Chapter 998 I'm His Brother

Chapter 998 I'm His Brother

What kind of reason made him prefer to hurt himself rather than speak out? It seems that this reason is really important!Xiao Su'er slapped the table in front of him and asked loudly, "Quickly tell me! Why? How did he provoke you to make you hate him so much, and you have to use such an extreme method."

Xiao Su'er's eyes were bloodshot. It was obvious that the events of the past few days had tortured her very much. It could also be seen how much affection she had for Bo Qing'ang. Chi Siang suddenly felt what he had done Everything he did was touching him, what was the use of what he had done, even if he was willing to become a demon for Xiao Su'er, Xiao Su'er couldn't see him in her eyes, only Bao Qingang was in her eyes .

Thinking of this, Chi Siang suddenly became annoyed and yelled at her, "Because I'm his younger brother, he took away everything from me, my family background, my status, and now even the woman I love the most Rob, of course I will kill him!"

His roar that suddenly increased in volume stunned Xiao Su'er on the spot, and she pointed at Chi Siang in disbelief, "You are Bo Qingang's younger brother, you two..."

She wanted to say that the two of them didn't look alike, but now that she was so close to Chi Si'ang, she could actually tell that he and Bo Qing'ang were alike, that is, just from the appearance, they both belonged to each other. In the word handsome, the eyebrows and eye contours of both of them belong to the tough type, especially the noses are exactly the same.

In the past, I didn't think about the blood relationship between the two people. Even if I felt that they were somewhat alike, I would only comfort myself with the similarities between handsome guys. Now it seems that it's not because of the handsome guys, but because of blood relationship!
Chi Siang sneered when he saw her shocked in place, stood up and approached Xiao Su'er, their faces were almost touching, Xiao Su'er took two steps back and stood in place and looked at her, "You are his younger brother, you are Kai Selina's child?"

"Of course! His short-lived father has long since died. I am his half-brother, but I am also a child of the Bo family. I have said so much that you should be able to know who I am."

Chi Siang didn't point it out himself, but looked at Xiao Su'er after speaking halfway, but indeed what he said was enough for Xiao Su'er to judge who he was. He said that Bo Qing'ang's father was relatively short-lived, and Bo Qing'ang It's a half-brother. Isn't Katharina Bo Qingang's uncle who has been so devoted to her for so many years?He's Catharina and Bonn's child!
Xiao Su'er expressed her thoughts, "Are you the child of Katharina and Uncle Bo Qingang?"

"Yes! He and I are both from the Bo family, born from the same mother. According to the logic, my father is his uncle and his father's elder brother. In terms of inheritance rights, my father is qualified to inherit Bo. home, but the result!
He has robbed everything that belongs to me, and he wants to rob you. Originally, I disdain to fight with him, and I am not interested in the money of the Bo family, but if he wants to rob you, I have to kill him! "

Chi Siang yelled out these words hysterically. It turned out that there was so much reluctance in his heart. He felt that everything Bo Qingang owned should belong to him. All the status in Huaxia Mainland should belong to him, Chi Siang, but Bo Qingang took it all.

It doesn't matter if he took these belongings, it's just some money, and he doesn't ask for so much. After all, he has been with Katharina since he was a child. The money and wealth of the Bo family are not less than that of the Bo family. He is really not very interested in the things of the Bo family. What he wants most is Xiao Su'er.

Since he was a child, he saw that Katharina had worked hard to save people. Even if she was facing a man who was lying there like a vegetable, she could ask for his health and talk to him every day. What a dedicated feeling!
He was influenced by Katharina's view of love, and he also wanted a life-long love between two people. He just wanted to find a woman he loved the most, so even if there were so many girls chasing him in high school and college, he would He didn't take it seriously, he only remembered the first girl he fell in love with.

But it was the only girl, and Bo Qingang, the girl he loved so much, wanted to snatch it away. It was too much, he could only resist and take back everything that belonged to him.

Xiao Su'er gently closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. It turned out that the biggest reason for this was herself, because Chi Siang fell in love with her, so did Chi Siang have to be killed by him?I am really a disaster!
She gritted her teeth and raised her head to look at Chi Siang, "Don't you think about brotherhood at all? If you didn't tell me, I haven't discovered that you both have the word "ang" in your names. This is when your mother married you. The last name you used when you came to Bo’s house. You two have the closest blood relationship, why do the children who come out of the same mother’s womb kill each other?”

"Bo Qing'ang never knew of your existence, and he never thought of harming you. Why did you do such an outrageous thing? Don't say that you like me anymore. I have never expressed that kind of feeling to you."

"If the two of us fell in love, Bo Qing'ang would have snatched me away. You could treat him so viciously, but you and I were innocent from the beginning to the end. You have gone too far!"

Xiao Su'er shook her head while talking, she didn't expect Chi Siang to have the slightest conscience discovery, she just wanted to say what she wanted to say in her heart.

"So what if I was too much, he is dead now, you have said that I am related to him by blood, I look so similar to him, can't you treat me as him? I swear I will treat you very well OK."

Chi Siang still wants Xiao Su'er to fall in love with him even now, and wants the two of them to be together. His love for her cannot be questioned, but his love is suffocating and unbearable.

He wanted to pull Xiao Su'er's hand while he was talking, Xiao Su'er opened his hand and looked at him, then asked sharply, "I haven't finished asking! Since you said you are Katharina's child, then I will ask You, were you the one who stole her body?"

Xiao Su'er still remembered that when they were about to leave China, they received news that Katharina's body was missing, but at that time they were in a hurry to leave, and it was just a corpse, so they couldn't do anything and didn't investigate.

"Yes, it's me! Am I wrong? Is it wrong for a son to want his mother to be buried safely?" Chi Siang admitted.

(End of this chapter)

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