Chapter 997 Terrifying Love
Chapter 997 Terrifying Love
Xiao Su'er went deep and found that Chi Siang hadn't mentioned Xiao Mengqiu for a long time. He probably didn't want to reveal her as an ally, but how could Xiao Su'er let it go, she had to ask clearly, carefully, and not miss anything.

When Chi Siang heard her say Xiao Mengqiu's words, he was even more shocked. How could Xiao Suer know everything, even he and Xiao Mengqiu teamed up.

Except for him, Lin Fan and Xiao Mengqiu himself, no one else knew about the cooperation between him and Xiao Mengqiu. It is impossible for Xiao Mengqiu to take the initiative to tell Xiao Su'er. Could it be Lin Fan?Impossible, he is loyal to himself, absolutely impossible to betray.

"Don't think about it anymore, answer me!" Seeing his surprised look, Xiao Su'er actually forgot to answer, and pressed the question again.

"Yes, Xiao Mengqiu and I teamed up. When I found her, I just wanted to join hands with her to separate you and Bo Qingang. I was using the things you dreamed to make Bo Qingang disappear in your world. She wanted to fulfill her and Bo Qingang, but she actually said that she would take Bo Qingang to die together."

"She said that the greatest pain is the eternal separation between heaven and man. There is no hope in living in this world. If she can create an opportunity to die with Bo Qingang, she will be satisfied. She will torture you two!"

Chi Siang recalled the scene when he found Xiao Mengqiu. He expressed his thoughts and was going to discuss cooperation with Xiao Mengqiu. He gave a huge check for Xiao Mengqiu to consider.

Of course, his original intention was to kill Bo Qingang. He thought that Xiao Mengqiu would plead with him and let him match her and Bo Qingang. In order to make him lose his memory and let Xiao Mengqiu take him away, Xiao Su'er left it to herself.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Mengqiu rejected his check without thinking, and only asked Chi Siang to prepare a place and bomb for him, and she would be the implementer of everything, and she would take Bo Qingang to die together.

Such a result simply made Chi Siang feel that it couldn't be better, he agreed without thinking, but when the two of them talked, there was no third person present, who told Xiao Su'er this?

Xiao Su'er's heart ached when she heard his words, she stretched out her hand to cover her heart to relieve the pain, she didn't know what to think of Xiao Mengqiu, she would rather pay the price of her life to separate her and Bo Qing'ang, what would it do to her benefit?Why not let go of your obsessions and find your own happiness?

Overseas these years, Xiao Shuo actually sometimes thought of Xiao Mengqiu, and once asked her if she would accept Xiao Mengqiu's return.

Xiao Shuo was still thinking about that father-daughter relationship. Although Xiao Mengqiu was only his adopted daughter, and he adopted her because he regarded her as a substitute when he adopted her, but after all the feelings accumulated over the years, he still regarded Xiao Mengqiu as his adopted daughter. How could she give up on someone who had loved her as much as her own daughter!
When he was overseas, he also tried to find news about Xiao Mengqiu through various networks. After all, the former genius girl participated in so many medical competitions, there must be reports about her on the Internet, but he did not expect that during those five years, there was no news about her. Read any online reports about Xiao Mengqiu.

Xiao Shuo was very worried about her, and even sent people to the Huaxia Mainland to look for Xiao Mengqiu, but they couldn't find her at all. He thought that Xiao Mengqiu was really with Bo Qingang, maybe she was taken care of by Bo Qingang, and he also I didn't look for it again, and I can live a better life with Bo Qingang.

His two daughters, whether they are his own or not, fell on Bo Qingang. He also has complicated feelings for Bo Qingang. When he saw Xiao Su'er depressed overseas, he would ask her if Xiao Mengqiu came to be with her. They live together, can the two of them get along well?

Xiao Su'er once seriously thought about this question. If Xiao Mengqiu and Bo Qing'ang broke up, could she get along with Xiao Mengqiu peacefully regardless of the previous suspicions? Of course she resisted in her heart, but Xiao Su'er looked at her with earnest eyes. Still willing.

So whether it is the Ang family or their Xiao family, they are all willing to accept Xiao Mengqiu, and they don't have to worry about the past with her. She can find someone who loves her, and she doesn't have to be entangled with Bo Qingang anymore. Days will be happier.

But she completely trapped herself in Bo Qingang's vortex, and she only revolved around Bo Qingang in this life, without thinking about herself at all, even if she died in the end, it was because of Bo Qingang.

Thinking about these things, Xiao Mengqiu felt really ridiculous and sad, how could there be such a person in the world, would she be happy if she ruined herself and others?
Chi Siang looked at Xiao Su'er's sad face, and asked her anxiously, "Why do you know that I did these things, who told you? I have been doing it very secretly, even in the surveillance I did not Let you find out."

Chi Siang remembered clearly that before he sent people to follow Xiao Wang and wanted to kill him. Although Bo Qingang found out, they didn't ask anything. After all, his subordinates were still very loyal. Even if it is suicide, he will not betray himself.

He couldn't think of what went wrong with him, to let Xiao Su'er know so many things, he thought he was always hidden and safe.

"You did it very covertly, and I didn't realize that I was being watched. If it wasn't for Xiao Mengqiu, I would never have known it in this life. I would have been kept in the dark for the rest of my life, but Xiao Mengqiu's bad taste before he died, because She wanted me to feel guilty, and wanted me to live in pain for the rest of my life, so she told me everything.

She said that she knew that I could predict the future, so she specially planned a good show to harm me, but she was also loyal and didn't confess you, but what she said was enough for me to guess!Sure enough, all of this is your calculation!I guessed right. "

Xiao Su'er sneered twice, now she has figured out everything, but there is still one biggest doubt lingering in her heart, she put her hands on the table and stared at Chi Siang and asked loudly, "Say! Why did you Hurt Bo Qingang like this, what kind of hatred does he have with you, you don't hesitate to kill him, not just because of me!"

She felt that there must be conflicts between the two that she didn't know about. If it was only because of her, then Chi Siang was too terrifying. His love could destroy everything. If he couldn't get it, he would find a way to destroy it. Lost, this kind of feeling is too strong for ordinary people to bear.

"Of course it's not just because of you, it's because of..." Chi Siang almost blurted out, but this time he bit his lips tightly, and refused to let go until the blood flowed from the bite.

(End of this chapter)

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