Chapter 1005
Chapter 1005
Xiao Shuo hastily parked the car, got out of the car and came to Xiao Shuo, looked him up and down, and made sure he was fine before heaved a sigh of relief, "Are you fine? I thought you had a fever." Or a cold, teacher, what's the matter with this child?"

Grandpa Xiao Wang, don’t worry about Xiao Wang, today he just feels a little unwell. Maybe it’s because the weather is getting colder recently, and he caught a cold by kicking the quilt while sleeping at night. Take him back to have a rest, and he should be fine after a good night’s sleep. , I won’t have class today, but I will send the class to her mother’s mailbox, so don’t worry. "

After the teacher finished speaking politely and politely, Xiao Shuo looked at Xiao Wang and stretched out his hand to check the temperature on his forehead. The temperature was normal, not like he had a fever.

Xiao Wang grabbed Xiao Shuo's hand and waved to the teacher, "Teacher, my grandfather and I are leaving first!"

After the two of them got into the car, he immediately looked at Xiao Shuo and said, "Well, let me tell you, grandpa, when I was in class today, my left eyelid kept flustering in our hearts, and I always felt something was wrong. Take me to find my mother." Well, I want to see her, she hasn't talked to me properly in days."

When Xiao Shuo heard the child's words, his heart instantly turned into a bowl of warm water. It turned out that the child missed his mother, and he thought about it too!Xiao Su'er ignored him for as long as she had been decadent. He still didn't know what happened to a four-year-old child for a whole week.

During this time, they kept the news of Bo Qing'ang's death from Xiao Wang. They didn't even bring him to the funeral that day. He probably didn't know what happened.

Xiao Wang sat on the seat, his small fists clenched together, his nails dug into the flesh, although it hurt a little, but he didn't say these things, the adults thought he didn't know anything.

In fact, he already knew that Xiao Su'er went out wearing a black wedding dress but didn't take him with him that day. , in the old house of the Bo family.

After all, the old house of the Bo family is also an important place, and the people of the Bo family have already installed surveillance cameras. After he invaded again, he found out that he was going to attend Bo Qingang's funeral, and his whole body collapsed.

He said why his father didn't contact him during this time. He sent text messages and called, but no one answered. He thought it was Bo Qingang who went abroad to discuss business and ignored him, but he didn't expect it to be so.

He was also sad, but he knew that he couldn't break down, even if she was still young, he had to work hard to be strong, he couldn't let Xiao Su'er take care of him when she was so depressed.

Moreover, he could see that both grandpa and uncle had been trying their best to hide it from him. In this case, he pretended that he didn't know, so as to make them feel at ease.

But today he really felt a little upset and still wanted Xiao Suer to comfort her. He had been by Xiao Suer's side since the day he was born. It's really hard to accept, it's pretty good to be able to survive this week.

"Okay, grandpa will take you to find mom." Xiao Shuo rubbed his hair and stepped on the accelerator, driving towards Xiao Su'er's clinic.

Liu Yan in the office of the clinic was already sweating profusely from the pain, lying on the ground weakly, even if the pain was excruciating, she did not have the strength to struggle anymore, but looked at Xiao Su'er resentfully, she felt that today must be When the time of death came, she couldn't survive, so Xiao Su'er was the culprit, she was the murderer!
Xiao Su'er came to her side and looked down at her, "At first I wanted to teach you not to be unconscionable, not to do anything for money, but now it seems that there are some things that you will never have a chance to learn, so reincarnate well in your next life." , remember to be a good person.”

"You will die badly. Do you think you can escape the punishment of the law if you harm someone? You won't be able to live if I die here today." Liu Yan was so painful that her whole body was tilted to one side, her face was pressed against the ground, but she was still there. Curse Xiao Su'er.

"You don't need to worry about my affairs. You can die well. If you meet Bo Qingang in hell, remember to tell him that I have already avenged him."

Xiao Su'er squatted down and looked at Liu Yan on the ground. Her face was covered with sweat. It seemed that she was in extreme pain. The effect of this poison was good, but she hoped that she would never have the chance to use it again.

She reached out and pinched Liu Yan's chin, forcing Liu Yan to look at her with disdain and mockery in her eyes.

"Bah!" Liu Yan spat at her fiercely, she was already dying anyway, and she didn't care about it anymore.

Xiao Su'er hid back but couldn't dodge, the saliva splashed on her face, she raised her hand and slapped Liu Yan in displeasure, Liu Yan wanted to say something but before she could say it, she wanted to slap her face Xiao Su'er was slapped many times.

"Papa papa!" The sound of slaps was endless, and the sound echoed in the office. Liu Yan was already weak, but after receiving so many slaps, she collapsed on the ground with her face swollen.

"You are looking for death!" Xiao Su'er didn't want to see it being tortured to death, so it would be better to kill her directly, took out a knife from her bag and wanted to stab Liu Yan, at this critical moment——

"Su'er, what are you doing? Are you crazy? You actually want to kill someone?" Xiao Shuo's voice came from the door, and he rushed into the office, snatching the knife from Xiao Su'er's hand.

When he entered the clinic just now, he asked where Xiao Su'er was. The nurses in the clinic all pointed to the upstairs with a timid look, and told him that Xiao Su'er had dragged Liu Yan into the office and hadn't seen him for a long time. look up.

Xiao Shuo was quite relieved to hear that Xiao Su'er was in the clinic, and thought that nothing would happen, but he didn't expect to see this scene when he came up, if he came a few minutes later, the consequences would be disastrous.

"I'm not killing people, I'm killing scourges. She is very responsible for Bo Qingang's death. I will kill everyone who killed Bo Qingang. I'm taking revenge! Dad, don't you Stop me, give me the knife!" Xiao Su'er said while going to grab the knife in Xiao Shuo's hand.

"You are enough. You can't let others die with her because of her death. What did she do? Even if the law were to judge her, she wouldn't be sentenced to death! You can't lose your mind, look at her You have been tortured like this."

Xiao Shuo really couldn't bear to see his daughter like this, and he couldn't bear to see Liu Yan's cruel appearance on the ground. When Liu Yan saw Xiao Shuo coming in and heard Xiao Su'er calling his father, he saw Hope and shouted at him, "You See what your daughter did, she poisoned me, do you want to go to jail?"

(End of this chapter)

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