Chapter 1010 Memories
Chapter 1010 Memories
Xiao Mengqiu's email did not mention the process of her voodoo. Xiao Su'er is also trying to recall what happened five years ago these days. She and Xiao Mengqiu have not seen each other for a long time. It is because she saw her and Bo Qingang The two met after the scandal.

She really couldn't imagine how Xiao Mengqiu let her plant this blood gu, she had to come and ask.

Xiao Shuo was not at all surprised to hear her question. He had already guessed that Xiao Su'er would definitely come to her to ask questions when he recovered. He also decided to teach her. Harmful, it is also good to increase some knowledge.

"Come on, let's go to the pharmacy! Let your grandfather rest here, and I will take you to the pharmacy to tell you how this blood gu is carried out, how to operate it, and what the medium is."

Xiao Shuo brought Xiao Su'er to the pharmacy, found the book in which he recorded forbidden techniques and handed it to Xiao Su'er.

"There are a lot of forbidden techniques that you probably didn't learn when you were in Ghost Doctor Valley. Your master didn't tell you about the danger of these forbidden techniques, but they are real and have a certain lethality. For example, this blood gu is too vicious, so it is listed as a forbidden technique.

And in fact, the breeding of Gu insects is quite harmful, so you should take a look at the blood Gu insect first. "

Xiao Su'er took the book and opened it, and found that the blood gu had to eat the gu worms first, she was suddenly surprised, she usually would not eat things given by strangers, and it said that the blood gu was soaked in Xiao Mengqiu's blood It will work on her, but things that have been soaked in blood must be full of fishy smell. Her sense of taste and smell are much more sensitive than ordinary people.

If it was something soaked in blood, she would definitely notice it if she ate it, how could she not know at all.

"Dad, are you sure that this blood Gu worm must be soaked in the blood of the Gu person to work? Is there any other way to replace it, such as something colorless and tasteless?"

Xiao Su'er felt that it was impossible for her to eat something soaked in blood without noticing it, and there must be other ways to replace it.

"No, the reason why it is called blood Gu is because of its nature, it must be a Gu worm that has been soaked in blood, and you must eat it to work."

Xiao Shuo directly shook his head and cut off his thought. In order to prevent Xiao Su'er from thinking in this direction again, he said again, "Xiao Mengqiu also learned blood gu from me, even if it was the situation you mentioned , I also don’t know, since I don’t know, Xiao Mengqiu can’t possibly know, so don’t think in that direction anymore.”

Xiao Su'er listened to Xiao Shuo's words and nodded thoughtfully. This is indeed the truth. It is impossible for Xiao Mengqiu to create a blood gu by herself, but she still can't figure out how she could eat that bloody thing without knowing it. Woolen cloth.

"Dad, since this is the case, it is impossible for Xiao Mengqiu to succeed in laying a Gu on me. Could it be that this blood Gu will burrow into a person's body by itself? Will that Gu be like those other parasites, can Parasitic into the human body through other means?"

"Only through oral administration, other directions are useless. If you think carefully about who contacted you five years ago, or where you ate, Xiao Mengqiu might bribe the back kitchen of the restaurant where you ate to serve you a dish with Gu worms." dishes."

Xiao Shuo began to guide Xiao Su'er to recall the past, but his idea was directly rejected by Xiao Su'er, even if there was a problem with the restaurant, she would definitely notice something wrong after eating, and she didn't lose her sense of taste.

"Then think about the people and things that came into contact with you during that time, what did you do before you left five years ago?"

"I was in school five years ago, and I didn't do anything. The only thing that was special was to participate in variety shows and make movies. When I participated in variety shows, I did meet Xiao Mengqiu and ate in the cafeteria over there. After participating in the variety show, I was fine for a long time, and those wounds appeared on my body inexplicably after the movie ended, so it was not the Gu worm I ate while participating in the variety show."

Xiao Su'er fell into a dead end, and felt that no matter how she thought about this matter, something was wrong, there must be a mistake in some link, she should have overlooked something very important, but she didn't notice it.

"Then it must be later. Is it possible that it was during the movie? When you were filming the movie, there must have been a scene of eating. Did you eat it at that time? Your sense of taste and smell are stronger than ordinary people. People are particularly sensitive to the smell of blood."

"If you really can't smell it, could it be that you lost your sense of taste, such as a bad cold, your physical fitness gradually weakened after going through that fire, But it has been good before, recall when you had a bad cold five years ago."

Xiao Shuo gave the most crucial reminder. Hearing the word "severe cold", Xiao Su'er instantly realized that during the last publicity of the movie five years ago, she had indeed caught a severe cold. During that time, she lost her sense of taste and even her sense of smell. It also became a lot duller.

It could only be that period of time, after a few days of rest after the movie promotion, inexplicable wounds began to appear on the body after those few days, and everything was right!
But what did she eat during that time?Xiao Su'er fell into deep thought. She remembered that when she had a bad cold, she couldn't eat much at all. At most, she could just drink a few bowls of porridge. There was something soaked in blood in the porridge, how could she not know?
"Think about it carefully, is there anyone who you are less defensive gave you something when you had a bad cold?" Xiao Shuo also wanted to know who caused Xiao Su'er to be infected by the blood gu, this person must be taken seriously. Fine again.

Something an undefended person has eaten?Xiao Su'er fell into a long memory, she closed her eyes lightly, thinking about the people and things she had come into contact with during that time, Xia Xiaonan was someone she could not defend against, but it was absolutely impossible to harm her, Bo Qingang even It's impossible, so who else can get close to her and let her be defenseless?
A person appeared in Xiao Su'er's head in an instant. When she saw her for the first time, she was skinny and skinny, but she kept yelling that she was fat, which made people feel sorry for her when she saw her. Running girl.

"It seems that she is the only one..." she whispered.

"Who?" Xiao Shuo asked anxiously, as if there was another fish that slipped through the net, he had to find out who it was, he was worried that Xiao Su'er would want to kill someone again in a fit of excitement.

"Is it really her? No! I have to investigate this matter!" Xiao Su'er ran out of the pharmacy, picked up her bag and rushed out.

"Su'er! Su'er, what are you doing? You calm down first, tell Dad if you have anything to do!" Xiao Shuo ran out of the manor after her, but Xiao Su'er disappeared from his sight.

(End of this chapter)

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