God's pride begins with sleep

Chapter 204 Planning for the Future

Chapter 204 Planning for the Future

Not to mention the quarrel between the young couples here, the voices of the girls getting more and more angry, and the boys falling into a dilemma that is getting harder and harder to deal with, let's talk about Sun Jiayan's side.

As soon as she opened the bedroom door, she was surrounded by a few girls who laughed and teased her.

After surrounding them, these girls actually started to move their hands and feet.

"Stop, stop, stop, what are you doing? Are you looking for a fight? Really, you actually moved your hands." Sun Jiayan tried her best to push away the stinky women who were crowded in front of her, rolled her eyes speechlessly, and said angrily .

"Ahem, we're not messing around. We're just checking to see if you've been captured by a stinky man. We just care about you." A person waved his hand and said with a smile.

"That's right, what is tampering, we want to care about you, why is it tampering? It's kind of like a donkey's liver and lungs, I don't know what to do." The other person nodded in agreement, and actually slapped him with a smile Looking at Sun Jiayan and said.

"They're right, that's how it is." The remaining person also nodded with a smile, looked at Sun Jiayan solemnly and said.

"Bah, a group of female hooligans, shameless." Sun Jiayan rolled her eyes speechlessly, curled her lips, pushed away the encirclement of several people, walked straight to her table, and sat down upright.

The others followed Sun Jiayan and surrounded her again.

"Hey, Jiayan, what's the situation with you and Gu Tongzhou now?" One of them put his head on Sun Jiayan's shoulder and said with a smile.

A gossip expression on his face.

"That's right, I saw that they sent you downstairs." Another girl asked gossipingly.

"What is this? It's normal. If you go out to play with a girl, the boy will of course send the girl back! The important thing is that our family, Sun Jiayan, actually went out to play with Gu Tongzhou until so late at night." The rest A girl curled her lips and said solemnly.

"Stop, stop, why are you so gossiping? Like a gossip in the streets and alleys." Sun Jiayan leaned back on the chair, rolled her eyes speechlessly, and said angrily.

"Ah, ah, don't be like this, we just care about you."

"Do you really just want to care about me? Tell the truth." Sun Jiayan turned her head, looked around a few people, nodded slightly, and said with a smile.

"Ahem, okay, firstly, we want to care about you, and we are afraid that you will be cheated by others easily. After all, you are inexperienced. Secondly, we are also quite curious. One A little bit of gossip is in it."

After seeing Sun Jiayan's expression, the three of them looked at each other, and finally someone stood up and said with a smile.

"Hmph! Just gossip, and I didn't say anything, so I don't want to tell you." Sun Jiayan snorted coldly and said with a smile.

Even so, it was of course impossible for Sun Jiayan to tell them everything. After all, this was personal privacy, and it was really bad to say it.

But take out a little unimportant thing to talk about, and then ask a question or two, it is right to satisfy their gossip.

By the way, let's find out what kind of boy Gu Tongzhou is in their eyes, and see if he has any scumbag tendencies.

After Sun Jiayan's roommates heard Sun Jiayan's words, their eyes lit up, and they quickly moved to her side consciously.

After a long time, after Sun Jiayan talked about some experiences, she looked at her three roommates with a smile and asked with a smile.

"Hmm, how's it going? Does he have a tendency to be a scumbag or something?"

"Huh? I think he is very nice. It turns out that he is not only good-looking, but also has such a good personality. It really is the same on the outside and the inside, golden and jade on the outside, and magnanimous on the inside."

"Smack, you two are really in fairy love. You are both talented and beautiful. You both have such good looks, and you both have such good personalities. Ah! No, I'm sour, and I want to taste the pain of love."

"Scumbag tendency? Such a man, do you care if he is a scumbag? Even if he is a scumbag, I am willing. I let him be a scumbag, but he may not be willing. It's a pity."

The three of them answered irrelevant questions, and all of them became somewhat nympho.

"Hey, hey, what's your expression? Look, what are you talking about?!" Sun Jiayan widened her eyes, looked at several people in shock, and said in a somewhat dull tone.

"Cough cough."

Several people glanced at Sun Jiayan, and then coughed in embarrassment.

But this is also impossible.

Gu Tongzhou is exactly the type that girls like, almost the ideal type for all girls.

Good-looking, good-natured, and so rich, where do you think girls don't like it?
Why not like it?

"You said just now that it's okay to let him be a scumbag?" Sun Jiayan pursed her lips and asked with a teasing smile.

"Ahem, anyway, I am willing."

"Hmph! There are more people like you, and more and more scumbags. You are so good, why should you give him scum for nothing? Do you have a problem?" Sun Jiayan rolled her eyes and cursed angrily .

"I'm hungry for his body."

"Bah! Smelly shameless."

"Cough cough."

"Let's not talk about that, let me ask you, does he look like a scumbag? I don't want to be fooled by a scumbag." Sun Jiayan waved her hand and said speechlessly.

"How can we tell, we have no contact with him, and he is still a freshman, we don't know him at all, what should we say?"

"That's right, and you haven't said anything important, how can we judge? Is it all based on subjective conjecture?"

"If you ask me, a good-looking person is most likely to be a scumbag, or a scumbag. Of course, you are not, but according to my experience, a super handsome guy like Gu Tongzhou is not a scumbag. tiny."

"But a girl as beautiful as Sun Jiayan will definitely find that kind of boyfriend who is particularly good-looking, right? So, the possibility of Sun Jiayan meeting a scumbag is very high?"


Sun Jiayan frowned, seeing that the few people in front of her were actually caught in an argument, and felt that what they said was quite reasonable, and then she was a little confused.

That's right, a good-looking guy is definitely a scumbag, but if he's not good-looking, I'm unlikely to like him, right?

If he said that he didn't feel the value of Gu Tongzhou's appearance, he wouldn't believe it.

Smack, it's so difficult, is it so difficult to fall in love?

Sun Jiayan fell into deep thought.



On the other hand, after Gu Tongzhou returned home alone, he went straight to bed and didn't do anything.

Gu Tongzhou didn't go to Jiang Jing tonight, not because he was tired of Jiang Jing. Gu Tongzhou is not that kind of scumbag, and he can't be so ruthless.

Besides, Jiang Jing is such a beautiful woman, it is impossible for Gu Tongzhou to get bored so quickly.

He just felt that even though his body could bear it, it was really not good, and the girl's body might not be able to bear it a bit.

Gu Tongzhou found out that if she really vented out, she would be in a daze the next day.

It's really not good.

So Gu Tongzhou chose to let Jiang Jing take a rest, and he also changed his sleeping environment and went back to his villa to rest.

"I won't be going today, I'll give you a day off." Gu Tongzhou called Jiang Jing with his mobile phone.

"Well, that's fine. If you don't come, I'll go to bed early. Smack, I'm finally going to bed early and get up early again." Jiang Jing said on the phone with a smile.

"Huh? Don't you want me to go find you?" Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows, his tone suddenly changed, and he asked solemnly.

"No, I'm happy even if you come. I can sleep with my brother. I won't be sad if you don't come. I can arrange my time as I like. In short, whether you come or not, I won't be sad. In this way If so, you can come here whenever you want." Jiang Jing's voice paused on the phone, and then she explained with a smile.

"Stop, stop, stop, even if you don't explain, I don't think you will hate me for looking for you. After all, I don't believe that there will be women who don't like a handsome guy like me." Gu Tongzhou smiled, then smug Said.

"Bah, shameless, narcissist." Jiang Jing said softly and coquettishly on the other end of the phone.

"Just say, am I a handsome guy who everyone loves? Just say, as long as I'm normal, will you dislike me?" Gu Tongzhou raised the corners of his mouth indifferently, and his smile became fuller and prouder Said lazily.

"That's not necessarily the case. Who said that if you look good, everyone will love you? You think you are the hero in a TV series." Jiang Jing said on the phone with disdain, boldly provoking Gu Tongzhou.

"Are you serious? You think it over before you talk." Gu Tongzhou raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"Okay, okay, you are really good-looking, okay? As long as you are a normal person, I will definitely like you." Jiang Jing paused for a while on the other end of the phone, and then said with a smile.

"Hahaha, okay, no kidding, tomorrow is Friday, and I will go to Junsha, so I won't look for you these days, and you don't have to cook for me." Gu Tongzhou smiled He raised his finger and looked at the nails carefully, and said with a smile.

"Oh, okay."

"Well, then hang up, and I won't disturb your sleep." Gu Tongzhou said with a smile.


After hanging up the phone, Gu Tongzhou casually put the phone aside, stretched out his hand and touched his chin, thinking carefully about his future path.

In the future, I will definitely want to find a decent business that makes money, at least a business that is superficially profitable, otherwise, it will be difficult for me to do it in the future.

So what should we do?

Suck, in today's society, if you want to make a lot of money reasonably and legally, you have to invest in stocks, but Gu Tongzhou doesn't know it at all. He has absolutely no ability and knowledge level to engage in this industry.

Either devote himself to Internet entrepreneurship, but Gu Tongzhou is really just an ordinary pig, and he can't find any outlet for himself to fly.Nor could there be any particularly compelling concept to attract enough talent.

Or is it real estate?He didn't dredge the relationship between all parties, and he didn't actually have enough financial resources. Therefore, Gu Tongzhou actually wanted to find a business that made money. It was really not easy.

Well, probably we still have to find opportunities from the system.

It depends on whether the father of the system will take pity on himself, and give him some help to start his own business?

Even if not, after I have more and more funds in my hands in the future, even if there is no good way, I can spend money to find a way, and then I can own a huge property openly and aboveboard.

You can also use this to have a certain social status and social influence, not now, except for money, Gu Tongzhou has almost nothing.

He couldn't appreciate the powerful control and social influence of those super-rich at all, but he really wanted to experience it.

"Smack, forget it, don't think about it, don't think about it, anyway, there is no chance now, not to mention that the system didn't give me a good enough opportunity, and I didn't give myself a particularly sufficient fund. I'd better enjoy the pleasure of a small local tyrant first, and then by the way, prepare for the future." Let's start a business and accumulate experience and knowledge." Gu Tongzhou smacked his lips and thought to himself.

Well, read and read books to accumulate knowledge.

Thinking of this, Gu Tongzhou got up and went to the study in the villa.

Although Gu Tongzhou had never read or studied here before, Gu Tongzhou arranged the study room and stuffed a lot of books in it.

All kinds of books, about business management, about popularity and human nature, about market analysis and investigation, of course, in addition to these reference books with extremely clear purposes, there are also many literary books, novels, poems, essays, There is everything.

The category is very complete.

This is how people respect knowledge nowadays. Even though Gu Tongzhou seldom reads books here, Gu Tongzhou still hopes to fill up his study so that he can read these books with interest.

Walking into the study, Gu Tongzhou quietly found a book, and read it seriously under the light.

At the beginning, Gu Tongzhou was really uncomfortable reading it. After all, since graduating from high school and entering university, Gu Tongzhou seldom reads. His habit and patience for reading are getting less and less, so it's hard to read.

But slowly, the more Gu Tongzhou looked at it, the more serious he became, and he gradually became very serious.

After all, what Gu Tongzhou chose at the beginning was not the kind of highly professional books, but those more interesting literature books, so they are still pretty good.

Moreover, Gu Tongzhou really liked these prose, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen Chinese language and literature.

After a long time, Gu Tongzhou, who had finished reading a few essays, raised his head and looked at the time.

It's past twelve o'clock.

"Sleep and sleep." Gu Tongzhou shook his head and said with a smile.

Then suddenly thought of something, picked up the phone and took a selfie of himself.

Then I posted a circle of friends, and I didn't pay any more attention.

went straight to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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