Chapter 1000 Angry

Chapter 1000 Angry

"Xiao Mengqiu did this one thing, which made me feel so grateful to her. I really thank her for saying these things in order to make me feel guilty for the rest of my life. Otherwise, I would still blame Bo Qingang for the rest of my life. She died. , I don’t need to take revenge by myself, you deserve to die, go and stay with her!”

Xiao Su'er sneered, Chi Siang thought Xiao Su'er was trying to kill him, and when he was about to ask her if she really wanted to be so heartless, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, he pressed his chest and squatted on the ground, it turned out that she had already done it .

He frowned in pain and looked at Xiao Su'er, "Are you so cruel? You want to kill me and be buried with Bo Qingang, right? So in your heart, I'm no match for him at all?"

"Anyone who hurts Bo Qingang must die. I used to treat you as a friend, and I didn't even suspect you when this happened, but after you answered those questions just now, we are no longer Friend, you are just my enemy, of course I want to kill you, I will let you experience the feeling of being overwhelmed with pain!

While talking, Xiao Su'er stepped back to keep a distance from Chi Siang. Chi Siang curled up on the ground in pain, like a shrimp that was so painful that he began to tremble, but he still stared at Xiao Su'er with both eyes.

"Are you going to kill me to avenge Bo Qingang? What if, what if Bo Qingang killed me today? Will you also avenge me?"

Even now, he is still not reconciled in his heart, and still wants to compete with Bo Qingang. He feels that during the year when he and Xiao Su'er were at the same table in high school, the two of them had already accumulated a deep revolutionary friendship, and it was impossible for them to be alone He was alone.

He asked himself that he was no worse than Bo Qingang in terms of appearance or other aspects, even he and Xiao Su'er were a good match, the two of them were obviously more compatible in terms of age and personality, why did she feel so much in her heart today? Or is Bo Qingang the only one?

The two of them have been separated for five years, can't they just forget him?
"Revenge? You don't understand Bo Qing'ang too much. He will never harm anyone, let alone do such behind-the-scenes calculations. He has always acted aboveboard. Although the two of you have similar blood, you are the same. Two completely different people."

Xiao Su'er looked at him coldly, even though he was in so much pain that he started to roll on the ground, Xiao Su'er still didn't soften her heart at all, she just wanted to stand here so coldly and watch him being tortured to death, so that she could let her feel a little bit If the face is more comfortable, it will be revenge for Bo Qingang.

Bo Qingang died at the scene of the fire, and his death was so miserable that it was only balanced if I tortured Bo Qingang like this.

Chi Siang was lying on the ground, feeling as if a bug was gnawing at his heart. He felt that the pain was almost unbearable, and now they were all relying on their strong willpower to support them. If it was another person, Probably passed out already, he put his hand into the bag and pressed the phone, but Xiao Su'er didn't see this action.

"Ah!" Chi Siang couldn't bear the pain and screamed, a thin layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, just when Xiao Su'er thought he was about to die of pain, she walked to his side and was about to speak...


A huge force kicked the door open from the outside, a group of bodyguards in black rushed in, Xiao Su'er took two steps back, how did these people do it?She obviously sent bodyguards from the Ang family to guard the door, but these people were obviously not from the Ang family.

"Master, Master!"

The leader, Lin Fan, ran to Chi Siang's side to help him up, and was worried when he saw Chi Siang's unbearable pain, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm just poisoned! Go, find someone to detoxify me, don't stay here anymore." Of course Chi Siang knew that Xiao Su'er would not give him the antidote, so he just wanted to leave quickly.

"Master, is this woman poisoning you?" Lin Fan looked at Xiao Su'er, who was beside him with a calm face, and angrily ordered to the people behind him, "Take her down for me, if you dare to hurt our young master, you must Make her pay for it."

"Yes!" Several bodyguards replied loudly, they stepped forward to catch Xiao Su'er.

Xiao Su'er clenched the golden needle tightly, and was thinking of going head-on with these people, presumably Chi Si'ang must have notified his bodyguards in advance that these people definitely came prepared, and they didn't know what method they used to get them The well-trained bodyguards of the Ang family rushed in.

"Don't touch her, who told you to touch her, are you looking for death?" Chi Siang roared angrily, even if the pain was excruciating, pressing his hands on his chest still couldn't relieve the pain at all, but he still protected Xiao Su'er, anyone in the world No one can hurt her.

Back then when he knew that Xiao Su'er had harmed his mother, he had mixed emotions in his heart. His first reaction was to be sad. After all, his mother passed away, but after the sadness, he also thought about avenging Katharina. I thought about whether I should come to Xiao Su'er and ask her to pay for her life.

But in the end, after struggling with conflicts, he found that he didn't want to hurt Xiao Su'er at all, even if she killed his closest relative, his love for her would still remain undiminished.

How could such a strong love disappear just because Xiao Su'er hurt him, even if Xiao Su'er really killed him today, he wouldn't blame her.

Lin Fan couldn't help being a little annoyed when he heard that he was still defending Xiao Su'er to this point, his young master is too infatuated, why don't he see if this woman loves him or not?
"Young master! Don't let her go. She wants to kill you today, and he will definitely come back to hurt you again in the future. Don't be sad to hurt yourself for a while, and plant this disaster. I will kill her today."

Lin Fan wanted to disobey his order, so he took out his gun and pointed it at Xiao Su'er, almost pulling the trigger, but Chi Siang shouted even more angrily, "If you dare to hurt her today, I will kill you! I said No one can touch him after passing by, let's go!"

"Master!" Lin Fan put down the gun helplessly, but he was still a little unwilling.

"Do you think you can detoxify him by taking him out to find a doctor? Let me tell you that this is a poison I developed myself. No one in the world can detoxify him except my antidote, even if you find the most powerful There is nothing I can do about it." Xiao Su'er was not afraid of them at all, and said these words coldly from the side.

Lin Fan became even more angry, he loaded the gun regardless and raised it, "I see you, a dead woman, is looking for death today, so hand over the antidote to me."

"Do you think I'm afraid of your guns? Come on! Hit here! I'm not afraid at all, but I'm afraid you won't dare to shoot."

Xiao Su'er calmly pointed to her head with her finger, with a provocative look on her face, she was not afraid of them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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