Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 999 The revenge of killing the mother

Chapter 999 The revenge of killing the mother

Chapter 999 The revenge of killing the mother

"It's not wrong. As Katharina's son, you came to steal her body. I can understand that you are not wrong, but are you still doing that human experiment? Have you found a lot of people with RH negative blood? It suddenly broke out before Was that inexplicable illness that many people couldn't find out the cause of that illness also caused by you?"

Xiao Su'er didn't want to discuss right or wrong with him, if Chi Siang knew right or wrong, how could he possibly hurt Bo Qing'ang?He probably stayed with Katharina since he was a child, and he just cared about everything and ignored others.

"Yes, I did it! When many people went to your clinic and you couldn't find out the reason, I became bolder. I knew that these quack doctors were destined to not understand what was going on, so I accelerated my pace and let those people Fake death, and then send their remains overseas to continue human experiments."

"The employees in the funeral home were also bought by me. I heard all of you when you had a conflict with him, but I'm not afraid at all, because I know you won't be able to find clues, and you won't know it's me."

Under the effect of Veritaserum, Chi Siang explained all his dark psychology thoroughly. Even if he did such a crazy thing, he still didn't feel that he was at fault. For experiments, the experimental products found were at least given a large sum of money.

Although the family members of those experimental subjects went too far and sold people to Katharina like commodities, at least it can be seen that Katharina has a little conscience and knows to exchange money.

But what about Chi Siang now?He didn't even have a conscience, and he didn't want to spend money at all. He made these people feel pain, and even tasted the taste of death before transferring their "corpses" from the funeral home for human experiments. He didn't need to pay any price. But it made the family members of these people worry, it was hundreds of times more ruthless than his mother.

"You are too ruthless. Did you transfer so many people this time for human experiments? You have not stopped thinking about experimenting in the past five years. Has it succeeded? You and your mother have been working together for a long time. I have been experimenting for more than 20 years, but there is no success, so stop harming others and yourself!"

Xiao Su'er still wanted to persuade him, although he might not be able to listen, of course, if he could listen a little bit, how many fewer people would suffer in the future.

"Who said you didn't succeed once? Didn't you already succeed? And you not only traveled to the Ghost Doctor Valley when your mother was giving birth, but also crossed over from the Ghost Doctor Valley. My mother has already told me about these things, but I can't bear it, I don't want to use you as an experiment, that's why we haven't succeeded until now!"

Under the effect of Veritaserum, Chi Siang seemed a little out of control, showing his truest side in front of Xiao Su'er, Xiao Su'er saw his hideous appearance, he didn't listen to persuasion at all, and still thought that these experiments It's just that he didn't do it enough times, he just wanted to find a pattern.

Xiao Su'er looked at him and didn't know how to persuade him, and when he wanted to speak again, Chi Si'ang suddenly yelled again, "Do you know that my father is still lying there, I have to do this experiment, I have to Save him, he is the only family member I have in this world, don’t you have a father too? You also love people, don’t you? Why do you want me to give up saving my father?”

"You don't seem to be such a cruel person. You can't distinguish between right and wrong for Bao Qingang. I can love you regardless if you kill my mother. As long as you are willing to be with me, I can forget about you." Mother-killing revenge, why don't you look at me? You only have Bo Qingang in your eyes!"

When he roared, his eyes were bloodshot. He really hated Bo Qingang to the bone. He hated that he and the two had never had equal identities. He hated that the two had similar blood but walked completely different. Knowing the way, I hate that he didn't want to fight with him, but he robbed his favorite woman.

"The revenge of killing my mother, are you here to mention the revenge of killing my mother? Shall I take you to recall how your mother killed my mother? My brother and I were just born, and my mother was killed by you in order to protect us. Mom was killed, the death was so miserable, there were wounds all over her body, she was tortured to death."

"At least your mother didn't suffer so much pain. She was killed by a bomb she installed herself, I tell you! I regret not killing her with my own hands, and you are still here to take revenge on me for killing my mother ?”

Xiao Su'er was also a little angry when she heard these four words. Why did Chi Siang reach such a level of indifference between right and wrong? Katharina's death did have something to do with him, and why?Isn't she out for revenge?It was Katharina who killed her mother first.

But Chi Siang not only didn't feel that his mother was wrong, but was repeating the path his mother had walked in the past, which was even more outrageous than his methods.

"That's just right, my mother killed your mother, and now you have revenge yourself, we two have no enmity!" Chi Siang followed Xiao Su'er's words, but Xiao Su'er couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"You killed Bo Qingang, our hatred is irreconcilable! You and Xiao Mengqiu have been scheming against me all the time, Xiao Mengqiu pretended to be an old lady, even took Yi Rong pills to my clinic, and even asked that man to come to my clinic Pretend to be her son just to lie to me."

"If you don't ask her to cooperate, she will definitely find an opportunity to harm me. You two have a good plan, but I didn't notice it at all. You feel very proud?"

Only then did Xiao Su'er see everything clearly, she had been kept in the dark, played around by Chi Si'ang and Xiao Mengqiu, both of them wanted to harm her, there were too many thoughts hidden in her life with Bo Qing'ang She should be more vigilant for those who want to break them up. Maybe it's because Mr. Ang has protected them so well overseas in the past five years, and she has forgotten that there are so many dangers hidden in life.

In fact, after thinking about it carefully later, she could find that there were many strange things about Xiao Mengqiu when she came to the clinic to look for her. The changes in her attitude towards Xiao Su'er two times before and after were already very suspicious, but Xiao Su'er didn't go to investigate.

And her son, who was hired with money, also noticed something was wrong at the time, but Xiao Su'er ignored these strange things, even if she thought it was unreasonable, she didn't think about it, and it actually caused such a result.

"It's Xiao Mengqiu, she has such a big mouth that she is dead, and she still talks about those nonsense. If she didn't say those words, you would not know that there is a misunderstanding between you and Bo Qingang."

(End of this chapter)

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