God's pride begins with sleep

Chapter 118 Are You Dissatisfied With Me?

Chapter 118 Are You Dissatisfied With Me?

outside the classroom.

"Are you going out now?" Zhang Jiale patted Gu Tongzhou's shoulder and asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm going out to have dinner with the beauty." Gu Tongzhou smiled and said.

"Tsk, I really envy your life." Zhang Jiale sighed and said enviously.

"Actually, you can do it too." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"No, I'm a man with a family. If Wu Tong hears about it, you will probably be fine, but for me, it will be miserable." Zhang Jiale quickly waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Ham, the red flag at home doesn't fall down, the colorful flags flutter outside, and finally connect into a gorgeous rainbow, this is what a young man should pursue." Gu Tongzhou waved his hand and said boldly.

"Hey, I'd rather be really awesome. Is it really a heifer flying on a plane, so awesome? I'm not like you, I'm a big innocent boy." Zhang Jiale raised his eyebrows and said angrily.

"Oh, just teasing and not taking responsibility?" Gu Tongzhou rolled his eyes and asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I never flirted." Zhang Jiale stared at her and said with certainty.

"Heh, don't take the initiative, don't refuse, and don't take responsibility?" Gu Tongzhou squinted at Zhang Jiale and asked with a smile.

"Cough, is there any?" Zhang Jiale blinked and asked suspiciously.

"Forget it, I'm leaving." Gu Tongzhou shook his head with a smile, threw the schoolbag in his hand to the other party, then turned and walked outside the school.

Gu Tongzhou got into the car straight away, and then rushed towards Jiang Jing's newly rented house.

He looks so aggressive, so handsome.

That's right, Gu Tongzhou is going to Jiang Jing's house for dinner.

Jiang Jing made lunch for Gu Tongzhou.

Ah, I suddenly feel at home.

But Gu Tongzhou is not the kind of quiet man. At most, he only thinks that Jiang Jing is a good wife and mother, virtuous and beautiful, and then reward her.

Sure, this reward might be a little weird?
Hey, who told her to have the M attribute?Gu Tongzhou can't be blamed either, after all, everyone had a great time.

Get off the car and go upstairs to find Jiang Jing's house, and knock on the door.

Soon, the door opened.

A fair and beautiful face was revealed, and two large rabbits were stuck on the edge of the door, which brought a great shock to Gu Tongzhou.

Door, door, can't you?If you don’t know how to do it, I’ll take it instead. I know how to do it, so I won’t just get stuck like you, so I have to play a few hands well.

"Are you here so soon?" Jiang Jing smiled and asked with a gentle tone and joyful eyes.

"Well, you must hurry up. I am touched by you helping me make lunch. I must try your handicraft to see if it is comparable to a hotel chef?" Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Come in." Jiang Jing smiled triumphantly, and then pulled Gu Tongzhou into the room.

"Huh~ah, it smells so good." Gu Tongzhou took a deep breath and said with a smile.

"Hey, I specially made soft-shelled turtles for you to eat, which is good for your health." Jiang Jing said proudly.

"Huh? Turtle? Nourishing yin and nourishing yang, aren't you satisfied with me?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously.

Is this provoking him?If so, then don't live in peace today day and night.

Anyway, when I was tired, I drank a bottle of physical strengthening potion, and then rested to be able to live again.

"Ah! No, I, I, I just saw it, and bought it, and, I didn't think so much." After listening to Gu Tongzhou's words, Jiang Jing was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, her face turned red , said a little shyly and stumblingly.

"Oh, I don't believe it." Gu Tongzhou smiled evilly, then looked Jiang Jing up and down with malicious intentions, and said with a changed smile.

"Huh!" Jiang Jing's face became more and more red, the panic in her eyes became more obvious, and her breathing became heavy, as if she remembered something that made her terrified and irresistible.

"Hey." Gu Tongzhou chuckled, pulled Jiang Jing's plump body into his arms, lowered his head and began to bite.


After 10 minutes, the two sat in the dining room and began to prepare for dinner.

At noon, Gu Tongzhou was not too ridiculous, unnecessary.

Anyway, it's already mine, so there's no need to be too impatient, wait until night and just do whatever you want?
"Well, give it a try, it should be quite delicious." Jiang Jing served Gu Tongzhou a bowl of soup with a smile and said with a smile.

"Yeah." Gu Tongzhou nodded with a smile, and reached out to take the soup that Jiang Jing handed over.

Tsk, the temperament of this good wife and mother is getting stronger and stronger.And there is still a residual blush on the face, like a ripe peach, and it looks sweet and delicious.

Ah, this is really tempting to commit crimes.

Gu Tongzhou couldn't help but gently scratched her palm.

Jiang Jing didn't say anything, just rolled her eyes lightly at Gu Tongzhou, but Gu Tongzhou didn't care, but thought the expression was pretty.

Thin anger and light anger are the most attractive.

"How is it, is it good to drink?"

"Well, it tastes good." After taking a sip, Gu Tongzhou looked at Jiang Jing and said with a smile.

"That's good." Jiang Jing smiled happily and said.

"So your craft is so good? Why didn't you tell me?" Gu Tongzhou asked with a smile.

"You didn't ask me." Jiang Jing rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

"Okay, how dare you choke with your man? See if I don't find a chance to punish you." Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and said viciously.

"Oh, brother, don't do this, I'm so scared." Jiang Jing's eyes changed, and she said pitifully.

"Oh, call me Dad."

"Father, I was wrong." Jiang Jing called out charmingly.

Ah this!

Gu Tongzhou's bones softened a lot.

"Okay, Dad doesn't blame you." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.

"Thank you dad."

"Huh, you goblin!"

After the two played around for a while.

Gu Tongzhou said with a smile, "Since your craft is so good, I will often come to your place for dinner in the future. How about it? Are you having sex?"

"Welcome, but you must send me a message before you come, otherwise, I will have to eat for you." Jiang Jing smiled and agreed.

"Okay." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

"Hey, what are you doing this afternoon?" Jiang Jing asked with a smile.



"Of course it's true. Could it be that it was cooked?" Gu Tongzhou stared and said solemnly.

"That's fine, let's go together in the afternoon, and I will take you to exercise together." Jiang Jing smiled and said.

"Of course, you are my fitness coach. I spend money on fitness, so of course we have to come together." Gu Tongzhou nodded.

Jiang Jing smiled without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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