God's pride begins with sleep

Chapter 117 Rich People Can Even Apologize More Sincerely 1 Point

Chapter 117 Rich People Can Even Apologize More Sincerely

"Papapa, open the door." At this time, there was a series of knocks on the door, mixed with Zhang Jiale's voice.

"Here we come." Li Wentao shouted as he stood up.

The two come in.

"Tsk, Mr. Zhang, are you having fun?" Gu Tongzhou asked with a smile.

"Then you must be happy." Zhang Jiale raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Hey, show love? Be careful and die soon." Gu Tongzhou narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"That's impossible, I'm so handsome."

"Ha, that's not necessarily true. Some people have handsome husbands and feel dissatisfied, but they still want Gu Tongzhou?" Gao Jie said with a smile.

After the words fell, the other three people in the dormitory all looked at him without saying a word.

This guy is also awesome, offending two people with one sentence.

First of all, Gu Tongzhou is not such a person.

Secondly, what did you say about Zhang Jiale's girlfriend?Can people be happy?
"Ahem, Gao Jie, what nonsense are you talking about? Is Lao Gu that kind of person? Wu Tong is that kind of person? Don't judge women with a man's thinking, or you will never find a girlfriend in your life." Li Wentao coughed He coughed, and said in a smooth manner.

"Sleep and sleep." Gu Tongzhou smiled, put his arms around Zhang Jiale's shoulders, and said with a smile.

He doesn't feel much, anyway, boys are rough and thick, especially cheeky, but Zhang Jiale may be unhappy, after all, he is talking about his girlfriend.

Even if it is not true love, TRUE LOVE, there must be some feelings.What's more, Zhang Jiale is the girlfriend chosen by the strange sea king who only wants to flirt.

Feelings are a must.

"Go to bed, I still have to take a bath." Zhang Jiale glanced at Gao Jie, smiled and said.

"Well, good." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

Then he turned around and walked to the bed, and started playing with his mobile phone by himself.

"Well, I'll play games for a while." Li Wentao said with a smile.

"Can you open the door? Cha Wanhui from the dormitory management department of the School of Humanities." A series of knocks and a sentence came from outside the door.

Gu Tongzhou lay on the bed and looked down. Both Li Wentao and Gao Jie were playing games with earphones, and they didn't hear them at all, and it was even more impossible to open the door.

Shaking his head speechlessly, he got out of bed and opened the door, and two people came in, one from the student union and the other obviously a teacher, um, Gu Tongzhou's class counselor.

"Well, four people, please sign and confirm with the head of the dormitory."

Gu Tongzhou took the pen and paper directly, and signed with a smile.

Although I am not the head of the dormitory, I can sign for the head of the dormitory.

"Gu Tongzhou, why are you in the dormitory today?" After the cadres of the student union left, the counselor looked Gu Tongzhou up and down and asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm actually in the dormitory often." Gu Tongzhou handed the pen and paper to the cadres of the student union, and said with a smile.

"Well, if you are often in the dormitory, how would I know? Then I thought about coming over to see if you were there?" the counselor asked with a smile.

"Ugh, I probably spend half of the time in the dormitory, right?" Gu Tongzhou murmured uncertainly at first, then laughed a few times, and said embarrassingly,
"It's not that I can't get used to school, I bought a house outside, so that's it."

"Bought a house outside? Didn't you rent it?" The counselor frowned, then asked in disbelief.

He was obviously a little surprised that someone actually bought a suite directly.

This is not buying clothes, you can buy it if you like it.

He always thought that this was just a plot in novels, but he never expected that reality is sometimes more magical than novels.

"Yeah." Gu Tongzhou blinked and said in a flat tone.

It's refreshing to show off your feet in front of the counselor, but it's better not to be too arrogant.

"Aha, or a kid from a rich family?" the counselor smiled and said in a teasing tone.

"Eh cough, it's okay, it's okay, it's not a kid from a rich family." Waving his hand, Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"So you want to move out?" The counselor pursed his lips and said with a smile.

"Um, that's right, but sometimes I still live in my dormitory." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Then why don't you go through the formalities? Points will be deducted every day, and then it will affect the grades of our entire class?" The counselor frowned, and his tone became serious.

"Ah? Will this affect the whole class?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously.

He really didn't know, and several people in the dormitory never said anything about it.


Not reliable at all!
"Yes, you don't know? You don't know either?" The counselor looked at Gu Tongzhou, then looked at Li Wentao and Gao Jie, and asked.

"Um, I don't know."

"Me too."

"I do not know either."

"I emphasized this issue at the first class meeting of our class, and it will affect other students' entry into the party." The counselor said.

"Well, I admit my mistake, I just think it's too troublesome to go through the formalities." Gu Tongzhou admitted his mistake decisively.

It's a trivial matter to be deducted points, and it's completely fine, but it's not good if it affects other people.

"Well, the attitude of admitting mistakes is okay, then forget it, but all the procedures must be completed as soon as possible."


"Well, you still have to study hard and don't indulge in games. Also, pay attention to safety, there are a lot of sockets."

"Well, okay, we must pay attention."

"Well, that's all there is to it, so I'm leaving."

"Goodbye, Counselor."

"Counselor, goodbye."

After the counselor leaves.

"Don't you know?" Gu Tongzhou patted Li Wentao on the shoulder and asked suspiciously.

"I really don't know, who will listen to what he said." Li Wentao said speechlessly.

"Okay, find time to treat them to dinner." Gu Tongzhou scratched his head and said with a smile.

"Tsk, can you all have a meal together?" Li Wentao asked with a smile.

Gao Jie looked at Gu Tongzhou curiously.

"It's okay to have a good meal, it's not necessary, we are all classmates, just have a casual meal together." Gu Tongzhou shook his head and said with a smile.

"Tsk, that's something rich people would do. The most I can do is go to the group to apologize." Gao Jie said with a smile.

"Harm, this hurts others, can't you not express it?" Gu Tongzhou spread his hands, smiled, and said helplessly.

"It makes sense, it makes sense, but I don't have any money." Li Wentao also spread his hands and said with a smile.

"It depends on the individual, aren't they all apologizing? I'm just being more sincere." Gu Tongzhou said jokingly.

"Okay, well, it's good to be rich, and even an apology can be more sincere." Li Wentao rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said helplessly.

"Come on, I'm going to bed."

"Okay, I'll keep playing the game."

(End of this chapter)

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