Chapter 1006 Hope for the Future

Chapter 1006 Hope for the Future

"Shut up! Even if I want to go to jail, you will definitely die today!" Xiao Su'er kicked her hard, Liu Yan was already in so much pain that she spat out blood unbearably.

"Enough! Su'er, are you really going to kill someone today? I will never allow you to do so." Xiao Shuo stopped her and helped Liu Yan up from the ground.

Xiao Su'er wanted to fight again, but Xiao Shuo could only look at her like an elder, "Do you want to fight with your father today?"

"Dad, I've said it all. I'm taking revenge, and I'm not trying to harm anyone. Why do you have to stop me?" Xiao Su'er was a little annoyed and even more incomprehensible. She had already gotten into a dead end these days. If she doesn't come out, she always wants to kill Liu Yan in front of her to vent her anger. Maybe she has to kill everyone related to this matter before she can return to normal.

"Calm down, aren't you harming someone now? Even from a legal point of view, only Xiao Mengqiu is responsible for killing Bo Qing'ang. If you attack them casually now, aren't you harming someone? Look at Xiao Wang and then at yourself, even if you want to give up on yourself, don’t you also give up on your son? He is only five years old now.”

Seeing Xiao Su'er like this, Xiao Shuo knew that he could no longer provoke her by her side, so he turned his head and said a few words to Xiao Wang, "You stay here with mom."

Putting down these words, he dragged Liu Yan out of the office. Liu Yan has been tortured to the point of dying, her entire face is pale without a trace of blood, and her lips are still stained with bright red blood, but Even such bright colors couldn't hide her pale face.

Xiao Su'er fell to the ground, beside the porcelain vase he threw on the ground just now, her whole body was empty, and what Xiao Shuo said just now seemed to wake her up.

indeed!She can give up on herself, but is she going to give up even Xiao Wang?Her son's life has not yet started, he is just a child, such a genius should see the vast sky, and should not be dragged down by her mother.

Xiao Wang walked to Xiao Su'er's side and comforted Xiao Su'er with his small hand, "Mom, I'm still here, I won't abandon you, you look at me more." Xiao Wang patted Xiao Su'er's back with his hand to help her smooth Shunqi.

Xiao Su'er heard her son's thoughtful words, tears fell from her eyes, she reached out and touched Xiao Wang's face, "Son, do you hate mom? Mom hasn't paid much attention to you these days."

Xiao Wang shook his head thoughtfully, "I don't hate my mother, I know that my mother has been in a bad mood for the past two days, I won't blame you, I know that my father passed away. It's normal for my mother to be sad, and I am also very sad."

He said that he started to cry as soon as he held his mouth. Although he was still young, he really seldom cried. This time, he couldn't help it. Show your sad emotions.

He was also very sad that his mother ignored him, but in order to prevent Xiao Su'er from losing control of his emotions, he didn't want to bother her. A small child has endured too many things that he shouldn't bear. Now Xiao Su'er knows what to do. Come to care about him, his emotions can't be held back in an instant.

Seeing him crying, Xiao Su'er's heart softened, and she hugged him.

"It's my mother's fault. I shouldn't have treated you like this. You are still young! You don't understand anything. I chose to give birth to you at the beginning, but now I blame you for being too similar to Bao Qingang. I am too We are no longer human, it will only be me and you in the future, we must live a good life, and survive with your father's share."

"Yeah!" Xiao Wang hugged Xiao Su'er and nodded fiercely, and the mother and son hugged each other like this and wept into tears.

Xiao Su'er was crying while thinking, Xiao Wang is really the only one left in her life in the future, Xiao Mengqiu is dead, and Chi Si'ang is sure to die, as for Liu Yan, Xiao Shuo should save her if he takes it away.

But after such a time, she should not dare to mess with herself again, and her life became calm again, and she suddenly felt like there was an empty piece in her heart, invisible and intangible, and only felt a little pain.

When Bo Qingang came to look for her just after returning to the Huaxia Mainland, she always said that she wanted to keep him away from her. He wanted a peaceful life, but now that a peaceful life has come, Bo Qingang is no longer possible. I came to her, and it was impossible for the two of us to see each other again in this lifetime. Instead, she felt a pain in her heart, as if she had lost something important, and the more she thought about it, the more her heart ached.

She can only hug Xiao Wang tightly, which can relieve her pain, Xiao Wang is his hope for the rest of his life!

In the office of Imperial University, Xiao Yuhan looked at the papers submitted by his classmates on the computer, but he couldn't calm down at all. He was worried and helpless about Xiao Suer's affairs these two days, but he couldn't share the burden of his sister's appearance. , For the first time, I found myself so powerless.

"Hey..." He sighed deeply, put the mouse aside, and didn't have the mind to read the paper anymore. Now he just wanted to go home and see his sister when he was off work.

Bai Qingyue at the office door had hesitated for a long time, and she didn't have the courage to knock on his door. After seeing Xiao Su'er at the funeral that day, she always felt weird in her heart and wanted to go to Xiao Su'er's house to accompany her, but on campus When I met Xiao Yuhan inside, he said that he didn't need to go anymore, and Xiao Su'er didn't listen to anyone's advice at all.

Since Xiao Yuhan said so, Bai Qingyue didn't go to his house anymore, but these two days he could observe Xiao Yuhan's face getting worse and worse, and he would usually talk and laugh with the students. He didn't even have a smile on his face for two days, and he felt worried when he looked at it.

Today, I just wanted to come to his office to see him, but when I stood in front of the office door, I didn't have the courage to knock on his door. After knocking, what should the two of them say?If Xiao Yuhan continued to be depressed, she didn't know how to comfort her. After all, she, a young lady, usually only came to comfort her when she was in a bad mood, and she never needed to comfort others.

After much deliberation, he was still ready to knock on the door. After all, standing at the door like this would not help him at all. Even if he could not comfort others to sit by his side and not talk to him, it should be able to make him feel that someone was supporting him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mengqiu stretched out her hand and began to knock on the door with a small but restrained voice. After knocking twice, she felt a little regretful and wanted to run away. What was she doing?Xiao Yuhan probably wants to be quiet by himself, what if it makes him bored?
(End of this chapter)

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