Around 4400 BC, in February (that is, the month that includes the solar terms and severe cold), when the sun sets, the first star of the seven constellations of Canglong in the east rises on the horizon in the east, which is what the folks call "The dragon raises its head".However, in the 4450 years from 4350 BC to 100 BC, there was only one "February 4428nd Wuzi Day", that is, February 2, 8 BC (Guiyou Year [-]nd Wuzi Day in February), which is likely It is the date of birth of the Yellow Emperor.

If you rely on folklore, it will definitely not be convincing, but the ministers below are all arguing about this, some are citing scriptures, some are playing with knowledge, and the whole court is in chaos.Prime Minister Wang Jian's face turned black at that time.

"The second day of the second month of the second month of Guiyou year is the first year of the emperor. Converted to the present, it is the emperor's era in [-]." Ran Ming finally said: "The Hongwen Museum is responsible for revising the chronology of various historical books. From now on, Officials and historical materials in various places all record the time according to the emperor's year."

Switching to the emperor's calendar actually has little impact on the people and the people. The only impact is that all the contracts of merchants need to be replaced by the government. This has also caused great work pressure on the government of Wei.

However, as the state of Wei became stronger and stronger, from the Korean Peninsula in the east, to the Shule River in the west, to Beihai (Lake Baikal) in the north and to Jiaozhi in the south, there were no enemies that could threaten the security of the State of Wei.At this time, these short-sighted ministers began to agitate again, and the call for disarmament became louder and louder.It has almost reached the point where the prime minister cannot suppress it.Most of the soldiers are also very disturbed. Soldiers are undoubtedly eager for war. Only when there is war will they get military merit and promotion.However, now that the Wei Empire is unified, the war is over.The only one capable of fighting.There is only the distant Indian Ocean.

However, the scale of the war in the Indian Ocean is not large. There is an expeditionary force, and most of the expeditionary force is familiar with water. Even if they are allowed to come out, they will not be able to adapt to the climate there for a while.At this court meeting, another minister proposed disarmament measures to Ran Ming, but Ran Ming couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily: "It was just yesterday that the Five Husbands were in disorder, and the bones of countless subjects were still cold. The innocent people of our Han family died tragically. Those murderers are still at large. Now You messed up our army's morale again, what kind of heart?"

Ji Wei, Minister of the Army and Chief of Staff of the State of Wei, took the opportunity to say: "Before the Jie tribe entered the fortress, they were from Shiguo. , and strengthened the momentum of the Stone Kingdom in time, according to the news from the detailed work, the Stone Kingdom now has a population of more than three million, and the number of soldiers is no less than 20."

Ran Mingdao: "The people of Jie and our Great Wei have a mortal hatred. The hatred of destroying the family and the country is so deep. If I can't destroy my country, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"I can't share the worry of my father, it's a death sentence!" The Prime Minister immediately knelt down to Ran Ming.

Seeing that the wind was not in the right direction, all the ministers also denounced the atrocities of the Jie people and advocated attacking the country of Shi.However, some ministers tried to persuade Ran Ming with the demeanor of a heavenly court, but it was obviously counterproductive.It turned out that at this time, the Pandya Kingdom and the Puli Kingdom sent their credentials to Yecheng.Ran Mingdang made a final decision and said: "If the stone becomes our vassal state of Wei, I will not pursue the past of the Jie people any more. If not, the country will be destroyed."

In fact, Ran Ming is advancing by retreating. Although Wei Guoxiong dominates the world, the desert in Hexi is the natural barrier of Shi Guo. As a regime that has not been influenced by the culture of the Central Plains, he will definitely not accept Wei Guo's harsh vassal country treaty.Just when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially dispatched envoys to the Western Regions, Ran Ming visited the General Staff Headquarters together with Prime Minister Wang Jian, Finance Minister Xie An, and Zhongshu Minister Wang Meng.

In the General Staff Headquarters, Ji Wei led the heads of various ministries under the General Staff Headquarters to welcome Ran Ming's arrival.

"Your Majesty, the reorganization of Wei's army has now come to an end. Now the Imperial Army has a total of 45 infantry divisions and 4000 cavalry divisions. Among them, the northern army has been reorganized into three infantry divisions and three cavalry divisions. A total of more than 6000 people, Anbei Army was reorganized into three infantry divisions and four cavalry divisions. A total of more than 85 people. Zhenxi Army was reorganized into two infantry divisions and three cavalry divisions. A total of 5000 people. Zhengnan Army, Zhennan Army, and Annan Army are all composed of three infantry divisions and one cavalry division. In addition, the newly formed Anxi Army has four infantry divisions and three cavalry divisions, a total of 450 People. The imperial guards consisted of six infantry divisions and two cavalry divisions. The imperial forest army consisted of one infantry division and one cavalry division. The four Nanyang towns each deployed a first-class division. In addition, the general staff saw that the expeditionary force was too large to command. Therefore, it is planned to split the expedition into Jinzhou Army, stationed in Mancijia, Boni Army, and stationed in Boni. Now the Great Wei has a total of 19 infantry troops in the army, and the navy has [-], two main ships, and four marine divisions. There are a total of [-] soldiers. These troops are already sufficient to cope with the current situation and defend the interests of the empire. Therefore, the suggestion of the General Staff Headquarters is to retain the current scale of troops and not expand any more."

Ran Ming nodded.Although the vast territory controlled by the empire now is still a bit too large compared to the 85 army.However, in the current world, it is also a powerful army second only to the Gupta Empire.Moreover, this is only in terms of military strength.In terms of combat effectiveness, the Gupta Empire Army is no match for the Wei Army.This point has been fully tested in previous wars.

Ran Ming said: "The current size of the troops can be maintained, but the training of the troops must not be slackened, especially the infantry divisions that have descended from the former Jin army and reorganized from the local troops. The combat effectiveness of these troops is still too poor. These few days The combat effectiveness of this division is far from that of the veteran divisions of the Wei Army. In addition, these soldiers cannot let them be too comfortable. Whether it is the Imperial Guards or the garrisons of the southern states, they must be pulled out to fight battles from time to time to see blood. "

Ran Ming has learned a profound lesson about the more than 100 million forbidden troops in the Song Dynasty who eventually became a full-fledged army.Therefore, he absolutely does not allow Wei's imperial guards to become a group of pigs. Ran Ming continued: "Although there are no enemies around the empire that can threaten our Great Wei, in the whole world, we can only be regarded as one of the strongest troops. The four great empires in the Han Dynasty, now Guishuang has changed its dynasty, the army of the Sasanian Dynasty is at war with another powerful country, Rome, we should not be complacent, once the Roman Empire or the Sasanian Dynasty decide the winner, they may change The direction of expansion, if they choose to go east, then we will meet sooner or later. Therefore, Wei must seize Congling quickly when the two tigers of the Roman Empire and the Sassanian Dynasty are fighting each other. Otherwise, once Congling is lost, Wei The country will be in a very disadvantageous strategic position."

"Does the General Staff Headquarters have a specific plan for deploying troops to the northwest?" Ran Ming asked.It's the end of September now, and the temperature in the northwest will start to drop soon, but prepare now, when the weather warms up next spring, it's a good time to send troops.

"According to the information we have received, the countries in the Western Regions are still waiting to see our Great Wei. However, the armies controlled by those small countries and local forces are mainly Yuwen Kingdom and Gaochang Kingdom, with about 3 cavalry. Other small countries and tribes control The army, about 8000 people. The staff headquarters plans to use [-] people from the four infantry divisions and three cavalry divisions of the Anxi Army to attack westward along the Silk Road, and gradually destroy the countries in the Western Regions and other local forces. Zhenxi Army He and the Anbei Army will draw three infantry divisions and four cavalry divisions as strategic reserves."

(End of this chapter)

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