Chapter 203
"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, just say, let's make a movie soon, in a word, please don't talk about him." Gu Tongzhou waved his hand, not wanting to entangle this matter anymore, and said with a smile.

"Well, it's the two of us watching a movie together?" Sun Jiayan nodded heavily, then raised her chin slightly, glanced at Gu Tongzhou and said.

"Yes, of course it's the two of us together. If it's not the two of us, it's because you want to call out your roommate to watch together, or call out my roommate to get to know you." Gu Tongzhou rolled his eyes and smiled speechlessly He came out, then looked at Sun Jiayan, and said a little angrily.

"That's what you said, so it's okay?" Sun Jiayan didn't care about Gu Tongzhou's tone, but just blinked at Gu Tongzhou and asked with a smile.

"Of course not, Sun Jiayan, what's the matter with you today? Do you want to do this? Is bickering with me so fun?" Gu Tongzhou asked, looking at Sun Jiayan, with his mouth twisted.

Seeing Sun Jiayan's face, Gu Tongzhou almost laughed angrily.

"Pfft, you're right. I think it's quite fun to bicker with you. You're not like other people. I mean whatever I say. Even if he obviously disagrees, he doesn't know how to argue with me." Sun Jiayan nodded heavily and said with a smile.

"Well, so, are you going to the movies with me?" Gu Tongzhou calmed down, pursed his lips, looked at Sun Jiayan with a smile and asked.

Since you think bickering with me is fun, then I will not bicker with you, then I will be calm and smile.

Let you have no place to start a group.

"Well, well, since you invited me so sincerely, I reluctantly agree." Sun Jiayan looked up at Gu Tongzhou's face, nodded, and said with a smile.

Gu Tongzhou is obviously a little unhappy and annoyed by herself. If she provokes Gu Tongzhou like this again, she may really start to make trouble.

Well, in that case, it would be a blood loss.

There is absolutely no need to hurt yourself by flirting with him for the sake of provocation, so it is very comfortable to go whoring for nothing.

There was another reason why Sun Jiayan agreed so simply.

That is, if Sun Jiayan continues to provoke Gu Tongzhou, it is really possible that Gu Tongzhou will hate her. Gu Tongzhou is already a bit annoying, so there is no need to provoke him anymore.

Girls need to know one thing, you can be coquettish, arrogant, and unreasonable to your boyfriend, but please be careful not to go too far.

If it's moderate, it's cute and normal.

But if it's too much, it's not good. Don't make your boyfriend feel too uncomfortable, otherwise, it may be a little difficult to end.

It's not like breaking up or something, and boys don't say things like breaking up easily, but you may have to be punished.

And if you do this, you will also wear down the emotional foundation between the two of you. If there are too many times, you will go further and further away from each other.

"Let's go." Gu Tongzhou nodded, smiled and led the way to the cinema near the school.

Sun Jiayan glanced at Gu Tongzhou's back, lowered her head and pursed her lips and smiled, then followed Gu Tongzhou's footsteps.

After 10 minutes or so.

"Hmm, are we going to watch it here?" Sun Jiayan looked at the theater in front of him, then looked up at Gu Tongzhou, and asked with some doubts.

There was a bit of disbelief in his tone.

"Don't you want to?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"This is a private video, so it's just the two of us watching it together?" Sun Jiayan narrowed her eyes, looked at Gu Tongzhou, and asked again.

"Yes, I think it's good to watch private videos when watching movies, what's the matter? Sister, don't you like it?" Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

"The two of us are watching a movie together now? Is there something wrong with you? Smelly brother? What are you thinking? Stinky brother?" Sun Jiayan pursed her lips, looked at Gu Tongzhou, and said in a rather speechless voice.

"Can't you? If the senior doesn't like it, forget it, let's go to the cinema over there." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

"Forget it, it's all here, don't go to other places, don't bother anymore, just watch it here, and you can watch some other movies here, don't just watch the current movie, you can review it Old movies from the past." Sun Jiayan waved her hand, looked at Gu Tongzhou with a smile, and said solemnly.

"Okay." Seeing that Sun Jiayan agreed directly, Gu Tongzhou was a little bit elated, nodded heavily, and walked inside with a smile.

There is a girl who accompanied you to watch movies in private video at night, what does this mean?
People already feel very good about you, they have no demands on you at all, they are already very satisfied with you, they just want to know more about you before promising anything.

Or I just feel that it is not good to go so fast and I should know more about it, or I am worried that you are a scumbag, or I feel that if I give myself to you too soon, you will not cherish it.

So I want to get along more, but in fact, people already like you, and they don't dislike being your girlfriend anymore.

As long as you don't make mistakes during this period, there is no problem at all.

Sun Jiayan agreed, of course Gu Tongzhou will be very happy, although Gu Tongzhou has already developed enough resistance to beauty, but Sun Jiayan is different, Sun Jiayan is not an ordinary beauty, after all, Sun Jiayan is a school girl, a big beauty Ugh.

Seeing that it is about to be obtained, can you not be excited?
Suck, I didn't expect it to be so fast.

Gu Tongzhou thought that after chasing this kind of girl, he would have to go through untold hardships and hardships to reach this point, but he didn't expect that he could do it so quickly.

"Since it's a private movie, let's watch some other movie. I don't really want to watch the latest movie." Sun Jiayan said with a smile as she walked.

"That's fine, I don't have any opinions, of course we can watch some other movies. So, is there any movie you want to watch, senior?" Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

"Well, do you have any recommendations? I can't think of any good movies right now." Sun Jiayan blinked, looked at Gu Tongzhou and asked.

"How about Master Xing's "A Chinese Journey to the West"? Will you watch it, senior?" Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips, looked at Sun Jiayan, and said with a smile.

After listening to Gu Tongzhou's words, Sun Jiayan nodded slightly, and then looked at Gu Tongzhou with piercing eyes, with playful eyes and an inexplicable smile.

"Sister, don't you like it?" Gu Tongzhou looked up at Sun Jiayan and asked with a smile.

Sun Jiayan ignored Gu Tongzhou's words, and just looked at Gu Tongzhou with a smile on his face.

He just didn't speak, and quietly watched the * posture performed by Gu Tongzhou.

Being looked at by someone like this, no matter how thick-skinned and shameless Gu Tongzhou was, Gu Tongzhou was still a little embarrassed, pursed his lips, coughed, and said.

"Ahem, if my sister doesn't like it, we can also watch other movies. How about "Titanic"? You girls should like to watch it, right?"

But even though Gu Tongzhou changed the topic to avoid embarrassment, he still wanted to watch a romantic movie with Sun Jiayan.

So, Gu Tongzhou is really shameless enough, and he likes to push his feet.

Since you are willing to watch private videos with me, then watching romantic movies together shouldn’t be a problem, right?

It shouldn't be a big problem, she should agree.

"Hey, Gu Tongzhou, you are really shameless, you are really thicker than the city wall." Sun Jiayan finally couldn't hold back, rolled her eyes angrily, looked at Gu Tongzhou, speechless Said.

"Eh, sister, don't you want to watch it? If you don't like it, you can watch another movie." Gu Tongzhou pursed his lips and said with a smile.

Gu Tongzhou is a super shameless person, as long as he has a face and goes soft and hard, don't be embarrassed, don't be afraid of being rejected.

Even if the result is not as expected, it's not a big deal, okay?But what if someone agrees?Then you are earning blood.

How to choose between blood profit and no loss?Of course it is to choose blood to earn.

Gu Tongzhou has completely let go of himself, as long as he is shameless and then he can take advantage of it, why not do it?

This is totally earned.

"Forget it, let's just watch "A Chinese Journey to the West". I watched this movie a long time ago. It's pretty good to reminisce about classic movies." Sun Jiayan rolled her eyes charmingly, and finally couldn't hold back her smile Come out, said angrily.

"Then watch "A Chinese Journey to the West"? Then let's just watch this. After finishing watching, I will send my senior sister back to the dormitory." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.

"Well, after reading this, I probably don't have much time, so I should go back." Sun Jiayan nodded and said with a smile.

After a long time, after watching the movie, Gu Tongzhou and Sun Jiayan looked at each other tacitly.

"Smack, it's not the first time I've watched this movie, but it's still very good." Sun Jiayan said with a smile.

"Yes, although it's the third time I've watched it, I still think it's very good-looking, and I'm full of emotions." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said in full agreement.

"Master Xing's original movies will never go out of date." Sun Jiayan nodded and said with a smile.

"You like Master Xing too?" Gu Tongzhou smiled and looked at Sun Jiayan, nodded and said.

"Of course, in our generation, is there anyone who doesn't like Master Xing? I think that anyone in our generation who has seen his original movie should like it." Sun Jiayan pursed her lips and said with a smile .

"Our generation? Don't say such things, okay? Our generation didn't grow up watching Master Xing's movies, okay?" Gu Tongzhou rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

"Almost almost, anyway, I really like Master Xing." Sun Jiayan curled her lips and said nonchalantly.

"Okay." Gu Tongzhou also shrugged and said indifferently.

"Let's go, let's go back, I already miss the bed in the dormitory." Sun Jiayan waved her hand and said with a smile.

"Well, it's quite late." Gu Tongzhou looked at the time, it was [-]:[-], it was indeed very late, and he should be sent back.

Otherwise, it's not so good.

After all, it was the first time I went out to play with others at night, and then I went back so late. After that, after more times, would I have to stay out all night?

After leaving the private shadow, the two stood on the side of the road again.

"Senior sister, do you want to eat something else? Do you want to drink milk tea or something?" Gu Tongzhou put his hands in his pockets, looked at Sun Jiayan with a smile and asked.

"No, it's so late, I can't eat anymore, especially milk tea, I can't accept it." Sun Jiayan's eyes widened when she heard the words, looked at Gu Tongzhou, and refused righteously.

"Well, that's fine, I'll take you back." Gu Tongzhou nodded and said with a smile.


After finishing speaking, the two of them headed straight to school and sent Sun Jiayan to the dormitory.There was no dawdling or chirping, and they just walked while chatting along the way, which did not affect the speed of the two of them at all.

So soon, the two of them arrived at the downstairs of Sun Jiayan's bedroom.

"Well, we're here, let's go up." Gu Tongzhou put his hands in his pockets, looked at Sun Jiayan with a smile and said.

"Well, goodbye, stinky brother." Sun Jiayan frowned, glanced at Gu Tongzhou charmingly, and said with a smile.

"Well, goodbye, Sister Smelly." Gu Tongzhou waved his hand and said with a smile.

After saying goodbye to each other, Sun Jiayan turned and went upstairs.

Looking at Sun Jiayan's back, Gu Tongzhou smiled with satisfaction.

Smack, I came out to play together today, and I feel that the relationship has become a lot closer. I helped win the doll at the restaurant before, and then went to a private video to watch a love movie together, which directly made the relationship between the two of them improve by leaps and bounds.

Gu Tongzhou was very satisfied with this matter.

Seeing Sun Jiayan's back disappear from sight, Gu Tongzhou also turned and left.

Just make a show, and the feeling of watching other girls walk into the dormitory is still very good.

There is a feeling of falling in love.

After Gu Tongzhou turned and left, some men and women at the scene began to whisper.

"Tsk, Sun Jiayan has been hanging out with Gu Tongzhou so late? This looks like a great chance." A boy said in disbelief.

Judging by his appearance, the world view has been a little bit broken, and he doesn't believe that his goddess can be captured by other men.

"Damn, is it just a great chance? It's obvious that we're not far away from being together." The girlfriend next to him rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Impossible." Hearing this, the boy subconsciously said it without even thinking about it.

"Why is it impossible? Do you think that Sun Jiayan is very good-looking, and then it is impossible to find a man?" The girl's eyes sharpened, she looked at her boyfriend, and asked in a cold voice.

"No, I just think it's too fast. Didn't they just know each other not long ago?"

"So you pay attention to them?"


(End of this chapter)

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