Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 1007 Explaining the Misunderstanding

Chapter 1007 Explaining the Misunderstanding
Chapter 1007 Explaining the Misunderstanding
Just as Bai Qingyue was about to turn around and leave, the door of the office opened from the inside. Xiao Yuhan stood by the door and looked at how she had turned around, and asked strangely, "Do you have anything to do with me? Seeing how you look like Are you leaving again?"

"No, I'm afraid that disturbing you will make you unhappy, I just want to see you." Bai Qingyue became very embarrassed, standing by the door with her index fingers twisted together, feeling very shy.

Girls are always like this when facing the person they like. Even Bai Qingyue, who is as proud as Bai Qingyue and usually a princess, has become shy now. Seeing her like this, Xiao Yuhan feels a lot more cheerful for some reason. Sideways to let her into the office.

After Xiao Yuhan poured water for her, he sat down on his seat without saying a word. His silent appearance made Bai Qingyue even more at a loss. After she took a big sip of water, she turned her head to look at Xiao Yuhan's cautious expression. He said, "How is your sister doing recently? Is she feeling better, or should I go and see her?"

"It's still the same, that day it still..." Xiao Yuhan almost blurted out about Chi Siang, but stopped in time. People who like to chew their tongues, but after all, it is bad for Xiao Su'er to intentionally harm others, so don't talk nonsense.

"Have you not recovered after so many days? Think about it, this kind of thing can't be relieved in a day or two, otherwise I'd better go to your house to accompany her. I went to your sister's bedroom that day, no matter how she is She still paid attention to me, and said a few words to me, at least it shows that she doesn't resist me."

Bai Qingyue tried her best to relieve Xiao Yuhan's worries, but she had never encountered such a thing before, so the only way she could think of was to accompany her.

Hearing her gentle voice, Xiao Yuhan could feel that she cared about him. He glanced sideways at Bai Qingyue and smiled, "Didn't you get along with my sister before? I found that five years later you also A lot has changed."

"I've changed a long time ago. It's because you still look at me the same way you used to. The only difference is that you didn't look at me through the crack of the door and look down on me."

Bai Qingyue couldn't help complaining, she felt that the timing was just right, so she might as well explain the matter between him and Rong Linger now.

"I'm not looking at you with the same eyes as before. I just think that you and my sister can reconcile. Why are you and Rong Ling'er still at odds? She is a little girl, and because of her poor family, her life is not as good as yours. Don’t take your appearance as a young lady at home and come to school for nothing, you can make more good friends.”

Xiao Yuhan was also observing Bai Qingyue during this period of time, and found that although she had many friends in school, they were mainly rich second-generation people like her, or some flattering students, who seemed to be really close There were not many, she attributed all this to the fact that Bai Qingyue was too domineering, that's why she couldn't make close friends, and that's why she treated Rong Ling'er like that!
Because of this thought, he was even more sure that the matter between Bai Qingyue and Rong Ling'er was Bai Qingyue's fault.

"I, I..." Bai Qingyue was so anxious that she didn't know where to start. She took a deep breath before she spoke, "I'm not what you think. As for the friends around me, don't you know Is family background also a big problem? Even if I want to make friends with them, many students will feel inferior because of the disparity in family background.”

"He doesn't want to make friends with me, and now I'm busy with charity clubs, so I don't have that much time to make friends at all. The people in these schools grew up together when they were young. Compared with them Comfortable, of course I don't have time to make more friends, as for what you said about me and Rong Linger, I really want to explain it to you here!"

When Bai Qingyue said this, she ran to the door and locked it before turning around. She was worried that Rong Ling'er would run out from nowhere after a while. There were too many lessons learned. Every time she and Xiao Yuhan were alone , as long as she wants to explain this matter, Rong Linger will suddenly appear.

Seeing her lock the door, Xiao Yuhan felt a little strange. He stood up from the sofa and looked at her, "What are you doing? Why did you lock the door?"

"Didn't I want to explain the matter between me and Rong Ling'er to you? Otherwise, every time I talk halfway, someone will come and disturb me. I can't explain it clearly to you, which makes you misunderstand me all the time. I am here today. I’m here to tell you this matter seriously.”

Bai Qingyue looked at Xiao Yuhan seriously, and immediately asked the question she had always wanted to ask.

"Xiao Yuhan, let me ask you, is it because Rong Linger is always stronger than me in your mind? You think she is pure and kind, so you are willing to believe her and not me? If so, I don’t think I need to say anything today, but if you are willing to listen to what I say from an objective and fair perspective, I promise that none of what I will say next will be false.”

In fact, it is obviously only a small matter, a small conflict between two female classmates, but because Bai Qingyue likes Xiao Yuhan, it casts a hazy filter on this matter, she just wants to Explain clearly, I don't want Xiao Yuhan to misunderstand, and the scheming of that girl Rong Ling'er should have been exposed long ago.

Otherwise, she always felt as if everything she did could be concealed, Xiao Yuhan, a foolish boy, had been kept in the dark by her and didn't know anything.

Xiao Yuhan was not used to her serious look, but seeing Bai Qingyue was so serious, he could only nod, "Okay, tell me, I will stand on an objective and fair point of view, I really want to hear Listen to what's going on between you and Rong Ling'er, why every time we meet, the one who is at war with each other is either the one who is injured or the one who is beaten."

"Okay! Let me tell you, the first time you saw me bullying her, she actually sued the professor that I plagiarized her thesis, but in fact we both thought that what I wrote was not a topic at all. I don't know her Why did you say that, the professor dragged me into the office to criticize me, at first I didn’t know it was her, but then I found out.”

"Of course I was angry and wanted to trouble her. The little sisters you saw all accompanied me. We didn't touch her at all, and she started crying. I was surprised, and I said a few harsh words , I was a little angry at the time, and I wanted to raise my hand to hit her but I didn't hit her! As for the second time you saw me and him at the door of your office, it was she who came to provoke me out of nowhere. "

(End of this chapter)

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