Chapter 1004 Poison Entrance
Chapter 1004 Poison Entrance
Even now she still thinks that Xiao Su'er is only doing it for Su Ling, and never thought it was because of her surveillance.

Since she was so stupid, Xiao Su'er no longer expected her to figure it out on her own, and said coldly: "Sooner or later, you will have to pay back what you did. Do you think I really don't know anything?"

"Spy on me by my side, eavesdrop on my conversation with my brother, secretly take photos of the two of us, last time you fooled me, I saw that photo and ignored the picture of the wound I drew on it .”

At this point in her words, Liu Yan had already realized what was going on. She never thought that she would be exposed. After all, Xiao Su'er never came to work in the clinic a few days ago. She didn't even have a place to monitor her. Abnormal, why don't you come to work these days, but still know that you are spying on her?

Could it be that someone informed?But I didn't tell anyone!

In this case, just deny it to death!Thinking of this, Liu Yan bit the bullet to refute Xiao Su'er's words, "What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't do anything. Why did I spy on you quietly? How did I spy on you? You haven't come to work these days Okay? Are you dreaming?"

"Do you think I will believe you if you don't admit it? The person who hired you has already told me that he hired you to monitor me, and you still want to admit it?" Xiao Su'er threw the porcelain bottle at her feet, "Do you want to know what kind of medicine this is? It's a poison that can kill your intestines. You'll have a reaction in five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one..."

As soon as Xiao Su'er's voice fell, Liu Yan clutched her stomach and began to roll on the ground. The pain was really felt from the internal organs, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys seemed to be pinched in the palm of the hand and were about to be crushed.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!" She yelled in pain, and she lost her strength after screaming twice. This kind of pain was something she had never felt before, it was like experiencing a cut in half.

"Is it comfortable? Is it the feeling that you have never felt before? I tell you that you will never have the chance to experience it again, because you will not feel any more. Today I will kill you."

Xiao Su'er still stood beside her expressionlessly, even if she saw a person suffering so much in front of her, her emotions did not fluctuate in the slightest.

"You, you..." Liu Yan was in so much pain that she couldn't breathe, her speech was intermittent and she couldn't utter a complete sentence. She just watched Xiao Su'er getting more and more frightened, and finally began to beg directly.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't, spying on you, I was wrong, wrong, wrong! Just let me go, I can do whatever you want!"

Liu Yan finished speaking intermittently, and looked at Xiao Su'er begging for mercy, but she still refused to talk to her, and said lightly, "I want your life."

"I beg you, I'm just spying on you, I, I, even if I did something wrong, I won't be guilty of death. I bought these shoes with the money she gave. I don't want them anymore. I can give them to him." I'll give you all my money, please let me go, okay? I don't want to die yet."

Liu Yan spoke a lot more quickly as soon as she was in a hurry, and endured the pain, she took off her shoes and smashed them on the ground. She thought that she would soften Xiao Su'er's heart a little bit by doing this. A soft word will be fine.

But this time Xiao Su'er didn't care at all, just looked at her, "I will watch you tortured to death here, and watch your despair bit by bit, let me tell you! Everyone involved in this matter should go die!"

After Liu Yan heard his words, her head went blank, she could only feel the pain in her stomach, and finally rolled around on the ground with her stomach in her arms, unable to say anything anymore!
Meanwhile, on the other side.

Xiao Wang, who is in the kindergarten, always feels that his left eyelid is twitching non-stop today, and his heart is a little flustered, but he can't tell why he doesn't have any thoughts even when he is holding a computer. , he is not in the mood to listen!

He is usually the most well-behaved child and suddenly became like this. Of course the teachers noticed something was wrong. They walked up to him and asked gently, "Xiao Wang, what happened today? I feel that you are absent-minded. Are you feeling unwell? It's still morning Didn't you have breakfast?"

"No, teacher, I always feel that something is wrong. Can I ask for a day off today? I want to go home and have a rest!"

When Xiao Wang spoke, his left eyelid was still twitching, and he always felt that something was about to happen.

"Aren't you feeling well? Then you go back to rest today. I'll call your mother to pick you up. I'll send today's class to your mother's mailbox later. You watch the online class and then do your homework. Tomorrow You can just bring it to the teacher, and you don’t have to do it if you feel uncomfortable!”

The teachers are very talkative. Xiao Wang is a gifted child. They have already seen it. Every time the teacher asks any question in class, he can answer it straight away, even if it is some advanced learning content. Xiao Wang was able to answer a few words, and it would not affect anything for such a gifted child to miss a day of kindergarten class.

"You don't need to call mom. I just call grandpa. Mom is at work now. I don't want to affect her."

Xiao Wang was very well-behaved and sensible, he still remembered Xiao Su'er's mood these two days, and didn't want to affect her, so he took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Shuo.

At this moment, Xiao Shuo was on his way to the clinic, and he was still worried about Xiao Su'er going to work alone. Although there would be no danger in going to the clinic, the clinic also belonged to the Ang family, but he was still worried about what would happen if she ran out in the middle of work. manage?He could only rush there, but the road was blocked during the rush hour, and when he was in a hurry, he received a call from Xiao Wang.

"Mengbao, what happened? Aren't you in class?"

"Grandpa, I feel a little unwell. You can pick me up from the kindergarten. I don't want to go to class today." When Xiao Wang was speaking, he kept pressing his left eyelid with his hand, not wanting it to jump.

He remembered that grandpa would sometimes say some common sayings, left is bad and right is good, and eyelid twitching is not good. Although he doesn't believe in these superstitions, the flustered feeling still makes him very uncomfortable.

OK, I'll come pick you up right away. "Hearing what Xiao Wang said, Xiao Shuo immediately turned the steering wheel and drove in the direction of his kindergarten. Now Xiao Su'er's mood is very strange. If something happens to Xiao Wang, should he live? You can't let him be a baby anymore. Something happened to the grandson.

But when he rushed to the kindergarten, he saw Xiao Wang carrying his small schoolbag and standing at the entrance of the kindergarten intact, he was a little dazed!

(End of this chapter)

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