Chapter 1009 Introduction to Objects

Chapter 1009 Introduction to Objects

After Xiao Su'er calmed down, she realized that the state of the previous few days was very wrong!After worrying her relatives, she decided to cheer up, so she lived an active life these two days and resumed her previous days.

After sending Xiao Wang to the kindergarten every day, she went to work in the clinic as before, but she always felt that something was missing in her life, but she could only hide this feeling in her heart, and tried to practice her smile in front of the mirror every day, so that she could Smiling is exactly the same as before, it is enough not to see the sadness in the eyes.

Xiao Shuo saw her getting back to normal, and he felt relieved a lot. Mr. Ang didn't go back overseas during this time, but stayed with them in Huaxia Mainland all the time. When people get old, they always want to stay with their relatives to be more cordial. .

"Xiao Shuo, how about you take a look at this young man? I think Su'er is a good match."

Old Man Ang still didn't give up his previous idea, he was serious about looking for candidates for Xiao Su'er, and now he ran to Xiao Shuo with a few photos for him to choose.

"Dad, don't be too hasty now. If you are in a hurry, it will only make Su'er feel upset. Then she will not agree, and maybe she will be angry. How long has it been about half a month? Are you so anxious? Wait and see In a few months, we are trying to suggest to Su'er that she have a new boyfriend."

Although Xiao Shuo was also worried about his daughter, he understood Xiao Su'er's character better, and knew that doing so would make her angry, and it would only have the opposite effect.

"I know, why don't we two old people choose your child first, pick one who looks more like Bo Qingang, I hope Su'er will think of Bo Qingang when she sees him, and I have a concern, almost Let the two young people meet again in a month, and I didn't say to arrange a blind date for her now."

Mr. Ang also saw it very clearly, but he was still stubborn to choose it first. After all, if his granddaughter was hurt in any way, he would probably kill that person directly, so he had to choose first. Xiao Su'er gets along with him.

Xiao Shuo felt relieved when he heard his words, and took the photo in his hand, don't say it!Mr. Ang selected all young talents, and they were all good-looking talents by appearance.

"I think this one looks a lot like Bo Qingang, and those two sword eyebrows have that kind of feeling." Xiao Shuo quickly selected the person he liked the most from a bunch of photos.

Seeing the photos he picked out, Mr. Ang nodded in agreement, "I also think this one is good, it looks quite heroic, and the family is in the real estate business, and it has also developed overseas in the past two years. I heard that overseas Bian has carved out their own market, but they're starting to transition, and now they're moving into entertainment and beauty."

He had already memorized the family backgrounds of all the boys he picked, and if Xiao Shuo took out a photo of anyone, he could immediately tell his family background and what industry he was in.

"What about this one? This one is also very good!" Xiao Shuo took out another photo, but this person didn't look like Bo Qingang at all, and he even looked a little rough. He didn't know why old man Ang would Pick this person out.

His appearance can be said to be the worst in this bunch of photos, but Xiao Shuo also has his own considerations, if he looks for a man who is very similar to Bo Qingang, it may cause Xiao Suer's sadness, so it is better to find one Completely different men, as long as the two fall in love, she can completely forget about Bo Qingang.

"Is this person?" Mr. Ang took the photo, "He has the worst appearance in this group, but his family background is very good. His family developed overseas, although he is also from mainland China, but these people I haven’t been back for several years, and I’m a family friend. This young man’s character is good in all aspects, although it’s a little bit uninteresting, but it’s okay.”

"Then how about this? Let's ask Xiao Wang to come over and ask him to choose. We will introduce the one he chooses to Su'er. Su'er is now fully committed to Xiao Wang. If her son agrees If so, she shouldn't have too much opinion."

Xiao Shuo directly came up with a particularly good coup, and after reaching an agreement with the old man, the two called Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang felt that something was wrong when he saw the strange appearance of his grandfather and grandfather, and asked with a soft smile, "What's wrong? What can I do for you?"

"Which of these two uncles do you like better?" Handing the two photos to him, he stared at him expectantly.

Xiao Wang took the two photos but shook his head immediately, "I don't like the two uncles, grandpa, grandfather, do you want to introduce a boyfriend to mom? Mom won't agree."

"How do you know that she won't agree? Did she tell you?" Xiao Shuo and Mr. Ang were both very surprised. The child said no to it without even thinking about it.

"Because..." Xiao Wang was about to answer when he saw Xiao Su'er walking down the stairs, and immediately pointed to her on the stairs, "You can ask your mother if this is the case."

It should be mother-child connection, he can know what Xiao Su'er is thinking in her heart.

Xiao Su'er was puzzled by his words, she went to his side and asked, "Ask me what?"

"Father and grandfather said..." Xiao Wang was about to answer, but Xiao Shuo covered his mouth, then shook his head at Xiao Su'er, "It's nothing, we are joking with Xiao Wang."

"Oh." Xiao Su'er didn't get to the bottom of it, but directly changed the subject, "Dad, I want to ask you about the blood gu, since I stumbled on it five years ago, I don't want to do it again I'm trying to figure it out."

Xiao Su'er couldn't fall asleep thinking of Xiao Mengqiu's email, and still wanted to know what kind of Gu art that blood Gu was?When she was in Ghost Doctor Valley, her master also mentioned Gu skills, but he never taught them. The ghost doctor kept saying that they were actually studying medicine, so it is best to learn medicine well. Gu skills are not like them. What doctors who study medicine need to deal with.

It is precisely because of Master Ghost Doctor's words that even though the people in Ghost Doctor Valley know that there is such a thing as Gu Art, they have never been involved in it, and they don't know what it is.

Xiao Su'er didn't expect that there was such a terrible thing as blood gu. Transferring her own wounds to other people's body is really evil, no wonder the master ghost doctor didn't let them learn it.

But since it appeared in her life, she had to figure it out, and she wanted to know how Xiao Mengqiu did it, why didn't she even realize that she was being poisoned?Who actually laid a Gu on him!
(End of this chapter)

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